View Full Version : Hi. Trying to see if there is enough activity on this site to remain active.

Dec 4, 2018, 11:10 PM
We are a M/F bisexual couple. We're looking for someone to join us but when I search the ads, there were only two pages. Many were not near our area and ...all were older. Maybe the site tries to match people by age but blocking younger people from a search doesn't serve anyone very well either. Most of the forum posts were several years old.

So...do people actually use this site?
Should we look elsewhere?

Thanks for any advice.

Dec 5, 2018, 3:16 AM
there might actually be add's u might like the personals section isn't organized too good so u would never know. but i still think it's worth it to stay on this website. they might not be anywhere near u but there are some pretty supportive people here. it's a great community, for the most part.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 5, 2018, 7:39 AM
You may find that people come and go from the site and many have their personal ads disabled because of contact from people that ignore what their ad says.....

Best option is advertise on more than one site, spread the net in other words... you never know who is looking for a couple like you

As for me, even if I wanted to hook up, there is only one person in my country and he lives many miles away from me

Dec 5, 2018, 10:25 PM
Try Fetlife.com... This is a site for people who are into kink. You will see people in your area, but you will also be able to see their orientation...I hope this helps. A.

Dec 6, 2018, 8:46 AM
LoveVoodoo has lots of ads

Dec 7, 2018, 3:36 PM
How to make g spot orgasm https://cdn2.edenfantasys.com/pi/OH3036RS_1.jpg double sided dildo (https://www.edenfantasys.com/dildos/double-ended-dildos/) »Blind date to find a partner A blind date is a meeting between people who do not know each other previously, although it is also considered as those that are specified between people who know themselves by indirect means, such as the internet, to find a partner, according to online psychology. com
This type of dating to find a partner has had an exponential increase since the emergence of chat, instant messaging, social networks and forums, which although they are virtual contacts, often lead to the personal meeting arranged many times by relatives, friends or agencies.
According to a research published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, finding a partner with this method seems not to be governed by amorous ideals, rather it is a search for rather adapting to the offer.
After studying the data of a prestigious British marriage agency, taking as reference the quick quotes made by the agency in a period of two years, the scientists concluded that people are lowering their standards of demand according to the characteristics of those who show up for quick appointments.
Contrary to what the romantic ideal dictates, people would search for their ideal partner according to standards that adapt to the circumstances or directly at random, instead of looking for the so-called "half orange or prince" blue".
Blind dating is a way of risking knowing new people to find the wanted partner, however, it is important to make a small analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, before running that risk:
1. You give yourself the opportunity to meet new people.2. You could find the love of your life.3. Many consider that blind dates are fun.
1. That the person does not attract you physically.2. It can be a dangerous practice if it is done on your own.
Security is an important issue, therefore, according to conectate.com, it is recommended not to accept if the other person offers you an appointment in a secluded or unfrequented place.
Likewise, it is recommended that, if you already accepted this way to find a partner, you have in consideration that the excesses in and with the other person are not good; It is important to maintain a balance between what you speak and what you hear.
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Dec 7, 2018, 4:19 PM
We are a M/F bisexual couple. We're looking for someone to join us but when I search the ads, there were only two pages. Many were not near our area and ...all were older. Maybe the site tries to match people by age but blocking younger people from a search doesn't serve anyone very well either. Most of the forum posts were several years old.

So...do people actually use this site?
Should we look elsewhere?

Thanks for any advice.
If you like just hook ups and right NOWs, you can try adam4adam.com. But that site has very very few who are seeking anything of a worth wile friendship.

Dec 9, 2018, 6:11 PM
Have you tried Swing Life Style site?
Short cut= www.Info2.party
They have searches by ZIP code
Couples and singles as well as parties including bi parties

Dec 10, 2018, 7:00 AM
SwingLifeStye, aka SLS, is a pretty good site, but my understanding is that it's difficult to connect there if you're a free member. This is because of the same law that killed craigslist and tumblr. I'm a lifetime member on SLS, so I can still communicate. But if you're free, it's very limited.

Also, my experience is that there aren't a lot of bisexual men on SLS --- at least ones that admit it. Tons of women listed as bi, but not a lot of guys. I've had some guys come on to me, despite describing themselves as STR8 in their profiles...

Dec 10, 2018, 7:40 AM
SwingLifeStye, aka SLS, is a pretty good site, but my understanding is that it's difficult to connect there if you're a free member. This is because of the same law that killed craigslist and tumblr. I'm a lifetime member on SLS, so I can still communicate. But if you're free, it's very limited.

Also, my experience is that there aren't a lot of bisexual men on SLS --- at least ones that admit it. Tons of women listed as bi, but not a lot of guys. I've had some guys come on to me, despite describing themselves as STR8 in their profiles...
agree with sls not being of much use unless u pay for it. i'm not saying they didn't choose to restrict it because of the law, but it did workout for them because it forces more people who wanna use it to pay them money.
also i'm not surprised to see str8 guys hitting on other guys. that seems to happen alot on aff too, where a guy's profile says he's str8 but he will hit on guys, or it will even say in his bio he's into guys. maybe when there's no bicurious category a guy might feel str8 applies to him better than bi. but i know sls has a bicurious category.

Dec 12, 2018, 3:47 PM
Fetlife requires a valid phone number these days, which is a bit odd and very identifying. So if you're worried about anonymity or protecting your identity, be wary of Fetlife.

Dec 17, 2018, 9:53 PM
This site has been effectively dead for a few years since the owner passed away. The administrators should probably just shut it down since it is just a few asking questions previously posted and people looking for hookups in the forum where it is not allowed. Time to pull the life support.

Dec 20, 2018, 6:59 AM
Try Tinder. Ive had some good luck there.

Im on SLS as well. Lots of single/coupled guys there list as straight, but are bi or curious. I find there is alot of judgment of Bi men on SLS, hence on our profile I list as straight.

I will say, im happy the free profiles are so limited now. Before they were restricted the site was awash with fake profiles and bad behavior by free members.

Dec 20, 2018, 7:31 AM
I find there is alot of judgment of Bi men on SLS, hence on our profile I list as straight.

Please don't consider this a personal 'attack', as it's not intended to be. I would just comment that lack of candor is one of the least attractive traits that I've observed on SLS. (I'm also a paid, lifetime member.) I evolved to bisexuality a couple of years after joining, having no prior conscious interest or experience in M-M contact. When that happened, I updated my profile to reflect that change, first to bi-curious, then bisexual.

I've heard similar remarks about a perceived anti-bi prejudice there, but really haven't experienced it. To be honest, we have exited that lifestyle and I very rarely sign into my account. The bottom line is, listing as bisexual may result in less interest and fewer contacts, but I think it will be more successful in finding quality playmates, in the long run. Yeah, there are some whose profiles specifically state that the don't want to be contacted by bi men, but I look at this as a preference, not a personal insult. It's like any other preference -- I like certain 'types', as almost all of us do.

There's also a lot of perceived bias against single men on SLS. I think it's s similar situation, in that the disdain reflects a distrust of people who are dishonest and lie to make it easier to find someone there. When you're playing in a potentially hazardous area like sex with 'outsiders', you want to stay away from people who don't tell you the truth about themselves. If they're lying about sexual orientation or marital status, are they lying about their health, too? I prefer the honest approach, and that's what I give those with whom I'm in contact.

Dec 20, 2018, 7:50 AM
i think alot of what u observed doesn't just apply to sls. female bisexuality is much more acceptable in swinging in fact i think it's desirable in the community. (no objections here lol!) but i think the assumption is guys are not bi they are 1 or the other. we know different of course :) same about single guys it's like guys don't want that possibility something might just happen with the other guy. no experiance with 3sums (keeping my fingers crossed, someday!) but i would guess a good 1 has everyone touching everyone else at least to some degree. if guys are str8 or see themselves that way, it's easy to see why they woudln't want another guy to be a part of it. but i never thought about how a single guy could be suspected as married & cheating. that would be a bigger concern for me than how our dicks might accidentally rub up against each other while we're pleasing the same women. but why is it only the guys who would be suspected of cheating?

Dec 20, 2018, 2:31 PM
Very fair points silky

Dec 25, 2018, 8:57 PM
We played with a bi guy we met on SLS recently.

He comes to NYC frequently for work from another state where he has a family.

On one trip we met him in a public place. On next trip we went to his hotel room.

Our profile says
Him= bi curious
Her= bi
It is amazing at how many look at our profile every day even after they see that.
Sometimes the "straight" guy profile shows them RSVPing for a bi party. We put that in notes section so we know if they contact us in future they are not time waster.

Our profile there is at the end of
it will show what bi couples party we may be attending

Dec 26, 2018, 7:20 PM
We played with a bi guy we met on SLS recently.

He comes to NYC frequently for work from another state where he has a family.

On one trip we met him in a public place. On next trip we went to his hotel room.

Our profile says
Him= bi curious
Her= bi
It is amazing at how many look at our profile every day even after they see that.
Sometimes the "straight" guy profile shows them RSVPing for a bi party. We put that in notes section so we know if they contact us in future they are not time waster.

Our profile there is at the end of
it will show what bi couples party we may be attending
Before SLS went to shit, i had more guys view my profile listed as "strait" then I had Bi or Bicurious view my profile, but most would chat and then they was gone, never responded back anymore! Just got horny and wanted to chat!