View Full Version : Why Do Bi or Gay Men Have an Interest in Inexperienced Straight Men?

Nov 25, 2019, 11:14 AM
Several years ago I car-pooled with a guy who was gay and after several months he started opening up about being gay. After a while he began to ask me questions about my sexuality. I told him I was straight and he asked me if I had ever thought about having a same sex experience. This was early on in my curiosity but I was still at the point where I was struggling with admitting to myself that I was so I told him that I had never really given it much thought. Soon after he started telling me that he would love to be my first and that he'd love to suck my 'virgin' cock and taste my virgin cum. I declined his offer and he never brought it up again. I found myself being extremely aroused though as I don't remember any woman express verbally a desire to taste and eat my cum which was a foundation block of my curiosity.

Since then I've seen on various sites statements by bi or gay men to have sex with a straight man and have wondered why this interest is and what its meaning is. I know when I was younger a lot of guys talked about having an interest in sex with a virgin woman but I don't think I have ever heard of a woman expressing an interest in having sex with a virgin man. This seems to be a male trait no matter what their sexual orientation.

Any thoughts or comments?

Nov 25, 2019, 12:03 PM
For reasons even I don't understand, giving a straight guy his first male experience is the shit and just as much as taking a woman's virginity is. What does it mean? I dunno... other than it being exciting? Maybe it's one of those things where someone gets to be a teacher of sorts or it's because no other man has had the guy being propositioned for the first time. While I don't go out of my way looking for straight guys to "convert," I feel honored to be the first guy another guy has sex with and you pose a damned good question and one that I'll admit I've never asked myself or even heard anyone ask until now. Wow... I need to do some thinking about this; I need to check my memories to see if a guy was disappointed that I wasn't virgin when he hit on me or not. Usually, a guy would ask if I've ever done it with a guy, I'd say yes, and that would open the door for the two of us to do something - even if this was going to be the other guy's first time doing it.

But, yeah - I get emails from A4A about how to get a straight guy to give up the dick and I've read some writings by gay men - or someone posing as a gay man? - who seem to make it their life's work to seduce every straight man they might come across and to me, that's a silly notion but again, I've never thought about this in the context you've stated. It's not purely a male trait; I know women who have crowed loudly about taking a guy's virginity. Now that I've had some time to think about it more I think I remember reading somewhere/something where some gay men pursued "virgin straight guys" - usually younger guys - because since they don't know anything about this, they can mold and shape them into the kind of lover they want instead of dealing with more experienced men who may not be easily bent to their will.

But I'd guess it kinda makes some sense that if men are thrilled to take a woman's virginity, being thrilled to take a man's is just as much of a rush which is kinda strange that when it comes to having sex, it's preferred that the other person knows what they're doing and how to do whatever.

Nov 25, 2019, 6:01 PM
Because most Bi or strait guys dont get more ass then a toilet seat!

new day
Nov 25, 2019, 6:28 PM
I never had the desire to be have a partner who was a virgin for either gay or straight sex. When young, I never had sex with a girl who was a virgin. I didn't want to be bothered with any angst or nerves. I didn't want a girl who was sleeping around a lot, but figured the initiated were easier to deal with. When it came time for a man, I didn't consider virginity to be necessary. The same rules applied. Married, safe, discreet and drama free and lightly experienced sounded like the right criteria.

Nov 25, 2019, 8:40 PM
Maybe it is because we know that they may have a fantasy about having sex with a man, and we would like to take them over the edge.

Nov 26, 2019, 2:10 PM
After even more thought, what experienced guy wouldn't want to break in a new guy, to give him that first experience so that the new guy will know just like he (the experienced guy) does? Some inexperienced guys looking for experience often want their first guy to be just as inexperienced as they are so that they can learn together and not be influenced by experience and, possibly, not wind up being "prejudiced" in that sense. After even more thought, I likened this behavior in gay men to how straight guys would give anything to have a virgin woman so, yeah, maybe this is a guy thing more than a girl thing although I'd hazard a guess that a woman experienced in things girl/girl just might be as thrilled and excited to give a straight women her first female experience as well.

This was a damned good question!

Nov 26, 2019, 4:17 PM
I guess I am on both sides of this question. I am a straight guy with a curiosity for cock. I find cock to be very attractive and I desire to have one in my mouth to feel it's growth, shape, texture and it's taste in my mouth and on my tongue. My ideal situation to look for is to find a "straight" man who likes blowjobs from another man. No reciprocation. I do find ads that fit that bill but the "This is for now" discription draws me away. Other than my own nerves.

I guess the ideal situation would be if I am talking to somebody and the topic comes up in the conversation.

Nov 26, 2019, 4:59 PM
I usually avoid inexperienced guys … tend to flake on me.
They have great enthusiasm and interest, but they are also conflicted and scared and secretive.

That said, yes, I have introduced manplay to a few curious guys.
Tried to give them a best “first experience” possible.

Nov 26, 2019, 11:50 PM
For some reason I thought this year it was going to happen. We sent mail back and forth.... He even stated that it would be his first...Then it stopped... I think for my first gay experience...I would love to let a guy suck me off. After I get off , I loose my desire, so I would have to suck them first If they wanted a return on their investment...

Dec 5, 2019, 10:15 AM
My first time was with another first timer, it started off really hot sucking each other. He asked me to fuck him. I got the head of my cock in him and he decided it was to big and he couldn't take it. God he was tight! I wanted to just slam it home and fuck his virgin ass but I didn't. He quickly lost interest went limp and wanted to leave. Left me to jack off thinking about that tight asshole that got away.
I have fucked many female virgin asses and love the thought of breaking a guys ass cherry :)

Dec 10, 2019, 3:43 PM
I think they think it's their idea of a religious virgin girl. But in reality straight guys wouldn't have sex with men, their straight. If they did have sex with men they aren't straight they are bi or gay and saying they are straight. Technically if a gay guy has some form of sex with a truly straight man it would be rape because straight men don't want sex from men.... So maybe the straight guy fantasy is simply a rape fantasy in disguise and these people long to rape someone. No means no and you shouldn't have sex with someone that doesn't want to have sex with you.

Dec 10, 2019, 4:36 PM
I think the question is nonsense. You might as well ask why do straight men come on to every woman that moves. They don't in general, but some do.

Dec 11, 2019, 6:35 AM
I think its nonsense. I think most men had experiences in their teens with their counterparts. Then they got married. As we get older, the idea of trying what we did as youngsters begins to take over. The there is the lack of sex from your wife as you get older. That compounds the curiosity and the guy starts looking around. He THINKS he is straight and probably mostly is but for whatever reason wants another pass at the "curious" side. I prefer a FWB situation where we both understand each other and enjoy a comfortable interlude occasionally.

Dec 11, 2019, 8:44 AM
For me, the main reason I suck cock is the psychological aspect of it. I am a dom, masc, alpha, boss type in real life. Im used to everyone doing what I say and want.
In secret, I love to take the total opposite role and get off on the submissive feeling that I get. Its such a huge contrast to go from power and control, to on my knees in front of someone who is using me to suck their load out.

Because of that, I tend to look for straight guys who want nothing to do with guys, but because of the convenience, they will let a guy give them a bj while they sit back and pretend its whoever they really want.

I dont have much of an attraction to guys in general outside of that scenario. I prefer a dark room, or a GH. I like feeling like they dont want to look down and see a guy sucking them. While there are exceptions, in general, i actually find it a turnoff if a guy wants to "return the favor" and if he mentions anything about wanting to kiss or bottom, Im lose all interest totally.

Ive had many guys, including the majority of the straight (g-rated) friends, that I have been their first same sex BJ.

Dec 12, 2019, 2:48 PM
"Technically if a gay guy has some form of sex with a truly straight man it would be rape because straight men don't want sex from men.... "

I don't really agree with this unless it's literally rape and a straight dude is taken against his will. Straight men don't want sex from men... but how do you think bi guys are "created?" Some of us are "born this way;" at some point in our awareness, we feel the pull and investigate it. Some of us get introduced to dick by a horny friend, relative, stranger and maybe that introduction ain't exactly Kosher, but it is what it is and now either the guy goes with it and keeps going or he doesn't and chalks it up to one of those things they'd rather not experience again. Some of us are "bi by choice;" getting with women ain't working; has a wife who has buried her need and desire for sex and we're not getting any from her... but there is probably not that many men who doesn't know that there are guys who will suck and fuck at the drop of a dime - and some of us decide that having sex with a man - but still with our desire to have sex with women intact and active - is better than not having any sex at all.

Some of us say, "Shit... might as well give this a try because I've done everything else!" Still, no means no and, true enough, a lot of straight men would prefer not to have another man lusting after him; straight dudes are supposedly off-limits, unapproachable unless you wanna get punched in the fact and that makes them... attractive. I'm not really all that surprised that some bi/gay men specifically "hunt" for inexperienced guys because, for the most part, an inexperienced man just might be "easier" to get next to as opposed to an experienced guy who's been there, done that, ain't gonna fall for any bullshit. Experienced guys know exactly what they want, how they want it while inexperienced guys can be... molded, shaped, even trained and in the way they want the inexperienced guy to be. Sounds fucked up but I've run into guys who are like this.

One of the things almost every bisexual learns is that everyone is fair game and with the caveat that you gotta convince them to have sex with you, of course. Even I know that there are newbies out there who are looking for that first experience; some want someone they can get with and grow into this together and learn the ways of man sex without having to deal with a more experienced guy's influence... while there are many more newbies who want an experienced guy to show them all of the ropes. Still, we seek men to have sex with - duh. And if a straight guy wants to dip his toes into the pool, sure - why not help him dip his toes? There's a thrill to introducing a new guy to something we've already experienced while, again, some guys don't wanna be bothered with a dude who doesn't know what he's doing.

And it remains true that if a straight guy is approached and he says no, that's what he means and "making" him do it, well, that's heinous, technically rape, and if you get your ass kicked, well, now, that's what you get for trying to impose your will onto someone who ain't having any of it. Today, there are a lot of men who identify as straight... but they wouldn't say no to getting their dick sucked or sliding their cock into a willing male ass. What does it mean? Nothing. Likewise, there are guys who "fooled around" when they were younger but in their minds as adult males, they're inexperienced - they actually believe that anything they did when they were younger either doesn't count or mean anything. So until they play with a dick again, they're very straight and inexperienced.

Get your head around that one. At the end of any day, gentlemen, it's about your preferences as well as where you are as a bi guy. There are a lot of guys here who want their first time with someone who is just as inexperienced as they are - um, that would be other straight guys who just might be curious. There are also a lot of guys who'd turn their nose up to an inexperienced guy... and what does this mean? Nothing other than personal preference. I will, however, say this: I've read a lot of shit about gay men - specifically - targeting straight men and with the assumption that straight guys ain't really straight and to me, this is some really smelly bullshit given that the shit I've been reading is being written by gay men. I don't buy into that shit and neither should you.

Straight men turn into bi and even gay men. Some by choice. Some out of necessity and convenience. Now it's just a matter of what kind of guy - inexperienced or experienced - you prefer to be with even if you've been waiting to have your first experience and even your first experience in a long time and I will say this (and ya might not like it): If you did anything when you were younger, you got some experience and it does count because you did do it and this ain't like having a juvie record that gets "wiped clean" when you become an adult.

It really doesn't work like that.