View Full Version : To Be Open first or Not to be.

The Chunkly
Aug 21, 2019, 10:05 AM
When is it right to be fully honest with someone?

I'm 61 62 in a few weeks time and I have had a few things happen to what I have not told people about.

I'm from England UK.
I met a woman via yeah facebook yeah I know .... "boringggg" This woman from NZ named Jo she is a larger lady a right laugh.
yeah we cyber sex a number of times via skype.

She kept on saying we have to be open and honest with each other.
She is into nude pictures to what she had taken loads with her EX partner.

So, I thought we where doing great, and she wanted me to move over to NZ and be with her.

OK great.
So I took a big gulp of Tea, So, I told her that I had had sex with other Men in the past, that I was Bi sexual.

Mistake...........BIG Mistake!

She went nuts started crying, then said I was not wired up correctly!

Hold up here I said, it was ok for you to play with the cleaners breasts and her suck yours !
That's different she says, yep always is.

Well the moral of this is don't always go in half cocked, be up front first.

I have met a three other women in the years after her.
From the on set...Hey I'm Bi... ok?

Because, I was up front two said ok fine.
The other, She says she didn't like the idea, but we get on very well.

That's my two peeneth.

Aug 21, 2019, 10:15 AM
Be open. You'll end up with one who likes it and then you'll be set for a happy life.

Aug 21, 2019, 10:39 AM
I had never had, or even contemplated, any form of M-M intimate contact, when I met and married my wife in 1971. I had my kinky side with regard to wanting to wear nylons, but I assumed that I was 100% straight. No attraction to men at all.

Won't go into the long story here. The short version is, circumstances led up to minor experimenting with M-M contact after nearly 40 years of marriage. My wife knew about it - she was there. I readily admitted that I'd enjoyed it and wanted to experience more. We agreed that I should probably consider myself bisexual after a couple of more experiences. She accepts it, though it's not a turn-on for her. Her acceptance gives me peace-of-mind.

Any of the elements of my experience could have turned out differently, but I still believe in the old saying, 'Honesty is the best policy'. I don't think it's exactly first-date information to share, but I would confide in a new potential relationship before it got too serious.

Aug 21, 2019, 10:44 AM
Hi there. I think tits are wonderful. I like to eat pussy, suck cock (and swallow), get fucked in the ass, and drink piss. Can we have a relationship?

Long Duck Dong
Aug 21, 2019, 8:59 PM
hi from NZ, lol.... yes we are a mad bunch here.....

lol ok I am generally upfront with people but I end up having to correct them on what it means for me to be pansexual... am I not wired correctly, hell yeah but thats bugger all to do with my sexuality and everything to do with a personality disorder I was diagnosed with....

I live by a golden rule, do not make rules for other people that we can not play by ourselves...and that is based on the constant double standards I find in people.... I am coming up close to 50 now, I have a older male lover and mother / daughter lovers, its like a close knit poly relationship and they have adopted the rule themselves because they saw how I applied it to myself and to other people... our shared relationship is built on mutual understanding, communication and the fact that we are all scarred from previous relationships that have been toxic or so one sided rule wise that they struggled to be human beings in the relationships.....

real men do not cry ? I have no idea if thats true or not... but I am me and hell yeah I cried when I realised I was loved and accepted for who and what I was, because it meant I could heal and learn to live within the limits that the scars allow... so yes, I would rather be upfront and honest....

Aug 21, 2019, 11:37 PM
Greetings from the Hudson Valley of New York!

1) I would say you were right to be honest with that woman.

2) If she doesn't accept you for being who you are, It is her loss! ,not yours.

3) Just wait. when you least expect it, you will find someone very special!

M'Friend, keep me posted as to how things are going, OK?


Aug 22, 2019, 12:00 AM
chunkysplace if u made a mistake with the 1st women it was not telling her sooner. maybe u meant that but i didn't catch it. anyway fuck her. to say ur not wired correctly, while she has had same sex fun herself? what a fucking insult! it's good u told her, now u know what she's made of. glad ur next experiances have been better. wishing u further luck & happiness with women who don't have there heads up there ass. same with men.

Aug 22, 2019, 5:18 PM
It's best to lose her, than lie to her to keep her. She deserves to know what she is getting into.

Aug 23, 2019, 1:59 AM
So I before my ex wife and I got married I told her I was bi. Year later after 2 kids she found me watching make on male porn went crazy and wanted divorce. I'm now with a woman whom accepts me as bi. Well more so pan. She likes the fact that I let her peg me and will eat my cum out her pussy. I've yet to talk her into a mmf experience as she doesn't want drama but used to be in the swinger lifestyle and used to be a dom

Aug 23, 2019, 12:21 PM
Yeah you should always be open about your sexuality with your partner or someone you're looking to make your partner. Some people view hesitation as deceit, and if you don't tell them at all then you really are founding things on deceit.

Aug 23, 2019, 12:51 PM