View Full Version : how to cope with being in the closet

Dec 20, 2019, 6:58 PM
Hi all.
I'm more or less resigned to keeping my bisexual tendencies secret from my partner until the right time presents itself.

I really want to do some M/M stuff but I won't do it as long as I am with my current partner.

So my question is how best to deal with the lack of ability to act out my desires?

I intend to feel things out with my partner (hetero) at the right time, but that's not right now...

Thank you all!

Dec 21, 2019, 1:50 PM
For me, it's masturbation and discussing my desires on here that allows me to cope.

Dec 21, 2019, 2:08 PM
A lot of guys in the closet have little choice but to masturbate a lot. This being in the closet thing confirms my "theory" that the worst thing about being bisexual isn't not being able to do something - it's not having anyone you can talk to about it when doing can't happen. Fortunately, this site exits so that we can talk to each other if we can't do anything else.

Dec 21, 2019, 2:32 PM
I definitely am pleasuring myself with a high degree of frequency. I'm also finding it to be less satisfying overall, and while it does offer temporary quelling of desires, I'm also noticing a gradual decrease in it's effectiveness over time. I used to go for a day or so without even thinking about men and even feeling shameful and stupid that I had felt that way to begin with, but that period is also decreasing noticably, even to the point that I may already horny for M/M again within an hour. It is nice to talk about it tho. There's literally nobody in my life with which I can do so except via the Internet and this forum, for you all I am thankful. :)

Dec 21, 2019, 2:35 PM
I also have a couple of anal toys but they may be harder to hide from or explain to a partner.

Dec 21, 2019, 6:38 PM
I've been in the closet all my life, plus also love dressing too! Makes it difficult, and I can't confide in my wife as she is super straight and conservative, I don't dare tell her. But, I cope writing stories, masturbation and plenty of fantasy and emailing men in similar situations. My email is cslutt@ymail.com too

Dec 22, 2019, 1:06 PM
@jhm1957 - Yeah, it's funny; we grow up, figure out that that thing between our legs isn't just for going to the bathroom and if we "mess" with it, it gets hard, feels good and at some point, we do that and - kapow! - ejaculation! And we're off to the races getting ourselves off. But, for some and at some point, jeez, we can do it and it's about as interesting as brushing our teeth - not ever been sure why that happens - but I've thought that spanking da monkey is ineffectual because what we really need is some human interaction (other than just ourselves). Being in the closet and craving dick - and not getting any - is a total bummer; jerking off "doesn't always work" and sometimes even if you're still getting pussy, it barely takes the edge off and probably won't until you get the dick you want.

Now it's a question of whether or not taking care of this is worth peeking out of the closet just a little - but that's a question no one but you can answer.