View Full Version : MRI Scan

The Chunkly
Oct 13, 2019, 3:26 PM
Had to have a MRI scan today.
Not the nicest of things to have.
This damn big tube one is put in.
With, the roof about an inch from your nose.
It is very claustrophobic and not the nicest of things to have.

Who else has had to go in a MRI scanner?
How did you manage?

Oct 13, 2019, 3:49 PM
Its been years since an old baseball injury had me inside one of those machines... I fell asleep...

Oct 13, 2019, 3:55 PM
Been through more than a few... Just have to relax and for some closing your eyes may help.

Oct 13, 2019, 4:18 PM
I have to get one every year but it’s never bothered me - hard for me not to nod off to be honest. But closing your eyes and just relaxing as best you can might help.

Oct 13, 2019, 5:13 PM
First I would close my eyes, and breathe in thru my nose and then out my mouth. Focus on your breathing. Then I would visualize a calm blue sea, or a field of tall grass waving in the wind.

Oct 13, 2019, 5:29 PM
I took part in a study at our local hospital in which patients with some symptoms of depression had to spend at hour in the machine. Don't recall any particular problems. A friend of mine is claustrophobic and he goes bananas in the machine. He may have taken Valium or similar.

Oct 14, 2019, 2:16 AM
Not I. Had a CT scan though and when the dye is pumped in to your body for the imaging, it makes you feel like you've peed yourself.

Oct 14, 2019, 7:47 PM
I'm don't consider myself to be claustrophobic, but I do feel a bit apprehensive about being in one. That stated, I've had several and am able to relax pretty well. I don't 'like it', but it doesn't scare the bejeebers out of me, either. Necessary evil - they can be very helpful diagnostic tools.

Some of the newer ones are 'open' scanners, that resemble a big doughnut. Without the chocolate frosting and nuts...

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2019, 12:48 AM
had one years ago... and it did not worry me at all, I just shut my eyes and went to sleep but I was used to that from camping with the sleeping bag zipped up over my head....

Oct 15, 2019, 9:18 PM
I had a stroke in April and had to have an MRI the next day. I was still pretty out of it and very dizzy, so having to lay still on a cold slab was actually nice. Having my head boxed in and my ears covered was somewhat annoying but I probably could have used more covering my ears. It was very loud and had an unpleasant beat to it, kinda like laying your head on the valve cover of a running car engine. I think I drifted in and out of sleep because it didn't seem to take as long as the tech told me it would. I am a little claustrophobic but that really didn't bother me, either because I was a bit out of it or I was more preoccupied with the thought that I had had a stroke.

Oct 16, 2019, 9:38 AM
turned some music on, closed my eyes and feel asleep.

Oct 17, 2019, 8:34 AM
They absolutely suck, I am competitive strongman and power lifter, I tore my pec last year throwing a 290lb stone...my shoulders are so wide they had to wedge me in the damn tube and than my muscle tissue is so dense the machine had to work super hard to get the image and the temp inside the tube was 110 degrees. they kept asking if I wanted to take a break I was like fuck no lets get this over...long ass 45 min

Oct 19, 2019, 4:49 AM
I have brain damage from the war and get 2 MRIs a year to monitor my condition and research. With mine I wear vr goggles and have a doctor asking me questions so they can watch brain activities and so on. Its not so bad when they kept you distracted. But when I'm just laying there it's pretty lame. There a newer machines that aren't so noisy and have more space but the standard ones at regular hospitals suck. Anytime it possible that I received a head injury I have to get a new mri at the local hospital and theirs is pretty dated.

Jan 5, 2020, 11:25 AM
I've had several MRI's and for me it's no big deal, I just relax, close my eyes and wait for it to be over.