View Full Version : Another question about "Cumming"

Sep 6, 2019, 11:31 AM
I could go on elsewhere and try getting answers, but I guess I will get a lot of opinionated views and perspectives. For some reason, I seem to like asking questions here, because the answers might be unbiased.

1. How do I increase the amount of cum I spurt out? I know age, health and other factors impact this, but are there over the counter supplements that help increase how much cum my testes can generate?

2. I hear about people who cum more than once: Do you know what could help me go there ( I don't mean the blue or yellow pill, though I hear that that helps). Does losing weight, regular exercise and supplements help with this?

3. Oft repeated question - what is the key to fucking long and taking long to cum? Is it just genetics or more to it? I don't want to be a porn star, going for 40-60 minutes would be great.

Sep 6, 2019, 3:24 PM
1. Increasing ejaculate volume - seems to be based on several things, including age, diet, dehydration, last ejaculation, etc.
Something like 95% of semen is produced in the prostate. The prostate can be played with and milked to increase the amount.
But, it has to travel through 18” of urethra to get out. Muscle contractions cause it to move. Porn stars exercise these muscles.
The same muscles you use when you clench your ass.
Anything that dries out your mucus membranes will also decrease your ejaculate. Think drugs, allergies, central AC, etc.

2. Cumming more than once … in a given day? Hour? Minute? Not sure what you mean.
Some men can experience prolonged orgasms, as when getting fucked.
Some can build up, edge close, and cum just one drop, then stop, breathe, and repeat over and over again.
Some guys experience “dry orgasms”. I am confident that overall health impacts sexual health.

3. The key to fucking long and taking a long time to cum.
Two different things, right? Fucking is a Cardio exercise. Can you do other exercises for an hour without exhaustion? With an erection?
As to the latter - taking long to cum … premature ejaculation is really common for young guys who have not been getting much.
How to control it? Learn your body on a deeper level. Spend more time masturbating, edging. Very close, but not quite there. Breathe. Repeat.

My 2 cents. Gook luck!

Sep 7, 2019, 10:20 AM
I could go on elsewhere and try getting answers, but I guess I will get a lot of opinionated views and perspectives. For some reason, I seem to like asking questions here, because the answers might be unbiased.

I agree with everything playful said!

1. How do I increase the amount of cum I spurt out? I know age, health and other factors impact this, but are there over the counter supplements that help increase how much cum my testes can generate?
Hydration and I hear that taking a Zinc supplement helps.

2. I hear about people who cum more than once: Do you know what could help me go there ( I don't mean the blue or yellow pill, though I hear that that helps). Does losing weight, regular exercise and supplements help with this?

Stay aroused and wait out your refractory period. I suggest doing something to please your partner during the refractory period. Most of all just relax and let it happen. Don't struggle and try to force things.

3. Oft repeated question - what is the key to fucking long and taking long to cum? Is it just genetics or more to it? I don't want to be a porn star, going for 40-60 minutes would be great.

Orgasm control is a learned thing. I find varying my strokes and changing positions helps draw out the experience. Sometimes, especially with two women, I get into a zone where I can fuck literally all night and just not cum. I feel great and get right to the edge but never fall over. Most of the times the women are mutiorgasmic and I LOVE that. Every time the cum it motivates me to get them to the next one! I guess my body just don't want the fun to stop!

Sep 7, 2019, 11:41 AM
Thanks for the answer.
What I have found is that when I am about to cum - to control that and go back to the low ebb of the wave is the most pleasurable thing. I used to do that when I used to jerked off. That said, when fucking my woman, I seem to be in a hurry to spurt my cum, once that feeling of "cumming" enters me. Maybe I need to distract myself at the point or change positions? When I cum so soon, it leaves her unsatisfied with her asking....."is that all"?

Orgasm control is a learned thing. I find varying my strokes and changing positions helps draw out the experience. Sometimes, especially with two women, I get into a zone where I can fuck literally all night and just not cum. I feel great and get right to the edge but never fall over. Most of the times the women are mutiorgasmic and I LOVE that. Every time the cum it motivates me to get them to the next one! I guess my body just don't want the fun to stop!

Sep 7, 2019, 3:27 PM
Not much I can add to this except to say there are things you just gotta work toward. Drinking more water; staying away from caffeine or lowering the amount you may consume. A lot of BP medications are the enemy of ejaculation... but going off those meds might not be a smart thing to do. Exercising those muscles used to clench your ass and that cuts off peeing... and even do exercises that target your lower back muscles. Some guys can "double nut" as a matter of course but for some guys, it either never happens or rarely does and as noted, it's a situational/conditional thing and one that I've experienced... and couldn't tell you why it happened like that on that occasion.

The "oldest trick" in the book is to disconnect yourself from what you're doing - that distraction thing. It works... but also tends to gets you paying more attention to not cutting loose than all those delicious feelings going on... and some guys are so good at it that their partners are sure that they're not really interested in fucking them and, well, you can probably guess how that might go. Sometimes, changing what you do can help, from changing positions to just stopping when you're almost to the point of no return. Pull out, stop sucking, get him to stop doing whatever and relax and breathe to calm yourself before resuming. Edging when masturbating can help... but that's a different situation; that's you doing you and maybe a partner edging you... which is different from being sucked and fucking. Going too slow can sometimes result in negative end results... and going too fast can produce the same results, like what I call sensory overload - you can get overstimulated or the opposite: Understimulated.

Sep 7, 2019, 4:04 PM
One more thing. You can do all the known stuff to improve things... and still might not get the results you're looking for and because of the one thing most of us don't have any real control over: That lump of grey matter inside our skulls. There's what you want to happen - more sperm, longer hold times before giving it up - and then what your brain is gonna do and make your body do... and that's not always the same thing. We want to prolong the pleasure for ourselves and our partner... but your brain might have other ideas and sometimes overthinking this whole thing can produce negative results just as easily as trying to empty your mind, thinking about killing puppies, stuff like that. If you're "in a hurry" to have sex, that can work against you because your brain is very aware of the time restraints - there's that part of your mind that is always aware of shit... and shit that just might screw up what you're really trying to accomplish.

Tantric sex is not only about the different ways you can train your body to enjoy sex more - it's also about stopping your brain from being your worst enemy when having sex... and it's not easy to learn those techniques and, sometimes, you can't really employ them in some situations. Do I concern myself with how much sperm I'm pumping into someone? Nah, not any more. I can masturbate and get different results every time - more spunk, less spunk, and holy shit when is it gonna stop coming out... which is different when I'm being sucked off and/or fucking. Big ego boost to pull out of someone and see that river of sperm flowing out of them, right? But it's really about what you're feeling when you cut loose; I've delivered huge loads of sperm... and felt quite blah at the same time... and have delivered "a little bit" and felt like someone just tried to kill me - get the license plate of that truck!

There's a condition that can cause your ejaculate to wind up in your bladder rather than flying all over the place; it's not dangerous but it's a condition one should see a urologist for even to rule out "ejaculation problems." There's a simple test to perform: Masturbate, ejaculate, then pee in a cup so they can see if there's any sperm in your urine and if there is, then it's about treating the condition. If you're taking a medication like Flomax to help you empty your bladder, retrograde ejaculation is one of the side effects but you can suffer with this if that valve that opens and closes is weak or otherwise not working the way it's supposed to.

If your prostate is enlarged, that'll impact things as well which is why getting it checked routinely is important and shouldn't be shied away from. Some of the medications used to treat an enlarged prostate can do funny things when you bust a nut so it's important that you get the doctor to explain these things to you - and, yeah, if you're on medication for anything, you owe it to yourself and your partner to find out how that medication is going to affect your ability to have sex. Some medications can cause delayed ejaculation while others take your libido - your desire to have sex - down a few notches or put it to sleep.

Overcoming the refractory period of sex? I'm not sure if there's a way to consistently or purposely shorten it; sometimes it'll beat you down and you can't continue and sometimes it doesn't and you can get back to work in a few minutes. Some guys just naturally have short refractory periods and, yeah, some recreational drugs can short-circuit this period and some legit medications can just turn it off, like Fentanyl; I had to take it via transdermal patch and I could get it up and keep it up literally for hours, experiencing delayed ejaculation and almost zero refraction after I came. Sound like fun? Not so much when the longer you stay erect, the more your chances of priapism happening - that thing they warn you about when taking Viagra or Cialis.

And my partners started out being happy that I could literally fuck them non-stop... then learned to hate it... and I'd be too stoned out of my mind to really care about how they were feeling while fucking them... and felt like shit after they'd tell me that for them, getting fucked for two or three hours - even with breaks - wasn't really their idea of a good time in bed.

Yeah... lots of shit goes into this, huh?

Sep 8, 2019, 5:54 PM
But, it has to travel through 18” of urethra to get out.
18"??? No offense, but I'm thinking this is either a typo or some ill-sourced information. From what I read, that's about 10" longer than is generally cited for a male urethra.