View Full Version : Puberty Again??

Sep 17, 2006, 10:53 PM
While I am out of the closet to everyone except my parents, I'm still having some odd feelings in regards to my bisexuality.

Does anyone else feel like they're going through puberty again? For instance when I first started comming out, I felt like a pubescent boy in that every cute female that passed me by turned me on. That has since passed and I'm a BIT more discerning now;)

Also I feel somewhat socially awkward in learning how to relate to women sexually and not just as another member of the same gender. It's like learning to date boys all over again.

Wasn't puberty punishment enough the FIRST time??

Has anyone else dealt with these feelings?

Am I the only one who has felt this way? (ie confused, inadequate, awkward, etc)

Sep 17, 2006, 11:05 PM
The older I get, the more awkward and inadequate I feel, the only saving grace is that I care less. I seem to go through phases of social gawkiness, occasionally I'm scintillating, but mostly I just like to disappear into the background.

"Doctor, Doctor! I feel like a pair of curtains!"

"Pull yourself together!"

Sep 17, 2006, 11:56 PM
*hangs head in shame* I don’t want to talk about it. No seriously! I don’t! I did the stupidest things. Ugh! I don’t want to write this or remember it! But I’ll do it for Herbwoman because I’ve got a pubescent crush on her. ;)

Luckily most of the awkwardness went away after the unknown was quelled by experience just like it did when discovering my sexuality around boys. *wince* Okay. Didn’t want to remember that either.

I grew up in this area, and my freshman crush in high school never moved away either. So it is perfectly possible that the first girl I had a crush on could meet him, and they could compare idiotic stories about me. At least I never wrote a cheesy love song for her. She just got that stupid valentine’s bear incident. Argh!

I need a rock to hide under please. *whimper*

Sep 18, 2006, 12:05 AM
I will say that this is the most ackward I have felt since puberty, no zits thank goodness but just about everything else.

Sep 18, 2006, 1:01 AM
I've read articles about how GLBT people often experience a 2nd adolescence after coming out or how there's a need to "make up for lost time".

I can't say that I'm not this way because while my het friends were dating, and having sex/relationships in their teenage years I wasn't doing any of that. Or I'll think, damn I'm in my early 20s and I knew about this since I was at least 12 and deffinatley knew at 16, why did I try to repress it for so long?

Lots of people go through a "slut phase", or go on a bit of a spree. IMO there's nothing wrong with it as long as they're safe, use caution, practise safer sex techniques, don't cheat secretly if they're married/partnered, and respect the other person/people and don't let themselves get forced into doing anything that they/their partner(s) don't want to do.

Sep 18, 2006, 10:28 AM
Oh yeah! I still get tongue tied when I'm around a woman I'm interested in. :oh: It's like having to learn all those social skills all over again from the beginning. And it's sooo different, too. Women don't react like men, flirting is different, dating is different.

I wish there was a really good book out to teach bi women how to to deal with it all and be comfortable and successful on both sides of the fence. 'Course, there are a lot of things a book can't teach you and this is probably one of them. :rolleyes:

Sep 18, 2006, 12:48 PM
Well I'm a teenager so I am actually still going through puberty. It sucks. I like boys and girls and I'm going through puberty all at once. Its horrible. You have no idea how to get a guy to go out with you or know if he likes you and you feel like you can't even look at girls and you have not even a remote clue about what to do with the girl situation. I had a crush on this girl. Well not so much as a crush as huge sexual attraction. I used to stare at her and smile at her and she and her friends ended up laughing at me. Being a teenager sucks, being in senior school (high school sucks), being a teenage bisexual sucks and being a teenage girl sucks. It all sucks. Forget second puberty I'm still on number one and I have NO intention of repeating it.

Sep 18, 2006, 3:02 PM
Awwww (((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) to everyone who has replied.

And extra hugs to Rhuth :bigrin: You don't need to hide sweetie. We've apparently all been big goofballs at one time or another.

Thanks for all the reasurance that I'm not alone in feeling like a total clod.

Sep 18, 2006, 6:58 PM
hell I went from puberty to mid-life crisis with as few intervening years as possible...aiming for second childhood now. Anything to prevent growing up.

Sep 18, 2006, 7:18 PM
I sooooo relate to this thread! For the two decades after my teen years, I felt more and more comfortable and confident with my sexuality and sexual situations; until I decided to experience / experiment with bisexuality, then all the awkwardness, clumsiness, and goofiness came rushing back in, and it felt twice as bad as I remember it being-probably due to being older and thus thinking I had more control. . . LOL, . . . yeppers, I soooo relate to this thread.

Sep 18, 2006, 7:39 PM
I would beilve this is true. The ony thing i never outgrew it when i was yonger. Now that i have discovered my self i sometimes feel very overwhelmed when I met someone i may be intrested in.

Sep 19, 2006, 1:03 AM
[QUOTE=Herbwoman39]While I am out of the closet to everyone except my parents, I'm still having some odd feelings in regards to my bisexuality.

Does anyone else feel like they're going through puberty again?
Hi, wow what a great point you make! I totally feel that way. I'm dressing differently, acting a little more loud and silly, and trying to get the attention of women. I feel sometimes a bit foolish, and ask myself, what has come over me suddenly? I feel the urge to flirt with women all the time, and it hasn't really simmered down yet, since really accepting that I was bisexual a few years ago...life is fun all over again :) :bibounce:

shameless agitator
Sep 19, 2006, 2:55 AM
I'm so glad you started this thread. I thought it was just me. I'm as horny now as I was in my teens. That old feeling that I must get laid or die has returned ; ) I'm as anxious to go out and experience sex with a man as I ever was to lose my virginity with a woman. In some ways it may be worse now because back then I'd only heard that sex could be great. Now I know & I want to explore the differences. At the same time I've wound up being just as shy and insecure as I was as a teen.