View Full Version : Still hooking up?

Apr 8, 2020, 6:56 PM
I live in Texas and we are under a shelter and stay order but I still see A LOT of guys on doublelist (like the old craigslist personal ads) looking to hook up.. I’m not an alarmist at all but it seems like guys in general aren’t taking it seriously.. the women’s posts have come to a complete stop almost but there are hundreds of guys posts daily. What about y’all? I’m not here to judge, I’m just curious. Are you guys meeting with your normal hookups or finding new ones

Apr 8, 2020, 8:17 PM
I'm on hold to meet until all this BS is done and over with. Hopefully between now and then I can find a "hook up". :)

Apr 8, 2020, 8:19 PM
I’m getting traffic on another 2 sites but limit it to virtual hook up. It’s up to ourselves to be smart about it. As much as I’d like to be sucking some of the cocks I’ve been introduced to I can’t justify fulfilling my lust with the risk.

Apr 8, 2020, 8:44 PM
Yes, on doublelist, in my city, guys are still advertising for glory holes, drive by blowjobs, anonymous barebacking for parTy favors, etc, etc. (“I’m on PREP.” I think 13,000 people died from AIDS in the US, last year. MANY more people will die from the CoVid-19 virus this year.)

Looks like many guys are discreet, DL, closeted, etc. And married.
Looking for something quick, then back home to their families.


I find it difficult to be proud of other men who have sex with men.
As a group, we have a shitty reputation for basic integrity. Sometimes, we deserve it.

Apr 8, 2020, 8:52 PM
If you look at our natural reproductive cycle. Women control it (they have the pussy they Make the rules). Men are by nature having to be always on ready to procreate. That leads to always being in the hunt. With this situation especially in spring we are howling at the moon.

Apr 9, 2020, 2:09 AM
Many have the "won't happen to me attitude" it would seem.

Apr 9, 2020, 3:28 AM
I was putting together a couple of meet and greets before this quarantine was put in place. They're now on hold till it's lifted and things are back to normal. My FB and I are just sexting. I sure miss him and his hard cock. Being with the wife 24/7 is getting old. I miss my marina peeps. I sure need to get fucked. Never thought this stay in place would last this long. Everybody be safe. It will get better soon.

Apr 9, 2020, 7:39 AM
Plan waiting another 3 months before this old tomcat goes on the prowl again. I hope I remember how to suck once more. :)

Apr 9, 2020, 3:10 PM
I don't think it's a thing of guys not taking it seriously but a thing of it being a time of crisis and I've found that in moments like this, guys need sex... a lot of sex. My protege, who lives in San Francisco, tells me that he's seeing almost three times the number of guys wanting to get with him since sheltering in place got started there; the number of men looking for sex in my neck of the woods has almost doubled and like my protege, I'm noticing there are more guys within a quarter-mile of me than there were before all this shit went down.

If anything, I think some guys are of a mind that one can go out, minimize contact with anyone who's outside, and go get the sex they need and especially if they aren't showing any signs of being ill. Still, I don't find it all that unusual that in this crisis, there are a lot of very horny guys popping up "out of nowhere" but doing something about it, well, how badly do they wanna do it?

Apr 9, 2020, 3:33 PM
They are always looking but 99.99% have NO real intentions of really meeting any one, but to just find someone to chat with to get off. same game around here.

Apr 10, 2020, 3:05 PM
They are always looking but 99.99% have NO real intentions of really meeting any one, but to just find someone to chat with to get off. same game around here.

I agree 100 Percent with you. Let alone this creepy Covid thing - even in good times, 99.99 % of folks on sites like doublelist are fakes, flakes, and time wasters. I don't know the psychology behind the behavior - may be the thrill of mentally "being there"?

Anyways - on a different note, How safe is it to have sex with another guy - Is it riskier to do it with someone you met online, as compared to a regular?
I am told that if one is a carrier - he could pass it on through cough and sneeze. Is that the only way or am I missing something.

Probably we were not concerned even about HIV so much as this thing.

One last question - when does one know that it is "completely safe" to go out and have sex or invite someone over for the same pleasure?