View Full Version : happy pride month

Jun 1, 2018, 9:54 AM
happy pride month of june, hope u all get to celebrate in ur own ways ;):oh::impleased

Jun 1, 2018, 3:09 PM
I wish we didn't need to a month to celibrate people with sexual feelings that don't fit what we have been told is the "norm" c'mon everybody it's 2018 let's move on.

Jun 1, 2018, 5:14 PM
i totally agree, it shouldn't be a big deal. unfortunately it is & we need to work on making this a norm. for example it's how we got same sex marriage in the us...finally! it's getting better...
I wish we didn't need to a month to celibrate people with sexual feelings that don't fit what we have been told is the "norm" c'mon everybody it's 2018 let's move on.

Jun 2, 2018, 6:12 PM
The thing is with the crazy political situation here in the US-----for now--we are lucking to be in a "holding pattern"--there are some in politics who want to once again make it illegal to engage in "homosexual sex acts" with some wanting to not only make it just something that should not happen--but to be very seriously illegal to engage in them---like go do years of prison time, lose your home, your job, if you have kids---lose custody of them if you have it or cut you off from them and do away with your parental rights. I had seen that, don't know if it is true or not---but according to the online report I saw, one US Congressman wanted to make it OK for people to refuse to sell GLBTQ people homes or rent to them or to kick them out of apartments, be banned by deed restrictions from developments and so on----so for now---till this political shit storm passes---we may have to fight for what we do have and to try to prevent from losing "rights."

Some of the most extreme right wing conservatives in office----want to basically ban ALL sexual acts that anyone other than straight, "married in they eyes of God" heterosexual couples and ONLY for the purpose of "making babies" with oral sex, anal sex, premarital sex of any sort---be made ILLEGAL!!

Kind of like this confederacy of fucking idiots, want to make real life like something like what it is in the story, "The Handmaid's Tale."

But all that said---whenever your area celebrates Pride time---enjoy--around here in Central Florida---some places now wait till fall--thanks mostly due to the heat and humidity of summer....

Jun 4, 2018, 12:09 PM
I for one enjoy having a Pride Month. And thank you for wishing us all a good one! :rainbow::flag1::rainbow::flag1: