View Full Version : For you guys with regular buds

Apr 12, 2018, 3:08 PM
I'm curious as to whether how many of you ever turned down cock because you were either too tired or busy. I can honestly say i have never turned away any of my buds no matter how busy or tired. I always make time for cock. ;)

Apr 12, 2018, 3:10 PM
I've definitely had times that life gets in the way. I would think that's pretty normal.

Apr 12, 2018, 3:23 PM
I'm curious as to whether how many of you ever turned down cock because you were either too tired or busy. I can honestly say i have never turned away any of my buds no matter how busy or tired. I always make time for cock. ;),
Most the time when someone is always on looking for someone, but then declare they too busy, Get the hint, It isn't rocket science! it is a big red flag with words written on it, "he is NOT interested"!

Apr 15, 2018, 5:18 PM
I don’t turn down my regular guys.. I always make or take time to service them.. they are my special guys.. I will always make or have time for them.. others I try very hard to acomidate.. you never know when one of them is going to turn out to be a regular..

Apr 17, 2018, 9:50 PM
I live alone and enjoy hosting. I have several semi-regular buds. But I frequently have to turn them down when they're horny and free to drop by. It's simply because I've made other plans or just flat out am not horny or in the mood. Also I spend a lot of time looking after my grandkids while my daughter works and can't play until she's gotten off work and taken the kids home. The same thing happens with guys I've been chatting with whom I'd really like to meet. Some guys give up wanting meet because they think I'm playing games or stringing them along. The patient ones stay in touch and sooner or later everything comes together and we meet.

Apr 17, 2018, 11:53 PM
sounds reasonable, u like to fool around but that's not all u do in life.

Apr 18, 2018, 6:42 AM
Hey can someone please tell me explain to me how to start one of these threads?? I have looked and looked and can’t figure it out.. please message me and explain it.. thanks

Apr 21, 2018, 3:51 AM
I've got two 'Regular' FWB's. One is a gym buddy I meet before work almost every day, but we only screw around probably once or twice a week, expanding to something interesting or intense beyond that every few weeks. The other is the husband of one of my wife's friends, and that's a 'whenever we both get time' thing. I usually have time, but he's got kids and an existence outside his dick.

Now, I can't say as there's ever been an opportunity where either of them have had dick available and I've turned it down. So no, that's never happened.

Turn the clock back to 2004 however...I was living with a couple that started with me dating the girl. We broke up and she started dating this guy, but she and I never stopped fucking. We were roommates in this huge old Victorian, so I had plenty of room, and eventually he moved in with her. One thing leads to another and one night I end up blowing him. So for about six months, I'm fucking her behind his back and fucking him behind hers. Finally one night we get high and have a threeway, and from then on it's any hole, any time. At THAT point, I turned down dick/pussy on a somewhat regular basis because it got too fucking tedious...I was in my 30's, and they were 21 (her) and 20 (him) and it was just exhausting.

Apr 21, 2018, 6:25 AM
hell of a way to get tedious :)

Apr 21, 2018, 10:30 AM
It was... But hey, we all fall victim to it eventually. With that couple, I was the bottom, all the time. Sure, she'd suck me off and I'd fuck her, but when it came to same sex stuff it was his seven inches in my mouth for 3 or 4 minutes, then him fucking me till he came.... Constantly. The only variety was position and location.

It was interesting for the first three months of us doing it on the DL... But three months of the same fucking every 1 to 2 days gets monotonous. When it went to the three way stuff, I thought it would get better, and it did, briefly. But again, I was in my 30s and he was 20 with a refractory period that could be measured in hummingbird wing beats.

Apr 30, 2018, 12:20 AM
Only turned down cock once. I participated in a marathon suck off with a group of regulars. After 6 blowjobs, I got so tired that I had to stop.

That was a couple years ago. My current record is 11, sucked and swallowed.

Jul 9, 2018, 3:15 AM
As a married bi, with kids and extended family and a wife with health issues, I have to schedule my time carefully, and family emergencies or schedule changes *do* get in the way; however, there are a couple guys who, if they call, and I am free, no matter how dead tired I am, I will take the time to drop by their place and give them some booty, or fill their booty up. It doesn't happen much, but, that's what friends are for, I guess.

Jul 9, 2018, 5:31 AM
Well it appears we all cherish our time we spend with like minded friends. I litterly have a neighbor who is in a sexless marriage, for the last 4 years I have become his go to guy for help in the sex dept. There are mornings that since we both a early risers that we get together in my man cave for some mutual sucking and on occasion at least once a week he tops me. I have others that I service but my neighbor is the most frequent.