View Full Version : First Real Anal

Apr 5, 2020, 6:52 PM
I'm an older guy, curious with limited MM oral experience and I've been wondering about anal.
I've tried with several smaller toys, my fingers, etc but it never really felt "great".

Any thoughts as to what I can do or what I might be doing wrong? I've read several 'guides' and I followed some of the suggestions (LOTS of lube, etc) but I just can't seem to find the sweet spot.


Apr 5, 2020, 7:35 PM
Some guys are not wired for anal. Their nerves did not develop that way. It just does nothing for them.

Others guys are very much wired to respond to anal (including straight guys).

You say you have explored with fingers and toys, got nothing.
I would say you are a member of the former group, and not the ladder.

“Congratulations, Harry! You’ve a Top!”

Apr 5, 2020, 8:00 PM
That kinda sucks because really I'm a bottom personality. ALL of my fantasies are of me in a submissive role.

Apr 5, 2020, 10:05 PM
maybe it all becomes different if it's a real guy not just toys.

Apr 6, 2020, 12:42 AM
It is a long time since a guy had his way with me like that. I remember it with excitement, but again a distant memory. I think that maybe it might be all part of the act of submission, being a bottom, rather than the physical penetration? That makes a difference, of course, the pleasure in being fucked, but also the whole thought and feeling of letting the man do it to you? The fact that he is getting pleasure out of it too? I suppose I am saying that it is a two-pronged (?) experience? If all this makes any sense..

I enjoy toys. I have to. Nothing else available to me at the moment. :( But I agree that the real thing would be different.

Apr 6, 2020, 3:46 AM
Perhaps try a medium sized toy with a bit more girth? When I tried with my finger it did nothing for me either but an increase in size did the trick. Don't go too large though, 1.0" to 1.5" might be sufficient to start with. A cock shaped toy too rather than a "neutral" shape also heightened the experience due to the mental factor.

Apr 6, 2020, 6:55 AM
For me, toys & the real thing are different experiences. I’ve used various dildos, vibrators, etc with little to no direct pay off. However, when I’m with a guy, I usually cum pretty hard from anal. It’s a different experience. I’ve only one toy that’s been able to do the job.
Best of luck to you. My advice is why not try the real thing with someone you trust, could be the most mind blowing time.

Apr 6, 2020, 10:59 AM
The sweet spot (prostate) is about 3 inches in and towards the front of body. A slim cock shaped toy should work fine, especially if it has a curve to it.

Apr 6, 2020, 1:37 PM
maybe it all becomes different if it's a real guy not just toys.That's exactly the case with me. I do enjoy wearing a butt plug, but it's more for the psychology of it. My wife has fingered me a little and used a probe a time or two. I found the in-out of the probe to be more annoying than erotic. I do think, however, that I'd enjoy a strap-on. Again, the psychological angle.

But back to the initial point -- I've had a real cock in me several times, and LOVED IT in all ways - physically, emotionally & psychologically!

Apr 6, 2020, 1:58 PM
I love getting fucked with my me2rumbler. It is better when my wife uses it on me. Still want to try the real thing.

Apr 6, 2020, 2:26 PM
Poppers can be very helpful when it comes to *really* enjoying anal. Ditto to all the other suggestions as well.

Apr 6, 2020, 4:03 PM
Long or fat dicks don't do it for me. Small dicks, plugs and dildos work best. I have even wadded up a paper towel sat on it and got off. Size varies from person to person but it can be angle and technique too.

Apr 6, 2020, 6:00 PM
Well, hmm, I'd say it depends on some stuff, from being able to find your own prostate to the underlying reasons why you like, um, things in your butt. Anal isn't just a physical thing - it's an emotional thing. I've had guys fuck me and never come close to hitting my prostate... but the "sweet spot" is that they're in me and fucking me and I'm lying there loving it and waiting for him to cum inside me. Unless it's been removed, we all have a prostate and you can even find out where it is generally located... but not a guarantee that you're gonna find it. Anyone who has had a rectal exam has had to bear up under the doctor's finger probing around for a moment to locate it - and they know where it is. But, for some, the fact that there's a finger in their butt is, all by itself, a bit of a sweet spot; some guys are all into the long, fat dicks while others find more comfort and pleasure with a dick that isn't all that long or fat - it's in their butt, maybe not even getting in the neighborhood of their prostate - still feels heavenly.

Yeah, I know - probably raining on some parades but it's about what one finds pleasurable about things anal. I've had my prostate "mugged" and, nope - didn't feel good at all. I know how to find my prostate and give it the business and it feels... interesting... but not as interesting as having my own finger in my ass. It feels good just to have a guy on top of me and not being inside me and his cock is just poking my hole. Not exactly anal intercourse... still feels good and is a sweet spot given how it makes me feel. I'd say it all depends on what's the sweet spot for the individual? What one is looking for in this? Some have a natural revulsion about playing with someone's ass and even their own; some can get past it and find pleasure in it, some can't. That's not a physical inability - that's an emotion-based inability and one that says if you think you're not gonna like it, you're not gonna like it no matter what. Ask anyone here what they like or don't like about anal and pay attention to what they say one way or the other. Some of it is physical, some of it isn't but the trick of it is to find your sweet spot and then don't assume that you have to have one since not all guys respond well to having their prostate messed with... but they do love the feeling of having something in their ass - period.

Apr 6, 2020, 9:16 PM
Thank you for that.

Apr 7, 2020, 9:57 AM
I had a guy fuck me with a very thick cock once. I never thought I could do it. He had a way of using his had holding his cock as a stop. He would slowly introduce his cock a little at a time. In and out a little at a time and before I knew it, he was in up to the hilt! It felt terrific too! Patience, knowledge and experience.

Apr 7, 2020, 9:44 PM
I was 14 very naieve and not at all knowing about sexuality.. was spending the summer with cousins.. my 19 yo cousin introduced me to mm.. he was very gentle and patient.. for about a week he prepared me playing the games he said.. touching stroking sucking.. then he moved the games to my ass.. first just rubbing then rubbing harder till his finger tip was in me and rubbing me inside.. oil lots of baby oil!! Then his finger was all the way in me.. then two and three.. he went very slow and easy.. it felt so good!! The next night he had me lay on my stomach and he used what seemed to be a whole bottle of oil on my ass and crack I felt it running down my ball sack.. he rubbed me a lot then he laid on top of me.. I could feel his hard cock on my ass and crack.. I felt him sliding it back and forth on my crack.. then it was in my crack still sliding up and down.. he started kissing my neck and shoulders.. telling me how good I felt to his cock.. then his fingers found my pussy again.. first one then two then three then all four.. I was almost crazy with lust when I felt the head of his cock agenst my pussy hole.. he had my legs spread and my cheeks spread as his cock head tenderly pushes on my hole.. in a very little then out.. each time just a little more in then out.. till all at once it popped in his cock head was in me.. he stopped and started kissing me again still inside me.. then he pushed a little more and I felt him slide deep inside me!! It was amazing.. he stopped again kissing me.. then he started fucking me slowly at first.. then faster harder deeper.. he fucked me most of that night.. he blew 3 huge loads deep inside my pussy and never pulled out!! I was alive with lust.. I felt amazing!! I still remember everything every moment of that night..

Apr 8, 2020, 12:37 AM
That sounds VERY hot...

I was 14 very naieve and not at all knowing about sexuality.. was spending the summer with cousins.. my 19 yo cousin introduced me to mm.. he was very gentle and patient.. for about a week he prepared me playing the games he said.. touching stroking sucking.. then he moved the games to my ass.. first just rubbing then rubbing harder till his finger tip was in me and rubbing me inside.. oil lots of baby oil!! Then his finger was all the way in me.. then two and three.. he went very slow and easy.. it felt so good!! The next night he had me lay on my stomach and he used what seemed to be a whole bottle of oil on my ass and crack I felt it running down my ball sack.. he rubbed me a lot then he laid on top of me.. I could feel his hard cock on my ass and crack.. I felt him sliding it back and forth on my crack.. then it was in my crack still sliding up and down.. he started kissing my neck and shoulders.. telling me how good I felt to his cock.. then his fingers found my pussy again.. first one then two then three then all four.. I was almost crazy with lust when I felt the head of his cock agenst my pussy hole.. he had my legs spread and my cheeks spread as his cock head tenderly pushes on my hole.. in a very little then out.. each time just a little more in then out.. till all at once it popped in his cock head was in me.. he stopped and started kissing me again still inside me.. then he pushed a little more and I felt him slide deep inside me!! It was amazing.. he stopped again kissing me.. then he started fucking me slowly at first.. then faster harder deeper.. he fucked me most of that night.. he blew 3 huge loads deep inside my pussy and never pulled out!! I was alive with lust.. I felt amazing!! I still remember everything every moment of that night..

Apr 8, 2020, 9:15 AM
I was 14 very naieve and not at all knowing about sexuality.. <snip> I was alive with lust.. I felt amazing!! I still remember everything every moment of that night..

What a great account of your sexual awakening. It may have been your first time, but it sounds like your cousin really knew what he was doing. Very hot story -- everyone should be so lucky!

Apr 8, 2020, 2:14 PM
Yes, great account!
It makes me wish I were naive... :P

What a great account of your sexual awakening. It may have been your first time, but it sounds like your cousin really knew what he was doing. Very hot story -- everyone should be so lucky!

Apr 8, 2020, 3:31 PM
I had a guy fuck me with a very thick cock once. I never thought I could do it. He had a way of using his had holding his cock as a stop. He would slowly introduce his cock a little at a time. In and out a little at a time and before I knew it, he was in up to the hilt! It felt terrific too! Patience, knowledge and experience.
Haven't had a first time yet. But your companions technique sounds great. I love big toys in my ass but it needs to be ready to accept the whole thing. I believe a woman's pussy is the same. After some great kinky sex she does great getting spread out, she's not quite there with her ass, only smaller stuff to his point.

Apr 8, 2020, 11:03 PM
When, I first started putting dildo's up my ass, I started with the small ones and had similar results......enjoyed the act and used a mirror to watch myself but, felt nothing from it. I started having a couple of beers before hand to help relax me and even purchased a bottle of poppers to use while, watching some gay porn on the internet. This would help get me excited and looking forward to using a dildo on myself. The poppers would help with building up the anticipation of wanting to feel that dildo in me. Eventually, I bought a larger, thicker vibrating dildo and this is when, I began to feel sensation around the opening of my hole within the nerves. Its gotten to the point that as I ride up and down on the dildo now, my cock is starting to drip some precum.
Funny thing is, I only enjoy using a dildo when, I'm alone. I have a good friend that I have an exclusive sexual relationship with and he is a true bottom where, I absolutely love topping him. I do enjoy sucking his cock as the damn thing is almost 8 inches and its extremely thick but, I always wanted to feel that big dick up in my ass. So, a couple of months ago, a couple of beers and a few hits of poppers, I took the plunge and what a feeling it was. It was my first time having a REAL cock in my ass and it was a huge one at that. we repeated this again a couple more times and I am looking forward to things calming down and, getting back to playing with him. My hole has been wanting to feel his cock again. I'm glad that we go to the point that we flip fuck whenever we play.

This is the dildo that I moved up to and when, I began to feel a sensation in my hole from it.


Apr 8, 2020, 11:22 PM


This is the dildo that I moved up to and when, I began to feel a sensation in my hole from it.


Apr 9, 2020, 3:32 PM
The two experiences are very different. I have a couple of dildos. I have a silicon and "real feel". The silicon has a pretty good amount of girth to it, but it is pretty hard. The "real feel" is nice and feels very similar to a real cock in my hand, but doesn't really compare once it is inside of me. I enjoy them and they can help scratch an itch on occasion, but it doesn't replace a real man.

There is an intoxicating feeling knowing that someone is using you as a sexual object. Their arms wrapped around you, their mouth on yours, their tongue exploring your mouth creates an intensity that makes everything feel heightened. A real cock has a wonderful softness and simultaneous hardness that can't be replicated by a dildo. As said before, there is also something about being taken by a man. When he places his hands on your hips and begins to pull you back and guides his cock into you cannot be replicated by a dido.

Apr 9, 2020, 4:47 PM
SCHWING! That's what i want to feel...

knowing that someone is using you as a sexual object..

Apr 9, 2020, 6:34 PM
Treat the dildo as preparation for the real thing. The more you use it the easier it becomes to be penetrated and hopefully you'll find the real thing highly pleasurable. That's my plan.

Apr 10, 2020, 12:37 PM
Treat the dildo as preparation for the real thing. The more you use it the easier it becomes to be penetrated and hopefully you'll find the real thing highly pleasurable. That's my plan.

When you are ready for the real thing just cum and see me! ;>P

Apr 10, 2020, 6:53 PM
When you are ready for the real thing just cum and see me! ;>P

Believe it or not, you're not the first one to offer this lol.

Apr 11, 2020, 1:58 AM
Wow, thank you guys for sharing, making this such a hot thread! I've often played with dildos and vibrators, especially loving to use a ton of saliva on and in my hole and sitting down on top of a realistic-looking dildo, imagining I was riding a real man, with his beautiful cock deep inside me. There have been times where I have given myself a mind-blowing prostate orgasm without even ever touching my cock.

But in real life, with all the guys I got together with, I never felt anything anal with anyone (just by myself). And then I met a guy in a bathhouse whose ass I fell in total lust with, and I tongue- and cock-fucked him for a long time. That really got me in touch with a deeper gay side of me that I was able to accept. Ever since then more anal feelings as a top came up for me with real guys, but there weren't enough opportunities to see whether bottom feelings can come up for me in real life as well, because I met a woman. She ended up discovering a sexually dominant side of herself when she started fucking my ass with a strap-on, and loving it. For me though, while she was fucking me, I was only thinking how I wished it was a real man doing it. We've just recently broken up, so now it's time.

To get ready, and I'll admit, to feed my fantasy, I bought a dildo that had a suction cup on it, which I've never had before. I really wanted to stick it to the floor so that I could ride it, which is my favourite position, when I'm doing it with myself anyway. But it wouldn't stick to the old floor because the strips of wood making up the floor were not perfectly flat. So I stuck it to my bedroom door and pretended my lover was pounding me doggy style. That was pretty hot too. Then I was talking to this guy online and was just about to set up a meet, when the lockdown orders came in. Damn! I'm so ready to finally give my ass to another man.

Apr 27, 2020, 12:23 PM
Very sexy story. Love reading about your experiences

Apr 27, 2020, 6:35 PM
I have been using plugs and toys for years before experiencing the real thing. Hooked up with a guy on CL, we swapped oral and I fucked him. His cock wasnt too long but boy was it thick. A week or so later I went to his house and we flipped. I wasnt totally sure that I could take him and when he entered me the stretch hurt just a little. It didn't take long to relax and it turned to pure pleasure. I was hopping to get pounded but sadly it didn't take too long for him to cum. I enjoyed it regardless. My current lover is 69 years old and doesnt get rock hard and by the time we get done with foreplay he cums quick so still waiting to get really fucked hard. Any volunteers...lol

Apr 30, 2020, 7:23 AM
when i first started using toys i used a small vibe and as i got used to it i gradually increased the size started from 6 inches then upped to seven then 8 then nine still have trouble with it some times but i always work up to it seeing i dont bottom often and it has been some time since i had a real one. when i first had my exsperiance it was before i even started sucking cock i was about 9 or ten neighbor would let me hang out and watch his cable seeing at the time i did have cable. he introduced me to my first porn straight and gay he looked at me one day and said you wanna try that. i declined at first but agreed to jerk him off then about three weeks later i agreed to try he was careful enough but at that age and i was a skinny kid i was small it hurt alot plus he was 7 and ahalf inches and pretty thick. but heased in then would let me rest a bit he stopped when i asked then i let him go all out one day it was amazing after i got used to it but up until recently I haven't bottomed much I was always the top unless I got drunk. not I have the urge more so but seem every time I go searching I find bottoms. my ex husband was a complete bottom but we got a hollow strap on and he really got into it. I look back at those days taking my first cock I really didn't want him to stop letting me watch tv. my family never asked though I doubted they really cared .

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Christopher South
May 9, 2020, 1:13 PM
I was awys worried about taking a cock in my ass. I had played with fingers and toys, always smaller. I met a guy who gave massages with happy endings and asked if I liked having my ass played with. I said yes so he would use toys on me. One day we had a long session, about two hours and he really concentrated on my ass. it felt great. when we were done he showed my the dildo he had used. It was pretty big. After that I was never concerned with taking a big cock. preperation is everything.

May 9, 2020, 2:38 PM
lucky guy, I use a 6" vibrating whooper. still waiting for the real thing

Jul 10, 2020, 2:18 AM
After watching several videos of girls taking big cocks in the ass, I had t try it. I went out and bought a big 9 inch dildo and lube. Turned on the anal videos, and started slow. Hurt a little at first but, within a short time it started to feel so good. I slowly went deeper and faster. eventually matching the pace of the guys in the videos. It was amazing . I came so hard. I want to be fucked by a big real cock so bad!!