View Full Version : ANyone else do this with same gender partners?

Jul 27, 2019, 12:44 AM
I feel like I am the only one experiencing this, but when I am with a same gender playmate, my behavior changes based on the stature of my partner.

When I am with a same gender partner that is smaller in stature (quite a trick as I am only 5'6" and average build), I am more masculine acting, a bit more dominant.

When my same gender partner is larger stature, then I tend to be more feminine acting.

When my partner is the same stature, it is a mix of behaviors.

Does anyone else do this or am I alone in this?

Jul 27, 2019, 11:04 AM
I never noticed it before, until you brought it up, but i do the same thing.

Jul 27, 2019, 4:48 PM
I am Vers. I like taller tops and shorter bottoms. 5’8”.
It always feels … strange to be with a Shorter Top or Taller Bottom.

I am generally masc.
But, I observe myself acting slightly more femme with taller guys, and more masc with shorter ones.
Always wondered what it would be like to be with a tall guy, like 6’6”. Hmm …

Jul 28, 2019, 6:50 AM
I wouldn't say I am more feminine acting, but definitely a little more submissive. Would like for him to take charge, and I will be the more than willing partner to do as I am told! But you have brought up an interesting point!

Jul 29, 2019, 8:47 AM
I actually had to think about this to see if I behaved differently... and I can't recall ever flip-flopping my personality with guys - I'm pretty consistent in being myself. I try not to be intimidating and I'm not intimidated by bigger guys but years of martial arts training taught me to be on a very even keel. I do find this very interesting, though!

Aug 6, 2019, 12:21 AM
I find I am more masculine, confident, and sexually aggressive with guys.

My wife and I swing. With women, I tend to be much more indirect and deferential so as not to come across as an alpha jerk. Even when we hook up with another couple, I find I'm all about pleasuring the woman and doing what she wants first.