View Full Version : Being stretched out?

Apr 11, 2019, 9:28 AM
so I’ve got a small collection of toys. Each of them serves their own purpose (vibrating, curved, long, and thick) when I chat with guys online they want to see me use the thick one to stretch myself out. I enjoy it because it gets guys hot for me. But I used one of my thinner ones the other day and didn’t get quite the sensation I usually do. Am I becoming stretched out past the point of no return? Or if I put the thick one away for a while will I tighten back up? I’d love some input!

Apr 17, 2019, 4:10 AM
There may be others with a different opinion but your ass muscles will return to their normal state in time. Also the more you play with your ass you simply get used to the entry and have learned to relax to the point of getting the impression that you can handle any size. When i get spread i already know that relaxing and taking our time i can take a sizable dick with no issues.

Apr 17, 2019, 4:31 AM
Yes - I was doing daily ass play with a large dildo last year and could tell my ass was stretching. Loved to stretch it and lube it a lot and get it ready for cock. When stretched, one guy fucked me and it felt so very, very good...he could've fucked me for hours. Haven't done anything for several months now and ass back to tight as ever. If I get another ass partner, I'll work on stretching again so his cock will slide in nicely.