View Full Version : Bi teen suicide...

Oct 5, 2019, 7:06 PM

Long Duck Dong
Oct 6, 2019, 5:47 AM
Ok I read the article and something stands out to me based on past threads in this site, and that is the arguments that people that identify as straight males that have sex with other males, have internalised bi phobia because they will not be honest and admit they are bisexual......

But it got me thinking about the way we argue over bisexual and who is bisexual... and over my time in this site, I have seen it argued that bi curious is not bi sexual because the person has not had sex with the same gender.... that bi sexuals must be sexually active in order to say that they are bi sexual.. that flexisexual is not bi sexual, that men that have sex with male are in denial and have internalised phobia... that asexuals can not be bisexual even if they have had sex with both genders.... its a long list but not one of acceptance, more of one of telling other people to conform to the labels we decide they must use in order to make us happy.....

Now I do not know why this young man committed suicide, its easy to use the obvious but as a person with a life long depressive disorder with suicidal tendencies, I know that I am more likely to end my life when I am in a peaceful, calm, relaxed state where I am happy to just lay down and go to sleep... forever.... and not in a depressed, withdrawn state where I see no other option.... however people will immediately argue that I am wrong cos who better to know about me and what I think and feel, than other people, right ?

so my take on this, is the reason why he ended his own life, was his own life was no longer his own, other people had made his personal and private life, their business, gave him a label that would be very hard for him to shake...... and he faced dealing with that for years to come with no way to stop it..........I am out about who and what I am, not to normalise sexuality labels for other people but to give them a opening to talk with me, not so I can label them but so I can say use your own label, and if other people try and tell you are wrong, fuck them cos its your life, not theirs......

my heart goes out to the family for their loss....but the push for criminal charges may not be the answer because if there is not enough grounds to lay charges, we say that justice has not been done... but is it justice or revenge..... and if it was my child lost, I would rather have a law change to deal with cyberbullying so it limits this happening in the future... if charges were laid, I would perfer it be done because there was legal grounds and ample evidence for charges to be laid, but not because I want justice

Oct 6, 2019, 6:59 AM
That is so sad to hear something like that had to happen

Oct 6, 2019, 4:50 PM
I read that story on the national news. Made me sad.
Wish that young man had a friend to speak honestly with.
It gets better.

Oct 7, 2019, 11:19 AM
When I read news like this -- all too often these days -- I reflect on how it felt for me when I was confused and angry and anxious when I was younger... I reflect on how often I was filled with self-doubt and self-criticism. I remember what it feels like to feel the darkness, and so I know something about these feelings...