View Full Version : Strang Sex

The Chunkly
Sep 28, 2019, 10:00 AM
I have not known this before but there is a new version of pleasure.

It's vacuum cleaner sex !
some of you may have heard of this before but not me.

the woman uses the crevices nosel where women use it over their clit and pussy lips.
this by all accounts drives women nuts.

Well you ladies tell me.

The second to what I have heard of before.
using the vacuum over ones cock to get one off.
by all accounts it is good to wank for a bit to then use the vacuum to finish you off and all of your cum goes up the vacuum.

the power of this is so-posed to drive you nuts.

Again not sure as not done this but if others have.

Sep 28, 2019, 12:48 PM
I fucked my Dyson Animal Ball one day and it drove me nuts for sure...drove me nuts and cock to about 4 feet long. My sac still looks like a deployed parachute. I honestly wouldn't recommended using a vacuum cleaner for sexual release...

Sep 28, 2019, 1:37 PM
I have used a shop vac to get off and it was pretty good. The suction alone was not very stimulating, but when I pulled out enough so that my cock vibrated like crazy it got me off pretty fast. I agree with Tx69 that you must be careful when using vacuum cleaner since the suction can do some damage to sensitive areas.

Sep 28, 2019, 2:10 PM
I knew of a guy who did that with his Hoover vac... wound up having to call 911 to get his dick unstuck... ouch.

The Chunkly
Sep 29, 2019, 3:43 AM
I'm sorry but I have to say.
I will ask people.
if you have something about this thread then please post it in here.

please do not send me a PM when you can post it in here.

if you wan to chat about something then fine.

please don't.
Or you will get blocked.

Sep 29, 2019, 3:54 AM
You can turn off private messages in your control panel, I did this awhile back. Think there's quite a few lurkers who aren't posters or don't want to be seen posting :P

The Chunkly
Oct 13, 2019, 3:23 PM
Thank you.
I do not want to turn off the messages as still open to talk to people.
Only asking not to post reply s to my inbox
just post it.

Oct 14, 2019, 7:20 AM
I'd be careful about masturbating or having sex using household appliances that are not specifically designed for the purpose!!

just Google Hoover Dustette!!

Even if there is no nasty rotating fan to chop your bits, the vacuum might be too strong and rupture your skin!!

Oct 14, 2019, 9:05 AM
When you first get your private part(s) near the hose of a running vacuum cleaner, it feels good because the suction is just the right amount. But if the flow of air gets blocked at all, the suction increases dramatically and could conceivably damage something.

I have heard of someone creating a manual safety valve to enable air to bypass, but I dont quite know how it could be made or constructed.

I'm still searching the web for it....:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Oct 14, 2019, 8:35 PM
I agree I've done the same thing several times. Still need to be careful