View Full Version : My Name is Sandie But I Go By Satinna

Nov 9, 2018, 5:51 PM
Hi there sex machines my name is Sandie but I go by Satinna and sexy little cuties I'am new to this site and I'am free to come and go as I please lusty and tasty little sugar lumps meaning I tend to vanish like a ghost so do not get to close to me by cathing feelings of any kind. And I'am very emotionally distant and uber feisty so I always stand up for myself and have a very unique feminine personality which I will change for no-one and I'am not on here for hookups or dates and I hate relationships people who are so horny for really good sex. I'am a bisexual goth woman who is curvy and 5 ft 8 inches tall and I also happen to be black and in my early 20's living up in Texas finger licking good treats and I work as food server and yoga teacher but I hate yoga and I take care of my sick wheelchair bound father. But I want to become a pinup lingirie model and travel all over the writing horror books while sight seeing and maybe one day I can also become a professonal swimmer and scuba
diving teacher.

Nov 9, 2018, 6:02 PM
Here are my likes and hobbies I really like to swim and play retro horror video games and I really love rock music like A Perfect Circle and Placebo and Slipknot and also I love to hangout in cemeteries and I worship Satan along with Evil Goddesses and watch horror movies along with horror anime shows and I love comic books like Vampirella and Lady Death and I draw and paint whenever I can peeps.

Nov 9, 2018, 6:05 PM
My sexual preferences and sexual activities are made up of masturbation with hard plastic objects and sometimes other objects like animal bones from poultry and I even use meat and patotos. And metal objects that are not sharp and I'am sexually attracted to both men and women and I'am a loner so I don't like to hookup with mean strangers or couples and I hate bondage along with domnination and violent sex like choking and hitting. And slapping really turns me off to along with anal sex and nipple/breast play. However I do like to look at gay and straight and bisexual photographs online and I have a sexual thing for demons especially for satan and other evil spirits. And I'am also sexually attracted to sexy evil nuns and hot demonic pastors who also love to have sex in cemeteries just like me. But I'am not an evil nun myself just a very strange evil witch who doe's not care about what people think about me or have to say to about sexy me because they do not like me and how I talk cause they are not smart like me. Signed By:Sandie Goth aka Satinna Goth. (I'am cute but psycho so love me or hate me).

Nov 9, 2018, 6:30 PM
Ghosts fly high and ghosts fly low and where they come from we do not know but a ghost takes off into roaring flight in the dead of night and we often feel their presence around us in cold spots. Some are large and some are small and some are just shadows on the walls while other ghosts are bad or playful and sometimes they are just some sad souls. We often know they are around because of the creaking of floor boards and phantom footsteps while other departed spirits open windows and slam doors closed then there are other ghosts moan and wail along with sobbing that makes us mortals run for cover and hide in our closets or under blankets. Departed souls love gloomy places like houses and churches and open spaces like parks and wooded areas even graveyards and some come in with the mist or rain. Some apparitions appear dressed in white while other apparitions appear dressed in black and they also make dogs bark and run away. Some lost souls have no faces while other's faces will never leave our minds once we see them and then they are gone as sudden as their appearance leaving no traces or clues of themselves and when these deceased people are gone we are left to our thoughts and then we wonder where they came from and where do they go or where are they now. Written By: Docia Willliams(Published Writer) and Rewritten By :Sandie Goth(who is owned by Evil and Satan)

Nov 9, 2018, 7:08 PM
My life so my rules gorgeous attractive looking pumpkins I tend not to add people so if I do not add you that just means that you have nothing interesting about you that I want to know and if I do not answer your message or messages then that means that I do not like you and that I don't want to talk to you buddyboys. And listen up mister hunky studs cause I do not like being disrespected and being made fun of so don't even bother getting on my bad side by calling me bad names like slut and bitch or whore and skank plus I also don't like incest and pregnancy festhies along with bathroom sex and cheating fanstasies and rape fanstasies along with bitting and smelling and also having sex without any condoms. Sourpusses I do not want to roleplay and I do not like werewolves or vampires sugar and spice just meremaids and sirens and water horses so address me as sexy or even queen. Or meremaid and I'am not a wiccan witch but a dark water witch who worships evil entities so bye bye for now thrills for chills. (Hail Satan & All Evils)