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Sep 22, 2006, 4:39 PM
Hello everyone!!!!

I had my first f/f sexual experience only a few months ago at the age of 34. It was the best thing thats ever happened to me.

I was wondering at what age did you have your first f/f or m/m sexual experience.

Sep 22, 2006, 4:46 PM
I was 11 and it was M-M and haven`t stopped since yet I got married and am bi.

Sep 22, 2006, 4:46 PM
Like you, I was a 'late bloomer'. I was 38 the first time I was with another woman.

Sep 22, 2006, 4:57 PM
10 and playing "house" with a girl who was 13 but she did most of the work lol We kept it going till I was about 13. It was an "once in awhile" thing tho and didn't really mean anything now that I think about it. We just liked the way we felt lol

I am looking forward to the day I can have a REAL f/f and more meanful lovemaking experiences.


Sep 22, 2006, 5:04 PM
I have had close calls and missed opportunities but so far nothing. I don't know if this is a bad thing or a good thing and I spend allot of time wishing I had said yes instead of no.

Sep 22, 2006, 5:36 PM
I was really young and I've been told that it doesn't count.

Sep 22, 2006, 5:41 PM
I was about 7 or 8 and like Tasha, it was basically "lets play husband and wife" and went from there. We skipped the house playing bit and went straight to bed. She was older and took the lead because she wanted to be the husband. It may not count when it's that young but it sure does stir up emotions and feelings just the same.

Sep 22, 2006, 6:24 PM
I was 11 and it was M-M and haven`t stopped since yet I got married and am bi.

At that age how did you come into that situation? I mean when I was 11 I wasnt even pondering sex.

Sep 22, 2006, 6:30 PM
I was 9 when I first had sexual thoughts and feelings towards other guys but it wasn't until I was 13 on a sleep over that I jo'd with another guy. I've had many times since then that I've been sexually aroused by other guys but it wasn't until I was 46 that I acted on it. Now I wish I haven't waited so long. I guess you have to go through a certain amount of life experiences to know what you really like.

Sep 22, 2006, 6:40 PM
I was 15 when I had my first f/f. She was sleeping over the night they revealed who shot JR on Dallas. It was just kissing and a little touching so I'm still technically a Bi virgin.

I'm still not exactly sure what happened between then and 20 months ago to cause me to be in denial.

Sep 22, 2006, 6:59 PM
I'm 21 years old now. Out to myself as bi for just less than a year.
No f/f experience to date, whatsoever.

Sep 22, 2006, 7:07 PM
First time with a woman, first week of college....

First time with a man, second week of college....

Sep 22, 2006, 7:12 PM
very young. ashamed since I think I was too young. I shoulds waited till I was more mature. I doesn't matter what you are you should wait till your old enough but I didn't, although thats what my mum says and personally in thelong run I regret nothing.

Sep 22, 2006, 7:34 PM
I had just turned 17 and i started to go out with a group i hadnt really hung with before. The girl who always picked us up in her huge Bronco was quiet but strong , along for the ride but wouldnt do anything she didnt want to. She was very interesting to me, first purely a friendly interest....to my knowlege at least. We began Hanging out alone and i realized that i wanted to know her deeper than anyone before. The first time I kissed her i nearly cried. We were together a month before we did much more, but when we did no words can describe the levels of which i found myself while discovering her.

Sep 22, 2006, 7:38 PM
I wish I'd of had that. That was how I pistured me first time. you are so lucky. Wish I had waited and found someone that intoxicating.

Sep 22, 2006, 7:40 PM
my first couple of encounters were more about something being intoxicating rather than someone. Ah, youth.

I just realized that I haven't had sex drunk since I was 21....and a tear slowly rolls down my cheek.

Sep 22, 2006, 8:02 PM
I was really young and I've been told that it doesn't count.

LOL - so was I, and have heard the same nonsense about it "not counting"

shameless agitator
Sep 22, 2006, 8:57 PM
I was 20 and told myself it didn't count, by the same logic as our ex president. So far haven't had the opportunity to any thing else, but am looking forward to exploring the whole gambit ; )

Sep 22, 2006, 10:27 PM
I was 21. Already married. With a kid. It lasted two months, but didn't work out. Haven't found anyone to replace her in this bi-sparse area, but not for lack of trying. Afterwards I wished I hadn't waited so long. But then, I probably wouldn't have if I had been given the opportunity. I should move somewhere that isn't so overwhelmingly Republican and homophobic....

Sep 23, 2006, 12:20 AM
First time with a guy - 15

First time with a chick - 22

The guy was well thought out and planned. The chick was a very close friend and things just sort of happened.

Sep 23, 2006, 12:42 AM
OK, I'm claiming the title for latest bloomer. My first m/m sex was at age 59. First m/f sex was at 19. But as they say today, "It's all good". :tongue:

Sep 23, 2006, 2:17 AM
First time with a guy was age 17 and with a girl was around the same time, have loved it ever since.

I have to qualify those experiences as the first time I had an orgasm with another person.

Sep 23, 2006, 3:55 AM
My first time with a guy was when I was 12. He was 13 and my best friend at the time. We figured that it was okay to play around and it wouldn't make us gay because we both fantasized about girls and liked looking at Playboys (when we could get our hands on them)....

Looking back now, I keep thinking what kind of idiot I was!

Oh, well....


Sep 23, 2006, 4:15 AM
With a Man 6 years old (consensual) as far as I can remember.
With a Girl 15 years old

Sep 23, 2006, 5:50 AM
first time with a girl was about 10 months back at 21

first time with a guy possibly in a couple of weeks

Sep 23, 2006, 8:10 PM
Well, 68, I think....if it happens within the next 7 months. Otherwise, 69....maybe that's more appropriate? Anyway, one of these days, if I can find a compatible partner in this sparsely populated area....

Sep 24, 2006, 9:42 AM
With a male i was 9(oral),with a female i was 11.

Sep 24, 2006, 9:51 AM
I was about 7 or 8 and like Tasha, it was basically "lets play husband and wife" and went from there. We skipped the house playing bit and went straight to bed. She was older and took the lead because she wanted to be the husband. It may not count when it's that young but it sure does stir up emotions and feelings just the same.

AGREE.. same here! :tongue:

Sep 24, 2006, 11:41 AM
I was about 12 and I've always known that I enjoy that connection with another guy,

Sep 24, 2006, 1:24 PM
My firest sexual experince with anyone was a male friend at the age of 11-12. I didnt know it at the time but looking back I belive that we had a relationship and didnt even know it. we hung out together, stayed the night at each others houses, had wonderful sex, enjoyed each others views and ideals, and were happy. my first time with a girl was about a year later, and it was wonderful. I knew that I was bi, but I didnt admit it to myself until I was much older. Now I am happly married and out and enjoying being who I am.
and personaly "that dosent count because of age" is b* :flag3: llsh*t. Sex is sex regardless of age. pre-teen and teen foolings are just as valid as the sex we have in commited relationships or one night stands as adults, they are all experinces that shape us.

Sep 24, 2006, 5:15 PM
what are people counting as their first sexual experience with the same gender?

I've been masturbating with guys since I was a kid so I counted the first time I did that, as I see it as a sex act.

Sep 24, 2006, 5:28 PM
what are people counting as their first sexual experience with the same gender?

I've been masturbating with guys since I was a kid so I counted the first time I did that, as I see it as a sex act.
So have I. Actually I was giving my best friend oral when I was 12.

Sep 24, 2006, 5:47 PM
First time I had sex was with a guy, I was 15.

First time with a woman 19.

Sep 24, 2006, 5:57 PM
Me thinks this is a wicked question. Cud'n resist typin' summat.

Like most of yas I wos jus a wee girl. We played docs an nurses an hubs an wifies. Wosnt always wiv girls so spose 1st hetro experience was playin' that 2.

Wos 6 wen me Ist rememba kissin' a boy properly. Bit afta had a 1st snog wiv a girl. Jus fun an don think we had a clue wot we wer doin'. Harmless fun we thought.

Not sayin' wen me 1st proper bi experience wos cos its none of ya biz!!! All me will say it wos a revelation an made me realise that the funny feelins me had 2 ward girls wer more than jus me goin' through a phase. Wot we did is also none of ya biz. Dun me kissin an tellin an am doin no mo. May not sound like it but Fran is all growed up now an' wot we dun in the past an wiv who is summat we should keep 2 ourselves. Tis gr8 fun remembrin' tho an sumtimes we hav regret for yummie past an sumtime cos we hurt folk. Sumtimes a bitta both.

Don' regret nethin an wudn change how its turned out. Cept mayb do regret hurt me caused but thats cos me aint a heartless cow but dun that 2 guys as well. So wud change that.

luvs yas all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sep 25, 2006, 8:03 AM
Not afraid to kiss and tell.
Not counting Drs and Nurses, which I actually gave a way at about 5, I was just a few weeks shy of my 34th birthday when i first savoured the nectar of another woman. :female: :female:

never looked back. :tong:

Sep 25, 2006, 8:41 AM
As a child playing house, I always want to be the man and I touched my best friend around the age of 9-10. I was in high school when I got my first taste of the sweet nectar from my cousin's wife and have enjoyed it every since. I have had many opportunities to have sex with women, but I only made love to one at the age of 43 this year, it has been the best yet. Married for 22 years and he knows.

;) Good question smonique, thanks for the ride down memory lane.

Sep 25, 2006, 9:05 AM
Like so many of you I went through the playing husband and wife games as a kid. I am not sure that can be classed as bi experience however. What I do know is that my first real experience was when I was much too young, under the legal age and long before I was ready for it. However much I wanted it to happen - and I did so much. It caused me a lot of guilt, stress and pain, and that continues to this day. Please don't misunderstand. I am happily bi, but it was both a wonderful experience and a trial to me, and it has personal repercussions that resound to this day.

Sep 25, 2006, 9:59 AM
First time with a guy was I was 13..my friend and I used to sneak nudie mags. We started by j/o together,,then ended up giving each other a hand then before ya know it ,,,lol. We were doing that stuff until we found girls.
I started back up again with guys in college and have been on and off again ever since.Who says you cant have it all

Sep 25, 2006, 11:49 AM
First time with a girl-19
First time with a guy-27

Sep 25, 2006, 11:56 AM
I was 8, and it was with my cousin, also 8. We would hide behind the school for privacy. It was nothing more than dropping our shorts and playing with each other's cocks as we kissed. He was the agressor, but I liked every minute of it.

As I recall, neither of us was old enough to get hard yet.

Sep 25, 2006, 2:39 PM
I was 11 or 12 at a sleep over at a friends house. It was with his older brother. We kept it going on and off for a few years, then stopped.

Sep 25, 2006, 3:16 PM
My first time with a guy was when my best friend and I were about 8 or 9. He slept over one night and we were changing clothes and for some unknown reason started rubbing our cocks together. Then he grabbed mine and I grabbed his and we started jerking each other off. I dont recall it getting really hard but it was a little firm. Then we licked each other. He moved away at age 10 or 11 and we didnt see each other until 9th grade and we stayed the night together again and we were laughing about what we did when we were little and before we knew it we were taking each others clothes off. We really got into it together and that was my first time actually giving and getting head.
My first time with a girl was the day I started driving(16).

Lisa (va)
Sep 25, 2006, 5:14 PM
First time with a girl was at 16, it took a few tries before anything really happened. In the beginning we just touched and looked and it took a few months before really intimate sex to occur.


hugs n kisses

Sep 25, 2006, 6:51 PM
Hello everyone!!!!
I was wondering at what age did you have your first f/f or m/m sexual experience.
My first male-to-male contact was when I was 45.

I did see my cousin masturbate once as a young teen, but that was not "sexual". I do recall being somewhat amazed, as my equipment didn't do that yet, even though he was only a few months older.

Sep 26, 2006, 12:09 PM
I do not feel that pre-pubescent activity counts. Fast forward to age 30 and have a m/m oral experience, well that is my story!

Sep 26, 2006, 12:45 PM
For myself if was when I was about 27 or so. My wife when she was 25

Sep 26, 2006, 1:07 PM
I was 13, had a m/m with my best friend. We were both curious, just learning, didn't know much. Started with show me yours and I'll show you mine. Moved on to touchy feely then you do me and I'll do you. Neither wanted to be first so we did a 69 even tho we didn't know that at the time.I fell in love with doing him and did it every chance I got. We are both married now, 31, and I still see him a couple of times a month.

Sep 26, 2006, 2:01 PM
I was 10 or 11 My best friend and I were in the bathtub together, she was spending the night. I loved those nights. I haven't since then, that's why I'm bi curious I want to experience it again.

Sep 26, 2006, 2:08 PM
I was 14 and my first mm full-on sex was with a male nurse in a hospital.But was "practice" kissing boys in my neighborhood at 10.

Sep 26, 2006, 4:21 PM
I was 14 and my first mm full-on sex was with a male nurse in a hospital.But was "practice" kissing boys in my neighborhood at 10.

How old was the nurse?

Sep 26, 2006, 4:34 PM
My first with a woman was 12 and she was 16. I'll never forget that!! :bigrin:
I've never had sex with a man (I'm a man) but, I remember at sleepovers with my friends (male) there were masterbating sessions that I was asked to join in (too embarassed to do so) but man did it turn me on to watch! That was from say, 10 to 15 years of age. I'm still waiting for my first time.

Sep 26, 2006, 4:43 PM
well I started experimenting when I was about 11 m/m but really didnt get into it till I was about 13 and then it was kind of sporadic with a select friend at that time I started messing around with girls also occasionally by 15 I was fully into anal and oral and occasionally until completion and was bi all the way till I was 22 and then something else drove me into the closet so to speak for the last decade or so and am desperatley longing to be Bi again

Sep 26, 2006, 4:44 PM
First time m/m at 51

First time with a woman.....long before that

Sep 26, 2006, 6:59 PM
How old was the nurse?
36. And wow!

Sep 26, 2006, 7:48 PM
I was 12 and he was the boy next door. We masturbated each other regularly until one day I ejaculated on his hand and he thought I peed on him!
He joined the Marine Commandos. Don't know if he ever had any more man-on-man action.
After that, nearly all my fantasies revolved around oral sex with another man and it was another 28 years before I actually did it. Since then, I've had a regular set of male buddies and one very long-term totally hot female buddy. Oh, and I'm married too.
At present, my male contacts just outnumber my female ones, but the instances of sex with women far outweigh those with men.
Why cut off half the population from your attentions!

Sep 27, 2006, 3:10 PM
I was 11 when I had my first M/M experience, the first of many!!!!! :bigrin:

Sep 27, 2006, 3:15 PM
I was 22 when I had my first f/f experience, with a woman who was much older than me. It developed into an...interesting relationship.

Sep 28, 2006, 5:02 AM
I realised I was bi when I was about 12, was already getting erections sneaking looks at pics of my dads porn, but a visit to a public toilet covered in gay graffitti made me realise that I liked the idea of men as well.
Didn't actually touch, or get touched, by another man until my early 20's when I got a bj in a public sauna.
First m/f I was 29, and had been getting my relief from cottaging and the like prior to that. Did, at first, find that once I'd cum I wanted it over and to get away, but that urge died over the years.
When I moved in with my gf the urge to see men faded for a few years, I was getting regular sex without worrying about someone walking in on us, but after a while I found myself needing that contact every so often.
When we broke up I spent most of the next 3 yrs on my own, discovering the net, but despite having a place to myself I only had one mm encounter there, a bloke in his 30's who'd never done anything with a man before, and all that happened was we watched each other j.o.
I met my present female partner via the net the best part of a decade ago, she knew from the start that I'm bi but generally prefer women, and we have had sexual experiences with other bi men, and a bi m/f couple.
Just at the moment I'm able to sit down and rationalise my feelings about my bisexuality without it being arousing, but I know that I'm coming up on the phase where I think about it a lot, cybering and camming online with other men, and then in a couple of weeks that will fade and I'll be more interested in women again.

Sep 28, 2006, 10:43 PM
Hmmmmm I recall when I was about 7, me and this gurl I played with got "curious" and touched each other. But the 1st real time was 14!

Sep 29, 2006, 1:09 AM
I lost my virginity at the age of twenty-three....in an incomplete threesome with Tom and Jenn. Didn't get very far due to my dear gay male friend walking in on us. :eek:

Awkward...but I knew I was on the right track. I'm 33 now, still figuring my whole sexual palette out and have yet to find a companion...swaying back and forth in my attractions...bi men, MMF or FF.

Sep 29, 2006, 9:25 AM
I never really paid much attention to girls or boys when I was growing up. I just thought I was weird for not being a "normal" teenage girl who went crazy for the boys on campus. But then when I turned 16 I developed feelings for my best friend and I thought I must be crazy for feeling that way about another girl. Then one night we were watching a movie in my room and she climbed on top of me and covered my eyes. I didn't think anything about it at first. Then she kissed me. Wow!! We started fooling around for a while before we actually became more physical. ;)

Sep 29, 2006, 10:29 AM
First Woman at 25 adn WOW it was great
First guy a few months later
wish I had stayed with women couse most of the guys in my life have been jerks.

Sep 29, 2006, 1:31 PM
Hmmmm I was in jr. high around the age of 13 I think. (mm) I was 19 before I had a woman.... :2cents: :flag3:

Sep 29, 2006, 11:50 PM
he was 20, i was 19, both as horny as hell! god, he was and still is the most beautiful man i have ever known or seen since; mind (the things he could think up!), body (o, lord and what a body), and soul (so strong and so gentle, all at the same time!). i have never nor will i ever get over him!

to memories!

Sep 30, 2006, 12:58 AM
My first time with a girl was when I was 13.

My first time with a boy was when I was 14.

I was married to a woman for 7 years.

My first bisexual experience with a man and a woman I was 26. :male: :female: :male:

Sep 30, 2006, 1:52 AM
Well I'm 49 male and have'nt done anything with another guy yet. I can'nt wait for it to happen ;)

Sep 30, 2006, 5:49 AM
I was 15 when i had my first bi experiance
It was somewhat forced onto me, but in the ned, i really enjoyed it, and im not sure if i would have ever tried giving head if i had not been forced that first time.
the second time (which was minutes later) i willingly performed oral on him, and then a third time (right after the second time)

I tend not to think i was a the "victim" in the end i think we both got more than we bargained for

shortly after that i had a friend who would sleep over quite often, and he had a really bad crush on a girl in school, and one night i took advantage of things and told him to close his eyes, and "pretend" i was that girl he was in love with at the time
We continued this for a few years, and eventually he couldnt dela with his guilty conscience and stopped talking to me altogether

It seems i had very little problem accepting my bi-sexuality, where as he refused to talk about it and felt it was wrong (altho he did tell me he enjoyed our intimate times)

Thank you for taking the time to read about my bi beginnings!

m.in.heels&hose :bipride:

Sep 30, 2006, 6:39 AM
mff -19

Conclusion-some things just get better with age :bigrin:

Ambi :)

Sep 30, 2006, 7:48 AM
First time mm was real young and was forced by a older boy. Next time was at summer camp and was forced by a councelor--- although I was a lot more receptive then. Then various times from puberty to mid teens with buddies satisfying curiosity. Nothing since, but am very curious. Would really like to experiment with a couple. Gina, I lost your number.

Sep 30, 2006, 7:58 PM
Hi Old nutter

Sorry to be contraversial (thats not right) but how can you agree to anything sexual at six.I am bi (probably) because i was abused from that age
sorry again

Oct 1, 2006, 2:59 PM
I was 11 when I dry humped a girl. Also at this age a friend showed me how to 'wank' -

At 16 I had sex with first girl :)

From 12-18 'wanking' with mostly same guy as above.

Got drunk one night with him - when we were both 25 or so. I passed out woke to find him sucking me. Went with it. Felt like I'd done something dirty. Then I returned the favour & sucked him many times. Loved it. He's massive though - or I'd have let him have me. He now considers himself to be str8. I however am here. Don't really fancy men - or like hairy men either.

Oct 15, 2006, 9:02 AM
Way back when I was 12 my best mate at school, who I fancied like mad but that's another story, told me of an 'old' man of 50 who hung around in a local park and liked to be tossed off by young boys. As the park was on my way home I dallied there for a while and sure enough found the guy in question in a secluded shelter. I just stood there looking at him till he smiled and took out one of the biggest pricks I had ever seen, even to this day, nervously I took hold and did as he wanted.
Over the following weeks and months I continued to see him regularly 4 or 5 times a week during which time he introduced me to the joys of oral and anal sex. He was always gentle and considerate, never forcing me to do anything against my will, indeed it was I that instigated most the advances in our relationship.
As time went on as a result of natural curiosity and peer pressure I became more interested in girls and started regular dating with them, however I could never forget him and would visit between girlfriends. I finally lost my hetrosexual virginity at 17.
He died 8yrs ago, I was devastated and still miss him so much.
I would not have told this tale had he still been alive because of the legal consequences of our actions but in truth I do not feel I was in any way abused by a man I came to love,

Oct 15, 2006, 11:00 AM
My first time with a female, I was 18 and she was a married 23 yr. old. WOW!! The continued on & off for 10 yrs. even after i got married. During the first year of marriage my now ex and I swapped with a couple only once. Fast forward 10 years later and single again now 33. First time MFF and a great experience. At 43 I had first MMF and thats what made me very curious about men as I was doing oral on her as he was in her and my tongue rubbed him. Now at 52 and 3 months ago I finally had my first MM experience and now I want more.

Oct 15, 2006, 2:26 PM
I was 17.. F/F... drunken experience with a friend.. kinda awkward afterwards. Dont know if it counts...

Im 20 now and nothing since then.

Oct 15, 2006, 5:14 PM
I was 11, when I first started taking notice of my body, and I remember standing in front of a large mirror at my grandma's house, checking out my naked body. That same summer, another boy and I, also 11, checked out each others bodies....I found it very exciting. However it wasn't until I was 13, before I had any real sex. A friend of mine from school, also 13, showed me how to masturbate, by doing it for me. WOW...that was a day I still remember...opened up a whole new world... :tongue:

Oct 15, 2006, 5:35 PM
I'm another late bloomer. I too was 34 when I finally had the courage to go for it. It was wonderful and I wish I would have listened to that "inner voice" much sooner than I did.

I might add that my first was with an incredible and totally passable CD. It was an awesome experience!

Oct 15, 2006, 6:11 PM
:cool: For me - let me think back - I was like 9 or 10 - you know how every kid in the neighborhood would say "I'll show mine if you'll show yours". Of all the kids near my age on the block, I had the biggest cock. But Johnny down thne street had the Mo-Ped, so he was the coolest. That was also the first time I saw a smooth pussy. I can remember wanting to play with all of them, cocks and pussy. But I really don't count that.

At the ripe old age of 13, Trey who lived down the street, and I would sit on the sofa at his house (both of his parents worked) and we would play with each others cocks (or dicks as we called em). Then one day, Trey said he would give me a turtle if I would let him suck me and he did. Then I asked to suck him and I did. I can remember that it was like sucking on a soft rubbery-like, I don't know, something rubbery and soft but stiff. So I went home feeling very good, got and gave my first bj (without ejaculation) and a turtle. lol - we would also sit around sometimes and jack off the weeny-dog while we masterbated. Oh well - kids will be kids I guess. But that did open my curiousity towords same sex foolins around and such.

My fist time with a woman was with the woman I first married. I was 16 and she was 15 - It was a cold December morn around 2:00am when I snuck through her bedroom window and we exchanged cherries.

So to capp off my entry - both were enlightening. For without those meagar beginnings - here now I would not be.

Oct 15, 2006, 8:35 PM
another late bloomer here.

first manual j/o at 18 !!
first F penetration at 21
first MM play at 22
first M penetration (me->him & him->me) - same session (I was becoming very adventurous)
first time MM after personally deciding I was bi at 43.

Looking forward to more adventures. i.e. mfmfmfmf, mmm, mff, etc.

Jan 11, 2007, 12:51 PM
I was jacking off like crazy as a kid, and was hitchhiking one day when a man did oral on me, I was 13-14 at the time...Rural area, and the adult was local, It would be called molesting today. I was feelng up girlfriends at 15, and had sex with a girl at 17. In the service I had passive M-M sex perhaps 20 times, Married, and had my first 'active' M-M sex when about 30. Now at 64, my wife no longer is interested in sex, so I meet men on a regular basis.prefering to be the 'active' partner....I do fear getting caught yet enjoy the lifestyle

Jan 11, 2007, 2:48 PM
I was still in high school when I had my first experience with a guy. I was only 17 and he \was 17 as well. I believe I was 19 when I had my first time with a girl (it was with my best friend none the less, and it turned out to become a threesome with her hubby!) I love every experience that I had and hope to have more soon!!!!!

Jan 11, 2007, 3:35 PM
haven't had one yet, but hopefully it will happen this year. i am 33 and just realized last month that i am bi.. i am actively looking for my first boyfriend.. want sex badly but not just in a casual setting. it has to be someone i get to know well and develop feelings for..

Jan 11, 2007, 3:45 PM
I was 16 my first time with both a male and a female. It gets....interesting with the ages of my partners, though:

First girl: we were both 16.

First guy: I was 16, he was 45 and my junior year english teacher....I know, I know but this was back in '80 and there was NOTHING on the books back then making it a no-no. Trust me, the state police couldn't believe it either. Not that *I* called them...I was having one fuck of a good time with him! I went into it with my eyes open and knowing exactly what we were doing..no "victim" here.

Even if there *had* been laws against it back then, I still wouldn't have turned him in...25 years later, we're still in touch and still occaisionally sleep together - he's a very special and very important person to me...

Wow - sorry to prattle on - guess it touched a nerve, huh? ;)

Jan 11, 2007, 4:05 PM
I don't think it's important how old were you when you had your first bi expirience. Again, for me it's a question of magic when it comes to that first meeting, to feel someone's great, gentle and soft female body.

Maybe i was lucky but i was enough mature to feel whole pure magic when i touched that girl first time. It wasn't just sexual attraction, i was in love with her before we got involved and it was unforgetable.
I still caught myself thinking of that first touch and kiss, and i always smile when i remember it.

Jan 11, 2007, 4:12 PM
I was a mere 7 . . . but so was my boy friend. And, believe it or not, his name was . . . Peter. From the responses, this makes me one of the youngest. Was a sleepover situation at his house. The idea of doing oral sex was MY idea. I suggested that we take turns sucking each other, which we did, and we both thought it was a grand experience! We were too dumb to "69," of course. Then fell asleep after we could not suck any more (that took a long time, as I recall). Then I was off and running, and never looked back!!! You might say I developed a taste for . . . it . . . which I could never shake!

Jan 12, 2007, 12:34 AM
I was 15 when I had my first (and only so far) m/m experience with another guy my same age. It happend twice in a span of a month or so, first time wasn't very good cuz I was supper nervous and it happened so suddenly that I had some performance issues lol. Second time was alot more fun, but it got cut short.

Both times where sleep overs with a good friend of mine.
Nothing to extreme. The first time I basically just gave him oral until he came. Second time was turning out much better, mutal oral and some body/genital rubbing, but my parents came home (didnt catch us or anything) so we had to stop.

Jan 12, 2007, 1:12 AM
My first time with another boy was when I was 13. He was 16, and repeatedly over a month or so lured me into his basement to be the subject of his "mad-scientist movie" scenario. I repeatedly allowed myself to be lured. He would pretend to strangle me and I'd pretend to pass out/die then would take the pulse at my wrist, more tenderly at my throat, and finally he'd unzip me and "take the pulse" of my penis. Each time we enjoyed it a little more, and each time it got slightly more erotic. Finally one time he went to take my pulse down there and I came a large sticky yellow pool of gooey first-come in his hand. :rotate:
I didn't really know what was happening and was embarrassed, but it felt very very good...!

My first adult-type experience with males was at 21.

Jan 12, 2007, 5:40 AM
I was 48 when I had my first m/m experience, though I had been aware of a strong desire since at least my college days.

Jan 12, 2007, 8:24 AM
with another guy 25 and it was a mind blowing experience..the absolute best I have ever had..

Jan 12, 2007, 10:18 AM
I was 11, with a man ,with girl 15

Jan 12, 2007, 1:41 PM
When I was 12, a bunch of my friends used to feel each other up on a daily basis. One of my friends was a couple of years older than me. One night we where playing with each others cocks on the side of my house. He told me he was going to show me how to french a girl, then french kissed me for about 5 min. My reaction was somewhat neutral. A year later kissing my girl friend made me explode.
The same year one of my friends, very good looking spent the whole summer trying to get into my pants. I spent the night at his house one night and had to share the same bed. I was lying on my stomach, he reached under and grabbed my cock. I of course grabbed his, the feeling was intense. He was huge, we spent the next four of five hours feeling each other up. We did this on a daily basis for the next couple of months, I was like a fly to honey.At that point I was hooked on cock

Jan 12, 2007, 1:55 PM
First time with a woman who was 15+ yrs my senior was when i was 22. It was an opportunity. I felt as though I was missing out still being a virgin.

First time with a guy was clear and my choice.

Both were WOW.

I love sex with my wife, but I am definately a bi guy.

Getting more sure of it all the time.

curi 2 try in mass.
Jan 12, 2007, 3:26 PM
First time MM I was 13 with my freind the same age.We went skinny dipping while sleeping out one night and while horsing around in the water he got hard.I got nervous and we went back to the tent to sleep.After he thought I was sleeping he starter to stroke himself and noticed i was watching.Hew put his finger to the tip and took some of his precum to his lips and licked it off.He did it again and this time put it to my lips.I just froze there a moment with this tingling feeling all over then tasted it as he pushed it into my mouth.From there he swung around and i was in his mouth and he in mine and in a few seconds this feeling i never had before came over me and i was spraying cum every where for the first time.Next thing I know his cocks choking me and im gaging as hes swelling and exploding in my mouth.I had cum leaking from my nose even.The it was history from there.We spent the night in each others mouths.By morning Our cocks were raw and our jaws were knumb.We were together dailey for the next 3 years till we discovered girls and at 16 it was over with him and on with the girls.Boy I miss him.Been jerking off for 35 years to the memory.

Jan 12, 2007, 4:11 PM
First M/M experience: 18 - either early last october or last summer depending on how you look at it [last summer I was caressed by a drunken straight friend who stopped pretty suddenly and called me a 'poof' when he realised that I enjoyed it. Last october I had 2 M/M experiences, both were pretty cool but the first one was the best by far]

First M/F experience: not yet applicable unfortunately, but I'll probably be drunk at the time lol [otherwise I probably wouldn't be confident enough lol]

First M/TG experience: again, not yet applicable but it sounds interesting [ I think there was a thread about this a while ago]

Izzfan :flag3:

Jan 12, 2007, 4:36 PM
First time w/ a guy -- about 15, a friend of mine a year older cornered me in an empty alcove off a hallway in my high school after hours. Dry humped untill we both came in our pants (made the walk home a bit uncomfortable!). A few near misses over the years since then (avoided or shied away from) till about 7 years ago (early 40s by then). Just a couple of expiences since then (if you don't count cyber...) because being married makes it something I go back and forth with, as to wether I'm being unfaithful (but I guess that's another discussion). In retrospect, wish I had been more adventurous/less nervous about it while I was still single! Ah, like they say, we get too soon old, and too late smart...

Jan 12, 2007, 5:28 PM
Ahhh.. looking back. Let's see...

At 9 or 10 I sucked an older boy (not to completion) because he said he'd suck mine. Guess what?

Later (at about 11 or so) a neighborhood friend and I played a little wrestling and "grabass" at my home when we were there alone. Also invited the two neighboring sisters over one afternoon. Things were clicking right along when I stepped into the hall for a minute. All I did was touch my cock and had an immediate ejaculation - BOOM! Then it hit me... OMG, if my parents come home early I'm in DEEP trouble. I almost threw everyone out the door. :)

At about 15, I stayed over at a friends house. I remember feeling his cock under the covers and finally masturbating him. It's funny, but after all these years I can still feel the warm semen as it ran down onto my hand. (It's sad but I think he was so upset about it that we never spoke again.)

There was a period from high school thru college and the service when I never had any m to m contact. (I know... it's surprising. And those are places you'd expect male to male contact.)

At about age 27 I was in the swinging lifestyle and went to a party with a female friend. We ended up in a pile and I found myself "face to face" so to speak with a hard uncircumsized cock. I knew then that I wanted to touch it. I did and the owner didn't seem to mind so I put it in my mouth.

That's when I knew I was bi. :)

Jan 13, 2007, 1:08 AM
These are great fun. So tender... :tongue:

Jan 13, 2007, 9:46 AM
The first time with another male, I was 11, it was just more of checking each other out. First real sex with another male, I was 13. A friend of mine, also 13, showed me how to jack off at his house one day....OH YEAH :tongue: My first time with a girl....well I waited awhile...I was 40

Jan 13, 2007, 12:36 PM
I use to play "swords" with a friend of mine when i was really young. 6 or 7. Does that count?
First time m/f: 15.
First time m/m: 27. this guy blew me away. He made me cum back to back to back. 3 times!!! it was also the first facial i had given anyone. LOL

Jan 13, 2007, 1:19 PM
I had both my first m/f and m/m experience when I was 14. I am a happily and well adjusted, confident but priivate and respecting bi-male. I am toally open with all prospective partners; sadly many of the woman I meet aren't into bi-men.

Jan 13, 2007, 1:42 PM
My first time with another guy was 29. I had thought about it for probably three or four years but didn't allow myself to try it until a few years later. It was amazing!

Jan 14, 2007, 2:04 AM
The curiosity finally took control at age 35 (about 8 months ago) oral only. I was working out of town and living out of a hotel. It is amazing how spending long, boring evenings alone in a hotel will get your mind going.

Anyway I meet someone while there and decided it was now or never. Was not sure if I every was going to go through with it since I was afraid I might like it. Boy was I right and cannot wait to get my mouth around another one :tongue:

Jan 14, 2007, 2:25 AM
my first time with a guy was during the summer after fifth (11-12? yrs, old) grade. it was hot in the afternoon and he, his brother, and i were in their treehouse. he and i wanted to "practice" what we will do with girls. i vaugly remember all that happened, but he and i were naked, kissing and touching each other. at one point i was on top playing the "boy" when i felt something happen and i looked down and saw i had some white stuff that came out of me and pooled on him. he nonchalantly said that that was just sperm.

i was fifteen when i was with my first girl. i still would love to see if i could contact her, i think about her almost daily. she was the greatest lover.


Jan 14, 2007, 12:35 PM
When I was 13, a friend and I were hanging out at his house after school. He suggested that we jack off, so we did. It was fun, but I attach no significance to that day.
First time with a woman (beyond heavy petting, LOL) was at 23.
Last summer, at age 59, had my first MM contact, after 6-8yrs of wondering about my sexuality. The experience was, in a word, INCREDIBLE!!!!!
My most intense memories of that contact are: 1. How wonderful it felt to have a cock in my mouth, and 2. How totally natural and comfortable the act of sucking a cock felt. No longer wondering about my sexuality.

Jan 15, 2007, 12:54 PM
My first time M/F was when I was 13, a girl I knew gave me my first B.J...my first true intercourse with a female was when I was 17 and my first time mano eh mano was when I was about 18 or 19..so, I guess basically although throughout my life (am 43) I've been a closet "bi", but have recently come out after 2 marriages and now on my third M/F relationship..

Star Gazer
Jan 15, 2007, 6:19 PM
My first M/M was when I was 8 or 9, we would give each other blow jobs and enjoyed it. With that friend for about 3 or 4 years.

Many other guys near where I lived by the time I was 21 I was living with anohter guy and had sex with about 90 or 100 guys. When I was 22 I had my first M/F relationship which was great.

before I got married at 29 I had several lovers, a M/M/M relationship, a M/F/M and M/F/F, was married for 20 years to what turned out to be an unfaithfull woman. I am glad that is over. Since the divorce 10 years ago have been with mostly women and two men.

I would love to find two women and another man to share my home a foursome friendship with bennifits.

Jan 16, 2007, 1:28 AM
I was about 10 when I had my first time with a mm it was all just feeling up sucking or jacking off sessions and then when I was 13 the neighborhood boy and I were in his garage and he told me to sit on his cock and it wouldnt hurt at all he was really thick and about 10 inches long let me tell you it changed my life it felt really good

Jan 17, 2007, 6:27 AM
it was the day before my 43rd birthday, im 47 now but ive been bicurious for well over 20yrs before i met my wife even, so i met i guy in a chatroom arranged to go to his place and sucked and swallowed and thought why has it taken all these years, i loved it, ive been with a few guys since, dont get me wrong i love my wife and females but i love cock as well, my last cock was last friday.

Jan 17, 2007, 10:32 AM
I was 21 the first time, and it was with a gay couple I knew. My first MM sex and I had two cocks to suck on. :)

Jan 17, 2007, 4:33 PM
Well we were 17 and sharing a two man tent on a military training exercise, there was all this rustling coming from his blankets and he said he was wanking, I immediately got hard and we discussed how we j/od off. This led to an exchange of hands, never came so much in one night before or since. It excited me but terrified me as well as the services were not the place to be queer. Being Bi wasn't in the vocabulary then. Never experienced it again until I was 33 then realised I enjoyed it and seeked it out, its great isn't it....

Jan 17, 2007, 8:52 PM
Well, apart from masturbating myself in a group of other boys when about 12 or so, nothing much until the night of my 15th birthday when the 23 year old guy who had been ever so expertly seducing me, playing with me and masturbating me in kinky ways for several weeks, dressed me in a crimson babydoll nightie and panties and fucked my tight young bum for hours.
I liked it very much, I could hardly believe how delicious it was.
He shared my bedroom for about 18 months and fucked me almost every night.
I still love to masturbate at the memories.

Jan 18, 2007, 8:39 AM
Actually I did just this past weekend! I am 21 years old.

Jan 18, 2007, 8:54 AM
At 13 m/m and 18 m/f. Like both equally since.

Jan 18, 2007, 10:22 AM
me and a buddy were off from school he liked my ass we went into my moms room pulled my pants down he tried to enter me it hurt, so we decided powder would make it better, it did and he had his way it hurt at first but i really enjoyed it and i liked it ever since but with lube not powder. ha... ready for more...

Jan 19, 2007, 6:59 AM
i was 22 years old when my first time came around it was weird when it had happen it was never talked aboutthen the guy said i am gonna turn u out completly then i said not me then it just happen one day but the weird thing is that my first time didn't hurt at all i still love female but every now and then i crave a large cock in my ass nice and smooth .i have had this urge to have a female fuck me

Jan 19, 2007, 9:34 AM
15 years old whilst on a camping trip with my best mate who was 14.

After an evening in a pub (We must have looked old enough to get in) getting very drunk we staggered back to the camp site taliking of sex as we went. It was a hot night. We crawled merrily into my small two man tent and, without any thought, stripped to our pants and lay on our backs side by side in the dark and started to tell each other our favorite fantasies.

It was soon obvious by the sounds we were making that we were both masturbating as we listened to each others stories. A candle was lit and the sight of each other naked; our hard pricks pointing up in the air really, we admitted cautiously, turned us both on.

It was then, as the candle flickered its warm glow over our young sweaty bodies, that our stories became more adventurous. Our heads swimming with beer and lust we agreed that it would be easy to suck each others cocks, "As long we keep it a secret" my mate said "just between us" "Of course" I replied.

Thats when it happened! I watched my mate lean over and slowly place his lips against my big swollen nob and gasped as I felt my cock slide deep into his mouth. This was my first blow job and it felt fantastic! So much so that I warned him that I he was going to make me cum. "MMMmm" came his muffled reply. I said that I wanted a go sucking him off for a bit and suggested that when we ejaculate we should do so at the same time.

And thats exactly what we did!
Moving silently into our first 69 (Our first of many that followed over the years till this day- we are both now in our early 40's)we sucked each others cocks slowly, silently, smoothly until we both had a thunderous orgasm together.

Although in the morning we felt a little awkward we eagerly repeated it again the next night- again after getting drunk at the local pub. This time, un be known to me my mate had bought some baby oil which we used to soak each other with before 69ing again.

Jan 19, 2007, 9:46 AM
15 years old whilst on a camping trip with my best mate who was 14.

After an evening in a pub (We must have looked old enough to get in) getting very drunk we staggered back to the camp site talking of sex as we went. It was a hot night. We crawled merrily into my small two man tent and, without any thought, stripped to our pants and lay on our backs side by side in the dark and started to tell each other our favorite fantasies.

It was soon obvious by the sounds we were making that we were both masturbating as we listened to each others stories. A candle was lit and the sight of each other naked; our hard pricks pointing up in the air really, we admitted cautiously, turned us both on.

It was then, as the candle flickered its warm glow over our young sweaty bodies, that our stories became more adventurous. Our heads swimming with beer and lust we agreed that it would be easy to suck each others cocks, "As long we keep it a secret" my mate said "just between us" "Of course" I replied.

Thats when it happened! I watched my mate lean over and slowly place his lips against my big swollen nob and gasped as I felt my cock slide deep into his mouth. This was my first blow job and it felt fantastic! So much so that I warned him that he was going to make me cum. "MMMmm" came his muffled reply. I said that I wanted a go sucking him off for a bit and suggested that when we ejaculate we should do so at the same time.

And thats exactly what we did!
Moving silently into our first 69 (Our first of many that followed over the years till this day- we are both now in our early 40's)we sucked each others cocks slowly, silently, smoothly until we both had a thunderous orgasm together. The feeling of thick hot cum filling our mouths was so exciting- we agreed afterwards. "Did you like the taste of my spunk?" I asked. "Absolutely!" he replied "Me too" I added. And we both meant it.

Although in the morning we felt a little awkward we eagerly repeated it again the next night- again after getting drunk at the local pub. This time, un be known to me my mate had bought some baby oil which we used to soak each other with before 69ing again. We both agreed that after this holiday we should both eat each others cum again soon.

We did and still do when we can arrange it. And when we do it always ends the same- a slippy 69 and a mouth and face full of hot cum.

Jan 21, 2007, 12:59 PM
15 years old whilst on a camping trip with my best mate who was 14.

After an evening in a pub (We must have looked old enough to get in) getting very drunk we staggered back to the camp site talking of sex as we went. It was a hot night. We crawled merrily into my small two man tent and, without any thought, stripped to our pants and lay on our backs side by side in the dark and started to tell each other our favorite fantasies.

It was soon obvious by the sounds we were making that we were both masturbating as we listened to each others stories. A candle was lit and the sight of each other naked; our hard pricks pointing up in the air really, we admitted cautiously, turned us both on.

It was then, as the candle flickered its warm glow over our young sweaty bodies, that our stories became more adventurous. Our heads swimming with beer and lust we agreed that it would be easy to suck each others cocks, "As long we keep it a secret" my mate said "just between us" "Of course" I replied.

Thats when it happened! I watched my mate lean over and slowly place his lips against my big swollen nob and gasped as I felt my cock slide deep into his mouth. This was my first blow job and it felt fantastic! So much so that I warned him that he was going to make me cum. "MMMmm" came his muffled reply. I said that I wanted a go sucking him off for a bit and suggested that when we ejaculate we should do so at the same time.

And thats exactly what we did!
Moving silently into our first 69 (Our first of many that followed over the years till this day- we are both now in our early 40's)we sucked each others cocks slowly, silently, smoothly until we both had a thunderous orgasm together. The feeling of thick hot cum filling our mouths was so exciting- we agreed afterwards. "Did you like the taste of my spunk?" I asked. "Absolutely!" he replied "Me too" I added. And we both meant it.

Although in the morning we felt a little awkward we eagerly repeated it again the next night- again after getting drunk at the local pub. This time, un be known to me my mate had bought some baby oil which we used to soak each other with before 69ing again. We both agreed that after this holiday we should both eat each others cum again soon.

We did and still do when we can arrange it. And when we do it always ends the same- a slippy 69 and a mouth and face full of hot cum.

What a hot memory!!!

Jan 21, 2007, 2:36 PM
I believe I was around 10 or 11 with my first skin on skin contact with a girl. But had just turned 17 when I have my first full on sexual experience with another girl.

Jan 21, 2007, 3:15 PM
first time with a female was at 17. First date I went down on her and we had full sex on the next date - I guess she enjoyed the first date!

First time with a male was at 18. Oral sex and masturbation (that's all I've ever done with males). Was great fun.

Jan 27, 2007, 12:43 AM
first f/f november 06 best month of my life..and the months to follow too:P(age:18,19 in march 07)

Jan 27, 2007, 12:02 PM
I remember being curious about guys early in my pre-adolesence, but never did anything about it. I was very interested in girls though. I had a stp sister who was a little older and I remember lying on my bed, naked with the door open hoping she'd come in, but she never did.

Then when I was in college, ag about age 19, I went to a Gay bath. I think I must have known it was a gay bath. I went in, stripped down, put a towel around my waist and explored. I got gropped in the sauna, got sucked by a guy in the darkness of a steamroom while other guys were sucking and fucking all around us. I pushed him off and went down on him - my first time with a cock in my mouth.

Then I walked out,showered briefly and went into the whirlpool. I watched two guys make out while they played with each other under the bubbling water. I walked around and was approached by a guy who had me follow him into the open room - filled with red mats - guys in various combinations were all around the room. We sat in the middle and ended up in a 69 position. We bothcame in each others mouth. It was a fantastic experience, but guilt set in and I left quickly and never went back. That was in the 60's and I have thought frquently about repeating the experience.


Jan 27, 2007, 3:21 PM
16 when had my first m/m experience...was 14 when had first m/f experience....can't remember exactly when had first mmf, but there was no touching between the m's lol he wasn't into that...lol would be nice to get into one of them or a FFM.

Feb 1, 2007, 11:15 PM
First time with male: around 9, totally consensual, fun, and cool as hell, lasted until... well, we still get together from time to time!!

First time with female: 23, in college. Major denial as to my bi-ness, but my second female (whom I married) brought out the good side of me!!!

Feb 2, 2007, 4:15 AM
I was 7 for my first f/f. She was my best friend. She used to hump my butt... Hahaha. I never understood why until years later. Then probably at age 9 I licked her hood. Not her clit but her hood. She wanted me to lick "down there" and she was standing up so I did, but I didn't quite know where to lick... Hahaha...

My first m/m was oral I was about 9 and he was probably 15. He didn't get hard, guess I didn't know what I was doing... It didn't last but 2 or 3 minutes. I remember having a huge crush on him. It was my best friend's brother.

If those young encounters "don't count," my first f/f encounter was when I was 17 with my best friend (new best friend) in high school. I used a dildo on her and fingered her.

My first m/f experience was when i was 16 with my first boyfriend. He fingered me. And a few weeks later we made love for the first time.

Feb 3, 2007, 3:12 AM
Started at 7 or 8 M/M wise.... typical sleep over with another friend, put a tent in the yard and both of us slept in the same sleeping bag, Laying there talking one or the other "accidently " brushed a hand against one another and that started a conversation about sex... things we would do and wouldn;t do. At that age, girls were kind of "yucky" and boys seemed to be more friendly and playful... at least according to our logic. we ended up stripping off our clothes and hugging "very nice" We then remebered our stach of porno we had stached behind my dad's garage , we had the typical playboys and even a couple of gay porno "hardcore" mags we found while hiking thru the fields near our house's. So it was kind of lets try this...(the picture in the magazine). neither of us were able to cum, and just the feeling of someone touching you was great. We tried all the positions, of course not realising at that point that "tab A was to be inserted into slot A" We ran around bareassed all over the neighborhood and had a wonderful memorible night. I don;t think we slept at all that night.

First M/F was about 9, Jennifer was a girl that lived in my uncle's apartment complex. her mom was a nudist and would always walk around her apartment nude. her name was cathy, My uncle was very friendly with cathy and was there more than I was... he was a nudist too by the way. Everyone at some point or another was nude and jennifer and I would play house while my uncle and cathy were playing husband/wife. WE would sneak over and peek in on the 2 of them and watch. Then, go back to her room and try the things we saw. Jennifer would do everything just the way her mom did.... she had a real good memory and would make sure I followed "exactly" what she told me. orally she was a lot better at it than was initally was......."maybe she had experience"

The boys name was Paul, and paul and I continued our "relationship" well into our late teens, even after when we came accoss one another when we were back from college.

jennifer and myself one day invited paul over, and we all played doctor... by then I think I was the ripe old age of 10. Now paul was alway more bottom inclined and love having about anything put inside him, And jennifer was more than willing to accommidate him. I liked it too, a little, but he was truly a bottom, even to this day.

Jennifer and her mom Cathy moved away when I was about 13 and I have never seen or heard from her since. and Paul died in a car accident when I was about 25.

there we other boys (men) and girls (women) along the way thru puburity but the most memorible was Myself, paul and occassionally jennifer.....

Feb 3, 2007, 3:58 AM
It's very interesting reading everyone's tales of their firsts.

My first sexual experience of any kind with another person was with another boy--I was ten and he was nine.

He lived next door to me. It was a very hot summer's day --kind of overcast and humid so it was not all that nice of a day to be outside and since our home had something that was rather rare in those days (the late 60s)---central air conditioning--my house was a popular place to hang out on such days.

My parents were working and one of my grandmothers lived with us to take care of me and my baby sis.

The baby slept alot and so did grandma, so I had lots of time to myself.

On this one day, my neighbor buddy came over to play ---I had this great room for a kid---my closet was pretty big--or so it seemed as a young kid. It was where I liked to play because I had this combination race car and electric train track combo set up on this big ledge in the closet---it was also a place I liked to play a "new game" in which I would paint my body with some stuff I had found at my favorite place to buy toys.

The stuff was called "Lightening Bug Glow Juice" I don't know what it was but it was this thick white gooey stuff---it did look kind of like semen---that you could put on your skin-- if you exposed it to the light for a few minutes then shut out the light ---the stuff glowed up green.

I had been putting the stuff on my little body when naked--put it on my face---on my nipples, belly and little mushroom cock.

On this day--my neighbor buddy and I got naked and we painted it on each other--then we "wrastled" and pretended our little cocks were "swords"---I don't remember how we wound up getting naked together though.

We did try to suck each other and he liked to rub his butt on my little prick. Being the ages we were--neither of us had yet entered puberty so nothing happened but it still felt good just to be touching another body and having someone touch you.

We started playing like this on many occassions that summer and one night he spent the night with me in my backyard "fort". We walked all around the yard naked for a time and we wound up hugging and kissing too.

He moved that next winter and I never saw him again--but I have often thought about those times he and I "played" over the years.

My next sexual experience with another person was also with a guy when I was 15--but that is the topic of another posting.

Feb 3, 2007, 7:10 AM
I was 13 when i first had a cock in my ass!

Feb 3, 2007, 9:55 AM
I was about 13 when I had my first m/m. Then a couple years later my best friend and I started having regular rounds whenever we stayed the night at each others house. I always knew I was bi, but i didn't fully embrace it till about a year ago. I'm almost 25 and now I feel like I know exactly who I am. :bigrin:

Feb 3, 2007, 10:41 AM
14 (male of us) 22(female of us)

Feb 3, 2007, 12:37 PM
The first time I played with a guy I was 14. It was with a neighbor boy, we were the same age...well, he was a year or two older. It was primarily being nude with each other, and light touching of each other. That stirred up a lot of thoughts. Then didn't have another encounter until I was 18 and in the military. Nice experience.

Like 'bimetalguy', I have been having desires for several years, and didn't fully embrace my feelings until a few years ago.

Feb 3, 2007, 5:30 PM
18 in college with dorm mate.

Feb 6, 2007, 5:15 PM
I was 11 and it was M-M and haven`t stopped since yet I got married and am bi.

Wow, dude... Most guys I know (in a small town, mind you) think my first M-M experience at 14 was early! I hope yours was with a good friend, like mine was... ;)

Feb 7, 2007, 11:08 AM
I was 12 and it was with my brothers friend M/M

Feb 7, 2007, 11:39 AM
I was 12 and it was with my friend next door. It continued until college.

Feb 8, 2007, 11:39 AM
first time with a female I was 17 she was 15. Yes we were in love we dated for 3 years before anything happened.
I was always a good boy. Just the way I was raised.

First time with a man 44-Oh my god why did i wait so long to act on my feelings? Once again it was the way I was raised.

How can a man turn me on so much?

Bi Bill 1947
Feb 8, 2007, 12:08 PM
I was 15, fresh out of the shower from basketball practice, cold nite car pulled over asked if I needed a ride.Best choice that I ever made. He was the Music teacher at my school we parked in an isolated place and he gave me books to look of guys doing guys. Little did he know that I had been reading those books for months and wanting to do those things. He removed my pants and began kissing my thighs and then it happened, I have been doing it and recieving it ever since. What a joy.

Feb 8, 2007, 12:36 PM
12, but it was a bad experience.


Feb 8, 2007, 12:54 PM
Since I have been on this site, many people have asked this, and I am not sure how to answer because the first times were not happy times. The experience was very confusing. I did not understand why I had attracted that kind of attention... how did they pick me out, bidar? Actually at the time I was thinking "gaydar." Anyway, since then I have some remarkalbe and extremely erotic experiences. The good experiences started at age 26.

Feb 8, 2007, 1:35 PM
M: young F: young mmf 17 mff 18 i think!

Feb 8, 2007, 2:04 PM
well when i was 10/11 i discovered gay porn on the net and was horny up by it and with that i discovered masturbation kept thinking about first MM for yrs but when i was 18 i met a guy from a chat room and well it started there and never looked back, im now 19

preciouz fantasiez
Feb 8, 2007, 4:15 PM
i had my first experience with a woman almost a year ago at age 26 and i loved it!

Feb 8, 2007, 4:25 PM
Confused fumbling in a tent aged 11. Proper sex with another man, 35. Why did I wait so long?

Mar 1, 2007, 1:46 PM
I was about 9 when my best friend showed me how to jackoff. I was amazed at how good it felt. Then, I was 11 when a much older neighbor let me sit behind the steering wheel of his car while he sat on the passenger side. He pulled his cock out of his pants and showed me his hardon. He asked me to put it in my mouth and I thought okay. But my mother came out of the house and started calling for me. It was much later, when I lived in Houston, Texas that I finally had the opportunity to experience a good, m2m experience.

Mar 1, 2007, 2:05 PM
Must have been 11 or 12 with a guy...Mutual J/O...Show me I'll show you...yadda yadda...Real sex with a gal at 13. With a guy 16...Pick-up by an older guy...Very hot !!!

Mar 1, 2007, 2:11 PM
Must have been 11 or 12 with a guy...Mutual J/O...Show me I'll show you...yadda yadda...Real sex with a gal at 13. With a guy 16...Pick-up by an older guy...Very hot !!!

I bet it was hot Voodoo. Bet they got a surpise when you whipped that cock of yours out to...

Mar 1, 2007, 3:55 PM
I was 8 the first time i was with a girl. We to was playing house. She was older 10 i think. I knew than how much i like girls. It was great. :bibounce: (((Always be true to yourself))) :female:

Mar 1, 2007, 4:01 PM
My friend and I were both 12, we went “camping” overnight in his back yard. We sucked each others cocks but didn’t get off. I thought about it many years before I tried it again at 57. Wish I hadn’t waited so long.

Mar 1, 2007, 4:12 PM
Mine was also a camping experience in the back yard. He was 15 and I was 13. He told me about this really cool thing that happens when your rub yourself for a while! So we touched each other (not to orgasm unfortunately) and I remember how (to this day) I was turned on by how big he was. Only happened once and next time was when I was 51!

Mar 1, 2007, 5:48 PM
I was 22 or 23 my first time with a same sex partner

Mar 1, 2007, 7:47 PM
When I was 18 an older woman (well, she was 19, but way ahead of me) relieved me of my virginity. She was an evangelical preacher's daughter, no less, and a really good person. But that's a story for another day.

First experience with a man was nearly 20 years ago. I was 23; he was 46. We were together for maybe three weeks (like an idiot, I let it drop) and in fact it's still my only gay relationship/experience, though I find myself wanting it very much now. The other week I wrote an account of the first time for my strictly-gay cousin, and in case anyone's interested I'll attach it here, as I don't have the time at the moment to edit and shorten it:

"This was when I was still in college and had a part-time job in the music library. People would come up to the service desk, ask for the tape they wanted and for a set of headphones. I (or whoever else was on the desk) would step into the back room, get what they'd asked for, and bring it to them. It was a good job in the sense that on slow nights you could essentially be paid for reading or studying. Anyway, Dan (not his real name) was a full-time employee there. He and I were often working the same shift and we became good working friends – we’d cover for each other, joke, and to some extent discuss the gay life because he was very much ‘out’. He was running a bit to flab but with very solid muscle underneath.

I'd just broken up with my girlfriend and was pretty shaken up about it. I'd also had a mostly low-level but persistent interest in guy-on-guy love, since I was twelve (not counting my childhood love, sadly unrequited, for Batman's pal Robin). Anyway, Dan's timing couldn’t have been better.

He'd tell me mouth-watering tales about this or that guy he had been with, and I actually found myself becoming jealous of those other guys. By this point it wouldn’t be going too far to say that I craved him, & when he was around I got serious stomach butterflies. I was too shy to proposition him -- what if he turned me down and we still had to work together? (I know, so what? but that was then....) So I was pretty excited when he suggested I come to his place that Saturday night for a home-cooked dinner. I don’t remember much about my preparations for this except that I self-administered an enema, just in case. A former Cub Scout, I'd had "Be Prepared" drummed into me.

Anyway, his apartment had a balcony and the sun was still up so we got lots of sunlight and, in due course, sunset, which made for a pretty romantic setting. The meal was great, we had fun talking, but as the evening wore on I began to suspect I might have been horribly wrong about his intentions, because he didn’t make a move for me. I, however, was not going to leave unf**ked if I had anything to say about it. So I started to punctuate my side of the conversation with little pauses in which I just looked into his eyes, holding contact a little longer than usual. At some point we got up and walked out to the balcony. More pregnant pauses, more looks from me. Then we stepped back in, me first, him following. Once we were both in I just turned around, looked up into his eyes, smiled and said nothing -- I couldn't have been less subtle. His arms went around me, we kissed – at first just light, playful kisses, then one deep, luscious one – while our hands wandered over each other. We were both pretty hard at that point.

Next thing I remember I was on my back on some futon-like thing, right there in the dining room where we’d eaten, while he’d padded off to the washroom for his prep. I lay there expectantly and (sorry this sounds like a Harlequin, but I’m telling it like it was) my heart was pounding. After a couple of minutes he came back into the room wearing only his briefs and carrying a towel, a pillow and lube. His cock wasn’t over-large, which was fine with me, but I could see it was very stiff under the briefs. I sat up, holding eye contact, and slowly slipped the briefs down. At this point his freed cock sprang up and hit me on the underside of the nose – we both giggled. I went to take it in my mouth and managed to get close enough for a few licks, but he pushed me down, not brutally but with real firmness – I remember he pinned both my shoulders to the futon, hovering over me, and asked me if this was my first time with a man. When I nodded – I think I’d lost my voice by then -- he said, almost as if explaining something to a child, that he would go slowly and gently, with lots of lube, but that if it hurt I should tell him and he’d withdraw. I nodded a second time, he let my shoulders go, lifted my ass and hips, shoved the pillow beneath them, and then, rearing back on his knees, quickly applied what looked like a huge glob of K-Y to his cock, leaving the rest on his right hand. He moved closer into position over me and pressed his lubricated thumb flat against my anus, working it up and down and back and forth. I closed my eyes. Then he slowly – very slowly -- inserted one, then two lubed fingers, moving them up and down inside me, not like a surrogate cock but massage-style. I suppose he found my prostate but whether he did or didn’t I was loving it and tried to give his fingers little welcoming hugs by contracting my sphincter. I had my eyes open and was looking into his again. He smiled a little and nodded slightly – I think the message was “you’re ready, here goes”, and then gently lowered himself down on his knees with (I think) one palm pressed firmly on my ass and entered me, watching very carefully for signs of pain. I remember being surprised at feeling none at all, just a very full, satisfying pressure. I was also surprised and pleased that he didn’t flip me over – I'd assumed that gay sex was always doggy-style, but I really needed more intimacy than that for my first time. I remember breathing in lungfuls of air and letting them out a few times to relax myself further, and on the exhalations I had a strong sense that he was going deeper. Satisfied at last that I wasn’t made of crystal, he lowered the upper half of his body on to me without crushing me and began thrusting, still slowly, holding himself back for my sake and maybe for his too. I don’t remember this part well as my sensations were mostly down below -- I think he supported himself somewhat on his elbows but in a way that still enabled him to cradle my shoulders with his hands, which was magnificent. My own were rubbing up and down his sides and back and I remember grazing him with my nails. On his pushing-in strokes especially I kissed or nipped him on his left trapezius muscle or any other place I could get at. After a minute or so I was more confident and told him he didn’t have to be so gentle, I was OK, he could go harder, a lot harder if he liked. So he built up a head of steam very quickly after that, and I had the wonderful feeling of being well and truly pounded by a man who could control me with a touch but could no longer contain himself. He came with several long grunts -- no words, no scream. Then he put his head down somewhere around my collarbone, so that the left side of his face was lying on me, and I stroked his hair with my right hand, playing with it aimlessly, not saying a word, just floating (though I had not, of course, come). He raised himself up again and we spoke quietly for a few minutes at most while he softened and slipped out of me. When he popped out we both said “oops” and laughed quietly, on my part a real tension relieving, let-it-all-out laugh. I remember he said to me how good it was that someone my age wanted to fuck him, and I said something on the order of “Dan, why WOULDN'T I?” and kissed him again, quickly and hard, maybe half-a-dozen times. A moment or two later he stood up and walked to the bathroom. I followed him. He threw me a backwards glance and asked if I wanted a turn doing him. I told him honestly that I wasn’t hard enough to do so -- I was still kind of overwhelmed (and truth is, I think I'm mostly a bottom). Amazingly (looking back on it), he had done me bareback. I got tested several months later and was disease-free, a lucky break. I'm glad no condom was involved that first time, since I at least got to know the feel of skin on slippery mucous membrane. Nowadays, though, I'm a fiend for safety.

Over the next few weeks he taught me a lot, but then I exited the relationship fearing that I might get to like it TOO much. As I said: what a dolt! As it turned out, I stayed mostly straight though 'more than incidentally gay' as well. Every so often I'd see a guy on the subway or whatever and literally couldn't take my eyes off him; but I had girlfriends most of the time, so I never felt an overwhelming necessity to explore gay sex again -- until a few months ago, when my need for it came on really strong. I'm not rushing, but I'm confident it'll happen when it happens...& preferably this year! :)"

Mar 1, 2007, 10:02 PM
biwords! That was so hot. Thanks for passing it on to us.... *I'm hard LOL

Mar 2, 2007, 1:30 PM
My first sexual encounter was when I was nine years old my neighbors brother used to make me masterbate with him and then I learned all about giving oral satisfaction to others,It was it seemed a common pratice among all the teens to use us younger boys for there sex toys, we just wanted to fit in. I know that they used us to empty themselves on a nightly basis.

Mar 2, 2007, 8:40 PM
I lost my virginty at the age of 13 to a 36 year old woman... but my first MM experinance was when i was 17... i was given a BJ by my boss after an all night party and i returned the favour, as i was bent over with his dick in my mouth his boyfriend penetrated me from behind... never looked back since lol

Mar 2, 2007, 11:49 PM
I must have been 5,maybe 6 years old

Mar 5, 2007, 10:39 AM
First time with a girl I was 15, first time with a guy I was 13.
As far as with the girl it was at a Butlins Holiday Camp (theye were popular in the 60s) Nothing to special to report on that except she was 14 but it wasn't her first time. With a guy it was in school. We were made to take showers after Gym, at the start of the school year everyone took them. The ritual was undress in teh locker room and wrap a towel around you and then walk through a series of shower heads, dry off and back to the locker room to dress. This evolved as the school year went on and after a few months the supposedly mandatory showers became somewhat optional and there were only a few of the 30 some boys taking them. Shower time for me had become a thing to look forward to, I got to get naked and see everyone else naked, I was in heaven! I still look back on those days of standing under the warm wet spray with great fondness. Anyway, like I was explaining after a few months the number of boys taking them had declined to just a few and one day I found myself stood under a shower with just a close friend of mine next to me. I am uncut, he wasn't and made some comment about how we were 'different' He asked me how my foreskin felt and it was obvious that it facinated him. I had always enjoyed seeing him nude, he had a lovely slim body and a little tuft of blonde hair starting to grow around his cock. I told him if he wanted he could touch my cock so he could see first hand how it felt. He seized the opportunity and took hold on me gently but firmly and then started to jack me off. I reached down and took hold of his already hardening cock and we proceeded to jack each other off all the time looking over the low wall to make sure nobody was coming in.
We played around together several times as we grew up together, up until we both started dating girls. he emigrated to Australia and I to the US and I haven't heard from him in years. To this day I love going to the Gym and especially if it has communal showers.

Mar 5, 2007, 12:13 PM
First time with a girl I was 15, first time with a guy I was 13.
As far as with the girl it was at a Butlins Holiday Camp (theye were popular in the 60s) Nothing to special to report on that except she was 14 but it wasn't her first time. With a guy it was in school. We were made to take showers after Gym, at the start of the school year everyone took them. The ritual was undress in teh locker room and wrap a towel around you and then walk through a series of shower heads, dry off and back to the locker room to dress. This evolved as the school year went on and after a few months the supposedly mandatory showers became somewhat optional and there were only a few of the 30 some boys taking them. Shower time for me had become a thing to look forward to, I got to get naked and see everyone else naked, I was in heaven! I still look back on those days of standing under the warm wet spray with great fondness. Anyway, like I was explaining after a few months the number of boys taking them had declined to just a few and one day I found myself stood under a shower with just a close friend of mine next to me. I am uncut, he wasn't and made some comment about how we were 'different' He asked me how my foreskin felt and it was obvious that it facinated him. I had always enjoyed seeing him nude, he had a lovely slim body and a little tuft of blonde hair starting to grow around his cock. I told him if he wanted he could touch my cock so he could see first hand how it felt. He seized the opportunity and took hold on me gently but firmly and then started to jack me off. I reached down and took hold of his already hardening cock and we proceeded to jack each other off all the time looking over the low wall to make sure nobody was coming in.
We played around together several times as we grew up together, up until we both started dating girls. he emigrated to Australia and I to the US and I haven't heard from him in years. To this day I love going to the Gym and especially if it has communal showers.

That's one way to deal wth that shower hard-on... The fun way to.

May 17, 2007, 11:51 PM
my first sexual experiance with another guy was when I was 12 and it was my older cousin. He was 16 and very cute. We were playing basketball and sweaty of course and one hard on lead to another.

May 18, 2007, 3:33 AM
I'm 20 and I've realized I was bi(curious) for about 2 years now. Still have yet to do anything with another man though. But I'm really wanting to, especially now that I'm in my prime, and I think it'd be easier to do at a younger age, especially since it's a time of experimentation and having fun before I truly become an adult and have to go out into the working world and start a family and all that jazz. But I'm only interested in kissing and maybe some touching when it comes to another man, I don't want (and don't think I could) to go all the way sexually with a guy.

As far as women go, I'm still a virgin. I'd like to date some more girls, but sex isn't a big priority for me, I wanna do it with someone I more than like.

May 18, 2007, 4:04 AM
I played with a friend of mine when I was 15, but I thought it was only a game to discover sex, like many teens do... I knew there was something "particular" in me, but I really understood I was bi only 2 years ago. :)

May 18, 2007, 5:13 AM
My first m-m experience was when I was 14. He was 15. We took a shower together in our school's gymnasium and then 69'ed afterwards. It was great! Unfortunately, he moved shortly thereafter and it never happened again. I have now been married for 33+ years and am so looking forward to a m-m experience again.

May 18, 2007, 6:14 AM
My first ff sexual experience was when I was eighteen, and it was under a stairwell at uni with my first ever girlfriend (who I dumped a few weeks after cos she was a right bitch).

First mf experience was when I was nineteen to a guy I thought I was madly in love with after a week :eek: we had two great weeks, he dumped me, I was heartbroken, he moved to Australia, came back had sex with my first ever girlfriend (allegedly), and then completely blanked me the next time we met.

I really do have sucky tastes in people, but am now with an amazing guy and have been for 16 months.

May 18, 2007, 8:24 AM
I was 11 and my friend was 12. One day he said he would show me something exciting. He dropped his pants and showed me his large cock. He started pulling on it and he got hard, then he started breathing really hard and then grunted as cream erupted from the tip. It was really cool. I knew about sex but only in a vague way, this was real!

I tried but nothing came, I was too young. He was uncut and I was cut. We thought this was the problem but in less than a few months I could match him cum for cum. We experimented and jerked off in many places and many times. We would have contests in speed to hard and cuming and we would compare sizes but he was much larger. Rarely would we do each other and never thought of oral. The few times we did touch each other, I was fascinated with his foreskin, it was neat to pull it back from the tip which was so juicy each time. I liked the fact he was so sensitive. Now when I see an uncut cock I want to touch it too.

At the same time I started to play “doctor” with his 11 yr old sister. Her breasts we just developing, her nipples were sensitive and she liked me to suck at them. I told her they would be bigger as a result and they did, what a rack she developed. Her pussy was just beginning to be covered in fur, her slit was covered with thick lips and was a marvelous toy to play with but only to her hymen. Her mom has told her to protect her cherry or else suffer hell from her mom.

This lasted over a few months then we moved away for a while. When I came back a couple years later, my friend had a girl friend and his sister developed to be a stuck up bitch like her mom. He was a very nice friend for years but we never played sexually after we discovered girls. However this brother and sister are in my occasional thoughts about sex: his large uncut cock and her nipples and slit which pleased her/me so much.

the mage
May 18, 2007, 8:43 AM
Lets see here, as I dig out the ancient history files......
Ummm first sexual memories are age 9 or 10 with 2 brothers a bit older. All consensual and frequent.. Oral and J/o and rimming too.
My first encounter with a girl was age 11 some feeling up and kissing.
My first all the way with a girl was age 13 then a long dry spell, didnt fuck again till I was 20. I had several guys through the teen years though.
In my 20's I was all hetero. no real interest in men, doing the family thing.
Then in mid 30's I opened up to both again.

Abbey Road
May 18, 2007, 3:04 PM
I had my First experience with a woman when I was 17 & my first experience with a man when I was 17 (they were a few months apart.)

Abbey Road. :bibounce: :paw:

May 18, 2007, 4:09 PM
I believe I was about fourteen. A friend up the street was two years older and was more mature. We sucked and fondled one another. I remember licking his precum, but not getting a load of cum. The times we fooled around were quite enjoyable. I wish we had stayed in touch over the years, I would suck him again without hesitation, only now I would expect to swallow his man's milk. :flag4:

miller lite man
May 18, 2007, 8:24 PM
being as i'm str8,my words won't matter, but here goes..
wife was 49 when she had her..or our first fmf fun. Sept 16,06.
Most recent was in April 13, a good day for us. Wife was a week from being 50, so the 3 sum fmf was her B-Day present.
We both hope for more fmf ,maybe this site will help ? :)

May 18, 2007, 8:34 PM
16 for both. That was a pretty good year! :bigrin:

mn freak
May 18, 2007, 8:49 PM
My first (and only so far) M to M was when I was 13 (almost 20 years ago). My friend was sleeping over that night & we were getting ready to go to sleep. He just pulls his cock out & starts to play with it (we're sharing the same bed). I watch him for a moment,then go down on him. We did almost everything ( no anal) , I gave him a rimjob before I even knew what that was.

My wife had her first F to F last year with our (former) best friend. It was also our first 3way. Things went sour after that, NEVER MIX MONEY & FRIENDS!!! It never works.

But we're still looking for that right couple to "play" with.

:flag3: :flag2: :flag3: :flag2: :flag3:

May 18, 2007, 9:04 PM
I think I was 9 and he was 11. Said he would show me what "love" was .. funny thing si that I knew that he was lying .. I knew there was a difference between sex and love. But at that age - it didn't really matter anyway .. as much as I knew they were two separate concepts it ended up wired in my brain "sex = love" because up until that point all the men in my life had been authoritative abusive drunk assholes. So this was a very different experience, I had no idea men could also be affectionate and loving like that.

So for the next 12 years or so I fantasized about that encounter - kind of sad actually but I didn't dare come out - still not out to my folks - I just love them too much.

That's why I'm not too keen on pedophiles, when you are THAT young and impressionable - sex = love - no way around it and to take a kid's innocence away is a bad thing..trust me.

I STILL look for that man every once in a while, but I'm not a little boy anymore - and the world is seldom full of knights in shining armor these days. At least I've found a few men who AREN'T jerks - these guys are straight - but not narrow minded and they help me to rebuild my trust.


May 19, 2007, 1:00 AM
I was 14 when I first jerked off and sucked another guy. I was 12 when I first started playing around with girls.

May 19, 2007, 2:28 AM
I just came back to this site, and this is what I posted on my page. And, yes, I did try to write it in a way that would get you as hot, wet & horney as I felt when it first happened. Stop by my page if you can & look at my pix--I may as well expose myself completely!

I originally posted here at the urging a a girl I was seeing a few years ago. She was bisexual, & obsessed with the idea of men having sex with other men. When I told her about some early experiences that had bisexual overtones (ie: having my first, embarassing, ejaculation while playing doctor with my buddy & his older sister), she urged me to open myself up to it. I've always liked to challenge my sexuality, so I thought, why not? Nothing ever came of it.
So a year or two later, I've got the prettiest woman tied to her bed & blindfolded, and I'm teasing her with spanks & kisses & keeping her on the very edge of orgasm. She's struggling, her body wants to come, but I'm careful to hold back just enough to make it wonderful torture for her. When I decide to let her come, it'll blast her clear out of her universe. And suddenly, that reminded me of myself, playing doctor all those years ago. back then, I was lying naked & blindfolded, & his sister was tugging at my foreskin. I could feel her breath, and his on my pounding penis, and felt the first rumble in my loins. Something was going to happen, & I was struggling to control it. Struggling did nothing, and the first arc of my semen flew up like a column. It must have hit the ceiling. I coudn't stop it, and wanting to stop made me come harder. Just before my mind exploded, I was aware of her pulling her brother's head down & holding it. I was cumming in his mouth & he was swallowing all of me.

May 19, 2007, 7:11 AM
i don't remember the exact age.... think it was around 10-12 or so...

May 19, 2007, 9:41 AM
For me the male, actual sex was at 13 and for my wife around 15, but looking back we both definately had sexual contact with same sex at about 7 to 9 in one of those "you show me yours i'll show you mine encounters", we laugh about it and its a lot of fun to remember oh yeah i was bi then too, lol!!

:male: :female: :bipride:

Have you hugged your bi-friend today??

May 19, 2007, 10:15 AM
I was thinking about what I wrote - you know it wasn't the fact that we did anything that bothered me - it was the fact that he left and I never saw him again..but it's for the best anyway - he was messed up - supposed to be my weekend babysitter - actually pulled out a gun, threatened to call the cops if I told anybody, locked me in the basement - nasty, nasty stuff.. all that was BEFORE the sex. It wouldn't surprise me if I got bonded to him aka. stockholm syndrome. I don't know where he is now, but I hope that he got some help, because if he could do that to ME, someone else must've really screwed with HIS head.

Aside from that nasty incident - I remember from a very young age ALWAYS being curious about the anatomy - I remember my mom would yell at me for playing with it - she must've thought that I could actually feel something but I was no where near that aroused.

I remember guys would just out of the blue pull down their pants and want me to suck it, and I remember a few times guys just walking up to me and kissing me out of the blue like in the locker room and stuff? I can't say that I minded - they must have been picking up on something.

Being a "wife" has always just felt right to me - can't explain it.. Sometimes I'm compassionate and caring, sometimes I just want to be left alone, sometimes I'm curious and inquisitive, sometimes I'm pissed off .. these hormones are confusing as hell.

I too remember fondly playing "show me yours" - but toward the end of growing up I started to understand what that idiot did to me so as tempted as I was to "play" as the older of the two I decided it was better not to - and I remember even apologizing to one of my good friends about it.

May 19, 2007, 11:47 AM
WOW! What an incredible thread. reading these simplt tells me young boys love to play. My first experince was at about 8 yrs old. Had 4 older brothers all in various stages of puberty and used me for their enjoyment. I wiuld jack them off, suck them rountinely. By about 11-12, about 6 of the neighborhood boys & I would "camp out" in one of their backyards. We would all be jacking each other off, sucking each other and it was very enjoyable play. I still get excited remembering that when I'd get tired and roll over on my side to sleep, it wouldn't be no time, before a hard little cock would be poking into my ass.
It was this group of boys that clear thru the ages of 18, would still meet occassionally to suck each other off. I miss those days, having a "buddy" to play with about anytime the urge hit me? Then came the service, marriage, kids and still today - One of my brothers & I suck each other off a couple of times a year. Have had many MMF adventures with our wives. I love the taste of both pussy & cock and can't imagine life any other way...... :tongue:

May 19, 2007, 4:07 PM
i was 16, my first relationship with another girl, inexperienced very nervous... two words 'complete' 'disaster' lol :female:

May 19, 2007, 4:42 PM
My firdt was with my older cousin, we were talking in her room I was ten she was eleven--she asked if I j/o much and said I haven't yet--then I asked her if she did and how--remember that long ago sex wasn't a public deal--so--she grabbed my crotch and said she would do me if I would do her--since that time I have always wanted to j/o with someone.

May 20, 2007, 6:53 AM
My first m/m was when I was 11 he was 13 oral only. We lived in a group home and shared a room together.

First m/f age 12 while playing hide and seek.

Next m/m age 37 both oral and penetration with his wife laying next to us. First with me in him and then him in me.

May 20, 2007, 9:29 AM
For me it was 14. Cousin and I were looking at gay porn mag's. I blew him and swallowed his load, god it tasted good. He chickened out though when it came to returning the favor and it was another 3 years before I finally had my first true encounter. That was my best friend at the time and it was great.

May 20, 2007, 2:28 PM
I was about 13 and a friend and I spent the night together and he said as we were in bed that night let me show you something a friend showed me and I said ok, he started stroking my cock and of course it hard, really hard and he told me to do the same to him I did, his cock was shorter and not as thick as mine but I didn't mind, because damn it felt so good, I started to tingle all over and had him stop next thing I know I came for the first time ever, I came so much it was running down my leg to my ankle, I had no idea what had happened at the time all I knew was I wanted more, he was younger so he didn't cum, and he made fun of me thought I was a freak, I guess the rest is history as they say, I wanna stroke some one like that now and I want them to cum, any one interested?

Sep 11, 2007, 6:48 PM
Wow! A hot thread: my 1st straight experience was when I was 16. She was mid 30's. I was her Sunday newspaper delivery boy. I was at the stage of my life when I jacked off all the time (Come to think of it I am still at that stage). I usually collected every 4 weeks from my customers but she insisted on "paying" ever week. She would always come to the door in a see thru robe. It got to the point I stopped trying to hide my erection. One week she rubbed it thru my pants and the next week her robe was completely open showing everything and told me to show her my cock. I quickly dropped my pants and shorts and she gave me my 1st BJ. I came in a flash. Then it was her turn. She had me put my finger in her pussy. When she got very "juicy" she asked me to lick it. I licked her until my tongue got tired and I was hard again.Then she had me lay on my back and she mounted me. I really didn't last very long this time either. Then I left. I jackedoff several times a day that week thinking about Sunday. When I came back next week she was gone and their were new tenants in the aprtment. The most amazing thing and what this group would be interested was my 1st MM experience.Well believe it or not that was last month at age 62. YES, a REAL rookie here. Just once as a result of a hookup thru Craigslist. I am married, been straight all my life so discretion is imperative. I am not even sure I am Bi. I do know i really get excited watching vids of guys jerking themselves or their buddy off. I have never sucked a cock, but do think about it. Here is a brief description of my only encounter: We were both very nervous. did it in his pickup. We started by stroking each other.he quickly got me 2 precum stage. he kept telling me how much he loved my cock and would it be ok to suck it. I said only with a condom.he had 1 and I put it on and he went down on me. His mouth felt warm (been 10 years/wife stopped giving head) ). I shot my load in less than a minute. Once I came I felt guilty and wanted to leave. I felt obligated to jerk him off. I stroked him as fast as I could for about a minute but it wasn't going 2 happen. He said it was because he was on medication. He was small (less than 4 inches and I had to use thumb and forefinger. I told him I was nervous and needed to leave. He thanked me and said he would finish himself off. I exited his truck and walked away. he keeps emailing me and wants more..all he can think of is "my beautiful cock". I am very nervous about this becoming a regular thing. Especially parking lot sex. Would love to make a guy cum but preferably a bigger cock. I don't consider myself big (just under 6), but he keeps emailing me and telling me "it's beautiful".

shameless agitator
Sep 11, 2007, 7:38 PM
25, but it still took me til 32 to figure out my orientation. 33 When I was fianlly with a man & fully aknowledged to myself what was up (so to speak). Still haven't been able to do certain things I want to.

Sep 11, 2007, 8:44 PM
i was around 8 playing with friends both male and female and trying to score points so i ended up snogging my friend he thought it was very funny but i just coundnt get over how i felt and relived that memory as soon as i got home and alone. i then lost my virginity with a girl aged 10 but as yet have not had the courage to loose it with a man

Sep 12, 2007, 12:44 AM
mff -19

Conclusion-some things just get better with age :bigrin:

Ambi :)

Damn!!! Now I'm jealous.

Sep 12, 2007, 5:19 AM
Well when i was younger I had an older friend. I was like 7 and she was about 10. We use to touch each other. Never thought much about it till i hit about 12. I noticed myself looking at females, esp. when my friends would stay the night and we would get undressed in front of each other. Soo about 16 I told one of my friends about my feelings and she told me she felt the same. We went skinny dipping in her pool and played around a bit, didnt do much. mainly played with each others breast and sucked each others nipples and touched each other about once or twice.

Then i met a girl at school when i was 17, she was a lesbian, and we dated and I had my first experience with her basically.

My first guy was at 16 also.

Sep 14, 2007, 4:13 PM
I was having a thought about this the other day and i wrote a post about how i was working in a london store and the repair consultant and the scottish stock man, against my wishes hel me down and gave be the benefit of their cocks. Right up my arse and cum as well. I think I had only just got into masturbation then, i was only about 17yrs old so they would have enjoyed it. And did I? Well I never went back for more, but I never complained either.

However i forgot about encounters when i was younger. I used to be a great swimmer and me and my best friend Jeremy used to go to the pool together. In those days you used to get a cubicle, maximum of two males or two females could share. After we had been swimming he used to like to play with my cock and it felt really good. We were both a bit squeaky then.

Then one day he got me to turn around and bend over and he told me what he was gonna do, and whilst the feel of his cut cock against my aresehole was quite nice, he pushed and pushed but it hurt.

Next time we went swimming we were both looking forward to a bit of play. i went to the cubicle and he nipped off and came to the cubicle a few minutes later. He asked me if he could try again and said he had something to help so i said lets do it. When he put his cock aginst my hole, it felt cold and wet. anyway he pushed and it was a bit painful and all of a sudden he was in. Now that frightened the living daylights out of him because he thought he was stuck and slowly started to take it out. i have to say my ees were watering as well, then all of a sudden he started shaking and went and had his very first orgasm!! i dont know how much he put up there and i didnt feel too much but it was all a bit messy and yes he did get out. So what did he use. He went to a wall dispenser and bought one pennies worth of Brylcreem. So he can say that a little dab'll do you, and it did!:tongue:

Sep 16, 2007, 5:02 PM
All my sexual encounters (all 3 of them :eek:) happened when I was 15. I've had nothing else since then.

With my girlfriend we masturbated each other. She gave me a b/j.

A few months later, I met a boy and we went out for about a week. We did the same as above.

And then a week later, I met another boy, and did the same again.

And now I've had nothing for over a year and a half. Which I'm not bothered about. I always felt guilty about my first times with lads because I barely knew them. Now I'm just waiting for somebody special to come along and whisk me off my feet.


Sep 16, 2007, 7:29 PM
Let's see...it's been awhile. I was in Jr High when I started playing House with my girl cousins and girlfriends. Never went very far.

In High School I had a girlfriend who liked to tease me, and freaked out when I tried to touch her the way I wanted to and the way I thought she wanted me to.

My first all out no holds barred same sex encounter to climax was when I was 35.

Since then I've been with other bi females and my husband and I have had 3somes and a couple of encounters with MF couples. My favorite combo is 3somes with hubby and a bi female.

Sep 16, 2007, 8:08 PM
I was 14 and it was great! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to repeat it until about three months ago. I love m2m sex but I also love m2f sex. I guess that is why I am bisexual (LOL)!

Sep 16, 2007, 8:11 PM
17, haha.

Funny story. How it all starts eh.

Since I was 13 I started discovering guys in a sexual way. Took me till the day my best friend was 17 to come out that he was gay before I could register all those dirty nights alone was the result of gay thoughts!

Then being 17 was the cool thing to do was go up the local train station and act around and be cool, drink and pull/wench/click/snog (any turn you want) the girl you liked. Well Mr Gay avoided coming up for a while after himself admitting himself to me he was gay. I got myself "sooo drunk" I got him to take me home. (wasnt really that bad).

Walking home, across the field, I basically played myself that drunk I needed to get himself to help me to pee. Which resulted in.... "erm... you know you have a hard on right". lmao

I'm soo shamed in my tactics to get him to have sex with me. But god damn it works....

Sorry for the speeeel!! I know you only wanted the age to which I got my cherry popped!

Sep 16, 2007, 8:32 PM
I was 11 first time I made out with another girl. We were playing "house". when we got older we dated for about a year.


Sep 17, 2007, 1:52 AM
I was around 8 or 9 when i first kissed another boy and we enjoyed touching each other, but were caught and told it was wrong, so had some feelings after that but never acted on them until i was 24. Now fully enjoy being Bi. :bipride::flag4::male:

Sep 17, 2007, 11:26 AM
It is cool that someone resurrected this thread and people have been posting to it again.

I went back through the posts and realized that I never did post about my experience at age 15 as I said I would do, so I will post it now.

As I said--I was 15 and had just moved to Savannah, Georgia from Ohio a few months before this took place. My dad had a big customer over across the state in Albany and he wanted to pay a call to the guy he sold things to.

He combined his business trip with a family trip to go see more of our new home state and we met the customer and his family for dinner at a famous former resort place located on some springs that used to be a place people came to swim in the waters for the supposed therapuetic value of the spring waters. The customer had a son almost exactly my same age--

I got invited to spend the night with the family and went to their house---their son--I will call him Mark--had a great room for a teenager--it was up in the house's attic---there was flooring and lights in the attic so he could be up there---they had heating ducts run to the area he used but did not have AC even though he had many fans---even so-it was pretty hot in the attic and to handle that--Mark could get out on the roof via doors in two dormers that faced the back yard of the house--and out in the space between the dormers--he had this little deck area with a screened in porch where he often slept.

When we had gone up to his room and his mom went downstairs to go to bed after making sure we were OK for the night--Mark stripped down to his underwear while he did some things--and like when in Rome-I got undressed down to my undies too.

Mark had me help him carry a mattress he placed on a platform in the screened area where he slept--after we had placed the mattress--he asked if I wanted to smoke some cigs and some pot--I said sure---Mark went back inside the house to get the cigs and reefer---

When he came back out-he was nude--I was kinda shocked--He laughed and said that he always liked to be naked out there-and it was cool to do since they had this big live oak tree in the backyard that totally shielded the area from view.

He suggested that I should get naked too since "it feels so good."

I liked that idea since I already liked to sleep nude and to be nude whenever I could---so I did get naked.

We smoked our cigs and started smoking the a joint--very soon that nice buzz feeling came on us and we starting chatting in the way you do when you are getting high--and at some point--the conversation turned to sex.

Mark asked me if I had a girlfriend or had done anything with a girl yet--I had to answer no on both counts--he also asked me if I liked to jerk off. I kind of stammered that, "no of course not" and to that he said "Bull--I do and I know that you have to like it too!"

Without saying anything more--I should point out that we were laying side by side on the single bed so even though we were boys and had nice little bodies--our bodies were very close and pretty much touching already---Mark started stroking his cock.

I had to admit that it was a turn on and Mark encouraged me to stroke too--which I did---soon we both came. We cleaned up and smoked another cig--finished the joint--got more buzzed.

I don't recall how the next phase evolved--but Mark started touching one of my legs with his hand---he started rubbing my knee then inside my thigh--and before long--his hand was on my cock---I don't think we were talkng much at this stage---I put my hand on his cock too--

It felt so good to have someone else touching my cock and to be touching another guys cock-- he asked me if I someone had sucked my cock before or if I had done it--I said "NO"--- Mark said that it felt good to do both--

The next thing I know--Mark is sucking me and boy was he right--it felt so good to have someone sucking me--before long--I came. He swallowed my cum.

After he was done ---and I had recovered--I don't recall the details of this next part but I think he just moved and stuck his cock in my mouth--- I was sucking his cock--he told me what to do and very soon---he came too and I ate his load---

We did mutual on each other at least one more time before falling asleep.

That was the best sleep over I ever had---

The next morning--before I left-Mark told me he had fun and asked me if I liked it---I said that I liked what we had done very much. Mark also told me that he and a neighborboy of around 17 sucked each other and they fucked--he said he wished we had more time so we could do that since it felt so good-since he was right about sucking--I figured he had to be right about fucking too.

I had wanted to see Mark again---but never did--he was going to come see me some time down on the coast. I had already found some islands in the Savannah area only accessible by boat where people would go naked and I had seen some people having sex at those places, I wanted to have Mark accompany me to one of those islands when he came down to see me. I would never see Mark again though -- when he turned 16--he had been given a motocross motorcycle. It was about 8 or 9 months later when riding one day--Mark had an accident and got killed---

It was tragic not only that I lost a buddy-but that he was the only child this couple had and of course that he was only 16 when he got killed in something so stupid as a motorcycle accident---I also think that the loss of Mark led to the couple divorcing a year or so later.

I had enjoyed my time with Mark and still think about that time often in the subsequent years but after that night--I had discovered girls almost immediately afterward and had a great time with the ladies---I did have a few chance encounters with guys while in college but nothing more till rather recently.

Sep 17, 2007, 8:16 PM
I was 16 when I had my forst bi experiance. It happened quite suddenly, and Totally unexpectedly, but it was a wonderful experiance, and I loved it immensely. :}

Sep 17, 2007, 9:37 PM
mmmmm with a girl ? 15
guy? ;-)

Sep 17, 2007, 10:49 PM
With a girl I was 13 and she was 15. With a male it was when I was 15 and he the same age. With the male it was a regular until we were in our 20's and I moved to go to college in Calif.

Sep 17, 2007, 11:25 PM
When I was young, early grade school years I'd guess. We would fool around during sleep overs. It always started the same way, we'd lay down to go to sleep and if one of us was in the mood, we'd touch the other one with our foot. If you got touched back, it was all GOOD. This went on until junior high. As we got older we did more to each other. The early years was kissing and touching each other. By junior high we were eating each other out and having orgasms. I tried with her again by high school, but she wasn't interested anymore.

Oct 14, 2007, 2:30 PM
i was 16 when i did it.

fred jones
Oct 14, 2007, 3:43 PM
My first m/m? I was 14 or so. It was great!

Oct 19, 2007, 12:40 AM
Wow reading some of these, I am amazed at how young some are.

I didn't start thinking of boys or girls till I was 16, and then my very first wasn't till I was 18, I also had my first m-m at 18 too. He was 21 and the brother of the girl was dating. Both knew what I was doing as long as they weren't around i could have each of them. The relatioship lasted about 1 year before she meet someone else. Also I was moving on in my life and was getting ready to travel oversea's for my first job.

loves oral
Oct 20, 2007, 3:25 AM
I think it was the summer after 6th grade 11/12, At a sleep over with 2 friends show me yours and I'll show you mine got carried away and we ended up JO and sucking each other. We were to young to cum but it felt good, lost interest after a while. The next summer at scout camp best frined and I are sharing a tent, first night he is tossing and turning finally tells me he needs to JO, and now he shoots sperm too.
I ask if I can watch, of course he says yes. soon I ask if I can stroke him, again no surprise, yes I can. Then I just started sucking on his cock, soon he's telling me I better stop he's going to shoot. My cum at that point is just a little dribble so I think so what I'll just keep going, soon his cock starts twitching and swelling and he starts pumping a huge load, nothing like a expected but I managed to swallow it all. That week I sucked him off 2 or 3 times a day and then 4 or 5 times a week till I joined the Army after High School.

Oct 21, 2007, 1:24 AM
I was 19 and hit a gay cruise strip. I hooked up with a 32 year old guy. He was a fem but he took my cherry that night.

Oct 21, 2007, 10:20 AM
I've certainly enjoyed reading all the above experiences and realising the similarities in first sex. For me it started in grade school, us guys would get into real pissing contests. See who could piss the farthest. Jackie Merit allways won. Earl Metz and I used to play Dr. we took turns examining each others cocks, we called them "peter's" then. We allways found the cure for what ailed us was to put our mouth over the the others peter. We didn't suck, just held it in our mouth. We played show me yours, I'll show you mine with our older sisters who were best friends. never had sex but played Dr. by pretending they birth by putting their dolls between their legs and we took them out. I once bent Earl over the edge of the bathtub and stuck my cock in his ass, He yelled and pulled away, I know I was in him because I looked down and my cock was "dirty". I learned to JO with a friend named Phil, he shot cum, I still had dry cummies. could hardly wait til I could shoot.

Nothing much happened till I moved to Chicago in 36. Met two guys named Bob. Bob G's dad had a porn collection, we spent many afternoons reading porn and playing with our cocks. we always had a cummie, we did touch each other occaisionaly but only to feel how hard it was. he was bigger than me. One time he asked if he could suck me. I said sure, sat in a chair, he got on his knees and took my cock in his mouth and started sucking it, it felt good but I couldn't cum.??? Later he claimed to have fucked the girl that cleaned their house. He told me how good it felt to put his cock in a pussy. I wanted to have that experience so he suggested he put his cock in my ass to see if it felt the same. we used "wave set" for lube. It was the slickest stuff we knew. He slowly entered me and I was in heaven. It really felt great to have his cock going in and out. he finally unloaded and pulled out. I asked, did it feel like a cunt??? he said it did feel something like it so I proceded to put my cock in his ass and had a fantastic orgasm. We fucked each other maybe 6-7 times over the months that followed. I told Bob H what Bob G and I had done. He was curious so I let him fuck me and I fucked him. we did sleep overs and always fucked each other. The only oral that took place was when Bob G tried to suck me off. I finally got to fuck a girl when I and three buddies went to a whore house in Indiana Harbor, I was about 17, Her name was Cherie. It felt so good I couldn't stop there so we went to another W H and I fucked a cute little whore whose name I can't recall. This turned out to be a regular Mon. evening thing, go to I H and visit the whore houses. Then it only cost a buck to fuck a whore. I did meet a girl that had a reputation as a cocksucker. Turned out to be true, she loved to suck cock, also enjoyed fucking. I know we fucked more than 400 time as we kept track. she later married and divorced my best buddy. We continued to have sex for the next 30 years or so til she commited suicide. Too bad. I see I'm running on so I'll stop for now. Gotta have some breakfast. I'll contiue later and tell how I got into "Bi Sex" if anyone's interested.

Keep on strokin, suckin & fuckin :-)

Oct 21, 2007, 8:51 PM
Is it fair to say the majorty of same sex encounters happen alot earlier in there life than lets say a hetero sexual encounter??????

I recently watched family guy.... the best qoute I ever saw is how the baby "stewie" discovers what being gay means after having his heart torn out by his girlfriend. And how he says "oh I could so get into that" in terms to sleeping with his guy mates and never having relations with a girl again. Don't know what I thought of that relevance to this convo but I thought it was funny. Dont know if anyone else shares a love for family guy :D

Oct 21, 2007, 9:32 PM
i was 7 or 8,cant remember exactally.i was forced by an older teen male cousin and he said if i didnt do exactally what he said to do that he would do my younger brother.this went on for a few years.i hated it and him for many years.when i got older i hated gays and i hurt some that tried to come on to me for some kind of satisfaction.after getting away from booze and drugs in my early 30s i stoped hateing and after i heard that that cousin had died.i also found out after that he had been forced to perform sex as a child.after i was in my 50's i found some bi porn and when i looked at it it turned me on and since then i have had some vary enjoyable encounters with men and a couple with m/f couples and those were the best ever.i often wonder how much more fun i would have had over all those years if i hadent been made to hate it by being forced against my will.oh well,im just glad i did.my present girlfriend thinks that she is bi but afraid to come out yet.she knows that i am and i think that she will be fine when she meets the right woman or when we meet the right couple.i hope i didnt ruin anyones mood.i just think that kids should be left alone to find out what they want with kids close to their own age so as not to confuse them or make them as angry as i once was.i sure kept close watch after my kids.

Oct 21, 2007, 10:38 PM
My firest sexual experince with anyone was a male friend at the age of 11-12. I didnt know it at the time but looking back I belive that we had a relationship and didnt even know it. we hung out together, stayed the night at each others houses, had wonderful sex, enjoyed each others views and ideals, and were happy. my first time with a girl was about a year later, and it was wonderful. I knew that I was bi, but I didnt admit it to myself until I was much older. Now I am happly married and out and enjoying being who I am.
and personaly "that dosent count because of age" is b* :flag3: llsh*t. Sex is sex regardless of age. pre-teen and teen foolings are just as valid as the sex we have in commited relationships or one night stands as adults, they are all experinces that shape us.

I was 30 I was talking with a guy in a hotel bar ( so what ) I was going to my room and I saw him in the hallway he ask me to his room, not long after that I had a dick in my mouth.

Oct 21, 2007, 10:46 PM
To Motorcyclemike, I'm sorry to hear that your first experience was very bad. I can't imagine ever forcing someone, unless it is in a constenting way with a safe word involved and never stepping over the boundaries of each other.

I always go with the attitude of respect others, and think would I like that done to me.

I am glad that you have found yourself now, and starting to enjoy life more and the surprises that it brings you.

Motorcyclemike, stay strong, have fun.

Oct 21, 2007, 11:39 PM
wow i feel so out of it...first time i kissed a guy i was 18....

first time i kissed a girl i was 25...touched her chest and rubbed her off at 25 too...

jerked a guy off at 25....

other hten that i am 26 and a virgin..and no one has gotten me off but my own hand... i wish i had experienced more...its pretty depressing to me that i have no real expereiences to share.

Oct 22, 2007, 1:39 AM
My first m/m was when I was about 12 when my best pal started playing with himself in front of me and my pulse just went crazy. I was transfixed and hard as I had ever been! Needless to say we became lovers. We progressed over many months of j/offs and 69 fun to full on fucking. We would hook up whenever we could and just go for it. We would do it three or four times a week and often several times a day. This lasted for many years and gradually faded as girls became more of a focus. I am still friends with him but we have not been lovers since our youth. Hmmm, now there's a thought.

My first m/f happened when I was 16 and she was 18. Again magic, but weirdly my best mate and I had been getting it on that same day. One moment I am being swallowed by a guy and the next I am making out with a girl for the first time in my life. Needless to say it was the start of a very interesting sex life.

I am now more certain of my "bi-ness" than ever.

Oct 31, 2007, 12:08 PM
Unfortunately I was abused in a M/F when I was about 6 (not sure about age but aware of relative's name) and I have to agree that there is a consent age and we must protect our youngs.

But changing to great experience.... m/m at 13 and discarting the previous experience I was virgin.
m/f came only at 18
Both great moments

Oct 31, 2007, 1:51 PM
20 with another guy, and 21 with the regular female relationship

Oct 31, 2007, 6:18 PM
I was about 12. He was 19. He taught me many things that summer. He taught me how to masterbate. He sucked my cock and taught me how to suck his. I still remember him asking me if it was okay if he came in my mouth. I just kept sucking and Mmmmm. It progressed to him fucking me by the end of the summer ....and I loved it.

Oct 31, 2007, 11:10 PM
:tongue:I as five when I played show and tell with a nieghbor boy, love it, soon we had neighborhood kids playing doctors, and now I still like both bodies,pleasure is what I give and recieve

Oct 31, 2007, 11:22 PM
I was 18 and a freshman in college when I had my first f/f experience, I'm 22 now and while I am primarily straight I do enjoy an occasional hook up or threesome.

Nov 1, 2007, 5:45 AM
12 or so to age 18. my cousin and I lost our virginity to each other. not sure if we were just curious boys or what. but that was the first for me.

Nov 1, 2007, 1:01 PM
I was 40 when I had my first mm experience. I wish it had been sooner.

Nov 1, 2007, 1:31 PM
12 or so to age 18. my cousin and I lost our virginity to each other. not sure if we were just curious boys or what. but that was the first for me.

That's fucked up!

You got raped and taken advantage of by an adult pederast!

Your cousin is a sick fucker who should not have had sex with you.

I'm sorry that this happened to you.

Nov 1, 2007, 3:28 PM
I was really a late bloomer 41 Just grabbed hold and wouldn't let go.

Nov 1, 2007, 4:57 PM
My first time was when i was 10, it was with my friend (also my mum's best friend's son). We would go outside and behind the houses or anywhere that we couldn't be seen really. Good distant memories.

Nov 1, 2007, 6:13 PM
ummmmm... about three and a half years ago? summer 2003 i believe... i was 17 turning 18 at the moment. i had my first boyfriend that year. im still a virgin though, towards men and women.

Nov 1, 2007, 6:54 PM
I was 16,she was my first gf...(for 10 years)until i get marriage,but something was missing..........I divorce after 8 years,I miss the relationship with a female more than one with a man.....:female:

Nov 1, 2007, 7:12 PM
We were 13 and on a sleepover. We had sneaked a look at a film on television where two women kissed and slept together. At bedtime larking about and giggling about how disgraceful it all was we simulated kissing. Soon it was more than simulation. It was childish and we didnt know what we should do so we made it up as we went along. But it awakened in me something I never knew was there.

The film was the Killing of Sister George with Susannah York.

With a boy I was 15 and he 18. He was my boyfriend at the time and it seemed a natural thing to do after almost a year together.

Nov 1, 2007, 8:00 PM
My first time was with another guy. We were both 12 years old. We felt good with each other.

My first time with a female was at the age of 26. She was fantastic.

In between the two there were a few guys, all in my age range at the time.

Your first time is special, and don't ever listen to the bullshit that it doesn't count because of age.


Nov 11, 2007, 8:54 PM
The first time I remember having a m/m encounter was when I was 9-10 at a sleepover. I remember laying in bed (we shared) listening to the radio seeing who could "name that tune" quicker. Next thing I know he was grabbing at me so I grabbed back... :tong:

Nov 11, 2007, 9:44 PM
Technically my first female was at 7. I was staying the night at her house and we were playing doctor and apparently this doctor was a gyno. :)

Nov 11, 2007, 9:46 PM

Nov 13, 2007, 8:56 AM
I was 32 when I had my first experience.

Nov 13, 2007, 12:58 PM
I am 38 and I hope it happens soon, I am trying and have possibilities, I have been thinking about it for some time now. I am married and love it, but I have this strong desire have a m/m or m/m/f encounter. I think no matter what the age, if it feels right then go for it.

Nov 13, 2007, 1:47 PM
i started late i was in my mid 40's

Nov 13, 2007, 4:52 PM
19 and with my college roomate. I had always been attracted to boys but never acted on it until one night we came back from a party both of us with a buzz. After coming back from brushing my teeth my roomie was lying in his bed on his stomach with only his underwear on.
I started taking my clothes off and found myself getting 'stiff'....noticing this he asked me to come and lay with him. Now I was rock-hard so I stripped down naked and turned the lights out so all you could see was the glow of the radio on his desk and a jar of vaseline that I had not noticed before.
I slid his underwear off and slabbed some vaseline on my member and eased it into his ass. I'll never forget how incredibly tight and warm his butt was.

Nov 13, 2007, 4:59 PM
For me it was 11.
Gave a much older guy oral.
Life is good!:cool:

Nov 13, 2007, 7:23 PM
Damn.....6,7,10.....you folks started way before me with either guys or gals! LOLOL..... 16 with a guy...he was 17... 18 with a girl......she was 23. First 3some was 28...FMF...37 for my first MFM 3some....

Still trying to figure out which I like the best! :bigrin:

Practice, practice, practice! I'll decide someday.....

Nov 14, 2007, 8:11 AM
Maybe 12,when i first suck a dick,but did'nt get into anal or rather it did'nt get into me until much later.Sorry, bad pun I know:doggie:

Nov 16, 2007, 3:26 PM
My first mm experience was at summer camp. We were both 12 and we played around a little in the corner of shower room when everybody had left to go swimming. I don't remember much about him or camp beyond that experience. My first mf experience was with a girl I met at a party. I was 15 and she was 14. After hanging out and getting to know each other we then discreetly went upstairs and found an unoccupied bedroom. :compuser:

Nov 16, 2007, 6:27 PM
Mine was when I was about 15 with another boy of the same age, just fondling and wanking each other, first blow job I gave at 22 with anal sex around a year later, just before I met my future wife. Nothing happened bisexually for years after until the kids were grown up and flew the nest

Nov 16, 2007, 10:07 PM
I am 39 and still waithing.

Nov 30, 2007, 7:37 AM
I (male) was 8, just oral and it was just kids play but grew from there when the word got out. At 10 took the next step with OLDER guy and was going back for more.

Keep it locked up through 1st marrage of 3 yrs. Meet my present wife and when things started getting serious, I told her giving her and out but she said "I figure that out already". Lucky for me it was a turn on for her and she's been supportive since. I'm a lucky guy for sure. No sneaking around and when urges start I can be open about them.

Nov 30, 2007, 12:37 PM
It was m/m and I was about 18. I say about because I supressed it for years.
Got into a relationship with another guy later in my 20's, then supressed it again. Kind of a habit, uh? Broke the habit though...

Nov 30, 2007, 1:58 PM
21, I predict! ;)

Nov 30, 2007, 4:19 PM
Hmm well my first male experience would've been as a young girl, probably 8, he was like 7, we was role playing a tv show of the 70's... the programme was called 'The Sweeny'

My first female was in a three sum at the age of 30 years old and a half...

As of yet I've not been with a woman in a relationship or on my own...

Nov 30, 2007, 4:42 PM
I was 23.

Nov 30, 2007, 5:35 PM
I'm 36 and just been kissed. She kissed me and it turned me on but it didn't go any further. Sure would like for it to. Just haven't found the right girl around here to go "all the way". lol

Dec 1, 2007, 12:50 AM
My first time with a guy was when I was 15.
My first time with a girl was when i was 15.
Much to my disappointment, the NEXT time, I was 18 ! lol

Jan 1, 2008, 9:13 PM
I was around 11 or 12 when I first touched another cock.

Jan 1, 2008, 10:50 PM
Female- well My first encounter was when I was very young like 12 or so. I loved playing and touching a school friend of mine.

Jan 1, 2008, 11:19 PM
I was really young and I've been told that it doesn't count.

I was really old (58)? Well I don't think that is really old. But, I feel it was 50 years later than it should have been. So real young does count. Yes, I knew what I was when I was 8 yrs old and it has never changed.


Jan 1, 2008, 11:22 PM
My first "Consentual" sex was when I was 15, and was wonderful. However, while in Jr High school, I walked into the school shower room and discovered that a girlfriend of mine was a Hermorphidite. She had both sex organs, and both of them were fully functional. We experimented and it was a truly marvelous time. A year later I had my first sexual experiance with a 21 yro man back home on the Rez. :}
I learned a great deal from them both, and havent had that kind of sensational sex Since. :} (But then again the first times are always the most memorial} *Grins*

Jan 2, 2008, 12:34 AM
my first "experience" with another female was at 15 but my first full blown everything experience was just about 3 months ago- at 22!

my husbands first bi experience was 3 months ago too at 36.

Jan 2, 2008, 1:27 PM
I was 6 !! ...I did a few thngs with girls and a couple boys my own age. Obviously it was mostly oral and dry humping, but I think it counts. I got in trouble a couple times. I have even on a few occasions fooled around with more than one of my friends at the same time. This stuff happened between the ages of 5 and 9, after that it was just girls 'till I was 21. The first time I penetrated anyone successfully was this real hot to trot 9 year old girlfriend I had when I was 10, sHE MAde me do it! She was very pushy (where is she now?!) ...anyway she wanted a hickey so I gave her one, then her mom called and yelled at me! If she only knew how nasty her poor, innocent daughter really was! I guess kids like that are drawn to eachother, because most people I talk to think it's uncommon for people that young to go at it like that.

In the outdated DSM III(diagnostic and statistic manual of mental disorders), Early childhood sex is considered a symptom of Antisocial Personality Disorder. That sounds backwards to me. Besides, that book also listed homosexuality as a mental disorder. They have revised it and in the newer ones homos are no longer considered loonies, but I don't know about the "antisocial" thing.

Jan 2, 2008, 6:45 PM
I was also a late bloomer. 35 when I had my first m/m experience. I did it for my wife. It was a fantasy of hers. Loved it ever since the first time. We eventually let our b/f move into our 2nd bedroom. Wife always slept with me, but always included b/f in our sex.:tongue: