View Full Version : Values vs Desire

Feb 25, 2020, 10:01 AM
This has been on my mind for about 11 yrs. And that’s about as long as I have the feelings of being bisexual. But at that time had no idea it was labeled that. I thought growing up you were either gay or straight. However, this site and a few like minded men and actually a few women have helped to identify as a bi man. I’ve had friends who are gay but never identified as bisexual. Never knew there were bisexuality out there like it is now.
I am a Newlywed. And I came out to my wife before we got engaged and way before I thought she would ever accept me for me! To my surprise she did accept me and also she she had bi tendencies as well. Although she never acted on it. Just watched girls go at it in videos. She doesn’t want to act on it. For one, I was her first lover in her 40yrs of life. And second, she and I are both Christians and both have been saved. We both love GOD.
So,my question is...a difficult one to ask. Where does the urge lie when Christianity is our purpose? I’m not interested in deep conversation. Just where do you list your desires when it comes to values? Or do you keep them separate. And how do you keep them separated?

Feb 25, 2020, 3:48 PM
Christianity, at the least, is a "suggestion" on how to live a good life and many people stick to it faithfully... and some people are good Christians... and bisexual, actively or not. I could get into the whole thing but I won't; still, many bisexuals make their peace with God about their sexuality and just go on about their lives. On the real, you have two choices in this: Act on your desires or don't act on them. Values are one thing, desires something else and if your values outweigh your desires, you stick to your values and suppress those desires that are not in line with your values. The bad part is we don't have any control over our desires; there's no keeping them separate in that sense - you're either going to entertain those desires or you're not.

Feb 25, 2020, 10:17 PM
I was her first lover in her 40yrs of life. And second, she and I are both Christians and both have been saved. We both love GOD.
So, my question is...a difficult one to ask. Where does the urge lie when Christianity is our purpose? I’m not interested in deep conversation. Just where do you list your desires when it comes to values? Or do you keep them separate. And how do you keep them separated?

Do your christian values tell you that sex between men is wrong?

Feb 26, 2020, 2:03 AM
I do not believe in an almighty power therefore cannot relate to a set of values imposed by a religious institution, rather, I have my own set of morals, values and ethics I live by. I believe we only get one shot at life, there's no insert another dime (just for you Americans) to play again nor do we go to some mystical place in the sky if we're good. Each person should treat others as they expect to be treated themselves. I do not believe sexuality is evil. For me, I believe my sexuality is hard wired, in other words, genetic and while I have not partaken in the flesh of men, the desire is there unfortunately the brain isn't, mainly due to society and family. If such desires are wrong, why would a god make us have them? Is it to weed out the weak or just some rule imposed by an archaic theology to control man.

At the end of the day you have to decide what is more important to you. If you're seeking spiritual guidance, perhaps a priest may be able to help?