View Full Version : Sucking cock - need answers.

Apr 11, 2018, 8:45 AM
I love cock - especially the ones that are hung and cut. I remember this time in May last when I sucked the first Arab cock. This guy was about 6.5, hard as a rock and I sucked him like a prof, with no gag reflex for 10-15 minutes. He was very pleased with the experience. After that I got tested, and was certified hale and healthy.

Since then, I have heard that so far, there are no cases of any STD's that have not been transmitted through oral sex.

However there is no site that says that oral sex is 100 % safe. I am confused because I love to suck cock and don't know what to do........... Do you have any opinion or views on this matter

Apr 11, 2018, 9:28 AM
Now my ex-girlfriend that I'm still close friends with use to run one of the major escort agencies here in Atlanta. They always did bareback BJ for a few reasons! One they did not like sucking on a rubber and number 2 guys don't like covered BJs! LOL But I remember talking in detail about it with her. She said safest thing to do was let them shoot it to the back of your throat or down it. Anywhere like your gums is the only place it would enter and its very rare! She ran that agency about 6 years with minimum 10 girls on staff who did minimum 4 sessions a day so you looking at 200+ bareback BJs a week and they never had a problem. It's very rare during oral as you can see by my GF's record! In fact during that 6 years not one case of STD....Always bareback BJ and always covered sex! No STDs But there is always that rare case as with anything! So no! oral is not 100% safe but way safer than other forms of sex

Apr 11, 2018, 4:32 PM
Further, a public health nurse friend told me that as far as AIDS is concerned, the digestive system kills the virus and many other STDs. What BiATL1 says is true that if you have an open sore in your mouth, things can get directly into the bloodstream...so, barring that, oral sex is second only to masturbation for sexual safety.

Apr 11, 2018, 6:40 PM
there is still the chance of a std

Apr 11, 2018, 6:40 PM
I am no expert on the subject, but I agree with the others that there is certainly a risk if you have any kind of cut, open sore or bleeding gums. For those prone to bleeding gums, it's probably wise not to brush your teeth before sucking. I also agree that there's probably less risk if the cock is as far into your mouth as possible. The idea is to have the cum go straight down your throat instead of collecting in your mouth.

Apr 11, 2018, 11:54 PM
a good place is the CDC ( center for disease control ) they have plenty of information on this aspect of sexuality, and its a very reliable source of legitimate information
( google CDC ) youll learn what to do, and how to protect yourself, in various sexual forays. its recomended highly

Apr 12, 2018, 10:34 AM
My GF that ran that agency told me that she had instructed her girls that if they did start tasting any precum to either take them deep if they could but if the BJ had already went on a bit go ahead and get a rubber on them and get to fucking! LOL She said they didn’t have to DT them as some girls couldn’t but at least get them deep enough to shoot it to the back of the throat! Way safer! How safe something is you are doing is different with each person! Yes Bareback BJs are way safer than other sex but for some people that are scared to take risks doing anything maybe not! For me! The reward is way worth the risk!

Apr 12, 2018, 11:06 AM
I once dated a Dental Hygienist, who told me never to perform oral sex on anyone if you've just brushed your teeth. She said that there are microscopic cuts on your gums that could be the entry point for various Viruses, Ect.

Apr 12, 2018, 10:29 PM
I love cock - especially the ones that are hung and cut. I remember this time in May last when I sucked the first Arab cock. This guy was about 6.5, hard as a rock and I sucked him like a prof, with no gag reflex for 10-15 minutes. He was very pleased with the experience. After that I got tested, and was certified hale and healthy.

Since then, I have heard that so far, there are no cases of any STD's that have not been transmitted through oral sex.

However there is no site that says that oral sex is 100 % safe. I am confused because I love to suck cock and don't know what to do........... Do you have any opinion or views on this matter

Nothing is 100%. But mail in test kits are available and so is free testing. My advice is not to be a man whore. (I know, look who's talking. LOL) Try to save yourself for a true relationship, even friends with benefits. Get tested because soon or later is he is probably going to want to fuck you.

There is nothing worse than sweating it out. It's enough to turn some people straight.

Apr 14, 2018, 7:07 PM
I love cock - especially the ones that are hung and cut. I remember this time in May last when I sucked the first Arab cock. This guy was about 6.5, hard as a rock and I sucked him like a prof, with no gag reflex for 10-15 minutes. He was very pleased with the experience. After that I got tested, and was certified hale and healthy.

Since then, I have heard that so far, there are no cases of any STD's that have not been transmitted through oral sex.

However there is no site that says that oral sex is 100 % safe. I am confused because I love to suck cock and don't know what to do........... Do you have any opinion or views on this matter
Giving oral sex is not safe sex, you can get various STIs and there have been people who were infected with HIV from giving oral sex. It's less risky than unprotected anal or vaginal sex but you can still get various STIs and HIV from it.

Go to see your doctor and come out to him/her as bisexual and ask him/her about oral sex and HIV and other STIs. Also go to a local HIV testing center and ask the medical professionals there. Both your doctor and other medical professionals are going to know more than random people online including someone who believes that oral sex is completely safe because some trashy whore they were involved with claims it is. :rolleyes:

Apr 15, 2018, 6:14 AM
Nothing is 100%. But mail in test kits are available and so is free testing. My advice is not to be a man whore. (I know, look who's talking. LOL) Try to save yourself for a true relationship, even friends with benefits. Get tested because soon or later is he is probably going to want to fuck you.

There is nothing worse than sweating it out. It's enough to turn some people straight.

I agree 100 percent with you, I am looking for just one guy to be with and not jump from bed to bed, That said, since the last time I sucked cock, I got tested and am totally healthy,