View Full Version : Married verses Single 🤪🤩😏??

May 13, 2018, 6:04 PM
So here is the question : do you prefer married or single guys?? Why?? Me I like both for different reasons and different things.. let me explain..
married guys are I have found cleaner for the most part.. know what they want and how they want it.. are on a schedule so want to get to it.. are careful about who what they have sex with..
singles donÂ’t have the scheduling problems.. are more open to ltr.. more into full boyfriend ie: kissing making out long sessions.. most of the time are very laid back with what happens..
I love being married menÂ’s dirty secret.. what puts that smirky grin on their faces.. give them what they are not getting at home..
if looking for a boyfriend someone to be with long term then single..
so there it is, what is your thoughts??

May 13, 2018, 6:08 PM
When I was single I preferred single guys. Now I’m married, the mrs knows I’m bisexual( thought telling her would be the hard part)
now I can’t have any guys unless I’m willing to cheat. Don’t think I am

May 13, 2018, 6:11 PM
like married guys better for one thing are very discreet and where i live thats how its got to be

May 14, 2018, 10:41 AM
I like married guys too ... we can share our masturbation secrets together!

May 14, 2018, 10:17 PM

May 14, 2018, 11:29 PM
i see the advantages of a guy being with a married guy. mostly they are more likely clean no std's. also they can keep a secret & less attachment, they just get to business. if ur into that. but i'd rather not get involved in a marriage. maybe if i knew it was an open marriage.

May 22, 2018, 1:15 PM
I like both. I like giving my body to married men who don't get quite what they need from their wives. I also love just being un-apologetically fucked by a guy who is all-out gay.

May 22, 2018, 2:30 PM
I prefer single guys for one on one sessions. I like him spending the night starting over in the morning.
I'm not into guys who are cheating on the wife, deep in a closet, and limited in what they are into with men.

May 22, 2018, 4:51 PM
I prefer the stability and safety of a married partner, male or female. I had a few flings with single women and the drama and BS factors were through the roof. I had a few married women (and divorced ones) that I played with. By-far, married were the best as they had as much to lose as I did if we were found out. Less worry about STD's imho too.

Now as far as men go, the married guys (again, my opinion) are more stable and (usually) less inclined to be wacky for the same reasons. They have as much to lose as I would.

May 23, 2018, 6:39 AM
single guys this way yu can go to his plae and the two of you can have naked fun all over it

Jul 9, 2018, 3:19 AM
Being married, I tend to prefer married guys, but it's really more about the age group, too.

I've played with single guys in the past, and stay in the late forties and up age range.

That said, married guys have more of the same life concerns and need for discretion that I do, so that, generally-speaking, puts us on equal footing. For some reason, that makes the encounter more enjoyable for me. Maybe it's really a matter of neither of us "getting any" at home, so we take care of each other, adding a bit of a bonding aspect to it?

Jul 9, 2018, 5:39 AM
Both my wife and I always have married partners, our core group of sexual partners are clean and Disease free. We have a strict code we live by and never deviate from it. Our sexual appetite comes from the fact that both the wife and I are in really good shape and take a lot of pleasure in know that others want to be with us. And don’t get me wrong, as much cock as I suck, I eat and fuck a lot of pussy as well.

Jul 18, 2018, 12:06 PM
When I was single I preferred single guys. Now I’m married, the mrs knows I’m bisexual( thought telling her would be the hard part)
now I can’t have any guys unless I’m willing to cheat. Don’t think I am

Good for you! Nothin' wrong with being bisexual and monogamous :)

Jul 18, 2018, 6:41 PM
I prefer married, but the problem I found is so many married just dont understand that establishing a friendship First and work things as being regular friends works out so much better then sneaking around! They think that just have to meet strictly for sex only then part ways. I had a older fishing buddy for years that worked out excellent for a good many years, his wife nor mine had any clue and we all have great times together as regular friends as well. Too bad he had to move away! TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE to find another!

Jul 19, 2018, 1:34 AM
I prefer married guys. Generally they are cleaner and more discrete. Plus, I like giving them the blowjob that they can’t get at home.

Jul 19, 2018, 8:20 AM
I am not actively looking for married or single guys now (I am in a LTR). But, when I was, my experience was that most married guys had a major problem arranging enough time to meet and have fun without arousing the interest of the wife. Otherwise, I had no preference in their marital status.

Aug 27, 2018, 2:55 PM
I've seen pluses and minuses to both. As mentioned above, the married do seem much more clean and discrete, though much less available. The single guys seem much more available but, at least where I live, the single guys are looking for a guy because they can't get a girl for various reasons. Often 1 or a combination of not physically attractive, not educated, no car, no job, no $$, drug habit, etc.

Aug 28, 2018, 6:21 AM
A married guy like me!! He will be clean and discrete!!

Aug 28, 2018, 11:48 AM
I prefer a married guy cleaner and discreet. Would love to have a married friend that would just like his cock sucked on a regular basis. Stop by after work for a beer and blowjob. I know a lot of older married men are not getting it at home.

Aug 28, 2018, 2:19 PM
I might prefer married guys, but the first cock to me wins. I suck almost any and all I get.

Sep 1, 2018, 6:15 PM
Don't kid yourself, thinking that a married guy is cleaner. Most are very limited with the amount of time that they get to play and the infrequency of it so, promiscuity can play into it. I am Bi and divorced and, squeaky clean as well as discreet. I've lost count of the "married" guys that have hit me up on the Squirt website, wanting to hook up after, only chatting for 10 mins or so. These "married" ones get very descriptive with the details of what they want me to do to them to the point that it almost seems like they're Pro's.
Then, you get some of them that are the bookstore creatures that are willing to be the "center of attention". I've read some of the "Cruising Reports" or ad's from some of them on Squirt and often thought that they must be really looking to make the most of their limited time......just a bit too far out there for my taste.
I have a friend that is gay and knows of my sideline activities. He has told me some stories of the married men that are from out of town and how, they'll hit the local gay bar or post on a site like Squirt for the " One timer" action.

Sep 1, 2018, 7:18 PM
Statistically-speaking, the married guys I've met with *are* cleaner than the single guys I've met with. Drugs and heavy drinking are usually not a prat of their usual behaviour, and they are--on par--much more settled in their demeanor, and discrete about their conduct. Moreover, more of the married guys have actual proof of their health status; where most of the single guys I've had initial contacts with seem to feel that everyone can "just trust" their word on it.

Are there exceptions? Of course there are, but it's best not to base an argument and evidence oriented discussion on the insignificant <5%, while ignoring the +95% out there that drives the generalization.

That said, I spend a good amount of time getting "a read" on the online personality that I am discussing the prospect of getting naked with, and there are a host of online behaviours and indicators that will cause me to bow-out of making firm arrangements to actually meet. As far as actually meeting goes, I have sat down, over coffee, with guys who advertise themselves as being married, when they actually are not. That's when I get up and leave--and there have been a lot of untouched cups of coffee that I have left on the patio tables of Starbuck's all over Southern California.

Your experience may differ, but that has been my experience since about 1994, and I have certainly learned that the generalization of marrieds being cleaner and more discrete is pretty-well on target. But remember that, a general statement is NOT a universal statement--there is room for variance, but such variances do not over-turn the validity of the statistical norm expressed by the generalization.

Sep 1, 2018, 11:58 PM
Statistically-speaking, the married guys I've met with *are* cleaner than the single guys I've met with. Drugs and heavy drinking are usually not a prat of their usual behaviour, and they are--on par--much more settled in their demeanor, and discrete about their conduct. Moreover, more of the married guys have actual proof of their health status; where most of the single guys I've had initial contacts with seem to feel that everyone can "just trust" their word on it.

Are there exceptions? Of course there are, but it's best not to base an argument and evidence oriented discussion on the insignificant <5%, while ignoring the +95% out there that drives the generalization.

That said, I spend a good amount of time getting "a read" on the online personality that I am discussing the prospect of getting naked with, and there are a host of online behaviours and indicators that will cause me to bow-out of making firm arrangements to actually meet. As far as actually meeting goes, I have sat down, over coffee, with guys who advertise themselves as being married, when they actually are not. That's when I get up and leave--and there have been a lot of untouched cups of coffee that I have left on the patio tables of Starbuck's all over Southern California.

Your experience may differ, but that has been my experience since about 1994, and I have certainly learned that the generalization of marrieds being cleaner and more discrete is pretty-well on target. But remember that, a general statement is NOT a universal statement--there is room for variance, but such variances do not over-turn the validity of the statistical norm expressed by the generalization.

I totally agree that what I said about married guys is based on my ecpieriance with both married and single men.. now don’t get me wrong there are some great single guys out there.. I should know cause I have 4 reg single guys that I wouldn’t trade.. all hung Nicely and know how to use what they got.. I enjoy them a lot.. as often as they want.. I also have about 6 married guys that I service as often as they can.. and will continue enjoying them all as often as they can and want.. I love them all!!🤪🧐😜

Sep 2, 2018, 10:48 AM
Yea, I'm really into gay guys because I know they're into me and attracted to me. And they hardly ever stand you up. But it's a little more difficult finding gay tops.

Sep 2, 2018, 12:43 PM
Yea, I'm really into gay guys because I know they're into me and attracted to me. And they hardly ever stand you up. But it's a little more difficult finding gay tops.

I must admit that I can’t honestly say that I have ever been with a gay top guy.. I have how ever been with a couple gay bottoms that said they were tops thinking that when it came down to it that I would top them.. it might be interesting to find a total gay top guy.. would be interesting to see how that goes.. I being bi am sexually attracted to men but romantically attracted to women.. would be interesting to be with someone that is romantically attracted to me!!

Sep 2, 2018, 5:16 PM
the last thing i want in a sexual experiance is a man to be romanticaly attracted to me. even though i know i'm interested in experepemting with bisexuality & find the idea hott at times, falling in love with a man is nothing i am interested in at all. i wouldn't wanna have that responsibility to let him know it isn't gonna happen. i also feel like shit when i have to let a women down if i'm not interested. this has actually happened believe it or not! muc rather be the 1 to be rejected.

Sep 3, 2018, 1:21 AM
the last thing i want in a sexual experiance is a man to be romanticaly attracted to me.
That gets an AMEN from me, and I'm painfully up-front with both guys and gals: "I'm not changing my life, so let's just enjoy the fun together and go back to our families and be covert about it."

Nov 6, 2018, 9:01 PM
For myself I don't think it has anything to do with if they are married or not as it does so much that discretion and ddf is involved. I go back and forth when thinking about going to do it would a single man be better or would a married man be better. Sure there are many other single guys out there that want to and need to be discrete like myself but then I think is there a least chance that they are not clean. And other times I think that I just over think it.

Nov 7, 2018, 3:00 AM
For me I have mostly married sexual ply mates, hen I travel and either call someone who I know or get lucky enough to find some fresh meat are always married and discreet. I actually prefer men who are my age or older, as I find most men my age are in the same mind set.