View Full Version : Finding your son or daughter in online porn

Dec 10, 2019, 7:02 AM
I was thinking earlier, there is so much homemade porn out there. Tons of people with their own channels and such.

I don't see it written about but I'm really curious how often they get discovered by their parents or people they know.

Some of the most popular categories are dad / son, older / younger Etc. The age range I play with in real life can span 3 generations.

Also with online hookup site like grindr and adam, there are tons of "married discreet" guys which are the types I usually meet and most are of the age to have 18-20's living at home. I'm of that age as well and I get hit up by a surprising number of guys that young.
Thinking about it. If these guys have a son that is gay or bi, chances are they are going to be on some of the same sites or apps. And looking at the same porn sites.

I dont know if there is a real question in this or I'm just airing thoughts for discussion. I wonder how often a guy is on xtube or something scrolling and then holy shit"that's their son sucking a dick.

Dec 10, 2019, 2:49 PM
Yea like you said if your a dad and let's say your scrolling around on porn you noticed that was your son sucking on another guys what would even say

Dec 10, 2019, 3:14 PM
Knowing my kids, I wouldn't be all that surprised to find any of them in online porn. But if they were doing that, at least two of them would tell me - warn me in advance - and one would blow up my phone to get me to go watch it. One day, my daughter called me and told me she was sending me a video I just had to see. I eventually got it, played it, and there she is, sucking her hubby's huge cock, getting her pussy eaten, and then getting plowed by him and I thought, "Hmph - y'all didn't have anything better to do?" Wasn't shocked, pissed, or anything like that - I had just learned to never be surprised at anything my kids do or say when it comes to sex.

I did make sure her mom didn't see that video, though. My daughter and son-in-law, I guess, were trying to shock me and they were even talking about how funny it would be to see the look on my face as I watched them fucking... and were disappointed that I wasn't shocked and was, indeed, critical about what they'd showed me including the quality of the video. So, nope - wouldn't be surprised one bit if any of them recorded some fucking and put it on line.

Dec 10, 2019, 4:31 PM
I would not be surprised if my son was in any of the sites I'm in but would definitely be shocked if he told me, he never tells me anything so this subject would be the last one discussed by us. I think it would be great if it did all cum out in the open, I could definitely show him that it is all alright, even fantastic to share sex interests.

Dec 11, 2019, 12:49 PM
I once noticed my son left an external hard drive on top of my pc. Being curious, I took a look and found a folder of him and his then-girlfriend nude in various positions. I didn't mention it and chuckled thinking "that's my boy"..lol. I don't know, nor care, if he posted that stuff online. It's his business.

I do agree with @gayguy04, how would you even approach the subject of seeing your kids nude or involved in sex online ? It's like seeing someone you know at an ABS or gay bar. I saw a neighbor once at an ABS. We had a passing glance and both kept on moving. It never came up in conversation nor was it awkward when I saw him at a school function. It was as if nothing happened. He later got divorced from his wife and left the neighborhood anyway. It's like, what can you say ? I saw you at so and so bar, "oh, what were YOU doing there ?"....you are both equally vulnerable.

My kids are both adults at 28 and 31, it's their business, not mine.

Dec 11, 2019, 3:33 PM
I think its different for us considering that we're already openminded and a bit "alternative" on this site. So its not like a hardcore religious conservative type who may have a different reaction. The main reason I have the question in my mind is that I have googled the topic and find next to nothing discussed online about it, regardless of the reaction.

I just figured it would be like any other topic that you punch in and find a ton of different conversations about it on the web.

Christopher South
Dec 11, 2019, 7:58 PM
I was meeting up with a guy who was divorced and had a son. I had been meeting him for a while so I knew he wasn't a bullshitter. One day I got there and he told me he found his son (in college) in a homemade porn posting. He wan hooking up with another guy. I asked him if he was going to talk to his son about it and he said "no. he isn't doing anything I'm not doing".

Long Duck Dong
Dec 12, 2019, 2:31 AM
honestly, I would not blink....its people having sex.... other people may have a more emotional reaction or a OMG that is my children, naked, online, in porn, they are both adults.... and yeah I would handle it in a humorous manner such as saying was the sex any good cos it was hard to tell what the moaning was about, good sex or bad sex ?.......

I have seen exes in nudes / amateur porn, including one that has done some bestiality porn, part of her " walk on the wild side "... I just laughed and said " horse porn ? quess size does matter " I got to know her better and we are still very good friends.. and as she said, you are the only guy that accepted what I did, as a experience I had, and did not let it define me as a person, my answer was we all have a wild side, if we harm none then untamed we should be.......

would I ever do amateur porn ? lol I do not even post dick pics, there is about 7 pics of me in existence from the last 49 years ( excluding school and army pics ) but both my kids know that I am in a closed relationship with 4 others and that I have a simple rule " do not judge others actions by our own emotions and opinions "