View Full Version : Do homophobia do things to you (shout, attack)?

Feb 25, 2020, 1:47 AM
Will you shout Homophobia?

Feb 25, 2020, 2:52 AM
Hmm… I am openly bisexual. I do not experience overt homophobia.
I also live in a large, safe city, famous for toleration.

I did experience homophobia when I was growing up, 40 years ago.
In big cities, the world has changed for us.
In rural areas, the world is still dangerous and crazy.

I hope you are safe in France.

Feb 25, 2020, 5:27 AM
That sentence is difficult to diagram.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 25, 2020, 5:47 AM
frankly I am so sick of the constant homophobia claims and statements..... I live in NZ and today there was a massive uproar over a female going to appear in a upcoming show.... another host on a news show said * I do not want to see that homophobic and xenophobic female on tv * which triggered a massive hate campaign against the other female....
so what did the female say that was so homophobic ? nothing, she has never said anything homophobic and only ever said, its for god to judge others, not me.... she even has a gay male manager working for her....... so who said homophobic stuff ? her husband who is a leader of a church and outspoken.... and so she got tarred with the same brush.....

The other week in a FB group a parent of a trans teen, posted about how tired she was of transphobic people... and posted a image of what was said.... the person said EWWW .. and apparently that is grounds for calling them transphobic and trying to flood their notifications with pro trans memes.......

In NZ, I marched for marriage equality when the push was on for same sex marriage rights..... I got called homophobic because I stood for marriage equality ( right to marry regardless of race, gender, sex, sexuality etc ) instead of same sex marriage, I was told as a bi / pan sexual that my support was not needed or wanted by the gay and les community cos bis already had the right to marry ( yes but only their opposite sex partners, not same sex partners )....

so yeah.... I do not need to call out homophobia, cos half the net is doing it, even if the person has nothing at all against LGBTQIA people......

Feb 26, 2020, 2:08 AM
Nope but I do at times argue "why does it matter to you what two consenting adults do?" and I've supported gay friends. No one knows I am bisexual so I have to be careful how I argue unless I accidentally out myself.