View Full Version : Help these guys out

May 8, 2019, 6:47 AM
For the guys with a new girlfriend or looking for a girlfriend we should help them out in finding out if their girl limes male with male action. Id imagine its not so common but theyre out there. So lets help these guys out and see if there are any signs or common traits. And then they can come back and tell the rest of us the juicy details. Any guys out there who's ex/present girlfriend/wife was turned on by men on men action what were the thongs you thought of after you found out that made you think, ah ye makes sense now. Or even any women out there that can help out.
Ill start in the comments.

May 8, 2019, 6:51 AM
Well could of been a sign but an ex fuck buddy asked if i liked anus action. She used to finger me, she was secretly bi herself. And 1 day said she liked to see 2 men together. Unfortunately soon after she started a serious relationship so that emdef any hot possibilities.
So anyway, being the first to suggest ass action for the man could be a sign shes into 2 men together

May 8, 2019, 7:07 AM
I agree on the anal action. It’s been my experience too that women who are into giving anal pleasure are ok with bi males. I think another trait might be if she accepts or enjoys that you like your own cum. If she’s turned on by you making & eating a cream pie she's probably ok with you being bi.

May 8, 2019, 7:18 AM
I would say it probably would be.
An ex of mine used to giggle whenever she saw 2 gays together walking, I wonder was that a sign?!!

May 8, 2019, 10:54 AM
I think with my ex, just the fact that I kept telling her how much I wanted to see her with another female, she decided to turn things around by telling me she wanted to see me with another male. In the end, we both got what we wanted.

May 8, 2019, 12:39 PM
I’ve been with two different women that are into guy on guy play. One was a girlfriend I had for many years, and the other is my wife. Here’s my thoughts on each of them...

The girl I dated that was into guy on guy sex was a very beautiful, free-spirited hippie chick. She was very much into dick, and would suck me for hours at a time. She also had a thing for smelly uncut dicks. If there were any signs that she was ok with it before I knew for sure, I would say maybe the whole hippie thing and definitely the fact that she loved cock as much as any bi guy on this forum. The way I found out that she was ok with it was one night she was giving me a blow job and I stretched down to suck myself with her. She didn’t even skip a beat, and from then on it was a part of our sex life. I have to be honest though, there really weren’t any obvious signs beforehand other than the couple I mentioned.

As for my wife, there were absolutely no signs beforehand whatsoever. When I married her, she was a very conservative, religious, and shy woman who wasn’t really into anything beyond simple vanilla sex. I think that what ultimately contributed to her supporting me and being turned on by my bisexuality was simply how much she loves me.

So, I’m very sorry that I don’t have a whole lot to suggest given my involvement with two different women who were ok and even into my bi side. If anything, maybe look for a girl that’s on the very liberal side and maybe has a kind of hippie chick thing going on, or look for a girl that’s really into dick herself, or just wait until the right moment to tell someone that truly loves you.

May 8, 2019, 12:49 PM
Just one more thing regarding my wife...

Before I told her I was bisexual, she would have never in a million years viewed guy on guy sex as something that turned her on. It took me bringing it up to inspire her to do a ton of reading on the subject and come to that conclusion herself. So, what I’m saying is that there are probably a ton of women out there just like her that have no idea it would even be something they would consider. But, in the right situation with the right circumstances they just might end up getting on board. Keep that in mind as well, that you may have to introduce her to the hottest thing she never realized she liked.

I do think it’s way more common than we hear about or think for women to be sexually aroused by guy on guy sex however. And the world is changing for the better and becoming way more accepting of different lifestyles. All in all I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to think that that awesome woman who accepts and encourages your bi side is out there waiting for you. Even if she doesn’t realize it yet.

May 8, 2019, 1:55 PM
You just never know if a woman is gonna be okay with this. Sometimes they'll tell you up front that they are and sometimes they think it's all nasty... then change their minds about it. With my first wife, we were talking (before she became my wife) and she told me about a female babysitter that had her way with my then girlfriend and it took her some effort to admit that she liked it; that led to me telling her of my experiences and since she didn't freak out and break up with me, it was safe to assume she was okay with it.

My second wife; we were talking about our experiences and I told her I was bi and she told me that she found that very exciting and wanted to hear about all of my experiences, from the first to the last. She had told me that she was very happy to meet a bi guy because she wanted to be able to explore her own bi side and felt that if we could get together, she could do that without hearing a bunch of shit about it.

Sometimes, you just get lucky and get with the right woman at the right time. While I've been with women who weren't cool with it, they've been in the minority of my experiences.

May 8, 2019, 5:16 PM
Why look for signs? Just ask. "Two men together: turn you on, or gross you out?"

May 13, 2019, 8:22 AM
Why look for signs? Just ask. "Two men together: turn you on, or gross you out?"

I get ye but the idea is to help those guys out who don't feel comfortable asking a lady they recently know figure out if she'll be into it.
The hippy thing could be a good sign , or at least a bit free thinking, also the being really really into cock could be a good sign .

May 13, 2019, 5:28 PM
Why look for signs? Just ask. "Two men together: turn you on, or gross you out?"

Nothing like being blunt and to the point, eh Playful808 ?