View Full Version : Would you marry someone of the same gender?

May 31, 2019, 7:42 PM
Are you capable of emotional attraction to someone of the same gender?

Would you marry someone of the same gender?

Those who feel that they may only be emotionally attracted to someone of the opposite gender.

What holds you back from being emotionally attracted to same gender?

Is it your Biphobia?

NS Uncut
May 31, 2019, 7:52 PM
None of the above. Im married now and if anything happened, either way, one of us wants out. Whatever, but I'd never get married again under any circumstances, including money.

May 31, 2019, 7:53 PM
None of the above. Im married now and if anything happened, either way, one of us wants out. Whatever, but I'd never get married again under any circumstances, including money.

Amen to that...

May 31, 2019, 8:01 PM
No, I wouldn't ever want to marry a man. I've loved and married 2 women, one of which I have a child and grandchildren with. I have felt closeness, intimacy, romance and immense sexual pleasure with quite a few men. But I've never felt the same kind of emotional, wanna be with you forever type of love I felt with my 2 wives and other women. I've felt strong crushes and can't wait to see you again feelings for a few men. I'm not bi-phobic or gay-phobic. Women were never sex objects for me...but men are...and I want to be the sex object of other men with no strings attached.

May 31, 2019, 8:29 PM
pretty much sums up my feelings, though i admit i don't speak from experiance.
No, I wouldn't ever want to marry a man. I've loved and married 2 women, one of which I have a child and grandchildren with. I have felt closeness, intimacy, romance and immense sexual pleasure with quite a few men. But I've never felt the same kind of emotional, wanna be with you forever type of love I felt with my 2 wives and other women. I've felt strong crushes and can't wait to see you again feelings for a few men. I'm not bi-phobic or gay-phobic. Women were never sex objects for me...but men are...and I want to be the sex object of other men with no strings attached.

NS Uncut
May 31, 2019, 8:29 PM
My feelings exactly, well said.

May 31, 2019, 8:31 PM
Marriage and sexuality are not inextricably linked. I refuse to accept any label of biphobia just because I prefer wearing a women’s ring on my finger.

NS Uncut
May 31, 2019, 8:38 PM
Yeah, that was a new one on me too. Another label...

May 31, 2019, 8:41 PM
I agree with the sentiments expressed. I may be old fashioned, but I feel that the security, home-base, children and grand-children aspects of marriage with a woman is good. I too have felt intimate friendship with a couple of men - not completely reciprocal - but have something with my wife that I can't see myself having with a man.

May 31, 2019, 8:49 PM
Some good points and particulary from guys married to a woman.

Some may see marriage (of some form of co habitating) as not linked to your sexuality. Isn't your sexuality linked to which genders that you are attracted to? For reasons unclear to me, I see most guys posting here about physical sexual attraction and even then some limit it to a body organ ..cock.

I think that it takes a shift in what you are comfortable with and wonder if internalized biphobia prevents some from fully accepting their bisexuality. I'm inclined to suspect that those who are both physical and emotional attracted to men and women are different from those interested only in cock and reserve any emotional attraction to women only?

Cuttin points out that he has felt "closeness, intimacy, romance" with a man. I would think that is emotional attraction of some form? In order to contemplate co habitating with another man requires another major shift in self acceptance?

NS Uncut
May 31, 2019, 9:01 PM
My point was i3d never get married again, co-habitating is a whole other animal which I'd be up for taming. Has to be the right person of either sex. Its about the freedom doing whatever i want to, when i want to. I guess its selfish but after 35 years bringing up a family with 3 great kids and 3 grandkids that i wouldn't have given up for the world, i deserve it, I'm getting on in age and feel like a kid.

Jun 1, 2019, 2:54 AM
Whilst I don,t think I would ever marry again , I am a widower. I have in the past had a very close and even loving relationship with another man, I was still married at the time and he was a gay man , my very first MM partner in fact. We had a very close relationship for about two years, we are still very good friends even now 15 years after we ended out affair. So in short, yes, why not it can be very fore filling

Jun 1, 2019, 7:01 AM
I would never marry again. It makes no difference what sex they are to me, the answer would be still be never. Might live with someone but not marry.

Jun 1, 2019, 8:23 AM
Are you capable of emotional attraction to someone of the same gender?

Would you marry someone of the same gender?

Those who feel that they may only be emotionally attracted to someone of the opposite gender.

What holds you back from being emotionally attracted to same gender?

Is it your Biphobia?

So you're suggesting that if someone has a preference for or a favourite something, it's simply due to a negative bias against the others rather than a positive towards the preference?
In some cases you could be right but I suspect you aren't taking into account the full spectrum and many sides to bisexuality and indeed romance

NS Uncut
Jun 1, 2019, 9:15 AM
So you're suggesting that if someone has a preference for or a favourite something, it's simply due to a negative bias against the others rather than a positive towards the preference?
In some cases you could be right but I suspect you aren't taking into account the full spectrum and many sides to bisexuality and indeed romance
Agreed, the label thing. I i cant be labeled, they don't have a label for me yet...

Jun 1, 2019, 12:56 PM
So you're suggesting that if someone has a preference for or a favourite something, it's simply due to a negative bias against the others rather than a positive towards the preference?
In some cases you could be right but I suspect you aren't taking into account the full spectrum and many sides to bisexuality and indeed romance

"a preference for or a favourite something" is unclear as to what you mean?

The definition that I use for bisexuality is " a physical /and or emotional attraction to both men and women".

I agree that there is a present wide range of what may be seem as bisexual. I'm asking how many are capable of an emotional attraction for the same gender whether or not that you label yourself as bisexual or doorknob...;). It is not about labels as much as it is about discourse on this site dealing with emotional attraction with other men(or same gender). Most threads deal with raw physical sex between men.

What "romance" activity would you be comfortable doing for same gender and which would you be reluctant to do?

" it's simply due to a negative bias against the others rather than a positive towards the preference?"

Please expand on this statement as to "others"?

Jun 1, 2019, 5:13 PM
"a preference for or a favourite something" is unclear as to what you mean?

The definition that I use for bisexuality is " a physical /and or emotional attraction to both men and women".

I agree that there is a present wide range of what may be seem as bisexual. I'm asking how many are capable of an emotional attraction for the same gender whether or not that you label yourself as bisexual or doorknob...;). It is not about labels as much as it is about discourse on this site dealing with emotional attraction with other men(or same gender). Most threads deal with raw physical sex between men.

What "romance" activity would you be comfortable doing for same gender and which would you be reluctant to do?

" it's simply due to a negative bias against the others rather than a positive towards the preference?"

Please expand on this statement as to "others"?

Ok I'll keep it simple.
By preference I meant anything at all. That's why I didn't specify man, woman, whiskey or wine or "something " the concept of preference is what I was pointing to. Others meaning simply other options. I believe your statement suggesting biphobia ( a negative bias) as the likely reason for a bisexual person to marry the opposite gender rather than the same gender was short sighted to say the least.

Labels. Why are you going on at me about labels? I didn't mention them. Not once. Have another read-through. People should make their own labels so who are we to judge. You might have meant that for someone else. Perhaps a doorknob.

My romantic activity? Well any gender could be possible. What would I be reluctant to do? Go to a musical. Hate them.

NS Uncut
Jun 1, 2019, 5:35 PM
Agreed, basically my original point but good discussion. Labels sounds like a social/political thing... Not my thing.

NS Uncut
Jun 1, 2019, 5:50 PM
Ok, the label game goes like this... Hey Hotdogs, the guy is from Canada, they're socialists up there, I'm also an Irish citizen... we must be right... I don't believe any of it except i really an an Irish citzen, but thats how labels work. At least know ir when it gets applied to you...

Jun 2, 2019, 1:37 PM
Would I marry someone of the same gender? No.

Could I have an emotional relationship with someone of the same gender? I'd like to , but it hasn't happened yet.

Jun 2, 2019, 2:32 PM
I wouldn't say that I wouldn't but I've been a married man for so long that if something happened to my wife, I wouldn't consider getting married again. I've been in love with a guy so I know that's possible but my decision isn't biphobic; you just get tired of being married after a long time of being married.

Jun 2, 2019, 8:17 PM
Would I marry someone of the same gender? No.

Could I have an emotional relationship with someone of the same gender? I'd like to , but it hasn't happened yet.

I agree, for me, I could have a close friendship, but not marriage, just not interested in that.......too many complications. Honestly, the same sex couples I have seen, seem to fight a lot more, maybe some opposite is a good thing, I dont know

Jun 2, 2019, 10:18 PM
I have been married twice and will never marry again.. I have how ever had a couple guys that I fell for I am not sure it was deep unconditional love but I cared very deeply for them..

Jun 2, 2019, 10:59 PM
I would marry my present partner if there was a good economic or legal reason to do so.

Long Duck Dong
Jun 3, 2019, 1:57 AM
I agree, for me, I could have a close friendship, but not marriage, just not interested in that.......too many complications. Honestly, the same sex couples I have seen, seem to fight a lot more, maybe some opposite is a good thing, I dont know

I am the same, I am in a poly group with 3 others, 2 females and a male... I lost my partner 4 years ago, two of the others have been married and badly burnt... the younger lady has not married and does not wish to marry based on what she has seen with friends around her...

we do not measure commitment and love in terms of legal contracts, pre nups and court battles when it all goes belly up... but in terms of love, support, caring, consideration and communication with each other..... and what is ironic is that a lot of the same sex couples that married after same sex marriage became legal in NZ... have divorced and separated, making me wonder if they married for all the wrong reasons and it was not about love but about proving a point that same sex couples can live happily ever after... and failed....... and some of the couples I know that have been together for 20+ years, have never married.......

Jun 4, 2019, 12:15 AM
I had a great male friend that I hung out with all the time for about a year. We worked out together, traveled together and were just the best of friends. We also had a sexual relationship that was far from the romance I have had with women but there was a real caring. To say there was no emotional attachment would be BS but it was not something that was or ever could have ended in marriage, it was different.

Jun 4, 2019, 3:03 PM
I mean not really the kind of person who is interested in a long-term relationship, as friends sure, but nothing in the romantic department.

Jun 4, 2019, 3:41 PM
Before I aggressively became BI in 2016, I had a really close male friend...no sex happened between us, but we were very close. He suddenly died from a heart attack...caught us all off guard. If I met another guy like him AND was not married (which I am) I would consider marrying him, even though I am bi and not gay. Still, I would no longer look at gender as an issue. For me also, women will always ALWAYS be hot...nothing melts me like a tight young ass in yoga pants...look at them everyday (work out everyday) and that's is one of the perks of workouts...that and also seeing some nice cocks in locker room

Jun 5, 2019, 2:02 PM
marry - no, marriage is not for me at this point any more regardless of what relationship I might have with the individual and regardless of their gender.

Jun 14, 2019, 4:01 AM
Never say never, don't know what the future holds.