View Full Version : Choose one?

Jul 16, 2020, 4:21 AM
Stupid question time as we all know that being bisexual we don't have to choose but IF you had to choose between being gay or straight (say it was a government mandate or something), which one would you choose?

This is a futuristic type of question where in the future the government says you have to choose one life or the other.

Jul 16, 2020, 5:19 AM
Making bisexuals choose almost never ends well. Most bisexuals would probably move out to another country if the government made such law

Jul 16, 2020, 6:34 AM
Another “thought experiment” for us bisexuals... Do I get offended by the question, or take it for what it is in the confines of this safer space here?
In real life, we’d probably have some words as those of us out and proud tend to get shit on from straights & gays. It can be exhausting. I’m not going to shit on you or your question/poll. I don’t think that there is any malice and I don’t know anyone’s journey. I’m sure some may respond in anger to this.
So I’ll respond in kindness.
I’d pack up and move in the real world, I’m not going back into the closet! ��

But, given this is a fictional scenario .
I’d choose gay.

Jul 16, 2020, 9:49 AM
I think its just polling to see where on kinsey you are...those who are 0's, 1's and 2's will select straight while 4's, 5's and 6's will go straight...leaving 3's to decide it.
For me, I am hetro romantic, bisexual....and its not a criticism, but a lifetime of learning what I like and dont like to do.

Jul 16, 2020, 2:26 PM
I think its just polling to see where on kinsey you are...those who are 0's, 1's and 2's will select straight while 4's, 5's and 6's will go straight...leaving 3's to decide it.
For me, I am hetro romantic, bisexual....and its not a criticism, but a lifetime of learning what I like and dont like to do.

Eh, I saw a similar poll once and even Kinsey 2's said that they'd choose gay.

Jul 16, 2020, 3:38 PM
As a bisexual, I find your question to be in poor taste to be posted on a bisexual.com site. It makes me wonder if you are not a bisexual and come on this site to taunt us? You act like a troll. Did you not do a similar poll/question a month so ago where you tried to force bisexuals that they do not exist? You only permit selection from mono sexual choices...

Bisexuals quite often struggle with their sexuality. You do not help.

Why are you asking such a dumb arse question on a bisexual site zb73?

Jul 16, 2020, 4:49 PM
Even thought I was once considered a "Straight Male", and since I do act like a normal male, when out in public. The truth is over the years and behine clost doors, I have gain a lot more experience and I belived that I have eveloved, from being just a "Straight Male" to more of a "Gay Person"!

Jul 16, 2020, 5:35 PM
did is a dumb ass poll

Jul 16, 2020, 5:52 PM
If they made me chose, I would flip a coin and then live my life how I want

Jul 16, 2020, 7:00 PM
The OP's post history doesn't suggest troll. But this question is in fact constantly repeated. Not necessarily by the same person but it appears here many times and the conclusion is always the same:

It depends on the person. There's no "all" or even "most"

Jul 16, 2020, 8:45 PM
The OP's post history doesn't suggest troll. But this question is in fact constantly repeated. Not necessarily by the same person but it appears here many times and the conclusion is always the same:

It depends on the person. There's no "all" or even "most"

Yes, it would be easier to accept that he is asking a clear question rather than manipulate the false believe that bisexuality does not exist. Several gay men tell some bisexuals that they just have not realized yet that the bisexual is really gay. Excluding a bisexual category on a bisexual site seems strange if not the behaviour to dismiss bisexuals.

Jul 16, 2020, 9:35 PM
Ugh. Why are we dealing with such a stupid attitude of choosing one of two options that does not fit who we are?
If I wanted biphobic choices I'd got to web sites for straights or gays...

Leave now, as you seem to have no respect for bisexuals and how they live life.

Jul 17, 2020, 6:12 AM
It can also be seen as a simple poll question. Like how some people love to ask straight men "if all women on Earth would die out, would you switch to sex with men or just masturbate all the time?". Obviously there will never be such scenario but it's still interesting to know people's perspectives

Long Duck Dong
Jul 19, 2020, 1:20 AM
shit its a question that does make me think because I have a intersex female partner, born with both genitalia... so technically if I said straight, then not a issue, but if I said gay, then people would argue that being fucked by her, is wrong because shes not a guy..... well shes not a female either.... cos shes not XX or XY chromosone, she did ID as female cos female and male were the only options on official documents....... and so it begs the question of if ladyboys and shemales would be considered same or opposite sex peoples.......

I suppose I would say straight..... and thats based on the stance that I am not into casual random sex with strangers or hookups but its very hard to find males that are interested in a long term close relationship....and I am in a closed group with my intersex female partner, two ladies that love to use strap ons and a male, and we constantly get requests from males looking for group sex and orgies.....

I remember discussions about males in prison that use other males for sex, as an outlet..... and how when they come out of prison, they default to their normal sexuality, and the arguments over if they are actually bisexual or not cos they were having sex with other males....... it was a interesting thread......

and discussions like that make a change from endless threads about sucking cock and being fucked anally, it gives the people in the site that like to think about more than sex, something to enjoy in the site, so yeah please keep them coming..... it gives some of us a reason to come back to the site and post more frequently

Jul 21, 2020, 3:16 AM
Ugh. Why are we dealing with such a stupid attitude of choosing one of two options that does not fit who we are?
If I wanted biphobic choices I'd got to web sites for straights or gays...

Leave now, as you seem to have no respect for bisexuals and how they live life.

I wasn't going to respond, however saying that I have no respect for the bisexual way of life and should leave was quite frankly, appalling. You don't know me and I don't know you. I don't take offence easily and everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't want to answer, don't. It is as simple as that.

One of the forum rules is to show respect to one another, which you clearly seem to have trouble following. The question was based around a pure hypothetical scenario, based in science fiction, where in the future you "had" to choose and given the current US government, it may not be so hypothetical.

I'm going to take an extended break. I had been thinking about doing so for quite some time so this is the push I actually needed. I tried to stir up conversation by sharing my journey and asking questions that hopefully made some people think about their answers. To those who took the time to respond with respect, thank you and to all the others struggling with their journey, best of luck.

Jul 21, 2020, 3:18 AM
Moderator, you can close this thread if you like.

Jul 21, 2020, 10:38 AM
It's like asking the question "Do you still beat your wife?" cause if you say no you're admitting that you use to beat your wife, and if you answer yes, you're admitting you beat your wife. (no win here.) I would hope that nobody beats there wives!

Apr 14, 2021, 5:20 PM
once again, if I must make a choice, gay is definitely better than straight

Apr 15, 2021, 9:24 AM
Moderator, you can close this thread if you like.

Relax a bit Zbi! I've enjoyed your posts in the past and would hate to see you go. As for the question at hand: although I am happily bi I lean just a bit more toward the ladies. If I HAD to be stuck with just one it would be the women.

Apr 18, 2021, 9:48 AM
I've chosen not to respond to this poll, and see that it's stirred-up a bit of controversy, which is unfortunate.

I didn't respond initially because there's no context to the choices. 'Choose one. Straight, Gay.' What does the pollster want to know?

Ok, I'll take Straight, because it has more letters. Or, Gay comes first, putting them in alphabetical order. Am I straight or gay? Is my partner straight or gay? Which type of sex would I prefer, straight or gay?

Bad poll -- too vague.

Apr 19, 2021, 4:29 PM
For myself, it's a rhetorical question since I'm neither straight or gay. I know that just being straight, while nice, is kinda boring and in the same way that just being gay is - and I seriously do not mean any offense to anyone. Even if they were stupid enough to try to make such a thing a law or whatever, my ass would be in trouble all of the time because I wouldn't obey or conform to it... because I don't have to. I am bisexual and nothing is going to change that except dying.

Apr 19, 2021, 7:03 PM
Kind of a catch 22- Being bi-curious with no real experience, in most instances I would choose straight. But if I were next to Zbi73 and some of you other guys I would most likely opt for gay as it would be an awesome new experience that I have never had before.

Apr 22, 2021, 2:43 PM
I disappointed to read such a simple-minded and insulting question, here of all places.