View Full Version : Release the Kraken

Dec 19, 2019, 2:06 AM
Last year it was a most definitely a no. I was prepared to live my life in the closet. I might sell the closet for a bigger closet, but it still would be a closet. But now that I have had time to adjust and are quite a bit further down my bisexual discovery journey /acceptance, I would say yes, most definitely it's on the cards now, one day. I want to be out and when the time is right, I will. My hope is one day the world accepts all sexualities as normal, which would make it a lot easier for me but I'm fairly certain that I'm not going to live to 200.

Dec 19, 2019, 2:57 AM
Yes...acceptance by many more would be great...it is only sex and all living creatures perform it someway and like many, there is a percentage of us that don't really care about the gender just the rewards of the experience

Jan 22, 2020, 2:37 PM
I may come out to more people but it's very much on a case by case basis. I see no reason to disclose my sexuality to someone who's not accepting, for example. One of my daughters is lesbian and we've had some very frank personal discussions so I can see me coming out to her at some point. Perhaps when I'm much older.....and there's no one in my circle whose acceptance or opinion I particularly care about....lol. Barring that, I'll probably maintain the status quo indefinitely.

In a perfect world it wouldn't matter...everyone would just let everyone else be who they are. I think that could be my new favourite fantasy.....:(

Jan 22, 2020, 2:51 PM
I put undecided but I am out to a lot of friends. I come from a conservative family and work in an Industry that can be homophobic. I have to build a trust in someone before I out my self. Not because I might hear negative comments but there is a higher chance to be injured or killed in a dark truck stop parking lot and that increases if you are LGBTQ or Female

Jan 22, 2020, 2:53 PM
I am somewhere in the middle. I came out to my wife 15 years ago only to discover she enjoyed bi play too! I came out to my son a few years later when he announced he was gay. I inadvertently came out to my daughter when she used my PC and saw a few things that she should not have. It was a bit stressful but frankly it isn't really our children's business how their mom and dad conduct their sex lives. I see no need to come out to anyone else unless they plan to get naked with me.

Jan 22, 2020, 5:21 PM
Its your life, if you want to be out, do so. It is up to you, and what you feel comfortable with.