View Full Version : OMG! Bi.com's still alive!!!

Jun 18, 2019, 2:13 PM
Geez, I've missed this site!

For ages, I was getting warnings that the site was loaded with viruses, so I stayed away. Today, I decided to try one more time....and, there was no warning!

I hope a few of my old friends are still here!

Hello to everyone!

Jun 18, 2019, 3:16 PM
Good to see you!

NS Uncut
Jun 18, 2019, 3:50 PM
Yeah, I too was off here for a while. I didn't hear about the warning. Maybe because CL is gone?

Jun 18, 2019, 4:00 PM
Yeah, I too was off here for a while. I didn't hear about the warning. Maybe because CL is gone?

Dunno why, but the web anti-malware programs were flagging this site for a while... Still on and off...

Jun 18, 2019, 6:28 PM
Hi Realist! I've missed you!


Jun 18, 2019, 7:23 PM
Good to see you Realist ! :flag3: Welcome back ! :bibounce:

Jun 18, 2019, 7:52 PM
Hey Realist! I just checked and the last PM from you was September 2018....ya it has been awhile.

Jun 18, 2019, 9:15 PM
Aw...it's great to see you guys!....That's ya'll in the South, You-ins in Pa and Youse in NJ! (Translation for Dee...she's a NJ cutie!) Not sure what the foreigners, like Tenni say! (I know, Canada's gonna build a fence to keep us out of there!) CSREEF, I'll respond to your request, soon. Good to see Ol' Liz is still green...do lizards get gray, when they're old? Good to see you, too, NS UNCUT.

Jun 18, 2019, 9:48 PM
I am glad to see your still alive too!
You have always been one of the nice people on this site.

Jun 18, 2019, 10:03 PM
Thanks Jem! I remember we shared some thoughts and deeds a while back, nice being back...I missed this place!

Jun 18, 2019, 10:26 PM
wellcome back

Jun 18, 2019, 11:10 PM
Thanks Jem! I remember we shared some thoughts and deeds a while back, nice being back...I missed this place!

Jun 19, 2019, 6:21 AM
wb realist

Jun 20, 2019, 8:20 AM
Hi Yoyome!

Funny how the mention of a place will bring back memories!

I was at Indy, with some Air Force buddies in '65, when Jim Clark won the race in a Lotus. I was sitting next to a blond college boy, of maybe 20, (I think his name was Ted) who had sorely distracted me. (I was 24, then)

About an hour before the race began, he and I were chatting, while my solidly-straight friends began drinking to excess. (Back then, it was The Kiss of Death, to even be rumored to be a deviant, in the Military, so I was seriously covert) I liked drinking, then, too, but after paying for that expensive ticket, I wasn't about to get drunk and miss any part of the race!

There was just something about Ted that was getting to me and I found myself getting erections, sitting so close to him. I loved his looks, from the minute I saw him; he was a little chubby, with blond hair, an angelic face and perfect skin...I was VERY attracted to him!

We introduced ourselves and he wanted to know all about the Air Force. Ted was sitting very close, even though our seats still had a lot of room.....the electricity was palatable, between us.

To make a long story short, we discovered we were both bisexual and being close,
because of all of the noise and distractions going on around us, we could talk fairly freely.

He told me he'd been intimate with his roommate, but admitted to playing with neighborhood boys in his pre-teens. I revealed that I'd also had some early same-gender experiences and had been intimate with a roommate, who had recently been sent to Vietnam. We shared some similar experiences, from our early lives and, by the time the race began, we were like old friends. Naturally, we couldn't actually DO anything, but we did exchange addresses and agreed to write.

One of my friends had passed out and was laying, shirtless, at the bottom of the bleachers! Another Airman, had written "Fuck you" in suntan lotion on his back and we just left him laying there. All during the race, people were walking by and over him.....he missed the entire race! That big sign was surrounded by a badly sun-burned back!

Ted and I planned to meet, the next time he was on spring break and I could get a leave. We wrote some amazingly erotic mail back and forth for a while. (no e-mails, back then!)

Sadly, Ted flunked out of school, and was quickly drafted!

Things were getting hectic in all of the Services, back then, and we ended up losing contact. The last time I heard from him, he was heading for Thailand, to a support unit. I've long since forgotten his last name, but I still wonder what might have happened, if we'd had an opportunity to explore each other?

Hey, I'm now an old man and have all of these memories I can't share often, so you just got stuck with one! Anyway, I will always have a fond memory of that race in Indy and the chance meeting of another bi guy!

Jun 20, 2019, 8:58 AM
Love the story, Realist!
Even though your connection didn't come to fruition, the meeting left sweet memories in your heart. I love that!
I sometimes wonder if connections from my past ever think of me.
There are one or two very special people
from my past that I wish/hope they know how much they matter to me and how much I wish we were still a part of each other's lives. He was someone I met from the infamous chat rooms of the early 1990's. Remember chat rooms? We spent hours chatting. Never met in person. Spoke very briefly on the phone twice. Then life got crazy and I left the chatroom scene.
I found him on Facebook about 3 years ago. I couldn't find him just with his name but his former place of employment has a FB page and I found some of his comments as well as a few pictures. That helped me find his personal (public) FB page. My heart swelled and ached at the same time. Such mixed emotions. I can't bring myself to reach out. I feel deeply that it wouldn't be good for him. I can't do that.
He isn't "the one that got away". I have the one I want. He is just someone who added so much to my life. That's why there is so much to miss.

I might not share this. I'm not sure yet. Delete? Delete?
Nope. Share.

Jun 20, 2019, 9:37 AM
Thanks for your response and sharing, Miss Thang! ("Miss Thang".....Term of endearment in the south..."There goes Miss Thang...she's hot stuff, isn't she?"! That's kinda like "Sumbitch", in Texas! example: "Ralph, you ol' sumbitch, where in hell have you been, Buddy?")

When people, like the fellow you just described, come into our lives, no matter how brief, they can often leave us with lasting memories and thoughts of "What if?". It seems like there's way too many "Near-misses" and "What if's" in my life. An example is like my incomplete connection with Ted.

What if, you and he had connected and shared some soul-stirring experience?

What if, Ted and I had found some time to get to know each other? (Ted's GF was bi and she encouraged him to explore his gay-side) It felt natural to love both genders.)

One can only play those possibilities in their minds.....but those will be answers we'll never get! Actual relationship often turn out differently than we expected.

I love others' experiences and personal histories...…. especially enjoy stories of tenderness, sensuousness, and heart-rending adventures.

Jun 20, 2019, 10:41 AM
Realist, I have no doubt that over the years Ted has thought about you too. And I'm sure those memories pull at his heart strings as well. You are not someone that could ever be forgotten by those who have been blessed to know you.


Jun 20, 2019, 11:38 AM
Aw, Dee, you're such a sweetie! Thanks for your kind reply.

I hope to have been a good memory, for a few very special people..... I certainly can remember some fantastic experiences, shared with lovers, who have entered and exited my life.

I suspect that you, too, have precious events stored in your heart, too.

I always thought that you and your husband have found the best type of marriage for you both. Many of us weren't that lucky. It's amazingly rewarding to be able to be totally honest, in a relationship, and be accepted for who you are!

Kudos for you both!

Jun 21, 2019, 3:30 PM
realist welcome back!!!!!! :) nice to see old online friends back again!
so sorry things didn't workout with ur friend. it sounds like it could of been so hott, but also special. hope by some weird coincidence u2 find each other again.
& dee i can understand why u would hesitate contacting ur old friend. i respect that but i would also ask u just to consider it. it would be a shame to pass this up if in the end it was passing it up for the wrong reasons.
what can i say, i love it when people who connect deeply with each other meet! :)

Jun 22, 2019, 1:31 AM
Also the first time I've logged here in literally maybe 7 years. I do so now only to kudos Realist on having witnessed Jim Clark's Indy win. That's stout brother, and I'm only 55, but I know much about it.

Jun 22, 2019, 10:10 AM
Hi, Swirl...don't believe we've chatted before, but I wanted to say that race was exceptionally invigorating, on the track as well in the bleachers! I'm sorry my meeting Ted didn't continue into something more rewarding!

I got to see the Novi run and actually met Joseph Granatelli at a machine shop, before the race. A friend brought a sprint car to run at the Little 500, in Anderson, Indiana, before the Indy race.

Clark's Lotus was a screamer and I'm sure that was the end of the mighty little Offenhauser 4-banger's reign, too!

Damn, that was about 54 years ago!!!