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Apr 2, 2020, 6:55 AM
So I’ve been friends with this guy for years, I’m fairly sure he’s strait but he knows I have received in the past but still into girls so he didn’t change. I came to find out he’s... above average by far and all I can think about is him dominating me. Anyone been in this situation? It’s not just because I want laid, it’s him in general but I don’t want to ruin a friendship

Apr 3, 2020, 3:18 AM
I think you already have your answer. The friendship is more important to you. Others may say different but personally I'd put it out of my mind.

Apr 3, 2020, 3:41 AM
Trust me. I speak from recent experience. Keep it a friendship. I was in your shoes and lets just say it was a whole lot of fun while it lasted but it wasn't worth losing a 40 year best friendship. Big cocks and good fucks cum and go but good solid friendships once lost never ever come back if we screw it up. They're gold and should be treated that way.

Apr 3, 2020, 3:49 PM
Tough position to be in and I'd opt to keep the friendship intact. I've had the position that unless he (and sometimes, she) brings the subject up - and he's serious about it - I'll never bring it up and even if he did, that doesn't mean something is gonna happen... but it will require a very serious conversation and with the caveat of, "Do you think this is worth maybe trashing our friendship?" Having said that, they say that friends don't fuck friends because it's a friendship killer; I've had sex with quite a few of my friends and without any damage to the friendship. There's a logic that suggests that if you can't have sex with a friend, someone you know well and all that, who could you have sex with?

Still, it's best to err on the side of caution and don't go there.

Apr 4, 2020, 12:24 AM
Yes I have a very special friend that I have known for many years.. it all came about kinda as a fluke but needless to say he found out about my bi side and ask me about it.. my first instinct was to lie about it all but he already knew.. so I fessed up and admitted that yes I am bi.. yes there were a lot of questions.. and over about a months time a lot of talks.. then one day he ask if I was attracted to him.. I admitted that yes I was.. he acted a bit shocked by it and ask why I never hit on him.. I told him that we are friends and I don’t want to mess that up.. well needless to say one day he just admitted that he was curious and thought we should try it out.. now we don’t play on a regular basis but usually once a month we get together and he has his way with me..

Apr 5, 2020, 3:56 AM
Yes I have a very special friend that I have known for many years.. it all came about kinda as a fluke but needless to say he found out about my bi side and ask me about it.. my first instinct was to lie about it all but he already knew.. so I fessed up and admitted that yes I am bi.. yes there were a lot of questions.. and over about a months time a lot of talks.. then one day he ask if I was attracted to him.. I admitted that yes I was.. he acted a bit shocked by it and ask why I never hit on him.. I told him that we are friends and I don’t want to mess that up.. well needless to say one day he just admitted that he was curious and thought we should try it out.. now we don’t play on a regular basis but usually once a month we get together and he has his way with me..

You are very fortunate. I envy your relationship.

KDaddy your insight and wisdom is, as usual, spot on.

Apr 5, 2020, 7:14 AM
Truth be known it’s those close friendships that often lead to more interesting things. I have been friends with my bud for over 20 years, but it’s the last 5 years that things are cooking right along. It was by accident really that got us into our bi friendship, one late afternoon I was soaking in my hot tub and he came over to have a beer, he said mind if I join you? Come on in but no clothes allowed it messes with my filters, without hesitation he stripped down to nothing and that was the 1st time I have seen him naked. Soaking we shared some small talk and we both admitted to wanting to go further. I told him the sight of his half hard dick was a turn on, he reached over and found that I was half hard as well. That was 5 years ago and we play a lot, and I do mean a lot. I absolutely love tasting his cum and he loves draining me as well, it’s a mutual friendship that works for us.

Apr 5, 2020, 12:45 PM
KDaddy I agree for the most part with what you have said.. yes it can kill a friendship easily.. I agree!! In my case with this friend I opted to not hit on him even though I was very sexually attracted to him to maintain a relationship.. but he found out about my sexuality and questioned it.. we talked a lot about how and why I am as I am.. at that point I felt that our relationship was already on rocky ground when he ask if I was attracted to him.. I was very attracted as we have seen each other naked many times and he is hung very well.. I had been wanting that cock for a long time.. I did not go after him rather his curiosity brought him to me.. I am sure that if we had not been as close as we were and are it would have ended way differently

Apr 5, 2020, 2:47 PM
Truth be known it’s those close friendships that often lead to more interesting things. I have been friends with my bud for over 20 years, but it’s the last 5 years that things are cooking right along. It was by accident really that got us into our bi friendship, one late afternoon I was soaking in my hot tub and he came over to have a beer, he said mind if I join you? Come on in but no clothes allowed it messes with my filters, without hesitation he stripped down to nothing and that was the 1st time I have seen him naked. Soaking we shared some small talk and we both admitted to wanting to go further. I told him the sight of his half hard dick was a turn on, he reached over and found that I was half hard as well. That was 5 years ago and we play a lot, and I do mean a lot. I absolutely love tasting his cum and he loves draining me as well, it’s a mutual friendship that works for us.

KDaddy I agree for the most part with what you have said.. yes it can kill a friendship easily.. I agree!! In my case with this friend I opted to not hit on him even though I was very sexually attracted to him to maintain a relationship.. but he found out about my sexuality and questioned it.. we talked a lot about how and why I am as I am.. at that point I felt that our relationship was already on rocky ground when he ask if I was attracted to him.. I was very attracted as we have seen each other naked many times and he is hung very well.. I had been wanting that cock for a long time.. I did not go after him rather his curiosity brought him to me.. I am sure that if we had not been as close as we were and are it would have ended way differently
as a rule it's probably best to avoid it but sometimes it works out great & ur friendship has a new fun aspect to it. in both cases here things weren't forced they just happened naturally. maybe that's the key.

Apr 6, 2020, 5:01 PM
One of the things I learned early on in my bisexuality is that one tends to gravitate more toward a friend - and the closer, the better. You know them; what you like about them, what you can't stand about them but the important thing is that you trust them. Close friends share intimate details of their lives with each other and it's not unusual for sexual interest to develop - but it doesn't always. We often go about things under the premise of it's better the devil you know than the one you don't - but in order to preserve friendships, the devil you don't know is the "better" choice despite some inherent risks.

How many of us have been with a close friend and the sexual tension is being felt? Either you're feeling it or you've felt it coming from him? If there was one guy you'd risk to get naked with, your friend is that guy... if you only knew he'd want to and you can't be sure if he would and you don't know what he's been thinking. What do you do? Unless the friend brings it up, most of us will do nothing even though we know that if he looked at us and said, "Suck my dick!" we'd hurt ourselves doing just that. And how many times have you been in a situation where he's said that - not in a mean way - but it very much sounds like an offer? I've had friends say that to me, have felt that they're suggesting something and, depending on the friend, I'd say, "You offering?" - and then watch his reaction... and I've seen some interesting reactions but, of course, because you know them, you know what friends you could say this to and who you couldn't.

I learned to not give into the urge to proposition them because losing a friend really sucks; I'll just do nothing and jerk off a lot thinking about sucking his cock - and more so when chances are, I've seen his cock and more than once and because of what I know about him, yeah - I'd rather suck his dick than to suck a stranger's dick... because I trust him. It's often the best way to proceed; if he's of a mind to do something, put the "pressure" on him to say something about it.

I've had some pretty hilarious moments watching a friend trying to suggest that he'd be open and willing to have some kind of sex - but he doesn't know how I'm going to react any more than I know how he's gonna react if I bring it up. Here's the thing: If you find yourself attracted to him like that, don't assume that he doesn't know that you are - most guys usually do but "ignore" it. Sometimes they'll even say something in a way that might tell you that he knows you're feeling, um, a lot of friendship toward him. Maybe it scares him, maybe it doesn't; maybe he's waiting for you to make the first move or, "traditionally," afraid to make the first move because neither of you want to trash the friendship if you guess wrongly.

Tough spot.

Apr 6, 2020, 9:40 PM
I am mostly gay.
However, almost all of my close friendships have been with heterosexual men.
I very much enjoy not having to deal with sex in my relationship with them.
Having a serious sexual relationship with more than one person tends to get more complicated than I am comfortable handling.
So, I prefer other serious relationships to be non-sexual.

Apr 6, 2020, 11:17 PM
Aside from one fleeting (and unfulfilling) instance of experimentation, when I truly discovered and embraced my bi side, it was with my best friend in college. It was a perfect storm of events that led to us expanding our friendship to include sex, and lasted for over a year. All of the benefits that have been mentioned of best friends taking that step were true for us. But, when we had a falling out (as he did with our entire group of friends), we fell out hard. We didn't speak for literally decades. And once we did reconnect, there was a distance that wasn't there before. We never had the chance to get physical again (in person, anyway), but I'm not sure that same strong bond would have been there if we had. So, there's definitely the possibility of reward...but equal risk.

Apr 7, 2020, 4:47 AM
Aside from one fleeting (and unfulfilling) instance of experimentation, when I truly discovered and embraced my bi side, it was with my best friend in college. It was a perfect storm of events that led to us expanding our friendship to include sex, and lasted for over a year. All of the benefits that have been mentioned of best friends taking that step were true for us. But, when we had a falling out (as he did with our entire group of friends), we fell out hard. We didn't speak for literally decades. And once we did reconnect, there was a distance that wasn't there before. We never had the chance to get physical again (in person, anyway), but I'm not sure that same strong bond would. have been there if we had. So, there's definitely the possibility of reward...but equal risk.

Rod, I know exactly where you've been and I know how painful it was. Has really made me think twice about taking any friendships to a sexual level.

BTW I see you're from my old stomping grounds. Sure wish I could get back there permanently.

Apr 8, 2020, 3:44 AM
Got him out... drunk and alone camping and “joked” about it. He said he wasn’t “gay” to let a guy fuck him but said he’d thought about it. Long story short, it happened. He wants to keep it a secret so people don’t talk about him. Now all is awkward

Apr 8, 2020, 8:49 AM
Got him out... drunk and alone camping and “joked” about it. He said he wasn’t “gay” to let a guy fuck him but said he’d thought about it. Long story short, it happened. He wants to keep it a secret so people don’t talk about him. Now all is awkward
I had a friend years ago, who helped me with alot of home projects, we moved away but still always chatted or visited when came back to visit annually, we finally got to talking one day and discovered he had same thoughts and we was alone one day so got together naked in bed, and did it ALL!! Afterwards it actually made us closer together and more anxious to see each other. just wished it would happened when lived there! Only get to see eachother once a year or so now!

Apr 8, 2020, 9:09 AM
Have a buddy with whom I've been friends since 1984 - best friend material!

He's a great guy, long-divorced and only occasionally with a female in his life. He's often made sexual references, and loves 'high quality' porn. He's made remarks about blowjobs many times over the years and I think he'd love to have his cock sucked.

But not by me, or any other man -- his remarks have made it clear that he has no interest in sexual experimentation with the same gender. He doesn't know that I am a crossdresser or that I enjoy sucking cock. He would probably accept my crossdressing, as we have a common casual acquaintance who is an 'open' CD. But as much as I'd enjoy a different level of friendship, I can't risk losing the platonic, traditional relationship that we have.

Apr 9, 2020, 7:51 PM
Things have smoothed out since he knows I’ll keep his secret, and I’m perfectly ok with being his bottom. Probably the biggest guy I’ve ever been with

Apr 10, 2020, 10:05 AM
Things have smoothed out since he knows I’ll keep his secret, and I’m perfectly ok with being his bottom. Probably the biggest guy I’ve ever been with
Think it will happen again?

Apr 10, 2020, 11:04 AM
Doesn’t seem like it could be regular. A guy can dream though

Mar 31, 2021, 1:19 PM
After searching forever, I finally found my FWB. And guess where, right in my hometown! It was a childhood friend, who we had played together, jerked off, sucked and fucked, as young friends. After running into him at a local tavern, and drinking a few & reminiscing our youth, we both agreed that those were the days. A few more drinks, and he asked me if i would do it again, and i told him, in a heartbeat. Long story short, I sucked his cock in his car, and he sucked mine. It was like old times. It was hot, it was good and we agreed to meet 3 times a week. We're both married, and introduced our wives to each other. Now we go bowling, hunting, fishing, camping together in addition to 3 times per week. So if you're looking for that FWB, check those special friends from the younger days.

Mar 31, 2021, 6:48 PM
After searching forever, I finally found my FWB. And guess where, right in my hometown! It was a childhood friend, who we had played together, jerked off, sucked and fucked, as young friends. After running into him at a local tavern, and drinking a few & reminiscing our youth, we both agreed that those were the days. A few more drinks, and he asked me if i would do it again, and i told him, in a heartbeat. Long story short, I sucked his cock in his car, and he sucked mine. It was like old times. It was hot, it was good and we agreed to meet 3 times a week. We're both married, and introduced our wives to each other. Now we go bowling, hunting, fishing, camping together in addition to 3 times per week. So if you're looking for that FWB, check those special friends from the younger days.
That is nice, Very rare too. So many married do not understand working things as being regular friends works out so much better.
I know this is a rare situation to meet someone, but I think chances are far better this way then finding someone online or any the apps! Too many just like to chat to get off then ghost out. No one online has any real intentions of meeting any one.

Mar 31, 2021, 9:47 PM
My best friend knew I was bicurious but he waited before making his move.
If he’s interested let your friend make the first move.