View Full Version : What is "Fem"?

Aug 9, 2019, 6:52 AM
I am a bi guy with very limited experience as a bottom. I hear all the time, the term "Fem" and "Fem acting". I have never understood that concept as a bottom. As someone on the lower berth that is getting f@cked, Isn't that . fem thing?

The reason I ask is - I have a fantasy to cross dress, and be someone's woman in bed.... similar to what a woman would like in bed. I want to be explored, and be of pleasure to my man. Does this make me "Fem"? Or is there a definitions of what "Fem" ? Totally confused, but thanks in advance for your replies!

Aug 9, 2019, 7:27 AM
A fem is typically a younger or young looking guy or boy who looks and acts very feminine. Some still keep their boyish features and will wear a dress but not look completely like a girl or woman and others will wearing wigs and makeup. I don't know where the line is between just being feminine and crossdressing is but I am sure you qualify as fem.

A good example of a femboy. Very hot.


Aug 9, 2019, 11:59 AM
That was a hot video!!!

Aug 9, 2019, 12:40 PM
Fun thread. What is “fem”? For that matter, what is “masc”?
I think they are both just an attitude, a mindset.
And they both represent extremes of human behavior.
Most real people live closer to the middle.

I am not attracted to women who are extremely fem, I like a little tomboy in there too.
Don’t care much for men that are uber-macho. Matter of taste.

Bottoming is not intrinsically fem, but it seems to bring out the fem side of some guys.
A little more sensitive, emotional, reactive, passive.

Simply being stretched by something thick puts you in an altered state of mind.
Prostate play actually changes your hormones a little bit, for a little while.
Vagus nerve stimulation messes with all kinds of things, like heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and peristalsis.

Sounds like you have a fantasy to transform yourself and become “someone’s woman in bed”.
Become a butterfly. Interesting place to be.

Aug 9, 2019, 12:48 PM
I'm a bisexual man and I have a long-time friend (on another site) who has recently begun to become much more fem, more a sissy maybe, and our relationship has changed enormously. I totally love going on this journey with him and assuming the role of his daddy as he (she?) becomes ever more submissive and feminine. Now we talk about panties and bras I'd like to see him wear and he gushes on about how he's going to wear some sexy panties and wiggle slowly away from me to excite me. I would never have guessed how much these changes would excite me and how I would change as he develops his sissy nature. It's just awesome.

Aug 9, 2019, 12:58 PM
Mindset, attitude, even a behavior. I know guys who are bottoms and they're quite masculine when getting done... while other guys have let their inner girl out before the sex even got started - and she shows up even more during sex. I've seen guys transform from a regular or even kinda macho type of dude... to being very feminine in their mannerism and behavior and some could give real women a lesson in being feminine... and those guys weren't gay.

A theory of mine: Some guys say they feel very girly when they're being fucked/sucking cock... and it just works for them and the ones I knew - and as far as I knew - weren't crossdressers or "on their way to being gay" - they just very much like being the girl in that situation and they just fucking owned it. One guy I talked to about this said, "They say you should take the dick like a man... it's more fun to take it like a girl!" I know that sometimes I'll take the dick and feel very damned girly... but it never seemed to "stick" with me although I understand how wonderful it feels - and how it can unnerve some guys and even embarrass them when their inner girl happens to show up.

It just is what it is and my only real "objection" are those fem guys who try to out-woman the real thing; to me, they're just way over the top but it still is what it is for them.