View Full Version : What's a Gay/Bi relationship like?

Jul 24, 2019, 12:26 PM
I've never been in a gay/bi relationship. I've always been in relationships with women, and I'm pretty much always horny... sex is usually once every three days. Sometimes, twice in a day.

If you're gay, or bi, and have been in a relationship, about how many times do you have sex in a day, and throughout the week?

I feel as though if I was ever in a gay/bi relationship, I'd probably be having sex (or at least sucking him off), at least twice a day, every day.

Jul 24, 2019, 12:51 PM
That is a very good question!

Jul 24, 2019, 1:09 PM
Mine have been like any M/F relationship. Hot and heavy in the beginning, tapering off as they progressed. I’ve mainly dated older guys, so that’s played a part too. On average though, during the work week after things normalized probably 3-4 times, not including weekends. I almost married a guy that I would have “ naked Saturday” with. We would make it a point to spend the day getting down all over the house, he was 20 years older than me and had the libido of a 21 year old.
It depends on who you’re with!

Jul 24, 2019, 1:52 PM
I've been in two such relationships; the first wasn't "all that sexual" - we'd have sex but the main highlight of our relationship (and such as it was) was him being a royal bitch about the fact that I was bisexual and not of a mind to give up consorting with women. The other relationship I've been in like this was highly sexual - once it got going for real and I figured out he was "after" me. I was in my late 20s then and the sexual part of it would happen several times a day whether I was actually fucking him or he was "sneaking" up on me and giving me amazing blowjobs. He was very, very affectionate and prone to crying because he was happy. He didn't have a problem with me being bisexual and understood that I had a wife who required my attention as well but I'd often have to remind him to save me something for the wife since he liked sucking me off as many times in a day as he could get away with.

It was very emotional, very sexual and while it was one of the best moments of my life, it was one of the "worse" because I had to learn what it was like to be with a very effeminate gay man and not let it bother me; we'd be making love, I'd be in him, our eyes locked together and he'd just start crying - at first, I thought I was hurting him but, nope, just happy and stuff like this was something I just wasn't used to.

Jul 24, 2019, 11:50 PM
Every relationship I've had with guys, which was a gay relationship, was different. Some guys are very thoughtful, eager to please and like to give as good as they got. Others are selfish and will often get off then forget about your needs. Still, others only want to get you off; they seem to get their thrill by creating your orgasm...some of them don't even want you to reciprocate..

Bisexual relationships, where both genders are involved, can be extremely complicated, with rules and "Safe words" that mean whatever you're doing, stop it! Jealousy can also be a factor, too.

My very 1st attempt at a polyamorous relationship, was initiated by a buddy. He was fine as long as it was just him and me, doing our thing. For a while, his wife only watched, but then demanded to join in. However, when his wife got involved, he could not stand her interacting with me. That was the end of that!

My 2nd, and last, effort to be a part of a MFM poly relationship turned out perfectly, with the husband and wife in agreement in almost everything we did. That lasted 13 months, and probably was the best relationship I ever had!

So, I would say that no two relationships are the same, just try to courteous, considerate, and go with the flow. I've always hoped to be involved in another relationship, like that, but sadly, it never happened again!

Jul 25, 2019, 12:52 AM
I am bisexual and had a relationship with a guy who was gay and he did not get the fact I was not going to step out on him with anyone regardless of plumbing. My experience is gay men seem to feel all bisexual men will cheat on them, with other men that may have been their experience but I am monogamous. I had one real significant relationship with a guy and we were one on one and both bisexual. It was with a real good friend that I worked out with a lot and it turned sexual. I have always been quiet about my bisexuality due to work and family. A workout partner that I was great friends with took a turn one morning on an offhand statement he made. After a frustrating night he had out with a woman, he made a crack about being so hard up he would probably give a blowjob to get one. It lasted a little over a year, we were inseperable and trusted each other completely. It was different than with a woman in that it was less "romantic" and more we did everything together including take care of each other's needs sexually. The only downside was he liked the submissive role to an extreme and limited my taking care of his needs at times and I felt things were too one sided. He eventually moved to Washington state, married a woman and put this behind him like it never occurred. We had sex three or four times a week, he liked bottom I liked top, we traded oral some additional days. The fact we were both bisexual made it easier, we both looked at the ladies but were monogamous with each other. Like all relationships all have similarities and differences. Biggest thing is be honest and don't bullshit each other. By the way for those who have come here more recently, this type of question now rare here was much more common prior to the changes over the last year when another site folded and the membership here changed.

Jul 25, 2019, 10:22 AM
the two relationships I have had have both been very sexual.. both men had very hi sex drive and stamina.. the first guy I was naked all the time bent over something or on my back.. he had a beautiful 9” thick cock.. and very thick cum loads.. he would breed me 2-4 times a day.. this lasted almost 3 years.. the second one he had a very thick 8” cock and when he cum he it was gallons he would fuck me every morning and every night.. he was very dom and he fucked me really good.. he made me cum so hard while fucking me.. it was almost religious.. I miss being fucked like that..

Jul 25, 2019, 11:14 AM
Thanks guys!