View Full Version : your earliest thoughts....

Feb 26, 2019, 10:36 PM
Would you be willing to share how you realized you were attracted to both sexes?

I remember so clearly when I was a very little boy - back in the early 60s, a neighbor had "girlie" posters on his garage wall - and my dad caught me looking at them...he and the neighbor kinda picked on me about it - I was embarrassed, but I knew why I was embarrassed - because I found those girls to be very attractive. It is my earliest memory of sexual attraction. I had a crush on female actresses - like Ann-Margret and Stephanie Powers... Sopia Loren.
The attraction to males was harder to define and more confusing to me. I have since realized that I was attracted to my cowboy heroes - Chuck Connors of the Rifleman and Matt Dillon - just couldn't understand why he didn't marry Miss Kitty - and later, without realizing it - Robert Conrad on the Wild, Wild West. I also had little boy crushes on older teen family friends...

It took me a long, long time to see that it was a natural sexual, physical and emotional attraction I had toward men- and it was nothing to ignore or pray away... While I find this to be fluid- I tend to be more attracted to men than to women - although as a kid, before puberty, I could identify my attraction to women more clearly.

Anyone care to share their earliest thoughts on the topic?

Feb 26, 2019, 10:57 PM
hmm i think the earliest attractions to females were to some of my female teachers. also some girls my age if i saw them on tv. by the time i reached puberty it was very clear i liked girls :)
with guys it was different in this homophobic world. i think i've told this story here before. i had a sleepless nite when i was about 13 or so. u might guess why lol. but it was actually about guys. my arousal went way beyond any "programming" about how it's bad to like guys. i felt i couldn't control it so i just went with it & endulged. of course after that nite i was so embarassed & ashamed of what i had experianced & i never thought of it again. at least not consciously. it was enough i felt guilty about j/o. then 1 day in my early 20's i woke up with a hangover. for some reason the thought of sucking dick came to my mind & to my surprise i found i was again aroused by the thought! by this time i was in college so sexuality was pretty open. still i couldn't bring myself to consider myself someone who has an attraction to the same sex. it took years & i'm still kinda working on it, but now it's more confusion than anything else.

Feb 27, 2019, 8:07 AM
Earliest thoughts I remember well! I was 6, she was my Grade Primary teacher, and heavily pregnant. I could not keep my eyes off her pregnant body, a fascination that has followed me for life. For men/boys ... under 9.

Feb 27, 2019, 8:18 AM
As you can probably discern from my username, I'm one who loves feminine attire, especially stockings. I grew up in the 50s & 60s at a time when this was something that you took care to conceal. I spent my childhood and adolescence performing outwardly as the typical All-American boy, but secretly wishing that I'd wake up someday and find that I was a girl. I understood and accepted the biological fact that I was a male, not a female. (Times were quite different then...)

When it came to physical attraction, I was STRICTLY attracted to females. Never gave a moment's thought to any kind of physical activity with another boy, aside from playing baseball or something. I did have one 'opportunity' to engage in youthful experimentation with two of my friends, but declined.

I married at 20, raised children, had a career and retired, and have now made it to late middle age. I've become more open about my passion for lingerie and still have the regrets for being born male. The wife and I experimented with swinging a bit 10 - 12 years ago, and I had a couple of incidents involving M-M contact that led to my developing an interest in oral sex with men, recognition and acceptance of bisexuality, and the desire for further exploration with men.

I still don't look at a guy on the street and mentally undress him, though -- I'm still attracted almost exclusively to women. It's only when the potential for sexual activity with another guy is evident, that I start to assess whether I'd enjoy being intimate with him.

Feb 28, 2019, 4:49 PM
For me it was the Sears catalog in the early 70's. (pre internet, pre victorias secret) Seeing women and girls and boys my age in the undies section got me interested. I started experimenting slowly with both. Been enjoying ever since.

Mar 4, 2019, 2:57 PM
Greetings Papas:

I don't recall my first attraction to women. It was either a teacher or from my friend's "girlie" magazines.

I am not attracted to men per se - only curious about cock. That curiosity only started since I haven't had a girlfriend.

Mar 4, 2019, 4:22 PM
Since I first tried to fuck a girl at 4 or 5 and first started sucking and being sucked at 7, I have always been ready for sex with pretty much anyone, anytime...but really became super horny for pussy at about 10 or 12...and always after pussy after I first fucked at 14...only lately, over last few years since my wife has permanently closed her legs have I been full time chasing cock and swallowing all the cum I can get

Mar 5, 2019, 10:07 PM
My childhood was in the 80's, at the dawn of MTV and I consumed countless hours of it, developing crushes on many a female singer of the time like Madonna, Janet Jackson, Annie Lennox, Whitney Houston, Nancy Wilson of Heart and so many more. Something was up, though, when I got a funny feeling watching a Bruce Springsteen video. That "funny feeling," of course, was an erection.

Things wouldn't solidify until my teen years---the gay 90s. I met a friend who was bisexual, suspected I was and gently nudged me out of the closet before taking off for college. I was pretty much the first in my peer group to be open about it and several friends followed suit. We had several Anything Goes parties in the absence of parents. By this time, there was no going back

Mar 5, 2019, 10:27 PM
First realize? Probably around age 4. I liked both, even then.
Our culture criminalizes all sexuality in children, so in some ways, being sexually attracted to girls was equally taboo.

Mar 6, 2019, 12:32 PM
Because of my early entry into sex, I don't think I had a chance to develop attractions; I went from having zero thoughts or feelings about attraction to having a lot of interest in having sex; if the girl was cute or the guy kinda/sort okay looking, it didn't matter as long as they wanted to do it. True, there were lots of kids - in the early days - who I just didn't like and even if they did wanna do something with me so it wasn't so much a matter of attraction than it was one of whether I liked you or not and I'd have to say that it was an early lesson in how someone's personality can be attractive or act as a repellent. Getting older and a bit wiser, I'd talk to other guys like me and we'd talk about attraction - and along the same lines that guys talk about it today - and I don't know how many times I'd have my bisexuality questioned because I'd basically see a guy... and just see a guy. No bells, whistles, alarms, fireworks, or instant boners would leap on me even if the guy was GQ handsome but if he were to be interested in having sex with me, well, let's talk about that! To other bi guys, for me to just be attracted (mainly) to the sex didn't make sense to them.

I know I find personalities attractive as I do levels of intelligence, stuff like that... but one of the things I learned early on is that just because it looks good doesn't mean that it is good and being a science nerd growing up, I knew that some of the prettiest things in nature could also be some of the deadliest. Even my father once told me, "Boy, never get involved with a pretty girl!" When I asked him why - and because pretty girls were very nice to look at - he said that she'd want to be your girlfriend... and everyone else's girlfriend. At first, I didn't believe him but sure enough, being in school drove his "wise words" home watching the other guys chasing every pretty girl they could, catch them... and then lose them as quickly as the next day.

Getting even older, Obi-wan's very wise words to Luke confirmed and reinforced my school of thought about attraction: "Your eyes can deceive you - don't trust them." Even to this very day, I can look at a man or a woman and appreciate what I see but I know that I can't stop there and let what I see be the all-consuming determining factor of whether I find someone attractive or not because this old saying is just as true: Beauty's only skin deep... but ugly is deep to the bone.

Mar 6, 2019, 12:54 PM
First realize? Probably around age 4. I liked both, even then.
Our culture criminalizes all sexuality in children, so in some ways, being sexually attracted to girls was equally taboo. I agree with you, Playful... as I look back I can say the same thing - from my lust for the girlie posters in my neighbors garage to the boys that were a little older than me, to the various actors and actresses on TV - I didn't realize it, and of course, the attraction to the girls was the thing that was noted and encouraged... and when I wanted to play with my cousin and her Barbie dolls, I was told that was wrong and was I a sissy? So, the messages are sent early in life - I really do wonder if bisexuality is more of the norm in sexuality and deeply sexually attracted one way or the other - very heterosexual or very homosexual, is learned moreso, and pushed as a result of society.

I was definitely bi... I thought I was gay - and have come to realize that I am more than incidentally gay and less straight... but, that's OK - I am still bisexual, and still, to this day, I am encouraged to figure it out one way or the other... There is nothing to figure out.
So, that is why I wonder if more of us are born bisexual and tend to deny or drift one direction over the other over the years. It seems more realistic to me.

Mar 6, 2019, 3:15 PM
A lot to chew on there.

Apparently, almost all males are situationally bisexual.
Coop them up without females, put them in the navy or in jail, and things happen.
Cultures that worship female chastity are highly sex-segregated, and things happen.
But given access to women, the clear majority of guys gravitate sex with females, exclusively.
Does this mean they are intrinsically straight, or that women in monogamous societies demand exclusivity?
(Which would constitute selection bias.) Not clear.

Apparently, fewer girls are "sexually precocious", and to a lesser degree. Cultural? Not clear.
Similarly, the vast majority of paraphilias (serious fetishes) belong to males.
They currently believe this is related to pre-natal changes in the brains of developing males.

Yes, there is evidence to suggest that some of us are born with a bisexual or gay tendency.
One famous example is the corpus collusum that joins the two hemispheres of the brain.
The mean diameter for straight females is A, the mean diameter for straight males is B, and the mean diameter for homosexual males is somewhere in between A and B. This holds for rats and people.

> "I am encouraged to figure it out one way or the other... "

People finally get that there is more than one orientation (yay!),
but they can't quite believe that there are more than two.

One step at a time.

Mar 6, 2019, 3:47 PM
I became aware of my Bisexuality at 15. I had no one to talk to about the conflicting emotions of my sexuality, as I lived in a small town, and went to a Central School, with K-12 under one roof.

The school nurse was a drunk, and the Girl's gym coach, who taught Health, had a "Posse" of Volleyball players that she shared all the school gossip with.

Also I developed a crush on a male teacher at this time to further confuse me.

I am glad that I did explore my sexuality, as it has opened me up "Spiritually." Also I am now able to explore other things in my life.

I hope that by writing about my journey it will help someone else with theirs. :flag4:

Mar 9, 2019, 6:48 PM
Probably in high school, even though I was definitely attracted to women, at times I would try and catch a peek at certain guys in the shower after gym. It was not until I was in college that I realized I was probably bisexual, because the idea of two men having sex did not turn me off. If guys were OK with two women having sex, and watching lesbian porn, why would those same guys not be OK with two men having sex?

Mar 10, 2019, 8:08 AM
As a kid growing up with older brothers and being exposed to seeing them jackoff and cumming my buddies and I used to steal our dads hustle and playboy magazines and we had built a huge treehouse that we used to camp out in in the woods. We would jackoff together and them that morphed into sucking each other which after 45 yrs is still secret between us. Tasted my 1 st cock at 12 years old.

Mar 10, 2019, 8:57 AM
I don't know my earliest thoughts but the first time I sucked cock was in my parent's home when I was about fourteen. A friend was over at the house and we were playing ping-pong (table tennis). After playing a while I suggested that to make it interesting we play for something. He asked what did I suggest we play for and I said the loser has to give the winner a blow job. He agreed and he wound up winning the game. I walked over, undid his pants, lowered his white briefs (in those days white briefs was all we ever wore - there were no colored briefs being made) and gave him the best blow job I could. He lasted only a few minutes.

Mar 10, 2019, 12:33 PM
When I was 12-13 my cousin same age stroked me for the first time.. week or two later started sucking me.. and did so till out of high school.. but when I really realized that I was into me was one night after football practice I was a junior and working hard to start on varsity team.. I had stayed late for 1-1 with coach.. after I went to the showers.. gang showers Back then.. soon coach walked in and omg he was hung.. I could t help but stare.. he stroked it and it grew bigger..still I stared.. soon he stood next to me and told me to touch it, I did.. he said stroke it and I did.. then he pushed me into the corner and put his arms around me and rubbed his whole body agenst my back and ass.. then I felt his big cock between my legs he was humping me.. after a very short time it kinda felt good so I started moving with him.. then he pushed me forward at the waist so my ass was out.. he poured lube on my ass and I feel it between my cheeks and my legs.. his cock is sliding between my legs much smoother now.. then he pulls me back and pushed me down bent over in the corner of the shower.. then I feel my cheeks spread more lube and he sticks his fingers in my ass.. then another and another this fell so strange and weird.. then I felt it the head of his cock was at my hole.. and at that moment I realized coach was going to fuck me in the ass.. I squirmed and wiggled as he pressed forward.. then all of a sudden with one big thrust he was balls deep in my pussy he called it.. I almost passed out.. it took my breath.. I was weak in the knees.. he kinda rammed agenst me a couple times I guess to make sure he was full deep in me.. then he posed for a moment.. I fought my breath and the pain started to subside.. then he started fucking me slow at first and deep then picked up the tempo.. soon he was hammering away and pounding me hard.. he smacked my ass and called me his cunt and slut.. still he fucked me and I started to enjoy it.. then came the big finish he thrust into me hard and drove himself as deep in my pussy as he could.. he thrust with short strong thrusts his fingers digging into my hips then then he rammed it in me hard and blew his seed deep inside me.. I felt every hot shot of his cum enter my back.. hemade me his!! I knew at that moment that this was my calling in life.. I needed to be fucked as much as often as I could get cock.. that is when I knew

Mar 10, 2019, 1:09 PM
When I was 12-13 my cousin same age stroked me for the first time.. week or two later started sucking me.. and did so till out of high school.. but when I really realized that I was into me was one night after football practice I was a junior and working hard to start on varsity team.. I had stayed late for 1-1 with coach.. after I went to the showers.. gang showers Back then.. soon coach walked in and omg he was hung.. I could t help but stare.. he stroked it and it grew bigger..still I stared.. soon he stood next to me and told me to touch it, I did.. he said stroke it and I did.. then he pushed me into the corner and put his arms around me and rubbed his whole body agenst my back and ass.. then I felt his big cock between my legs he was humping me.. after a very short time it kinda felt good so I started moving with him.. then he pushed me forward at the waist so my ass was out.. he poured lube on my ass and I feel it between my cheeks and my legs.. his cock is sliding between my legs much smoother now.. then he pulls me back and pushed me down bent over in the corner of the shower.. then I feel my cheeks spread more lube and he sticks his fingers in my ass.. then another and another this fell so strange and weird.. then I felt it the head of his cock was at my hole.. and at that moment I realized coach was going to fuck me in the ass.. I squirmed and wiggled as he pressed forward.. then all of a sudden with one big thrust he was balls deep in my pussy he called it.. I almost passed out.. it took my breath.. I was weak in the knees.. he kinda rammed agenst me a couple times I guess to make sure he was full deep in me.. then he posed for a moment.. I fought my breath and the pain started to subside.. then he started fucking me slow at first and deep then picked up the tempo.. soon he was hammering away and pounding me hard.. he smacked my ass and called me his cunt and slut.. still he fucked me and I started to enjoy it.. then came the big finish he thrust into me hard and drove himself as deep in my pussy as he could.. he thrust with short strong thrusts his fingers digging into my hips then then he rammed it in me hard and blew his seed deep inside me.. I felt every hot shot of his cum enter my back.. hemade me his!! I knew at that moment that this was my calling in life.. I needed to be fucked as much as often as I could get cock.. that is when I knew THAT IS AN INCREDIBLE INCIDENT. Almost unbelievable... I am glad you enjoyed it and was OK with it, because he had the potential to ruin a young boys life by his actions - he obviously was not seeking your permission, and as your coach, he had the power position over you... I cannot imagine what was going through your mind. There is something about a football coach that conjures up all sorts of images - I remember our coaches well - they were tough, strong men (one more than the other, but both big men) One coach was also on the semi-pro football league in our city... He was a no-nonsense guy. But, I can picture any of the guys on the squad would be willing to bend over for him.

Mar 10, 2019, 2:42 PM
I’m not sure that I can point to a specific time when I became interested on girls, probably in elementary school. Interested in boys, however, I do remember. When I was 13/14 I used to suck my cousin’s cock whenever we were alone. I loved having his cock in my mouth. Later, maybe 16/17, I remember reading a story about two friends who sucked each other off. I thought, this story is arousong me. At that time I decided I was attracted to both sexes.

Mar 10, 2019, 3:06 PM
THAT IS AN INCREDIBLE INCIDENT. Almost unbelievable... I am glad you enjoyed it and was OK with it, because he had the potential to ruin a young boys life by his actions - he obviously was not seeking your permission, and as your coach, he had the power position over you... I cannot imagine what was going through your mind. There is something about a football coach that conjures up all sorts of images - I remember our coaches well - they were tough, strong men (one more than the other, but both big men) One coach was also on the semi-pro football league in our city... He was a no-nonsense guy. But, I can picture any of the guys on the squad would be willing to bend over for him.. At the time I idolized coach.. as I am sure most young guys do.. we had become pretty close as he was grooming me to be varsity.. snitch I did and went on to earn state awards.. but at that moment seeing his large cock I was amazed by it.. it I am sure now was 8-8 1/2” and kinda thick.. nice to an adult but wow to a teen.. I trusted him wanted to please him.. to be honest I don’t really remember what I was thinking.. I was not scared.. I had never been fucked before so no pre expectations.. confused I am sure.. still it changed me, made me what I am today.. and for that I am greatful..