View Full Version : Interesting observation of male sexuality

Mar 26, 2020, 12:43 AM
Searching for a quote from T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), I came across this observation of them men fighting with him. Thoughts?

The Arab was by nature continent; and the use of universal marriage had nearly abolished irregular courses in his tribes. The public women of the rare settlements we encountered in our months of wandering would have been nothing to our numbers, even had their raddled meat been palatable to a man of healthy parts. In horror of such sordid commerce our youths began indifferently to slake one another's few needs in their own clean bodies — a cold convenience that, by comparison, seemed sexless and even pure. Later, some began to justify this sterile process, and swore that friends quivering together in the yielding sand with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace, found there hidden in the darkness a sensual co-efficient of the mental passion which was welding our souls and spirits in one flaming effort. Several, thirsting to punish appetites they could not wholly prevent, took a savage pride in degrading the body, and offered themself fiercely in any habit which promised physical pain or filth.

Mar 26, 2020, 4:16 AM
That is a great quote. So true. Every sentence is like poetry.

Mar 26, 2020, 2:52 PM
Yep - stone cold fact. Even before I read the book, I knew that if you get a bunch of guys together in certain situations, having sex with each other is the only real and viable solution, you know, as long as no one goes running around blabbing about it. It wouldn't be so unusual for more... "freaky" behaviors to surface and things to go from the "purity" the quote mentions to more... "depraved" behaviors and in context of the time the story took place in and attitudes about sex.

But, yeah: You, me, and a bunch of other guys are roaming the desert and have been for a while; women are either scarce or the kind you wouldn't fuck with your worst enemy's dick. A man has needs, after all, and who better to understand those needs than another man?

Mar 27, 2020, 3:25 AM
Circumstantial homosexuality. Happens in prisons, apparently :P

Mar 27, 2020, 1:47 PM
"friends quivering together in the yielding sand with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace"

That's as good a description as you'll ever find. :)

Mar 27, 2020, 4:13 PM
I remember reading Shogun a long time ago... and it was filled with instances of men doing men and sometimes as an oath of fealty and to prove one's loyalty to their master. Of course, when the Englishman who was a prisoner saw this, he was appalled and "confirmed" that the Japanese were truly soulless heathens. After reading it, I did a little research... and discovered that Japan pretty much allowed this in those times and there were actually male geishas for those who preferred guys over gals. Pretty interesting stuff and they weren't the only culture who allowed sex between men but with some rules involved.