View Full Version : A Question about being "Mr Clean".....

Aug 29, 2019, 5:21 PM
I am not very experienced, but the two times I was with my tops, there were no "accidents" as a bottom. I have a perfect digestive system, and though I didn't go through with a "Douche"or "Enema", it was still a clean, pleasant and great experience. Of course, we used rubber on both occasions.

That said, I read a few experiences about how to prepare for the "great moment". There are detailed instructions about how not to eat fibrous food, have a douche, yada yada, yada.

All of that is fine with a bottom meeting a top with a lot of planning - maybe a few hours of notice. How does it work with folks who fuck regularly, when one is horny (as a bottom or top), especially for lovers that don't use rubber because of the trust, the passion and the feeling of "skin to skin"? Does one still use a douche or enema - even if it is between two lovers? I ask this because the pussy is still part . of the digestive system.

This may be a weird and "stupid" question, but can I have some "Smart" answers please?

Aug 29, 2019, 8:01 PM
Definitely not a stupid question.
I'm not very experienced either, Dowmass. But I've done anal enough times to know what you are getting at.
As husband and wife we don't prepare the area for sex. If hubby is planning to meet with a friend, he will shower beforehand but not douche or use an enema. It is what it is (an anus) and you get what you get (shit on your stick). If someone is squeamish, embarrassed or annoyed because a little feces is present, then maybe they shouldn't play where it lives.
Maybe try keeping wet wipes and hand towels nearby to tidy up afterwards so that hopefully no one is offended or embarrassed.

An example from my own experience: When my hubby slides his cock out (of my ass) he immediately wraps a hand towel around it. Often times (for my own reassurance) I will ask him if I was clean. Each and every time he tells me I was squeaky clean! Was I really? I don't know. But he always says I was and It makes me feel more confident for next time. He's a smart man and knows better than to make an issue about poop on his prick after anal.

I'm happy for you that your experiences have been great! Mine have been great as well.
I hope my response to your thread helps.


Aug 29, 2019, 10:24 PM
I've found the cleaning process can be very enjoyable. I sit on the toilet next to the laundry tub. I have an old washing machine hose that's made of rubber with fabric reinforcement. One end is cut off and the other is screwed onto the faucet. With the water temperature adjusted and flow not too much it's a matter or sticking it in my ass to fill and then letting it out over and over. Some fingering is nice. I don't try too hard to get the water to go farther up, but with a little effort eventually I take more and more. Rocking side to side bending at the waist seems to aid complete draining. If crap comes out I'm not done. I enjoyed doing it so much that I was really clean. This also relaxes my sphincter muscles, and I found that I had plenty of clear lube when the time came. I used to do this before my FWB arrived around noon. It didn't matter what I ate the night before. No accidents and no lube added.

Sometimes I would slowly work the hose up inside me.

Don't push hard letting it out as that can aggravate hemorrhoids. That won't make getting fucked as pleasant.

The process can also be done filling in one place, holding it in, and letting it out somewhere else. This time of year, for the joy of doing it and the fresh feeling of being empty, I enjoy filling with the handheld in the outdoor shower and letting it out somewhere in the yard. (Big yard with plenty on privacy)

Aug 30, 2019, 12:08 AM
I clean my self prior to each and ever encounter.. to ensure freshness and cleanliness.. my guys like a clean pussy..

Aug 30, 2019, 2:14 AM
Some personal statistics:

The few times I put my dick in someone else's ass (all women but one) there was no poop on it.

The guy probably didn't prepare. I had my tongue in his ass almost once a week for a year. Only once did I scoop out something smaller than a pea that I let roll down my cheek without skipping a beat. He topped me many times during our relationship. Each time was after I had flushed my colon. There was never any hint of brown, even when when I fingered his cum out of my ass after he left.

With the women, it was spur of the moment and no time to clean first.

With each person I only did it only once.

The first time I was fucked in the ass it was a BIG mess. The other guy, who had told me he was gay, didn't stop until he was done and made it clear he wasn't at at all upset about it. His dick was the first thing ever inserted in there. Pretty much every time I put something up my ass without douching it came out dirty, if not right away, before I was done.

Aug 30, 2019, 10:44 AM
As a top guy I much prefer my bottoms to be well cleaned out before we start. If you are going to enjoy anal play you just have to be accepting that there may be some poo involved. I just like to minimize the mess as much as possible.

Aug 30, 2019, 11:12 AM
As a top guy I much prefer my bottoms to be well cleaned out before we start. If you are going to enjoy anal play you just have to be accepting that there may be some poo involved. I just like to minimize the mess as much as possible.

I have given anal to men and woman in the past. Yes, I suppose it can be assumed that a risk does exist for shartacles to show up. However, when I was the anal receiver, a couple of partners stressed that they expected cleanliness, especially if they planned to toss my salad prior to fucking me. On one occasion (when I didn't expect I'd be getting fucked) the guy pulled out and I could smell I wasn't clean. I apologized and told him I didn't expect things to go where they did.

I always keep some Fleet enemas handy at the house, so if I'm going out to play, I know I'll be clean, should oral or anal take place back there. A few gay or bi hosts offered me their shower and told me they had "cleaning supplies in the bathroom". I got their message.

Lets face it: Not everyone will be perfectly evacuated and clean all the time. Given the function of that orifice, you can't and shouldn't expect it. Yes, we know what the anus is for and we'd be fooling ourselves to think we had perfect plumbing that wouldn't potentially be less than immaculate. It takes only a few minutes on the toilet to flush out and then it's a non-issue for all parties.

Bi-guy rick
Aug 30, 2019, 3:18 PM
I won't top or bottom without douching. Anal douches are affordable and easy to use. It's all part of my "getting ready" time.

Aug 31, 2019, 11:37 AM
I have given anal to men and woman in the past. Yes, I suppose it can be assumed that a risk does exist for shartacles to show up. However, when I was the anal receiver, a couple of partners stressed that they expected cleanliness, especially if they planned to toss my salad prior to fucking me. On one occasion (when I didn't expect I'd be getting fucked) the guy pulled out and I could smell I wasn't clean. I apologized and told him I didn't expect things to go where they did.

I always keep some Fleet enemas handy at the house, so if I'm going out to play, I know I'll be clean, should oral or anal take place back there. A few gay or bi hosts offered me their shower and told me they had "cleaning supplies in the bathroom". I got their message.

Lets face it: Not everyone will be perfectly evacuated and clean all the time. Given the function of that orifice, you can't and shouldn't expect it. Yes, we know what the anus is for and we'd be fooling ourselves to think we had perfect plumbing that wouldn't potentially be less than immaculate. It takes only a few minutes on the toilet to flush out and then it's a non-issue for all parties.

Fleet's enemas are not really suited to getting clean. The are more about treating constipation. I recommend dumping out the contents and just using the bottle with warm tap water, using and repeating until clear.

Aug 31, 2019, 3:16 PM
Bottoming is a regular part of my sexual diet.
I only bottom after I have cleaned well.
Takes 10 or 20 minutes, plus a shower.
Likewise, I only top guys who have cleaned well.
And I have never barebacked.

These are not stupid questions.

The sad truth is, lots of guys out there don’t clean before anal play.

Aug 31, 2019, 5:41 PM
What do you mean by "Likewise, I only top guys who have cleaned well" . Do you mean "shower" before you have sex?

Bottoming is a regular part of my sexual diet.
I only bottom after I have cleaned well.
Takes 10 or 20 minutes, plus a shower.
Likewise, I only top guys who have cleaned well.
And I have never barebacked.

These are not stupid questions.

The sad truth is, lots of guys out there don’t clean before anal play.

Sep 1, 2019, 11:21 AM
Fleet's enemas are not really suited to getting clean. The are more about treating constipation. I recommend dumping out the contents and just using the bottle with warm tap water, using and repeating until clear.

From what I've read on the subject, this is very sound advice. The 'authoritative' information I've ingested comes from several sources, including Ruby Ryder's Pegging Paradise.

You don't want to create a bowel movement, as you would with an enema, you want to expel stools that are in the last several inches of the rectum. This is easily done with a rectal bulb and water. It make take several passes, squeezing the water from the bulb into your rectum, waiting for several seconds, then expelling the water into the toilet. You don't want to be over-zealous and squirt several bulbs-full into you before emptying it, either. Too much water can go too deep into you, maybe even cause some to go past the 2nd sphincter and become somewhat trapped, and it can return somewhat later, sometimes accompanied by the brown-yuck, at a time that you least want it to show up!

Use a bulb of water at a time, and repeat until the water appears clear upon expulsion.

That's what I've read, and that's what I do. Not saying that I'm an expert...