View Full Version : Having slowly the opposite „prob

Sep 15, 2019, 4:58 AM
Hi all

Many threads are about how to find samesex-encounters. But are there other bisexual men (i guess women don’t have this problem) having difficulties finding a person of the opposite sex? I mean, it will be 13 months i didn‘t have something sexual with a woman (am single since then), i had sex with men and thats very easy and it was fine, i enjoy it and was happy to have sex but i am really in need of a woman again since a few months. I had some dates in the past months but i found no one of them being attractive. And the ones i wanted to date again weren‘t interested.

I am sometimes very impatient and can be frustrated very fast. So thats how i feel now: quite frustrated.

Are there other ones with the same feelings? And how do you deal with it? Do you as bisexuals have sex with men in the meantime and are confident to find a woman soon again or how is your strategy when fighting against this kind of frustration?

Sep 15, 2019, 1:47 PM
It's not unusual for guys who are "between women" to turn to men. Today's dating, from what I've been hearing, is a minefield; millions of people using apps and websites... but no one can find someone they wanna be with. It's insane.

Sep 16, 2019, 4:38 PM
Thanks KDaddy, yeah i agree. I would be interested in some more feedbacks from men being in same „position“.