View Full Version : So how does one find a nearby FWB on this site? New Here and don't quite understand

Nov 2, 2019, 4:35 PM
So like I'm from western wisconsin and seeing if there is anyone locally that has the same desires as me.

Nov 2, 2019, 9:08 PM
[QUOTE=jonsam10456;332224]So like I'm from western wisconsin and seeing if there is anyone locally that has the same desires as what are your desires I live in North West Illinois.

Nov 2, 2019, 10:02 PM
So like I'm from western wisconsin and seeing if there is anyone locally that has the same desires as me.

If you figure out the secret let us all know. Haven't met up with anyone through this site yet.

Nov 3, 2019, 12:24 AM
Despite claims to the contrary I don't believe it's possible to hook up with anyone on this site or any others.

Why you might ask would I say that ?

I've been on at least six of these sites in the past and presently on two counting this one, was on one for seven(7) years, however notta , zero, zilch , so what does a guy have to do ? My best guess is get off these sites and get out in the real world and just hope above hope that someday somewhere a chance meeting produces the right chemistry to precipitate a meeting of the minds as they say. I enjoy talking about it as much as the next guy but that's all any website is really good for, in the final analysis it doesn't give any man much opportunity.

Nov 3, 2019, 1:27 AM
I did find one guy on site who lived close to me...we hooked up a couple times and had some fun, but his wife keeps real close reign on him and we were never able to turn into regular thing...still most my hookups still come from Craigslist...nothing else has ever worked

mike r
Nov 3, 2019, 6:32 AM
I do not know the "secret" but I have, honest to god, met two guys on this site, hosted each of them at my home and sucked them dry. Hooking up may not be common. but it does happen!

Nov 3, 2019, 9:33 AM
I met one guy from here a few years ago. We had a decent chat, but didn't 'click'. Occasionally, I'll notice or receive a PM from someone who lives within a reasonable distance from my area. I always respond politely to inquiries, but do have certain qualities I'm looking for and haven't had any 'hot prospects' from here. (except for one or two who, unfortunately, are far-too-distant to consider...) Basically, I look at bisexual.com for discussion on various bisexual topics, and don't consider its strength as being one to meet other guys.

I have had far better luck with Silverdaddies and FetLife, which make it easier to find others with similar interests who live in neighboring areas. I also get quite a few 'hits' from Squirt.org, but I don't like their emphasis on quick hookups for anonymous sex. It takes time and some quality communication before I get together with someone. (Most won't expend the energy...) I especially despise getting a 'canned' message from someone on the quick hookup sites; "Hey man. I checked you out. Get back to me and we'll see what happens."

Nov 3, 2019, 11:38 AM
Several years ago, when I first joined this site, I did in fact hook up with a guy from this site. He was the same age as me, and could cum multiple times in an hour. He was over one day, I sucked him to completion three times in one hour. It was amazing. I feel extremely lucky if I can do it three times in one day. LMAO!

Anyway, don't know what happened to him. He just stopped texting me and haven't heard from him since 2014.

There's another website, LPSG (https://www.lpsg.com/forums) that I frequent. I've hooked up with two from that site in the past as well.

Nov 3, 2019, 12:51 PM
As I understand it, you can - or used to be able to - post a personal ad in that section... but this isn't primarily a "hook up" site. I may or may not be interested in hooking up but my profile won't let me create a personal ad even if I wanted to.

Nov 3, 2019, 7:33 PM
We can PM anyone here so... That's a start right? I've had a couple contact me here and me others. Didn't work out mainly for logistics. Also follow other guys when they post so you kind of figure out there intentions. After meeting them thru PM, perhaps a Skype cam session to see if you gel. ;-)

Nov 3, 2019, 8:03 PM
Despite claims to the contrary I don't believe it's possible to hook up with anyone on this site or any others.

Why you might ask would I say that ?

I've been on at least six of these sites in the past and presently on two counting this one, was on one for seven(7) years, however notta , zero, zilch , so what does a guy have to do ? My best guess is get off these sites and get out in the real world and just hope above hope that someday somewhere a chance meeting produces the right chemistry to precipitate a meeting of the minds as they say. I enjoy talking about it as much as the next guy but that's all any website is really good for, in the final analysis it doesn't give any man much opportunity.
Same here in this area, all the guys get on these sites when horny and want to chat to get their nuts off and then they are GONE. I seen on silverdaddies a guy was boasting about having 12,000 views on his profile, that is something to be ashamed of, If guys would quit playing their stupid games and be serious, there would be no reason to be on long enough to acquire 12K views!

Nov 5, 2019, 8:33 AM
This site is not really set up for hooking up. Its not easy to search local profiles and its relatively low traffic compared to hookup sites. So you have a small number of people spread out all over the country that you interact with. It would be more luck than anything else to meet up on here. Ive had a few ppl PM me that they want to meet up if they come to Nashville, but hasnt happened yet.

Nov 5, 2019, 9:03 AM
I've had success with adam4adam. Lots of married guys looking to hook up. I tried grindr, but like that a4a has a web presence, where grindr does not. I found myself deleting the app every day and losing conversations. Give one of those a shot. The first day I signed up on grindr, a hooked up with a guy that swallowed my cum.

Nov 5, 2019, 8:46 PM
This site is not really set up for hooking up. Its not easy to search local profiles and its relatively low traffic compared to hookup sites. So you have a small number of people spread out all over the country that you interact with. It would be more luck than anything else to meet up on here. Ive had a few ppl PM me that they want to meet up if they come to Nashville, but hasnt happened yet.
The low traffic factor is in fact the major hangup for those of us interested in finding FWB. I hold with my previous statements that most people on any website like this are there out of voyeuristic curiosity. I do wish it were different but it is what it is.

Nov 8, 2019, 10:00 AM
Check your private messages. Im in Chula Vista.