View Full Version : Pro’s and Con’s of an Uncut Cock

May 14, 2019, 10:04 AM
So.. I’ve been chatting with an older guy for a little bit. We plan on meeting this week. He has an uncut cock. I’ve never actually had the chance to experience one, so this is a bit exciting for me. From what I understand, if I pull the skin down while sucking him off, it gets extremely sensitive, and I can get him off quickly. But a few people have mentioned “dick cheese” or that it may have lots of germs inside if he isn’t thorough with hygene.
Is there anything I should be aware of?
Will this possibly become a new obsession?
Imput please guys?

May 14, 2019, 11:52 AM
So.. I’ve been chatting with an older guy for a little bit. We plan on meeting this week. He has an uncut cock. I’ve never actually had the chance to experience one, so this is a bit exciting for me. From what I understand, if I pull the skin down while sucking him off, it gets extremely sensitive, and I can get him off quickly. But a few people have mentioned “dick cheese” or that it may have lots of germs inside if he isn’t thorough with hygene.
Is there anything I should be aware of?
Will this possibly become a new obsession?
Imput please guys?

I've never had an uncut cock myself, but I'm a huge fan lol and hope I can find a suck buddy with lots of yummy foreskin. I dated a girl many years ago that had a bit of an obsession with uncircumcised dicks, and I learned a lot from talking to her about her experiences with them. She used to tell me about one of her ex boyfriends and how he was often a little smelly, but in a very good way. She also loved to clean around the head of his penis with her tongue and said he often had "stuff" in there under the foreskin. I don't think she realized it at the time, but that "stuff" was obviously smegma. She actually had another ex that was the same way down there, a little smelly with a slight bit of smegma under the foreskin.

Now, to be honest, I'm personally extremely aroused by certain smells. And I'm also very aroused by the thought of getting to play with a smelly uncut dick, smegma and all. Of course this kind of stuff is definitely not for everyone, and it's certainly not for the faint of heart lol, but I personally very much enjoy it. And even though I've never had an uncut dick, from what I've been told by a couple of women and from what I've read, they can have a very distinct smell and taste. Some people love it, and some people hate it. Of course, I'm sure there are many uncut guys out there that keep themselves squeaky clean and odor-free. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal preference and I'm sure you can have that conversation with your new playmate and work out whatever conditions make you happy and comfortable.

It's worth mentioning here that smegma isn't necessarily always a "dirty" thing. If someone has terrible hygiene in general and never cleans under their foreskin adequately, then smegma build-up can become a very nasty and even potentially health-threatening issue. However, a little bit of smegma between showers is absolutely and completely natural, and should even be expected - especially with uncut penises. And even though it's gotten a bad wrap amidst society's current obsession with over-sanitizing everything, a little natural smegma is not a bad or unhealthy thing to ingest and it won't hurt you. In fact, the word "smegma" is derived from the Greek word for "soap."

You asked if this could possibly become a new obsession, and I think yes there is every possibility of that happening. Foreskin and smelly, smegma cocks seem to be almost in a fetish category of their own with some people. I know that I personally have a bit of an obsession with slightly smelly uncut dicks, and even smegma to a certain degree. As you said in your post though, just be aware of and make sure to avoid anything that could potentially become unhealthy. While fresh smegma is mostly made up of dead skin cells mixed with natural secretions like sweat and pre-seminal fluid and is totally safe to ingest, the stuff that has been hanging around for a while can have lots of nasty stuff that you don't necessarily want to ingest.

Please keep us posted!

May 14, 2019, 2:15 PM
Definitely interested to hear how it goes!

I personally would not like to encounter a smegma-tron cock and I honestly would be a bit repulsed by it. I certainly would not ingest any of it anymore than I would put my tongue on a Candida-laden vag. Obviously smegma and yeast are two different animals...

May 14, 2019, 7:38 PM
I have several friends that are uncut. I have never experienced anything you mentioned. I just treat it like a cut cock with some extra skin to play with.

May 16, 2019, 1:31 AM
Folks have told me that mine is the first uncut cock they have ever played with. Oddly enough, it was for me too

May 16, 2019, 4:51 PM
I had a boyfriend once who was un cut. I cockhead was smooth as glass. I didn't like it. But that's just me.

May 17, 2019, 12:26 AM
Being from the U.K. where uncut is the more common, I am uncut , it’s just a matter of personal hygiene, yes if you don,t manage to shower for a couple of day smegma starts to appear, but foreskin back and a good wash and all is sweet. The head is more sensitive with it being covered most of the time and having that extra skin allows more movement of skin around the cock whilst it’s being played with. So I am in the complete opposite situation , I never played and would like to with a un cut cock, just to feel the difference.

May 17, 2019, 5:09 AM
I personally have never had an uncut dick, I prefer cut myself and they at least to me seem sexier,

May 17, 2019, 7:30 AM
For those who are disdainful of, or repulsed by, uncut cocks, allow me to share some facts. Only one third of men in the world are circumcised, and many of them are Jewish or Muslim, where the practice is the norm for their faith. The US is one of a small minority of countries where this act of surgical savagery is performed frequently- the practice is rare in Europe, South America and Asia. Even in the US, only about one half to two thirds of men are circumcised. And oral sex has been around for thousands of years- it was not invented in countries where circumcision is practiced! To suggest that men with uncut cocks are unclean is an insult- it's like suggesting that men who enjoy anal sex don't bother to keep themselves clean. For those that have encountered a smelly unwashed uncut cock, perhaps you should choose your partners more carefully?

May 17, 2019, 12:18 PM
For those who are disdainful of, or repulsed by, uncut cocks, allow me to share some facts. Only one third of men in the world are circumcised, and many of them are Jewish or Muslim, where the practice is the norm for their faith. The US is one of a small minority of countries where this act of surgical savagery is performed frequently- the practice is rare in Europe, South America and Asia. Even in the US, only about one half to two thirds of men are circumcised. And oral sex has been around for thousands of years- it was not invented in countries where circumcision is practiced! To suggest that men with uncut cocks are unclean is an insult- it's like suggesting that men who enjoy anal sex don't bother to keep themselves clean. For those that have encountered a smelly unwashed uncut cock, perhaps you should choose your partners more carefully?

Nice one, I completely agree.

May 18, 2019, 1:35 AM
I have never seen an uncut in real life

May 19, 2019, 2:28 AM
Where to start. The best fuck of my life was a friend that had an a 10" fat uncut cock. Once he got hard I couldn't suck him because he was too fat to fit in my mouth. He could pound me all night and I couldn't get enough of it. He would fuck me in every position you could think of and pound me hard. We nolonger speak to each other and I don't miss him but damn I miss that dick. He was always squeaky clean so no smegma was ever encountered. My advice is "ENJOY".

May 19, 2019, 11:12 AM
saw my first uncut cokc at 8 fell in love with the way it looked. Got to suck my first uncut cock at 13 2 brother one was 10 the other 13 they didn't know I was sucking the other. Have run into a few that were unclean such a turn off

May 19, 2019, 9:55 PM
I am cut and my partner is uncut.
Before sex we both take a shower and clean or dicks well.
That eliminates and problems with bad smell and bad taste.
So sucking his dick is wonderful for me.
If we did not do that, his dick would smell and taste bad and maybe mine as well.

May 20, 2019, 6:43 AM
Before sex we both take a shower and clean or dicks well.

That's an erotic, fun activity that makes for a wonderful bit of foreplay!

May 20, 2019, 9:55 AM
I've sucked several uncut cocks and they are all good - yes I like them clean, but the extra skin is nice - especially as it is getting hard...as it does, the cock slips out more and it is like an uncut...either way, use good technique and enjoy...read my cock-sucking tips and follow just the same - cut or uncut. https://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?18679-Any-advice-re-sucking&p=325844&highlight=#post325844

May 20, 2019, 9:21 PM
That's an erotic, fun activity that makes for a wonderful bit of foreplay!

We spend a lot of time on foreplay. Our sexual encounters last an hour to 2 hours.

May 21, 2019, 12:54 PM
I can not say from experience. But I know what I like. Clean and cut. Uncut cock looks sexy when the skin is pulled back and clean in pictures but a cock in contact I think I prefer cut.

May 27, 2019, 9:03 AM
I am uncut and very clean.. I even wash my cock after I pee... and definitely after i have shot my load.. but occasionally i do love to cum a couple of times before going to bed and not clean my cock, When i wake up in the morning i can smell my cum and it really turns me on.. occasionally I also like this smell on guys too.
I am lucky I have played with and sucked cut and uncut cocks.. The guy I am seeing now is cut.. but I do prefer a uncut cock.. I love playing with the foreskin and sliding my tongue under it and licking the underside of the cock head it drives the guy wild and slowly sliding the skin a little over the aroused fat cock head then back again doing it over and over making the guys cock throb like mad..

May 30, 2019, 11:37 AM
Uhm... seriously... most the world is uncut. The dirtyness/dickcheese thing is just a result of weird ass propaganda in america and unhygenic people. If you shower every day like most clean folks and pull back the skin and rinse it like you do the rest of your body you'll be perfectly fine.

If someone's got a weird smell or lots of smegma (dick cheese) they've probably either got an infection or just don't bathe properly or frequently.