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Aug 30, 2019, 9:13 PM
Have others here had run-ins with police while cruising or hanging out in the back of an adult bookstore? Here are a few of mine:

I was picking up parts for a customer’s tractor. The dealership was on a divided highway. On the other side of the road was an ABS. I decided after I dealt with business I’d finally stop in and check it out. Maybe give a few BJ’s if I’m lucky. On the way back out to the truck I focused across the road at my next stop. Men were filing out of the building being herded by police.

The booths in the early ABS’s in my area only showed a few different videos in each. The customer had to look at a list on the wall to determine which booth to pick. After viewing what he wanted in that booth he’d have to come out, check the list and pick another.

It was a slow afternoon, too early for the rush hour crowd. I went into a booth facing the opening into the front of the store to start edging. The video list was on the right side of the opening. Eventually I emerged to check the list. There was a NJ state trooper about five feet in front of me and another in the store facing down the clerk behind the counter. We were the only ones in the place. My trooper checked my fly as I stepped to the video list. I exchanged pleasantries while pretending to read the list, turned and entered another booth. When I left that booth the police were gone and the place was coming alive.

I parked behind a different ABS and headed for the back door which opened directly into the video booth area. Parked in a space next to the door in a topless Jeep were three or four clean cut young men wearing brand new dark blue tee shirts with some bright green where a pocket would have been. Anticipation was overflowing from the group as they all turned their heads together tracking me as I walked by. As I walked in I wasn’t surprised to see the place was empty. Oh well. I picked a booth and went in. Being a few years later, there were no glory holes. Instead, there were small Plexiglas® windows. Each side had a door that could be closed for privacy. Soon after, an older fellow in a worn suit came into the booth on my right. Both doors were open on the window between us, and like the glory holes the windows were positioned so a sitting person could see the other guy’s lap. I had it out and was choking it to a video. He, of course, didn’t take his out. It was pointed down his leg and hard creating an ever growing wet spot. I kept it up for a while being partly turned on by the outline of his hardon, and probably the excitement of the situation. I finally closed the door on the window. Shortly after that I heard him leave.

Aug 30, 2019, 9:40 PM
I was hoping to read about a wonderful blow job.
I hope you do better than that for your next story.

Aug 31, 2019, 3:02 AM
my one and really only encounter with law enforcement was one afternoon I had met a guy at a cruise spot.. we chatted for a bit and decided to go ahead and walk up the trail and find a nice spot for some fun.. once there I almost instantaneously became naked other than my shoes.. I had him almost naked and was sucking it to get it hard to put in my pussy.. once he was ready he bent me over a broken limb and was lining up for entry.. when we heard a voice telling us that we were being invaded by a sheriff.. I go to grab my clothes and am told to remain still.. I ask if I could stand up and he said no.. I heard him ask if this was a private party or could anyone join.. the guy I met there said anyone can join.. so the next thing I know he is in front of me waving a really nice cock.. he reached down and and grabbed me by my hair and as his cock entered my mouth the other guy entered my ass.. they took turns fucking mr and me sucking them.. they both cum 3 times and me twice.. them deep in my ass and me on the ground.. it lasted about two and a half hours.. then they both just left.. I found out later it was planned that way..

Aug 31, 2019, 10:08 AM
Unless you’re paying for it or it is in public, is m2m sex illegal in all states?

In my 20s my gf and I were engaged in cowgirl action beneath the Jersey boardwalk and a local peace officer was polite but insistent that our evening activities should not be done in public. He let us zip up and move on, no foul.

Aug 31, 2019, 11:14 AM
I always get a little twinge when I read of an ABS I visited in the past getting raided or closed....I thank God I wasn't among the arrested...I rarely go anymore for that reason.

Aug 31, 2019, 1:22 PM
So here's the way it works:
A posts on doublelist.
A gets 2 or 3 replies in 2 weeks.
One of them ( let's call him B) sounds serious, writes email after email, sends pictures. He conveniently does not talk about hosting. Else he says he can host, but suddenly things have changed - he can't do that because his "girlfriend is going to be around for a couple of weeks" He then suggests that he and A have Car fun.
A says that it's too risky- so won't do that
B then says that they can meet him at an adult book store because it's fine.
A then says, he can't do that because there are cops and they can get arrested.
B says that is not true because he's done that all the time.
A is still not convinced and tells that to B.
B stops writing - End of story.

I am "A".

I always get a little twinge when I read of an ABS I visited in the past getting raided or closed....I thank God I wasn't among the arrested...I rarely go anymore for that reason.

Aug 31, 2019, 2:49 PM
I always get a little twinge when I read of an ABS I visited in the past getting raided or closed....I thank God I wasn't among the arrested...I rarely go anymore for that reason.

The last time I saw the ABS with the state troopers nature was engulfing it. It had been the closest one to my place when my place was in New Jersey.

Aug 31, 2019, 5:46 PM
I am curious about a couple of things - because we cry hoarse about rights and the pursuit of liberty:

1. I think an adult book store is private property, and anything that happens there is NOT an act in Public.
2. This is an act between "Two consenting adults"

How are these acts unlawful?
Does the police have jurisdiction/right to enter a private property?

The last time I saw the ABS with the state troopers nature was engulfing it. It had been the closest one to my place when my place was in New Jersey.

Aug 31, 2019, 7:06 PM
I am curious about a couple of things - because we cry hoarse about rights and the pursuit of liberty:

1. I think an adult book store is private property, and anything that happens there is NOT an act in Public.
2. This is an act between "Two consenting adults"

How are these acts unlawful?
Does the police have jurisdiction/right to enter a private property?

I agree. People are aloud to have sex in hotels. If nothing else, it should be legal in a booth.

I don't think it's illegal for a man to proposition a woman. She can say no. If a man asks a man it can be called solicitation. He could say no also. I don't remember ever asking for money to give a blowjob. (If a guy wanted money to let me suck him off I think I'd pay him.)

I think the problem is an uptight society that pressures cops to harass us degenerates.

Sep 1, 2019, 3:16 PM
In my entire life, I have heard stories of this happening, but in my entire life, I have never seen it happen. Been to one place while I was in England, they are not nearly as puritanical as we are. been to more than 2 dozen here in the US, most of them in South Florida/Fort Lauderdale area, and about half dozen in my current area of Kentuckiana, near Louisville.

The last place I heard it happen was at the adult theater/video/bookstore nearest me. And it wasn't even because of any of the normal activity, but because some jackass groped and off-duty female cop while she was in the main section of the store buying toys for herself.

Sep 1, 2019, 6:47 PM
In my entire life, I have heard stories of this happening, but in my entire life, I have never seen it happen. Been to one place while I was in England, they are not nearly as puritanical as we are. been to more than 2 dozen here in the US, most of them in South Florida/Fort Lauderdale area, and about half dozen in my current area of Kentuckiana, near Louisville.

The last place I heard it happen was at the adult theater/video/bookstore nearest me. And it wasn't even because of any of the normal activity, but because some jackass groped and off-duty female cop while she was in the main section of the store buying toys for herself.

These accounts happened a long time ago in another state. The only ABS near here doesn't have a back room. The Lion's Den

Sep 3, 2019, 12:55 PM
I don't know if these arrests took place IN the store, or perhaps people took things to their cars or the woods behind an ABS. I imagine whether it's legal or debatable, you still don't want to be part of a round-up at an ABS and go through an arrest, court, possible reporting in the newspaper etc....it can happen. "we heard drugs were being sold", "we heard kids were being molested" etc...cops may do these raids under pressure from the public, a nearby church, etc....

Sep 4, 2019, 5:34 PM
You are 1000000 PERCENT right about it.
That is the reason, I'd rather jerk off than go to an adult book store.
In Canada there are gay bath houses that are very decent, Squeaky clean, with free condoms and it's rather inexpensive to rent. On a membership it costs much less.

Then again. that is CANADA, which is very tolerant. To be Gay or Bi is nothing to be ashamed of!

I don't know if these arrests took place IN the store, or perhaps people took things to their cars or the woods behind an ABS. I imagine whether it's legal or debatable, you still don't want to be part of a round-up at an ABS and go through an arrest, court, possible reporting in the newspaper etc....it can happen. "we heard drugs were being sold", "we heard kids were being molested" etc...cops may do these raids under pressure from the public, a nearby church, etc....

Sep 5, 2019, 5:40 PM
I was at a far end of a big box store waiting for an employee to get something for me. I wasn't surprised that he was taking a long time. He seemed like a screw off, but I waited anyway. I was standing back to the shelves near the end of an isle holding an eight-foot electrical ground rod next to me like a roman guard with a lance.

I was alone until a guy came up to me and asked if I knew where there was another store that sold electrical stuff. He was very vague when I asked him what he was looking for. When I tried to give him directions to a nearby electrical supply house he played dumb.

He had the mannerisms of a cop on duty – the intense eye-to-eye stare, the wheels were turning behind a stone face, and commanding. Eventually he just left. If I thought he was actually cruising I would have made it easy for him.

Later I had a George Costanza “That’s what I should’ve said” moment: “What do you really want?”