View Full Version : Wife's e-mail

Aug 29, 2019, 4:45 PM
Wife got called into work early, forgot to turn her computer off. Being a nosey male, I decided to check her e-mail. Most messages were from her friend, Sandy.

Hello, pretty friend! Thank you for the fun time yesterday. We need more girl days together. Want you to know I enjoyed myself and never laughed so hard.

Hey, had a great time myself, and the wine was delish! Hope I wasn't a prude, but I've never saw videos like that! I don't know much about girly-girl stuff, it was interesting... Made me wet....

You were wet? I was gushing and turned on! So bad, I had to relieve myself. Thinking of you and your hot bod, of course.

Aww, your just being sweet. I admit, I was turned on too. I'm thinking we need to do this again. I'm gettting
addicted to girls, but don't know where to start.

I know right? Maybe I could teach you!

(More to come....)

Aug 29, 2019, 11:42 PM
Well Dude.....looks like you've got a budding newly-bisexual wife on your hands, or a renewal of previous intimacies with other ladies, or maybe a soon-to-be lesbian! Personally, if she tries to lie her way out of this it would hurt me more than her adventure with her friend. I've long known a person can love more than one person at a time, but that may not be your case.

This may turn into something fun, or it can be the beginning of the end, for you and your wife. Whatever happens, it will be accelerated, upon you revealing what you read.

I'm not saying anything will happen, if you confront her, because there's so many variables, but I can see different routes that your present relationship could take.

You can keep what you read to yourself and, if your relationship is presently satisfactory to you, just let her think her secret is safe and that you haven't got a clue.

Maybe, it's a faze and she will get over it, or maybe she will fall in love with her friend and leave you! It's not impossible to think she could invite you to join them...or not!

If you confront her, you won't have to wait and wonder, if she's going to leave you, or not. But, if you lose your temper and you both begin trading counter-accusations, things could get nasty, quickly. Couples have come to blows for less.

No matter what, your life is bound to change and, whatever happens, could be unpleasant, or, this could be the beginning of a dream, that some of us think of, as the ultimate in relationships!

I'm sure smarter folks than I could come up with a more appropriate anecdote, but those are a few that came to my mind.

Whatever the results are, I hope that the best scenario you could hope for, is what happens!

Good luck....and I hope you will share what happened!

It might be a good lesson for us all!

Aug 30, 2019, 12:26 AM
Don't plan to confront. Will not discuss it with her. My secret....

Aug 30, 2019, 11:36 AM
Don't plan to confront. Will not discuss it with her. My secret....

I wouldn't either, but I certainly might take advantage of an opportunity to maybe explore the issue. For-example, if two women on TV passionately kissed, or two women were under the covers in a movie, I would certainly nudge the issue by maybe saying "wow, that's pretty hot huh ?". Maybe somehow let her know you don't have an issue with it, and perhaps she might respond in a positive way and open up to you..."wow honey, I'm glad you said that because I have this friend.....".

My wife knows I played bi as a youth and before we met. When a male/male encounter shows up on the tube, she'll prod the situation: "wow, didn't see that coming ! What'd you think ?". Or "do you miss that ?". She doesn't presently know I still play on the side, so it does allow some conversation on the subject to ensue. Oddly, she gets wet and hot discussing my male make encounters, yet isn't on board for me to have another guy join us or to give me a "hall pass" to go out and play, not now at least...

Our sex life is waning (with her changes and some meds she's on). The subject of me needing to fulfill my needs we be discussed sooner rather than later.

Aug 30, 2019, 12:54 PM
Don't plan to confront. Will not discuss it with her. My secret....

I find this all a big turn on.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking with a goose/gander attitude.

Are you out to your wife on your Bi leanings, or do you think she suspects?

Aug 30, 2019, 2:03 PM
If this happened with me & my wife, I would keep it to myself and not say anything to her. At least not at this time. After all, nothing physical has happened yet. And if she chooses not to tell you about it, I feel it's her right.

But....I might have a private personal fantasy over it at some point....:tongue:

It's difficult for anyone to advise you what to do. Each marriage/relationship is different.

Aug 30, 2019, 2:48 PM
I wouldn't say shit about it! If anything, I'd pay attention - but not too close - to what she says or does; is she happier? More pep in her step? Stuff like that? Importantly, I'd be so damned tickled and happy for her! Maybe she mentions it, maybe she never does... but she won't find out that I know something else about her.

Aug 30, 2019, 4:31 PM
Wife got called into work early, forgot to turn her computer off. Being a nosey male, I decided to check her e-mail. Most messages were from her friend, Sandy.

Hello, pretty friend! Thank you for the fun time yesterday. We need more girl days together. Want you to know I enjoyed myself and never laughed so hard.

Hey, had a great time myself, and the wine was delish! Hope I wasn't a prude, but I've never saw videos like that! I don't know much about girly-girl stuff, it was interesting... Made me wet....

You were wet? I was gushing and turned on! So bad, I had to relieve myself. Thinking of you and your hot bod, of course.

Aww, your just being sweet. I admit, I was turned on too. I'm thinking we need to do this again. I'm gettting
addicted to girls, but don't know where to start.

I know right? Maybe I could teach you!

(More to come....)

Very hot
I'd love to see that on my wife's email

Aug 31, 2019, 11:09 AM
Have you given the thought that just maybe she left that computer on intentionally so you can find it? But even so, I would play it off like I didnt see it. :)

Aug 31, 2019, 11:12 AM
inquiring minds need to know more !!! (don't be a tease) :)

The Chunkly
Sep 1, 2019, 3:01 AM
Talking from experience here as gone through the trust thing, it's shit trust me.
I know so I'm going to be open and to the point, and I have to speak straight, as for me the biggest thing is trust.

And you have to trust Her, she has to trust You, But you broke the golden rule trust.

You went into her e mails and started reading them.
That is a despicable thing to do, as you obviously do not trust her that's why you broke her trust.

So what are you going to say to her (Sandy Dear, you know I love you, but have always suspected that your a cheating cow that's why I read your e mails)
Some how I don't think that will work do you?

If you have not got trust in a relationship then you have nothing.

Now you have opened a can of worms, in more than one way.
You broke her trust that will really hurt her.

As others have said I think that you really need to think carefully about your next step forward.

Even though she can't trust you, you can't let her know, or it may be the end of your relationship.

You need to,
Bring up either if you see two girls together on the tv and say wooo what you think if a woman wanted to kiss you?
see her reactions?

Maybe fantasising while having sex in bed then bring it up there "gosh what you need now is a woman to be with you in bed now?"

Or on lines like that.

But what ever happens looks like things are set to change and you need to get on top of things fast or it maybe that you likes the dark side...lol

What ever happens, keep us posted and good luck