View Full Version : How do you know if he is interested?

Jan 9, 2019, 10:44 AM
I have a question on how do you know if a guy is interested in you? How do you let him know your interested in him?

Jan 9, 2019, 12:27 PM
I have a question on how do you know if a guy is interested in you? How do you let him know your interested in him?
This is the very same problem I have and as well as many other men. most on here say"eye contact", but that can be very hard to pick up on and is not very accurate to me! I never had luck with it!
I have made posts on trying to find this out but not many responses and my post went strait to the bottom!

Jan 9, 2019, 5:20 PM
this is a tough one.... Your location will also make a big difference. If your in a known "gay hang out/ pick up" area then its pretty safe to assume when someone is staring or a motion of there hand means there interested. However, say sitting in a bar or mall ect. that could have an entirely different meaning...

Jan 9, 2019, 6:00 PM
this is a tough one.... Your location will also make a big difference. If your in a known "gay hang out/ pick up" area then its pretty safe to assume when someone is staring or a motion of there hand means there interested. However, say sitting in a bar or mall ect. that could have an entirely different meaning...
I think the OP'er is talking about finding out guys who he may be around every day and not guys at a gay bar or a place where they are obviously are "out" and looking for hook ups.

Jan 9, 2019, 6:23 PM
I would say if he smiles :) at you, that would be a good sign... Also if the conversation is good that would be another indication...

Jan 9, 2019, 6:35 PM
It works like it does with the opposite sex. The lingering look, coy smile, subtle grooming.

I've been programing myself to look for interested guys and to transmit the vibe I am gay.

At times I wear a necklace with a bear pendant with the pin of a swallow tail bird visible. One of these day I expect to put the swallow pin on a patch of an eye. The message- I Swallow

Sometimes we just know, recognize the interest. One time I was in Myrtle Beach camping and good looking guy a several sites down and I met eyes. There was an instant understanding between us. If I hadn't been with a lovely female friend, I would have invited the young man into the tent and removed his swim suit in short order. It was an interesting several days, fucking my big titted blonde friend at night and exchanging thoughts of sucking cock whenever the guy and I saw one another.

I have a friend I suspected of being gay. One evening I asked to blow him, out of the blue. We had never talked about our sexuality until that time, but the signs were there from him. He told me that night he is bi and treated me to a load of cum.

Jan 9, 2019, 9:10 PM
The eyes: a lingering look.. starring.. a coy smile.. licking the lips.. touching himself.. the way he dresses.. body language.. when you talk to him is he figgety?? All signs

Jan 11, 2019, 10:05 PM
Supposedly, one of the universal signs of a guy looking for a guy, is placing your hand in your pocket, and leaving your thumb exposed. That sign, along with pleasant eye contact is what I look for and what I do. No contacts yet, though.

Dec 30, 2019, 2:30 PM
Regarding a bisexually-open signal, please see my album.
It takes two to tango: one guy gives the “thumb-out of pocket” sign, and the other comments about it. : “pocket too small for thumb”? , or “nice watch”, etc
Give it a try. Happy hunting.

Dec 30, 2019, 5:02 PM
“My wife asked me to find a nice bi guy… Know any?”

Dec 30, 2019, 5:32 PM
That had always been my question, is determining if someone you are around every day does have interest. There has to be a better way then online, too many online like to play games and BS!

Dec 31, 2019, 9:18 AM
For those guests who are unable to view my album picture with the “bi signal” hand position ... (I am not tech savvy-enough to post it in this thread) ... the position showing bisexual interest and availability is: your hand in your front pocket, with the thumb outside the pocket. In this position, the thumb “points” toward your cock. If you see that signal and are interested in striking up a conversation with the fellow, you mention his hand, his pocket, his watch, etc ... something that calls attention to his hand position. A bi-conversation may soon follow.
Good luck.

Dec 31, 2019, 11:59 AM
Hummmmm . . . .. Back in the day, (if you wore a key ring) the side you wore it on signaled to others weather or not you were gay/bi?

Dec 31, 2019, 12:25 PM
Is the "hand in pocket with thumb out" still a thing? Ive never heard of this. Could you just do it back to be obvious. Maybe stare at his hand until he notices? I would think a coy smile would be confirmation....
This needs to be entered in the "Bi Play Book" !! Lol :-D

Dec 31, 2019, 1:19 PM
The conversation that talks about sex of any kind is a good starter...I have two close male friends that neither know I am bi...one is real quick to point out women (as is the other) at the gym, but the other has much more relaxed talking about sex and how he really doesn't mind LGBTQ topics and even wears a t-shirt I got him that has rainbow on one area (he calls it his LGBTQ shirt)....I'm not pressing it, but some day the situation may arise to do something with him..if not, that's okay too, but I always keep looking for an opportunity...he may even already suspect I'm bi, but he's been afraid to bring up...if he ever does, I will tell him I am and share any of my past experiences with him if he wants and happily show him the experience if he wants...but there really is know pressing him for action. I'd do the same with the other if it happened, but I think there is less of a chance there

Dec 31, 2019, 1:45 PM
i assume this applies if 1 or both of the people are women?
For those guests who are unable to view my album picture with the “bi signal” hand position ... (I am not tech savvy-enough to post it in this thread) ... the position showing bisexual interest and availability is: your hand in your front pocket, with the thumb outside the pocket. In this position, the thumb “points” toward your cock. If you see that signal and are interested in striking up a conversation with the fellow, you mention his hand, his pocket, his watch, etc ... something that calls attention to his hand position. A bi-conversation may soon follow.
Good luck.

Dec 31, 2019, 5:18 PM
Sometimes, it's a look that's more than a "casual" look; sometimes I just sense that he's interested and especially if he comes over to me and starts a conversation. Historically, I suck at taking subtle hints - they go right over my head most of the time - so guys trying to give me "signals" often get missed. Now, with guys I know, I can pick up changes in their attitude, like them asking me about my opinion on things sexual and when they've never said anything about this outside of general conversation. I got it into my head that any guy who is interested will find some kind of way to let me know - I just have to be able to see it if they're not gonna just be direct and make me a proposition.

Jan 4, 2020, 10:01 AM
To Sysper: this is meant mostly for guys looking for guys, but the ‘hand in pocket with thumb exposed’ would also work for women. ... perhaps not in the plumbing section of a home center store , though
Gonna try my luck at Home Depot this AM.

Jan 4, 2020, 12:59 PM
maybe if u hangout closer to the drainpipes lmao!
To Sysper: this is meant mostly for guys looking for guys, but the ‘hand in pocket with thumb exposed’ would also work for women. ... perhaps not in the plumbing section of a home center store , though
Gonna try my luck at Home Depot this AM.

Jan 4, 2020, 1:15 PM
LOL ... good point
Hardware would also be a good place for guys to “hang-out”.

Jan 4, 2020, 2:46 PM
Tried hand in pocket with thumb out today. No luck but I am going to keep trying.

Jan 4, 2020, 3:51 PM
For those guests who are unable to view my album picture with the “bi signal” hand position ... (I am not tech savvy-enough to post it in this thread) ... the position showing bisexual interest and availability is: your hand in your front pocket, with the thumb outside the pocket. In this position, the thumb “points” toward your cock. If you see that signal and are interested in striking up a conversation with the fellow, you mention his hand, his pocket, his watch, etc ... something that calls attention to his hand position. A bi-conversation may soon follow.
Good luck.


First I've heard of this as a thing, but as long as I remember, that's just naturally been a comfortable way for me to stand if I put my hands in my pockets, without any intent of signalling anything. And even at that, it never seemed to signal anything to anyone, because it's never resulted in any come-ons, so....

Jan 4, 2020, 4:23 PM
A gay acquaintance told me about these signs a few years ago: Standing with hands on hips signifies Gay, while a hand in the pocket WITH the thumb exposed signifies Bi.
As the word about the hand / thumb positioning gets out (again), perhaps we will enjoy more bisexual interactions.

Jan 5, 2020, 1:26 AM
A gay acquaintance told me about these signs a few years ago: Standing with hands on hips signifies Gay, while a hand in the pocket WITH the thumb exposed signifies Bi.
As the word about the hand / thumb positioning gets out (again), perhaps we will enjoy more bisexual interactions.

I can see a few awkward situations / misunderstandings arising out of these signals. :P

Jan 5, 2020, 12:38 PM

First I've heard of this as a thing, but as long as I remember, that's just naturally been a comfortable way for me to stand if I put my hands in my pockets, without any intent of signalling anything. And even at that, it never seemed to signal anything to anyone, because it's never resulted in any come-ons, so....
Same here. As like you, it's a natural thing for me. Maybe it was meant to be. :bigrin: