View Full Version : How are you aging?

Jan 8, 2020, 4:23 AM
We all remember what it was like to be a teenager so compared to today are you dirtier and hornier now, about the same or less?

Jan 8, 2020, 5:32 AM
I have definitely gotten dirtier as I've gotten older. Have regrets about not trying different things when I was younger, but can't change that now.

Jan 8, 2020, 7:16 AM
Kinkier and more horny. But I've always been like this. Being mid 30s now, in my teen and "twink" years I didnt have the internet and apps that we have now. When I was younger I was only into other guys my age or younger and other twink types. As I've gotten older, that range of attraction has expanded greatly. I remember when I first got on some sites that were around when I was younger that i was constantly bombarded by everyone young and older. I used to be one of those that got pissed because of all the "old" guys messaging me.

A fantasy in my head would be to go back to my teen years with the same interests as I have now with the same technology available. Then to say yes to all the guys I wasn't into then but am now.

Jan 8, 2020, 3:11 PM
They say men reach their sexual peak somewhere in their 20s and it's downhill after that and I beg to differ; I was kinky and horny in my 20s and I'm even more kinkier and hornier in my mid-60s.

Jan 8, 2020, 4:32 PM
I have definitely gotten dirtier as I've gotten older. Have regrets about not trying different things when I was younger, but can't change that now.

I am much hornier in a lot of ways, but haven't cum for almost 3 years and health issues have slowed me down...but, still, love to and can suck a cock still with the best of them...as I've said many times, if available, I would suck and swallow multiple cocks every day

Jan 8, 2020, 5:39 PM
Oh just wonderfully. Hey being in your 50's, Hell 50 is the new Forty.:)

Jan 8, 2020, 8:47 PM
I’m as horny in my late 50s as I was in my teens and 20s. But I’m far more willing to experiment, and my tastes have become muuuuuuuch wider.

If I had known I was bi in my 20s, I can’t imagine the kind of slut I’d be now...

Long Duck Dong
Jan 8, 2020, 11:15 PM
quieter compared to my younger days but more discerning and I tend to focus more on feelings and companionship rather than OMG I am getting laid....I am one of the lucky ones that got to do most of the kinky stuff with a young body cos I am touching on 50 and some parts are not as flexible lol......

while the kink was great and the sex was great, there was always that missing part, which I know realise, was the connection with others outside of the bedroom

Jan 8, 2020, 11:23 PM
I am hornier now at 57, though I'm not necessarily proud of it. My engagement in porn has continually increased, until I was told recently, and realized it myself, that I have a major porn addiction, and so I finally quit last month. I now am just on forums like this instead, and soon to go to other gay/bi hook up sites, but that is also showing addiction qualities in me. I am just so horny for cock and male ass. Yes, I consider myself more straight than gay, a 2 on the Kinsey scale, but still my porn and fantasies for the last 25 years have been 99% gay. My gay lust for cock and ass has driven me out to suck more than 100 cocks in every kind of sex venue that you can think of, engage in group sex in bathhouse saunas, and even attend a monthly gay orgy with 30-50 guys for a while, all in the last 25 years. I have also engaged in anal play with a number of men in the latter years, and played with local guys in each other's homes. I did have one girlfriend for 3 years that just ended, and the desire for her and the sex with her was out of this world, especially because I loved her and connected with the whole person. But I'm single again and so ready to start getting together again with the object of my horniness, men! Or at least that's the object I want to get together with, men, and not just cock and ass: I want to be horny for and connected to the whole man, all of his body, as well as his person. I suppose you could say that I want to get together with the "subject" rather than the "object" of my horniness, lol. The bottom line is that none of this compares to my teens and 20s.

Of course, there's also a little bit of wisdom creeping in now, realizing that despite my not being able to stop the horniness, I know that uncontrolled desire is harmful. Ironically, the anal activity with men in the last few years before meeting my girlfriend was, I think, helping me connect with more of the entire man, and not just his cock, balls, and ass. It's helped me connect with my deeply buried homosexuality, the gay part of this bisexual man.

All the best,

Jan 9, 2020, 5:45 AM
I've gotten really kinky in my late 60's, and I am horny and on edge 24 hours a day. My wife and I have sex multiple times a day, the trick is that she never lets me cum. In addition to that I drink her pee almost every morning. And I still get out 5 or 6 times a month to suck cock. Being retired just allows so much time for kinky sex.

Jan 9, 2020, 7:49 AM
yea, if I'm honest, I am dirtier now than I was back then. I really like doing some things now that before, I thought were "desperate" back then if that makes any sense. I certainly enjoy it more too.

Jan 9, 2020, 12:04 PM
My sex drive has always been high but as I have aged and finally came out to my wife, who turned out to enjoy bi play too, I have been able to indulge my drive much more. It's so liberating and I just wish we had talked about it sooner!