View Full Version : Clergy Friendly?

Jun 19, 2018, 12:32 PM
OK, I admit I don't understand all of the sex ad lingo. Anyone know what "Clergy Friendly" means? I came across this phrase on a posting. Is it code for some kind of drug or kink? Or are there really that many clergy out there that people want to service? I thought that clergy were supposed to be celibate. Can someone help me out here in understanding this phrase?

Jun 19, 2018, 2:10 PM
Don't be naive. Clergy are just like the rest of us. They just have to stay further under the radar. And the term clergy covers more than Priests. Clergy Friendly is an invitation to clergy that they can enjoy and not be judged.

Jun 19, 2018, 11:34 PM
Thank you, though, for your response. However, I am naiive. As I am somewhat new to this bi land (I am bi-curious with no experience) I do not know the lingo. For all I know, Clergy friendly could be a code for some kind of drug that is heavenly! LOL Yes, I realize that clergy are human and have human urges. Just didn't know how they operated to fly under the radar.

Jun 20, 2018, 2:54 AM
nice to see another curious guy here. hope u find ur stairway to heaven lol!
Thank you, though, for your response. However, I am naiive. As I am somewhat new to this bi land (I am bi-curious with no experience) I do not know the lingo. For all I know, Clergy friendly could be a code for some kind of drug that is heavenly! LOL Yes, I realize that clergy are human and have human urges. Just didn't know how they operated to fly under the radar.

Jun 20, 2018, 5:19 AM
I must be naive too I guess because in LA they say clergy friendly meaning they like Angel Dust.

Jun 21, 2018, 7:24 AM
So, how do priests get involved in sexual relationships? I thought that priests were supposed to be celibate? Doesn't that mean abstinence? OK, I know that they are not supposed to marry, but doesn't that include no sex? Other than pedofilia, which is against the law for everyone, is it against church law for clergy to have consensual adult sex outside of marriage? Anyone on here ever have sex with clergy?

Jun 21, 2018, 11:17 AM
So, how do priests get involved in sexual relationships? I thought that priests were supposed to be celibate? Doesn't that mean abstinence? OK, I know that they are not supposed to marry, but doesn't that include no sex? Other than pedofilia, which is against the law for everyone, is it against church law for clergy to have consensual adult sex outside of marriage? Anyone on here ever have sex with clergy?
LMAO you sound very naive and gullible. A LOT of Roman Catholic priests are pederasts, and the ones that get caught do not get punished but it has been this way for centuries and not going to change. Also, there are heterosexual Roman Catholic priests, and even popes who have had sex and even had children while being a priest or pope in the Roman Catholic church. Try actually studying history sometime. :rolleyes:

Also, clergy means not only priests but ministers/pastors, priests from Eastern Orthodox/Greek Orthodox/Eastern Catholic churches who are allowed to have sex and marry, and others from different religions.

Lisa (va)
Jun 23, 2018, 5:06 PM
Anyone on here ever have sex with clergy?

Heavens no.

hugs n kisses

Jun 23, 2018, 11:11 PM
No I've never had sex with clergy member, but I have had sex with clergymen's daughters and sons. I was brought up in a semi-strict Southern Baptist home and church. Once I was a teen, I began to question and doubt some aspects of what I'd been taught. I wasn't bi at that time but neither was I homophobic. I realized that the Bible I'd been raised with was not the direct word of God or Jesus. It was the word of God and Jesus as perceived by and pontificated by in it's gospels and books of the Bible by mortal men and women who were, like priests, preachers, rabbis and other clergymen, trying to convince or even browbeat everyone else into believing in everything they believed in. It just didn't make sense to me that God could be a loving, caring God and also be a fearsome, vengeful God. I'd been taught that the fires of Hell awaited everyone who didn't accept Jesus and that homosexuality/bisexuality was an abomination in the eyes of God. Neither of which is true. God loves us all whether we believe in Him or not and regardless of whether we believe in and accept Jesus, as long as we go though life treating others as we'd wish to be treated. My way of looking at it is that if homosexuality/bisexuality is a mortal sin in God's eyes, Moses would have brought down from the mountain 11 commandments. The 11th commandment would have said "thou shalt not have sex with anyone of the same gender as you" or something of that nature. To feel sexual closeness and pleasure with another human being of either gender, regardless of whether love is part of it or not is not a sin in my eyes. If I truly believed it were a sin in God's eyes, I'd never have tried, much less enjoyed, sex with men. I have no regrets for being bisexual nor do I fear eternal damnation for being bisexual. I can only hope that the daughters and sons of clergymen I had sex with have not been tortured with guilt or fear for having sex with me.