View Full Version : Sugar daddy?

Jul 21, 2019, 2:53 PM
Question for anyone willing to answer..
have you ever had or been a sugar daddy to another male? What did it entail? Gifts, money, clothing etc? Or did you pay his rent or bills? I know it’s never going to happen but I have a huge sugar daddy fantasy, he buys me nice watches and clothes, sexy undies (men’s or women’s) and in return I let him use me as he sees fit. And with whoever he wishes.
Is this odd? Does it make me a bad person?
Either way, thanks for the feedback!

Jul 21, 2019, 9:57 PM
Yes, I came into a situation just like you described.

I was 21, in 1962, when I began an intimate relationship with a much older doctor. At first, at least in my mind, it was just a good relaxing way to enjoy a day off, reveling in his magnificent BJs, swimming in his pool and getting my fill of his gourmet cooking. Being naïve and not one to think too deeply about Doc's thought process, I didn't see signs that he was grooming me to be "his boy".

I was beginning to feel uncomfortable of his overt display of affections, in public. He loved to touch and caress me, when we ran into one of his friends. His being flamboyant was unnerving to me, too. I asked him to be more polite and less demonstrative of his feelings for me, in public, but he couldn't help himself. So, I decided to break off the relationship.

He'd call me at all hours of the night and even came to my work a couple of times. He'd beg me to come back to him. He promised to keep his hands off me, in public, and act more straight. (What a joke, he could not, would not, be different)

Being too horny for my own good and missing his food, mixed drinks, and sex, I finally agreed to go back to him. Soon, I began spending the night at Doc's place, almost every night, and I admit the commendations, food and sex, were great!

This was just before my birthday: One night, we were watching a Sebring race on TV and there was a discussion about Fiat 600s winning their class. I said something about they looked like fun and I'd like to have one to zip around town in and, to maybe race in gymkhanas, too.

Soon after that, Doc told me he was planning a birthday party for me and invited some of his gay and lesbian friends to join us.

After we'd eaten and drinks were served, Doc gave a toast to his lover (Me) and announced that I was going to leave my apartment and move in with him!

I was shocked, as nothing had been said, about me making that move! I didn't say anything, until everyone had left. But, as soon as the coast was clear, I told him we needed to talk!

He interrupted me to tell me something, first.

Doc said wanted me to stop working and he would pay me the same salary, but I would be there for him, whenever he wanted me. I could save all of my money, because he'd pay for everything! He'd even allow me to see others, if I wanted to, as long as he and I weren't scheduled for private time.

It was like he had everything planned, without any thought that I may not agree to it!

I was about to protest, when he opened the door between the kitchen and his garage. There, in the closest bay to the house, was a brand-new, bright red, '62 Fiat Abarth 600, wrapped in ribbons and a big bow. He handed me a birthday card and said the keys to the Fiat was in the envelope!

At first, I thought I'd never have to work again and I'd be living like a king! All I had to do was have sex with Doc whenever he wanted me to, swim in his pool, sleep, and eat!

Damn, I'd died and gone to heaven!

I took the Fiat out and drove it around the block. It had every gadget one could put on a Fiat and it ran like a little rocket.

Then, as I was sitting at a traffic light, it dawned on me that I was about to sell my soul, to be a lazy, glutinous, sex slave, who would surely be cast off, as soon as a prettier, younger, boy came along to take my place! (One of his friends warned me, earlier, that Doc had a reputation for falling in love with young men, then dumping them, when someone new appeared on the scene)

Finding the strength within me and, weighing the fun against the price I'd have to pay for it, I chose to remain free.

I drove back to Doc's, handed him the keys, and walked out!

As I got in my car, he yelled at me, "You'll be back!!"

A few days before the birthday party, friend had called me from Kentucky to offer me a job, but I had turned him down, because of Doc....but my plans were immediately changed!

I called my friend, as soon as I got to my apartment and asked if the job was still available? He said it was, if I could be there, by Monday morning. (It was then about midnight on Saturday!)

I packed my things into my '56 Chevy, as my phone began to ring and ring. I knew it was Doc and hurried to get the hell out of Dodge, before he came looking for me! I checked out of the apartment, got my deposit, then left for Kentucky.

I could have taken two paths, that day, but I'm thankful that I didn't succumb to Doc's offer.

To this day, I've remained my own person and never allowed myself to get in that situation again! I had fun with Doc, but being his BOY was just not for me. I never saw Doc again!

Jul 22, 2019, 3:10 PM
Wow, realist, this is a hell of a story! You have material for a short story! But, I have to admit, the idea of having my bills paid for is awfully appealing! Too bad he did not offer a friends with lavish benefits offer!



Jul 22, 2019, 3:20 PM
I've never wanted to be one, never wanted one but I wouldn't say it's a bad thing either way. I see a lot of guys on A4A looking for a sugar daddy or a sugar daddy looking for a guy he can lord over... and I just shrug. Except when I'm sick - and I'm rarely sick - I don't want someone "taking care" of me in this way; it's hard to get rid of the habit of taking care of myself in these things for as long as I've been doing it and, to be honest, having a wife is too much like being a sugar daddy for me to be interested in being one to someone else, not that I could afford to do it in the first place. I like having sex with men, don't like feeling like a whore and just sitting on my ass and being "paid" to provide a guy whatever comforts he requires, that and I'm not of a mind to relinquish control of my life like that.

If it's what makes ya happy, it is what it is.

Jul 23, 2019, 2:52 AM
About 10 years ago I answered an add of a guy looking for a sub bottom.. turned out he was a ceo of a large company here in the big city.. he was dom and wanted a sub whore bottom to use at his will.. being in the sex trade at the time I jumped at the offer.. the first while it was just that sex for money.. then he started taking me on business trips.. on weekend get always and or just getting a room to use me in.. then one day he told me he didn’t want me seeing anybody else.. I got a job on paper at his company that put quite a sum of money in my account.. just to be free to fuck him when ever he wished.. he would always leave money on the side board as well for being a whore.. he shared me with other men in his company as well as clients from time to time.. all of whitch left money.. then he ask me to move into the corporate suite in his building.. so I did.. free rent right.. more sex.. all good!! He started fucking me 2-3 times a day.. a couple of his buddies started fucking me as well.. all paying to fuck me.. after about 2 years of this I had fallen pretty hard for the guy.. ya I was in love with a man.. I wanted him to stop buying my sex.. just fuck me because he wanted to.. then one night he showed up to the suit with 5 Japanese guys.. told me to go in the other room and get naked and return.. I figured that he and they were going to share me as he always did.. that night he told me that I was a whore and that I needed to earn my keep.. he would be back in the morning to fuck me.. he left and they fucked me all night long.. that next morning when he got there I was laying on cum soaked sheets with cum Ozzing from my pussy.. he mounted me and fucked me harder than ever before.. he took me to the shower and fucked me again then cleaned me up and then bent me over the back of the couch and fucked me there till he had dumped 2 loads in me.. when he left I had his cum running down my legs.. he dropped money on the side board and said I love you.. that blew my mind.. I packed my stuff and left.. that night he was at my room door.. and he fucked me 2 more times that night.. I told him I didn’t want his money and would not take it again.. he said goodbye and I never heard from him again!!

Autumn Eternal
Sep 15, 2019, 10:04 PM
One of the first guys I had sex with was kinda into having a young sub friend. He insisted on taking me on a date for our first meeting. He took me to a nice restaurant and kissed me goodnight. I ended up going over to his place a few times before we even did anything sexual, we just loved talking! Finally one night I stayed over and we sucked each other off a few times. I loved the way he held me with his hard cock pressing on my ass. I tried to go over as often as I could, but parents began suspecting something was up and eventually I felt like I had to cut him out of my life. I still miss him quite often.