View Full Version : Shy bi-guy

Feb 6, 2019, 3:35 PM
Anyone have any info about what happened to Shy bi-guy?

Feb 6, 2019, 4:27 PM
it finally died, the site owner abandoned it. Many folks were having issues logging on over the last year or so. I only 2 weeks ago had this problem, I believe it is gone for good. Some guys are slowly migrating over here. I think Playful and K-daddy are here as well as myself. Probably more, perhaps you post will bring them out.

Feb 6, 2019, 10:17 PM
Sorry I've never heard of shy Bi Guy. . . Boo Hoo :-(

Feb 7, 2019, 12:49 AM
It was reported as a My SQL data base error, so at the server end of thing and it’s now disappeared completely. There is a sub forum been created on here for use poor displaced bi guys byPlayful for us to say hello . Bootneck ex SBG

mike r
Feb 7, 2019, 8:50 AM
shy bi- guys seems to be gone. I mourned theloss until I landed here. welcome!

Feb 7, 2019, 1:49 PM
I just moved over here. I thought Shybi-guys was a great site. Hopefully all my friends and connections will move over here too.

Feb 7, 2019, 2:11 PM
Someone contacted me through my Wordpress blog wanting to know where we went so I'll be sending him here shortly...

Feb 8, 2019, 12:05 AM
Someone contacted me through my Wordpress blog wanting to know where we went so I'll be sending him here shortly...

Im a refugee as well. Would love to know where my “panty lover in PA” landed. He, his wife and I had some plans I’d love to follow through on...

Feb 8, 2019, 3:30 AM
Someone contacted me through my Wordpress blog wanting to know where we went so I'll be sending him here shortly...

Hey KDaddy...good to see you here..also saw that Playful and some others have made it. Was missing my Shy Bi activity

Feb 8, 2019, 7:00 AM
welcome to all the shybiguy's here! hope u have a great time here :)

Feb 8, 2019, 2:46 PM
We're getting the band back together!

Feb 9, 2019, 1:15 PM
We're getting the band back together!

Of course, I volunteer to suck the flute

Feb 9, 2019, 5:27 PM
Of course, I volunteer to suck the flute

Not surprised by this:) :) :)

Slowly but surely the guys are making their way here

Feb 9, 2019, 5:32 PM
Anybody heard from PapasMurph?

mike r
Feb 9, 2019, 5:48 PM
I b elieve I have

Feb 9, 2019, 6:20 PM
shy bi- guys seems to be gone. I mourned theloss until I landed here. welcome!
The site never worked anyway, i never could get it to work. I abandoned my profile on it. Was worthless!

Feb 9, 2019, 6:56 PM
If you go back and check shybi.com you may find that shy bi girl is functioning again (sort of ) but not shi bi guy. La femme seemed to be the original admin guy on the shybi site. Here is what he/she? posted on the chat section of shy bi girl.

la-femme (http://www.shybi.com/forums/index.php#)7 Feb 9:08 AMI know ! 3 days of upgrade hell with the software guys blaming the webhosts and the webhost guys blaming the software... http://www.shybi.com/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_wacko.gif

Feb 10, 2019, 4:32 AM
Anybody heard from PapasMurph?

Haven't heard anything...hope he shows up here

Feb 10, 2019, 8:24 AM
I'm here.. Just arrived this morning... life's been a little crazy off-line, too. Glad to see so many familiar names already on this forum.

Feb 10, 2019, 11:07 AM
I'm here.. Just arrived this morning... life's been a little crazy off-line, too. Glad to see so many familiar names already on this forum.

Hey Papa, glad you are here! Wouldn't be the same without you...welcome!

Feb 10, 2019, 12:24 PM
Sorry to say this site has been on Life Support since the owner died several years ago and is likely to fade into the sunset as well. Welcome but get some firm contact info if you want to stay in touch with people.

Feb 10, 2019, 8:10 PM
Well I am happy to see some of my friends from Shy Bi Guy here; Papa, KDaddy, Playful, and everyone else too. Interestingly, I joined this site first, then went over to Shy Bi Guy. I will really miss that forum. It was a great place with great people. I hope we all will be able to reconnect. For now, it’s just great to see you guys.

Feb 11, 2019, 2:17 AM
Sorry to say this site has been on Life Support since the owner died several years ago and is likely to fade into the sunset as well. Welcome but get some firm contact info if you want to stay in touch with people.

Well there's always JustUsBoys.com if this site dies too. I've been a member for about a year now but all my friends were on SBGs and now you're all slowly showing up here. That's outstanding.

Feb 16, 2019, 9:06 PM
So sad what happened to the forums. It was a great place to mingle.

Feb 17, 2019, 2:39 PM
Welcome to those who have recently come here from Shy Bi-Guy. The site here has been slow over the past couple of years for a hand full of reasons and I am glad to see some new users. I am not sure of the dynamics of Shy Bi-Guy but here most of the time getting a friend request from someone they have never exchanged messages with carries a high probability of it being a spammer or someone previously blocked especially when the profile sending it is newly created. If you are interested in getting to know someone, sending a message, introducing yourself and letting them know you would like to add them as a friend is a good approach. If you do you are much more likely to get a favorable response and maybe meet the friend you are looking for. Again, welcome!

Feb 18, 2019, 4:49 AM
Thank you Coastocoast. Those of us that moved over know each other well. Hopefully we can breathe some life in to this site and help make it better. Those of us that are in the closet need forums like this the keep us sane.

Feb 19, 2019, 7:32 AM
I'm here.. Just arrived this morning... life's been a little crazy off-line, too. Glad to see so many familiar names already on this forum.

PapaSmurf.......... so good to see you my friend!

Glad and we found a place to land

Feb 19, 2019, 3:44 PM
Maybe like myself and Papasmurf we should link up via Facebook as well, it’s not going to go away soon

Feb 20, 2019, 8:21 PM
Still finding my way around this site and trying to connect with you guys... I've already got a note from a guy from my area that I didn't previously know, so that is cool. Thanks for the welcome, coastocoast. appreciate the info

Feb 20, 2019, 8:27 PM
welcome to all the shybiguy's here! hope u have a great time here :)

I'll second that! :bigrin:

Feb 20, 2019, 8:29 PM
We're getting the band back together!


Feb 21, 2019, 12:05 AM
Hello friends!

Feb 21, 2019, 12:48 PM
Hey, Fred....I thought all of the Canadians were in Florida, now!

Did they leave you at home to watch things?

Feb 21, 2019, 5:13 PM
ShyBi-Guys has been gone for a little more than a month.
It has returned from the dead in the past, but ...

For some reason, I suspect it won't this time.

It was a great forum, unique.
Guys from all over the world, all different situations.
Many guys really 'spilled their guys' on that site.
Spoke honestly about their feelings for the first time.

And for every guy that did, there were 100 that lurked and read and never posted.

So, RIP, SBG. You were a cool site.

Feb 21, 2019, 5:20 PM
And Another Thing!

The internet archive has a snapshot of the ShyBi-Guys.com forum, from May 2018.
You can browse the main forum, but not the posts themselves.


Feb 22, 2019, 12:05 AM
I wasn't active on SBG for a while but I was very sad to see it disappear. I'm glad another place exists like it.

Feb 22, 2019, 8:43 PM
Well there's always JustUsBoys.com if this site dies too. I've been a member for about a year now but all my friends were on SBGs and now you're all slowly showing up here. That's outstanding.
I registered on Justusboys. It seems to be a pretty good site, not Shybiguy, but not bad. Thanks for the recommendation.

Feb 22, 2019, 8:48 PM
And Another Thing!

The internet archive has a snapshot of the ShyBi-Guys.com forum, from May 2018.
You can browse the main forum, but not the posts themselves.


Hey, Playful, thanks very much. Maybe this will help us reconnect with some of the guys.

Feb 22, 2019, 10:27 PM

Well said.

And thank you Playful for one of your last post, which directed us stranded shy bi guys here, where we could reconnect for moment. It is very nice to see familiar faces already.

Feb 23, 2019, 4:45 PM
I haven't retired yet :-)

Actually, I've been to Florida twice in my life, both times for work.

Feb 26, 2019, 1:23 AM
Liking to see this site more active, didn’t really know where to go

Feb 26, 2019, 1:58 PM
Has anyone heard from Shaved Nudist, Mass Bear, or Long Legs McGee?

Feb 26, 2019, 5:10 PM
Have not seen them yet, but survivors are still washing up every day.

Check over at justusguys.com

Feb 26, 2019, 9:00 PM
I can't bring up justusguys.com - so I hope this forum will keep improving

Feb 26, 2019, 9:01 PM
I can't bring up justusguys.com - so I hope this forum will keep improving
I tried it too the other day and it is a dudd.

Feb 26, 2019, 9:12 PM
i just tried it too won't load
I can't bring up justusguys.com - so I hope this forum will keep improving

Feb 26, 2019, 9:43 PM
I don't want to sound hostile, but , your site is dead. . . . Build a bridge AND GET OVER IT !

Feb 26, 2019, 10:22 PM
I hadn't logged into SBG for quite a while, and was mystified to see that it had apparently disappeared. Did some research, and discovered that many SBG members have migrated her. So glad! I've been a member of bisexual.com for a long time. Looks like I'll have to start checking in more regularly.

Feb 27, 2019, 1:52 PM
I don't want to sound hostile ...

Well, you have failed.

Feb 28, 2019, 12:14 AM
interesting that SBG is gone, i came here after i was banned there for stating an unpopular opinion and not backing down...

Feb 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Well, you have failed.


*there's no "like" button, had to do it manually*

Feb 28, 2019, 10:27 PM
interesting that SBG is gone, i came here after i was banned there for stating an unpopular opinion and not backing down... I'm sorry to hear that... I'm curious what that was about.

Feb 28, 2019, 11:23 PM
I’m lookong for pantyloverinpa....I was Chacal or Chaquenal over at SBG...

Well, you have failed.

Has anyone heard from Shaved Nudist, Mass Bear, or Long Legs McGee?

Mar 1, 2019, 12:00 PM
What is interesting is that "shybiguy" has disappeared but "shybi.com" was only down briefly and came back. This is my take on what happened.

"Shybi.com" is for women only (now?) and the owner is a women. Her partner?- a man user name "la femme"- led the shy bi guy section initially. He was visible on the guy section and vocal as the administrator initially (in 2005?).

For whatever reasons, the owner decided to let the guy section go down (intentionally?) but kept shy bi .com running(up to Feb. 28 chat section operating) for women?

Bisexual.com was set up for both men and women(and still is open?). Women posted on bi.com but stopped posting (due to trolls and ?).

Mar 1, 2019, 12:17 PM
Well, you have failed.

I don't see csreef's post as hostile? "build a bridge-and get over it(bridge?)" seems to be happening as former shy bi guys announce which username that they were on shy bi?

Mar 1, 2019, 2:59 PM
tenni, rude is rude. If someone wants to sound friendly and welcoming to newcomers, they don't communicate with this language.
If the user sincerely doesn't know this, he probably deserves to be told. Because, rude is rude.

I'll be glad discuss this offline and not bother others with it.


Re: the website

I agree with your take about the website.
These are the analytics for both sites from last summer:
shybi-guys.com (~75 unique visitors a day)
shybi.com (~750 unique visitors a day)

I suspect both sites were on the same servers, and they ran out of disk space on the lady's side.
Pics, attachments and movies, etc.

Mar 3, 2019, 12:37 PM
Former user here, glad to see a lot of us landing here.

Mar 4, 2019, 2:53 PM
That certainly explains why I haven't been able to login there for weeks.

Guess this will be my new home when I have a chance to go online.

Glad to see so many familiar "faces" from SBGs...

Mar 4, 2019, 4:12 PM
That certainly explains why I haven't been able to login there for weeks.

Guess this will be my new home when I have a chance to go online.

Glad to see so many familiar "faces" from SBGs...
Welcome Whistle....good to see you found us...more and more SBG alum have been showing up...a lot on this thread

Mar 5, 2019, 6:27 AM
Welcome those from SBG. I thought of joining that site many times before. But now some from there are finding this site. Let's all hope this site doesn't go the way of the same as we have all been suspecting for a long time now.

Welcome once again. And have fun.

Mar 5, 2019, 9:10 AM
Of course, I volunteer to suck the flute

Me too please

Mar 5, 2019, 10:10 AM
Welcome those from SBG. I thought of joining that site many times before. But now some from there are finding this site. Let's all hope this site doesn't go the way of the same as we have all been suspecting for a long time now.

Welcome once again. And have fun.

Now this is how you greet new folks. Thank you, SuckerMC!

Mar 5, 2019, 4:22 PM
You're welcome Fluidity.

Mar 6, 2019, 1:36 PM
Another regular on Shy Bi Guys making the migration here... Honestly I kept going back hoping it would suddenly pop back to life. Gone but not forgotten, as they say...

Shy Bi was indeed a great site, filled with surprising levels of honesty and authenticity, creativity and juicy exchanges. It kept me coming back again and again.

Really hope that some of that energy finds a safe haven here on Bisexual.Com.

Mar 8, 2019, 3:45 PM
Welcome Whistle....good to see you found us...more and more SBG alum have been showing up...a lot on this thread

Thanks oralswallow.

I was already here before the demise of SBG, but wasn't online much.

Hope to be able to check in more regularly.

Mar 8, 2019, 4:47 PM
Such a shame Shybiguys dropped. Hadn't been in for a while and when I went to log in it was gone. I've been a member of both under the same name for years. Welcome to those who have popped in-some I remember and some new names as well!

Mar 8, 2019, 5:57 PM
so happy to see so many posts on this thead… and I appreciate the welcomes and the re-introductions to old friends... Cheers to each of you

Mar 9, 2019, 1:12 PM
Since the original owner died, I thought the site would die, too. One day you could sign on, then you couldn't. I think a brother is operating Bisexual.com, now. For months I was unable to sign on. I just happened to check last month, to see it was up and running again...and it is!

Hope the bugs are worked out, now.

Mar 9, 2019, 1:18 PM
Since the original owner died, I thought the site would die, too. One day you could sign on, then you couldn't. I think a brother is operating Bisexual.com, now. For months I was unable to sign on. I just happened to check last month, to see it was up and running again...and it is!

Hope the bugs are worked out, now.

Mar 9, 2019, 6:34 PM
It's gone. I found this site, and it seems like a lot of guys whom were on ShiBi-Guy are migrating here. How is it going?

Mar 9, 2019, 9:03 PM
There might be two or three dozen survivors you recognize here.

This site seems nice, folks are friendly.

If this site ever goes belly up, we will all meet over at:

Mar 10, 2019, 2:51 PM
There might be two or three dozen survivors you recognize here.

This site seems nice, folks are friendly.

If this site ever goes belly up, we will all meet over at:
Good plan Playful! I’m already there. It’s a pretty good site, and there are several of us from SBG.

Mar 15, 2019, 4:40 AM
Hi Everyone!! Glad to find this site. Kept checking from time to time hoping SBG would re appear, but at least many of cum this way!!

Mar 15, 2019, 11:38 PM
I had not been on Shy bi guy in at least 6 months and it seemed like there were fewer users 6 months ago. I guess it's gone. Oh well I was bored with it anyway. Kind of moved on. Looking forward to exploring this forum. A4A is maddening, manhunt sucks, Ashley Madison is bull. Anyway. Maybe this will be interesting.

Mar 24, 2019, 5:52 AM
I was a big fan of the community on the site and hope that it will live on on other sites.

Mar 24, 2019, 6:23 AM
I was a big fan of the community on the site and hope that it will live on on other sites.

Welcome Jbto - sent you an email...glad you found us here.

Mar 26, 2019, 10:36 AM
I am also a former member of SBG. I miss that site allot. Glad to see people are finding there way here. Seattle area married closeted guy here.

Mar 26, 2019, 10:40 AM
I joined shy bi guys long ago, but abandoned it because all I could get was "no authorization error" on every thing I tried to go to.

May 6, 2019, 10:14 PM
Hello all, this seems to be the place for all the SBG Alumni to reconnect. Sad to see the old site go. It was such a safe place for those of us with a foot in both worlds. Hopefully this is or will become much the same with its own special tilt.

May 7, 2019, 5:36 AM
Hi, all. Otter here. I was only on SBG for a few months last year, but it changed my life. You all helped me figure out who I was, and that there were others like me. I was very upset when in March 2018 I could no longer access the site. I am so glad to learn that there was a real site issue, and it wasn’t I who just offended the site administrator. Pass the bacon!

May 7, 2019, 9:02 PM
Hi, all. Otter here. I was only on SBG for a few months last year, but it changed my life. You all helped me figure out who I was, and that there were others like me. I was very upset when in March 2018 I could no longer access the site. I am so glad to learn that there was a real site issue, and it wasn’t I who just offended the site administrator. Pass the bacon!

Same experience for me Otter. I had just joined SBG and learning to embrace who I AM (not who I was afraid of being) when the site started acting up. Part of me worried that it was a way for the universe to slap me in the face. I’m very happy to have found this new refuge.

May 27, 2019, 9:43 AM
I used to love Shybi-guy I had a lot of friends on there then about two years ago I came off contract and went pay-as-you-go on my phone and it wouldn't let me go on the site.. so I just gave up and just enjoyed playing with guys cocks when I got the chance.. then 12 months ago I got my house reconnected to the internet and I just recently found my password and email for Shybi-guys to find out it is no longer up and running.. but with a little search yesterday I found this site.. so I'm happy again.. I can now make some new friends.. look at all of your lovely cock photos and post some of my own.. So I'm a happy bunny again.. ��

May 27, 2019, 11:25 AM
I used to love Shybi-guy I had a lot of friends on there then about two years ago I came off contract and went pay-as-you-go on my phone and it wouldn't let me go on the site.. so I just gave up and just enjoyed playing with guys cocks when I got the chance.. then 12 months ago I got my house reconnected to the internet and I just recently found my password and email for Shybi-guys to find out it is no longer up and running.. but with a little search yesterday I found this site.. so I'm happy again.. I can now make some new friends.. look at all of your lovely cock photos and post some of my own.. So I'm a happy bunny again.. ��

Glad you found us again...Welcome!..there are quite few Shybiguys that made it over here

May 28, 2019, 2:11 PM
Glad you found us again...Welcome!..there are quite few Shybiguys that made it over here

Thanks o65
I have noticed a couple of names that I remember from SBG..
Already liking it on here.. just need to reduce lots of photos so they will upload has I love sharing..

May 28, 2019, 5:35 PM
Even a few of us U.K. ones , welcome

May 28, 2019, 8:45 PM
Even a few of us U.K. ones , welcome

Not many of us on here from the Uk.. but we will be seen and heard lol.

May 29, 2019, 6:26 AM
I made it over here from SBG. I've been on this site for a while. I'm hoping it picks up in activity. Seems a little slow here.

May 29, 2019, 6:46 AM
I made it over here from SBG. I've been on this site for a while. I'm hoping it picks up in activity. Seems a little slow here.

Totally agree with your comment.. hopefully with so many people cumin over from SBG's it should pick up momentum..
I think I remember you from SBG's but I hadn't been in there for a few years due to moving and not having any internet.. I only had pay-as-you-go on my phone which blocked most sites including SBG's..

May 29, 2019, 6:54 AM
so happy to see so many posts on this thead… and I appreciate the welcomes and the re-introductions to old friends... Cheers to each of you

Hi Papasmurph..
It has been a very long time and unfortunately I cannot remember my user name off SBG's But I do remember you as you were one of the first people on there to send me a friends request.. I stopped using SBG's a good few years ago has I moved house and didn't have a internet connection.. I only used my phone while I was there but unfortunately the network I was using blocked a lot of sites including SBG's I have moved again and just been reconnected to the internet.. the first place I headed was SBG's I was shocked to see it was no longer up and running.. but so happy now I have found this site..
Regards GW

Jun 3, 2019, 12:36 PM
I'm a SBG migrant too. I'm liking this site, but it doesn't feel as "intimate" as SBG was. Still, I'm so glad this place is here, and that so many old pals from SBG found the place.

Jun 3, 2019, 3:53 PM
Hi Fred - glad you are here..liked a lot of your posts on SBG....keep it up

Jun 4, 2019, 6:42 PM
I've managed to find my way here from shy bi-guy. Didn't post much previously but will see what happens this time around. Even though i didnt post much it was good to hear about others in a similar situation/place in life :)

Jun 5, 2019, 2:17 AM
Yeah! I think I remember you too Robocock. Long time, no see.

Jun 8, 2019, 1:49 AM
Yeah! I think I remember you too Robocock. Long time, no see.
Sorry Bear only just found your comment..
It has been a long time.. a few years.. so glad to be back and seeing lots of nice bodies and delicious cocks..
Still a little slow on here compared to SBG's really hope it gets better..

Hope you don't mind me sending you a friends request..

Jun 8, 2019, 6:40 PM
Someone contacted me through my Wordpress blog wanting to know where we went so I'll be sending him here shortly...
Glad to find you here KDaddy. I enjoyed interacting with you on SBG so I'm happy we'll be able to reconnect!

Jun 8, 2019, 6:42 PM
Reading and posting on the Shy Bi Guys forums is what finally brought me to the realization that I am bisexual and not just "bi-curious". I met a lot of great people there and hope to re-connect with them here as well as meet some new folks!

Jun 9, 2019, 10:39 AM
I just found this place. I miss shybi-guy too.

Jun 9, 2019, 10:57 AM
I just found this place. I miss shybi-guy too.

Glad you found your way here. I miss SBG also but this forum is a good place also.

Jun 9, 2019, 11:06 AM
So many of us miss SBG's Hopefully Bisexual.Com will become our new home.. it is not has busy in here but I'm sure we will change that..

Jun 9, 2019, 12:10 PM
Good to see you here, Massbear!

Jun 13, 2019, 6:25 PM
I haven't signed on in a while... miss you guys. I'm not feeling it here like I did over on SBG... maybe it's the layout - I don't know. But, man - you all were the cat over there.

Jun 15, 2019, 11:07 PM
I was surprised to see it gone

Jun 17, 2019, 1:58 PM
I found my way over here from there too. Glad to see y'all again.

Jun 17, 2019, 10:36 PM
I haven't signed on in a while... miss you guys. I'm not feeling it here like I did over on SBG... maybe it's the layout - I don't know. But, man - you all were the cat over there.

I feel exactly the same... getting a little disheartened..

Jun 21, 2019, 12:39 PM
I miss Shybi-guys too!! I was on there for a long time. I noticed it seemed to have disappeared late last fall. I'm not open about my sexuality... So it was a great place to go and be open with other guys sharing a lot of the same feelings and experiences. Just recently discovered this site and it seems to be pretty cool so far! It's nice to have somewhere to go and be open again!

Jun 26, 2019, 2:58 AM
I haven't signed on in a while... miss you guys. I'm not feeling it here like I did over on SBG... maybe it's the layout - I don't know. But, man - you all were the cat over there.

I agree papa.

Jun 26, 2019, 10:02 AM
I thought I had posted in this thread, but doesn't look as tho I have. Just adding my two cents worth to say I was Vic on SBG - glad to have this site in its place. We're needy to express out need.

Jun 26, 2019, 12:57 PM
I haven't signed on in a while... miss you guys. I'm not feeling it here like I did over on SBG... maybe it's the layout - I don't know. But, man - you all were the cat over there.

Miss you, Papa!

Sep 24, 2019, 4:30 PM
Hello there. Another refugee from SBG here. I was wondering where everyone had got to. I'm just annoyed that my, erm, artistic pictures in the VIP lounge are now lost forever.

Sep 25, 2019, 12:34 AM
Hello there. Another refugee from SBG here. I was wondering where everyone had got to. I'm just annoyed that my, erm, artistic pictures in the VIP lounge are now lost forever.
Welcome! And yes, sadly mine are too. :(

Sep 25, 2019, 1:03 PM
Hello. thanks for the warm welcome. Oh well, I suppose I can take some more pics. I'll have to get out my body razor first, though. :)

Oct 24, 2019, 5:41 PM
hey, everyone! long time user of shybiguy. not sure if anyone remembers me, but i credit the forum for helping come to terms with my bi sexuality. it was a huge outlet for me and i was heartbroken when it went away. glad i found this place though.

Oct 24, 2019, 8:47 PM
hey, everyone! long time user of shybiguy. not sure if anyone remembers me, but i credit the forum for helping come to terms with my bi sexuality. it was a huge outlet for me and i was heartbroken when it went away. glad i found this place though.

Welcome! SBG was a huuuuge support network for me and a lot of us here.

Oct 24, 2019, 9:48 PM
Welcome! SBG was a huuuuge support network for me and a lot of us here.

It sounds like everyone here liked that place I wish I could have been on it

Oct 25, 2019, 2:47 PM
@GayGuy04, it was a very sad day when SBG started circling the drain. I've been in a lot of groups for bisexuals over the years but this site was the most engaging one I've ever seen and the level of support for guys was just amazing and refreshing.

Oct 25, 2019, 6:56 PM
I agree. I first admitted that I was attracted to other men on SBG, and the support I received from its members was overwhelming. I hope that I find a similar site as welcoming as that.

Oct 26, 2019, 6:22 PM
i connected with a lot of good guys on there and i do sometimes what happened to a lot of the guys i talked to on there.

Oct 27, 2019, 5:31 PM
It sounds like everyone here liked that place I wish I could have been on it
It really was an excellent forum, and I am happy to see so many of us here. BTW, has anyone head from Papa Smurf?

Oct 27, 2019, 5:50 PM
It really was an excellent forum, and I am happy to see so many of us here. BTW, has anyone head from Papa Smurf?

He hasn't posted in a long time.

Oct 28, 2019, 6:59 PM
I'm also a former member of SBG. I was Johnbinight there.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 28, 2019, 8:36 PM
welcome to everybody from SBG...... and yes we do know that bisexual.com is a shadow of what it once was, there are many reasons, 1) loss of the site owner 2) lack of poster interest in anything outside of pics of naked people 3) member conflict over what was allowed to be posted and shared, even down to who was welcome here.... and the only way to fix that, is ourselves, and what we post and share, ourselves..... but if we are only going to see bisexuality as sucking cocks and posting nude pics, thats all this site will be......

Oct 28, 2019, 11:34 PM
SBG was designed as a support site. Hookups + porn were discouraged.
It attracted newbies who felt safe enough to really spill their guts, sometimes painfully.
Many being honest for the first time in their lives. Some freaking out.
Even guys from muslim nations where homosexuality is a capital offense.
Seeking support, and often finding it.

I am genuinely grateful that we found this place.
It is not a support site, but it has its own unique charms.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 29, 2019, 12:11 AM
There was attempts by some to turn this site into a almost mirror image of SBG, now SBG had its positives as a support site, but for a number of the members here, the attempts did not read as having more support here for people but an attempt to exclude people from the site and tell them they were not welcome because they were straight or trans etc and they should only be here to learn how to accept their bisexual partners and open up relationships and marriages.....You can imagine the shit storm that turned into because it went against the owners dream for this site as a welcoming place regardless of who people were.......

I am the type of person that perfers to talk with and learn from people of all walks of life, gay, straight, lesbian, bi, asexual, flexisexual, MsM, trans, cross dressers etc which is why I loved this site as to me, bisexuality is more than just sex, in the same way that bisexuals are more than just an attraction to two sexes and we span the world.....some of my own friends came to the site as I told them they needed to hear more perspectives than just mine, as I was openly jaded because of years of abuse by people in the LGBT community as well as the non LGBT communities, sadly most of them did not stay ... and my experiences were my own, I was sick of being told I was wrong or had no idea because other peoples experiences differed from my own.... but I would really love to see bisexual.com include the support and help of SBG as well as the open and welcoming aspects of bisexual.com with its multiple personalities and different walks of life.....

Oct 29, 2019, 3:44 AM
I was a only a lurker on Shy Bi Guys, wasn't ready to talk but was keen to read and learn. Once Shy Bi Guys went Bi-Bi (pun intended :P) I looked for another resource, I found very little in the way of support or resources for bisexual people, in particular, men.

Some went to justusboys but looking at that site, it wasn't for me and I never created an account. It seemed to offer very little in the way of support so I settled here. The one criticism I have here is it's not particularly active and we only ever seem to get the same few offering opinions and support. I understand that it's now a shadow of it's formal self, bit of a shame. Any plan or ideas on how to get it back on track?

Long Duck Dong
Oct 29, 2019, 4:53 AM
yes, post what you want to talk about and discuss, there are many that lurk in the site but do not post in the forums that would love to see a good intellectual sharing of minds and ideas..... I used to post a lot but it got more difficult to post anything that a certain member did not want in bisexual.com cos he would go out of his way to disrupt the thread and indulge in personal attacks, it was the same person that did not want any hetero females posting or having an opinion here and would openly tell them that this was not the site for them.... and he was also a member of SBG

I enjoyed things like what is easier, being discreet or out, how much sexuality awareness and interaction has changed over the last few decades, being LGBT and in the military, dealing with people that are not understanding or accepting, being mentally ill and coping with bisexuality.... I just tend to get annoyed with the constant labeling of people as biphobic or people being told they have internalized biphobic cos they are not out, by a person that is closeted themselves... but cos I live in NZ, my experiences differ to the US as we have a different mentality and laws so its nice to learn about things for people in other countries and learn to understand their world through their eyes.....

I am involved in NZ LGBT businesses, I deal with a depressive disorder that I have had all my life, I struggled with my sexuality and the rule book that I was supposed to follow but threw in the virtual fire, I have been a barman / doorman for a LGBT, had at times to decide if I support or go against parts of the LGBT community because of their need to start conflict with LGBT parades ..as well as living part of my life as an asexual / pansexual / bisexual that is now in a companionship / relationship with a male and 2 females...... so a few decades of understanding and experience, just no threads to share, assist and help others, lol.....so yeah post away, I may even be inspired to start a few threads myself lol... and yes there are other members lurking that will come out of the wood work over time if they see intelligent threads and discussions

Mar 16, 2020, 12:37 AM
Hi all. I know I've been absent for a while but I found a much better site that has a section for us Bi guys and it's a lot closer to what we had on SBG. I've made more friends and had tons of conversations. It takes some time to figure out how to navigate the site because it has so many different topics but its well worth the effort of checking out and my screen name is the same. Hope to see you there.
Here's the links:


Mar 29, 2020, 5:16 PM
I have been having the very same thoughts. It does not appear that the aspects I found most appealing about SBG are repeated here. One look at the home page was enough to give me the impression that SBG was unique. Though most won't remember, I was once very active on SBG. Then it, (or possibly I) changed, and it seemed less about support and sharing and... well I won't judge. Suffice to say I miss the site, the conversations and the many friends I made there.

Here I see many familiar names but the tone is not the same. So I'll quietly sit back and limit my interactions to those threads I feel I have something positive to contribute to.

Mar 30, 2020, 3:55 AM
I know. kdaddy seems to have found a home here and I have tons of respect for him and enjoy reading his blogs but I spend most of my time on hipforums. It has a bit of everyting and is more of a support site for guys like us. That's the reason I posted the links on here. I felt compelled to share it for those of you that still feel lost since the demise of SBG. See you there.

Mar 31, 2020, 7:24 AM
Hi all. I know I've been absent for a while but I found a much better site that has a section for us Bi guys and it's a lot closer to what we had on SBG. I've made more friends and had tons of conversations. It takes some time to figure out how to navigate the site because it has so many different topics but its well worth the effort of checking out and my screen name is the same. Hope to see you there.
Here's the links:


Thanks for forum link...will check out

Mar 31, 2020, 12:54 PM
Hi all. I know I've been absent for a while but I found a much better site that has a section for us Bi guys and it's a lot closer to what we had on SBG. I've made more friends and had tons of conversations. It takes some time to figure out how to navigate the site because it has so many different topics but its well worth the effort of checking out and my screen name is the same. Hope to see you there.
Here's the links:


Snipe, thanks for the suggestion. BTW: Has anyone heard from Papa Smurf? He has not posted in a very long time. I hope he is alright.

Mar 31, 2020, 4:43 PM
I checked out that site too. Looks like a good one. I haven't joined but I might.

Mar 31, 2020, 5:33 PM
Yes I talk to Papa on occasion. He is well.

Apr 2, 2020, 4:34 AM
Yes I talk to Papa on occasion. He is well.
I've been meaning to email him. Just get busy and forget.

May 10, 2021, 2:22 PM
Perhaps this has already been mentioned, but a fairly good site for older gay and bi men is https://oldergay.men.
"... a site for older gay men and their admirers. Since 1996 (https://oldergay.men/about), we've provided a home for older men and the men who love them, …)

It does have its share of adult content, including nude and cock pics, some involving sexual activity. But it also has some interesting discussions at https://talk.oldergay.men/.

Oct 14, 2021, 4:41 AM
I used to be a moderator on Shi bi-guys, it was a great forum, I do miss it

Oct 18, 2021, 4:23 AM
I used to be a moderator on Shi bi-guys, it was a great forum, I do miss it
Come to hipforums