View Full Version : Well, this happened

mike r
May 10, 2019, 1:38 PM
On facebook, I just came across my best friend from high school. His was the first cock I ever had in my mouth and vice-versa. We were about 16. It was simple experimentation. But I do not think either one of us will mention it all these decades later. Any of you have a similar experience?

May 10, 2019, 2:11 PM
I thought I was straight until I hit my 60s, so this obviously hasn't ever happened to me. If it had, I would certainly be open to talking about those long-ago days and the special fun that we'd enjoyed together. I may be in the minority, but I sure wouldn't look to bury the memory.

I had a somewhat similar thing happen recently, though. A guy responded to my doublelist ad, and there were some clues in it that he was a guitar player. He was kind of vague about where he lived, but said it was in a small city very close to mine. He's apparently nervous about the possibility that he might find that a person he meets this way may be someone he already knows, and mentioned it. Personally, I think it would be very cool to discover that a good friend loved bisexual play, and I'd be anxious to open up a new chapter in our friendship.

I thought that inquiring about his being a musician would help him feel a little at-ease with me, so I mentioned that I also play guitar, and thought it would be fun to have someone else to get together with to play music. (especially on skin flute! :shades:)

Bad idea -- he totally freaked, was convinced that we already knew each other, and basically ran away! Sigh...

May 10, 2019, 4:53 PM
Yup...I too am a musician, actually in the industry and was chatting it up with a dude that seemed perfect ! He was also a bar-band musician and we laughed about getting together to jam on guitar and jam cocks into one another, then he got cold feet...I honestly did as well, but was soooo curiously interested. It could have been a perfect scenario. Oh honey, I'm going to Joe's house to practice or jam....ah. Alas, not to be...

May 10, 2019, 6:50 PM
When I was 12, there was a boy I knew, and when we would get together we would rub dicks, and jerk each other off....fast forward to when I was 24, he move to the next village, got

married, and had children. Our paths would cross, once in a while, and it would be "Hey how are you" and nothing more.

For some people the past, stays in the past!

May 10, 2019, 11:42 PM
Yup...I too am a musician, actually in the industry and was chatting it up with a dude that seemed perfect !..

We should totally chat sometime

May 11, 2019, 5:46 AM
Hmmmm... musician here too. I wonder how many of us on here are too.. and if we are more likely to "swing" that way. Always thought that would be an ideal situation. It would be great to have a jamming buddy who liked guy fun.. if he rides motorcycle He just might be my perfect match.

May 11, 2019, 6:52 AM
sounds like i need to take up an instrument, my choice is the organ

May 11, 2019, 9:58 AM
sounds like i need to take up an instrument, my choice is the organ

I am surprised you didnt go with skin flute on that one......lol

May 11, 2019, 9:59 AM
Hmmmm... musician here too. I wonder how many of us on here are too.. and if we are more likely to "swing" that way. Always thought that would be an ideal situation. It would be great to have a jamming buddy who liked guy fun.. if he rides motorcycle He just might be my perfect match.

I always thought there could be something with the creativity part of actors, muscians that maybe is, I will probably phrase this badly, open to new things flowing through them

but I could see it in steel ornament workers, wood workers and others who I consider artists

May 11, 2019, 10:14 AM
I am surprised you didnt go with skin flute on that one......lol
i did use to play trombone but it's been awhile so right now i'd be a little rusty!

May 12, 2019, 12:52 AM
Sysper, I see what you did there, lol. Rusty trombone:)

May 13, 2019, 3:15 PM
Trombone player here too. Too bad you're not closer to NH and we could play slide.

May 13, 2019, 6:56 PM
sounds like i need to take up an instrument, my choice is the organ

Mouth organ?

May 13, 2019, 7:18 PM
Your in luck. I play a little guitar but haven't played in a couple of years. I also ride motorcycle.

May 14, 2019, 12:33 AM
i think we need to start a band or an orchestra lmao!

May 14, 2019, 11:38 PM
Played the trombone as well.

May 15, 2019, 8:52 AM
Ok, I started this instrumental talk with a comment about guitar. Since then, some trombonists have checked in, so I'll fess up to that, too. Started playing that in 3rd grade, way back in the late 50s, and played it through high school., when I picked up my first guitar and was learning piano by ear. Still have the trombone, but have only played it a couple of times in the last 50+ years. It's out in the garage, ready to be donated somewhere...

May 17, 2019, 12:01 AM
On facebook, I just came across my best friend from high school. His was the first cock I ever had in my mouth and vice-versa. We were about 16. It was simple experimentation. But I do not think either one of us will mention it all these decades later. Any of you have a similar experience?

My story is similar, but different. When I was about 12 the neighbor kid and I used to ride bikes and explore the riverside, smoking our parents cigarettes etc. Of course we also explored our new found erections, and all I remember is “somehow” I ended up in his mouth. No orgasm that I recall but on the ride back he was sort of laughing and saying “it’s salty!” I remember thinking he must have tasted urine, but...maybe?

Fast forward seven years, and I was dating his sister including visiting her after her college and one summer we went to her family vacation home. Apparently her brother told her something like “I always had a crush on him sis, you’re very lucky”.

She and I had an off and on relationship across about five years, insane sex and lots of travel, but what remained unspoken was whether her little brother had given me a blowjob in our adolescence. He went on to marry and have a family but a very troubled, alcoholic life. I’m still on FB with her, but I’m always afraid to ask how he’s doing...

May 17, 2019, 3:23 AM
hope u keep ur friendship with her going. hope u reconnect with him too & he finds peace with himself.
My story is similar, but different. When I was about 12 the neighbor kid and I used to ride bikes and explore the riverside, smoking our parents cigarettes etc. Of course we also explored our new found erections, and all I remember is “somehow” I ended up in his mouth. No orgasm that I recall but on the ride back he was sort of laughing and saying “it’s salty!” I remember thinking he must have tasted urine, but...maybe?

Fast forward seven years, and I was dating his sister including visiting her after her college and one summer we went to her family vacation home. Apparently her brother told her something like “I always had a crush on him sis, you’re very lucky”.

She and I had an off and on relationship across about five years, insane sex and lots of travel, but what remained unspoken was whether her little brother had given me a blowjob in our adolescence. He went on to marry and have a family but a very troubled, alcoholic life. I’m still on FB with her, but I’m always afraid to ask how he’s doing...

May 18, 2019, 9:47 PM
When I was Senior in college, I was friends with one of my roommates.... The Sunday before Finals I was in his room and we were talking..... We each admitted that we had "Feelings " for each other.... Unfortunately, we were both too "chicken shit" to make a move on each other... I graduated , years had past, and I "found " him on FaceBitch.

I didn't message him, as too many years past, and we lived 1500 miles apart... Also , he knew where I lived, and he could have contacted me via the Alumni Association. C'est la Vie !

May 26, 2019, 10:17 PM
I ran into the guy I use to fool around with as a teenager a while back at a store and as we stood there and talked in the store neither one of us brought up the fact that we both had intimate knowledge of each other's cock ! I even found myself staring at his cock and definitely would have sucked him off if he would have mentioned it