View Full Version : Senate passed vote that killed Craigslist Personal Ads

Mar 22, 2018, 10:56 PM
Craigslist was a site I used for hookups. Had to filter through a lot of stuff but with careful reading and writing ads one could get immediate hookups. First BIG law passed that has put the internet on censorship. I hope this is not the tip of the iceberg.

Mar 22, 2018, 11:22 PM
I just went to check out CL tonight myself and they had that notice up--I had not heard of that.

Got news for everyone----the worst shit is yet to come---we have not even begun to see the worst of all kinds of shit that is coming--sure as hell not gonna make things "great again."

I know that people don't like for us to get political on here---but thanks to politics----if you thought that things were fucked up before---we ain't seen nothin' yet....

Buckle up and hang on for the rough ride---hope we make it through what is coming....we may actually not be going to.....

I have not heard word one on that new law on the news---with all the other shit going on, it is probably not even on the radar. I do wonder if that law is so onerous--it will kill not just "adult personal online ads" like what they had on Craigs List---but if it will kill the mainstream ones like E Harmony, Match.com, Our Time, Farmers.com and the rest???

The end of Net Neutrality kicks in soon, so we will no doubt begin to see a great shift in the nature of the internet very soon.

It is TARFU--Things Are All Fucked Up! FUBAR might apply too---Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

Mar 23, 2018, 1:23 AM
i didn't wanna hear that.....but i know it's true. fuckin politics!

Mar 23, 2018, 1:26 AM
what's kinda weird is, it looks like there still allowing people to put up add's. but when u click on them u get the same notice.

Go fore it
Mar 23, 2018, 2:33 AM
Good... Got to the point all my time searching was spent Flaging A**holes & spammers posting Garbage... Most Sites don,t give a damn about what was posted. Guess i,ll have to call an ole farmer up in Georiga & see if he knows where to find some cock seeds to plant in our garden.

Mar 23, 2018, 4:35 AM
Most them was game players and BSers anyway!!

Mar 23, 2018, 7:08 AM
The end of Net Neutrality kicks in soon, so we will no doubt begin to see a great shift in the nature of the internet very soon.

You've fallen for it, like they knew you would. Bid gov't is famous for naming legislation with grandiose titles that suggest 'Free, endless blowjobs for everybody!, but when you step up to claim yours, they tell you to get down on your knees and start sucking. Well, it SOUNDED good at the time...

Another example is The Affordable Care Act. You know all the benefits of that one: 1) If you like your plan, you can keep your plan! 2) If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor! 3) Premiums will be reduced by $2500/year for the average family! That worked pretty well, didn't it?

It all comes down to one big, ugly word: regulation. The gov't isn't stepping in to do things on your behalf. They pitch some aspect of their plan that sounds good to the average guy and tells him how he's going to suffer if they cab't do what they want. This is the camel's nose under the tent, and will lead to nothing but MORE regulation once they've begun. Ultimately, this is about control, and they're doing it the way they know best: with a tempting cookie lovingly extended in one hand, thrust in your face, and a hammer in the other hand behind their back. Be careful what you wish for.

So you're afraid of the 'end of net neutrality' and how things are going to go to Hell in a handbasket. Just how long has net neutrality this been in effect? Oh, you mean that the internet existed for decades, and developed into what it has become today without government oversight, control and interference? How'd that happen?

You want something fucked up, let the government take it over.

Mar 23, 2018, 7:50 AM
this is what happens when a commie is president

Mar 23, 2018, 12:51 PM
this is what happens when a commie is president I understand that many may not like Trump and I am not here to defend him, but if you look at what is in the current budget, it is congress that is putting things in the budget that thwart what Trump is trying to do. This is one. Complain if you wish...just direct the frustration where it belongs...Congress.

Mar 23, 2018, 3:34 PM
the bill HR 1865 (FOSTA) has passed the house and senate but hasn't been passed into law yet. Seems Craigslist is shutting it down early to cover their own asses. Some pretty big fines and jail time involved here.

Mar 23, 2018, 3:42 PM
All I can say is Yikes ! ! ! Big brother my be coming here next :yikes2:

Mar 23, 2018, 5:55 PM
Craigslist was a site I used for hookups. Had to filter through a lot of stuff but with careful reading and writing ads one could get immediate hookups. First BIG law passed that has put the internet on censorship. I hope this is not the tip of the iceberg.

It won't pass constitutional muster. It's extending liability beyond the control of the owner.

Mar 23, 2018, 6:09 PM
Here is the crux of it (directly quoted ) from CNN Tech:

Quote "The move comes two days after the Senate approved (https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/21/politics/sex-trafficking-bill/index.html?iid=EL) of bipartisan legislation called the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act.

The legislation, awaiting President Donald Trump's signature, would create an exception to Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which would pave the way for victims of sex trafficking to sue websites that facilitate their abuse." Unquote

The law does not outlaw personal ads on CL or any other site. The new law now will allow companies and online sites to be sued by victims of sex trafficking and abuse. Individual sexual predators using online commerce to commit sexual abuse are apparently considered to be sex traffickers. Craigslist on its own, because it HAS been used in the US and internationally by sex traffickers and other individual sexual predators, is choosing to avoid future liability. It's a business decision. I guess it remains to be seen if other adult sex sites will do the same and do away with personal ads. ! I know that Fetlife saw this coming and got out ahead of it by making changes to its site which hamper the efforts of sex traffickers and predators. I hope other str8 and LGBTQ adult sites have done or will do as Fetlife has done to make themselves less liable and lawsuit-proof, but not by banning profiles and ads !

Mar 23, 2018, 8:57 PM
if you voted for the Orange Pedophile,you helped bring this about

Mar 23, 2018, 10:48 PM
I understand that many may not like Trump and I am not here to defend him, but if you look at what is in the current budget, it is congress that is putting things in the budget that thwart what Trump is trying to do. This is one. Complain if you wish...just direct the frustration where it belongs...Congress.
its trump and most of the g o p causing this shit now obama blocked it trump is tring to over turn everthing obama did and that is not right

Mar 23, 2018, 10:49 PM
if you voted for the Orange Pedophile,you helped bring this about
Amen i agree 10 trillion percent

Mar 24, 2018, 12:10 AM
You've fallen for it, like they knew you would. Bid gov't is famous for naming legislation with grandiose titles that suggest 'Free, endless blowjobs for everybody!, but when you step up to claim yours, they tell you to get down on your knees and start sucking. Well, it SOUNDED good at the time...

Another example is The Affordable Care Act. You know all the benefits of that one: 1) If you like your plan, you can keep your plan! 2) If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor! 3) Premiums will be reduced by $2500/year for the average family! That worked pretty well, didn't it?

It all comes down to one big, ugly word: regulation. The gov't isn't stepping in to do things on your behalf. They pitch some aspect of their plan that sounds good to the average guy and tells him how he's going to suffer if they cab't do what they want. This is the camel's nose under the tent, and will lead to nothing but MORE regulation once they've begun. Ultimately, this is about control, and they're doing it the way they know best: with a tempting cookie lovingly extended in one hand, thrust in your face, and a hammer in the other hand behind their back. Be careful what you wish for.

So you're afraid of the 'end of net neutrality' and how things are going to go to Hell in a handbasket. Just how long has net neutrality this been in effect? Oh, you mean that the internet existed for decades, and developed into what it has become today without government oversight, control and interference? How'd that happen?

You want something fucked up, let the government take it over.

I agree!!! This is exactly how it is!!!!

Their excuse is to stop illegal sex trafficking. Really? I have looked through Craigslist many many times and although I would never ever hook up there, I have not seen anything that looked remotely illegal to me. I guess two adults hooking up for sex is illegal??? Give me a break!

More freedom is being taken away simply because someone simply doesn't like it, as if they know best and have a right to dictate to others on their "morale grounds". Like we really need to be dictated to on how we should run our lives!! America is NOT the land of the free, and it hasn't been for a very very long time!!! Think about this.... You need the government's permission to drive, to hunt, to fish, and for God's sake to even get married! You need a "license" from the government, which is getting their permission. Why should anyone have the government's permission to marry whom we want? I do agree with some common sense laws, but almost always the government over-extends itself and infringes upon our personal freedom!!! It would not surprise me that one day soon websites like bisexual.com would be forced to shut down for the very same reason they used on for Craigslist!! Both political parties are to blame!!!!

Mar 24, 2018, 12:28 PM
I agree. CONGRESS...the opposite of PROGRESS.

Mar 24, 2018, 12:32 PM
It will be funny when they come for Bisexual.com, since the owner is dead... perhaps they will have to take it over to enable a search... and we can get chat fixed :)

Honestly though, the reaction from CL is a defensive event. Yes, they have exposure and as a business, they needed to close the exposure before it is open season for criminal and civil actions. I have also read that CL worked with authorities when evidence indicated trafficking. That ability to find perpetrators is now gone, and they will go deeper into dark places to continue to sell people's bodies.
Selling your own body was much more prevalent on CL, and likely most of the other sites. FetLife did a good thing, despite they have a difficult system to work through and lack the common discussions we find here... and no chat.

Our freedoms are being limited these days, either by law or by acceptance for closed minded attitudes running the gvmt.

What I have not seen is a response from NCSF or other supportive groups.

Mar 24, 2018, 6:57 PM
It is the same with 'banning transgender in the military'. This is THOUGHT POLICE, a Nazi tactic, driving society into the underground, as was Anne Frank. I am a closet bi and NO FUCKING WAY will I expose myself to the public; my brother did and lived well as a Gurl, he passed 3 years ago from cancer, but it was more liberal then. Now, it is the Gestapo (ICE) and deportations 'of undesirables' and DACA...... Heil .... what will be next? Cleansing of the LGBTQ? The March For Life is going to make a difference and hopefully we can vote these assholes out of office!


Mar 24, 2018, 9:56 PM
please know that lgbt, groups will now be targets for the religious right, d. rump is on the side of his supporters, and the rest of the damn republicans will follow suit so they don't loose any voters, republicans are NOT our friends, Obama did care for people in the lgbt community and tried to help the community, but D.RUMP and REPUBLICANS want no trans people in the military, they are exclouded from serving period, like they are second class citizens, and are NFG. I do not SUPPORT D.RUMP ( CON ARTIST, LIAR, CHEAT, AD INFINITUM ) NOR, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THEY ARE NOT AND HAVE NEVER BEEN ADVOCATES FOR LGBT PEOPLE. I HOPE YOU ALL DO THE RIGHT THING IN THE MID TERMS AND HELP YOURSELF BY VOTING AGAINST ALL REPUBLICANS RUNNING TO SECURE THEIR SEAT IN GOVT. SO THEY CAN SHUT DOWN WHAT WE HAVE FOUGHT FOR, FOR DECADES.

Mar 25, 2018, 1:21 PM
It is the same with 'banning transgender in the military'. This is THOUGHT POLICE, a Nazi tactic, driving society into the underground, as was Anne Frank. I am a closet bi and NO FUCKING WAY will I expose myself to the public; my brother did and lived well as a Gurl, he passed 3 years ago from cancer, but it was more liberal then. Now, it is the Gestapo (ICE) and deportations 'of undesirables' and DACA...... Heil .... what will be next? Cleansing of the LGBTQ? The March For Life is going to make a difference and hopefully we can vote these assholes out of office!


Mar 27, 2018, 9:42 AM
The thing I’ll miss most about Craigslist ads are the pictures of all the beautiful cocks.
Otherwise it’s full of poseurs!

Mar 27, 2018, 7:16 PM
Y'all are a bunch of gullible fools, especially those who've backed Trump+ the "R"s (leaving for another day, whether "R" stands for 'Republican' or 'Russian').

Craigslist moved the Personals to the bottom of the page -- IT'S STILL THERE FOLKS! Just look lower down, on the bottom of the screen.


Craigslist probably knows the Personals get a lot of traffic, and putting it at the bottom of the page just makes business sense, because our eyes now have to travel across the screen (seeing other things).

Look and ye shall find, CL Personals at the bottom of the screen.

If ever there needed to be proof, that this site is taken-over by trolls (I used to think they were Mormons, but now I realize it's been the Russians all along.)

Wake Up 'mericans! RESIST ATOMIZATION! (Wherein a tyrannical government tries to break-down societal groups so that the state's weight falls upon individuals directly. Breeding mistrust of the press is classic authoritarianism. Discrediting the press means a society has no watch-guards; and there is no accountability for the state -- only their spin.)

Don't give-up on meeting-up, hooking-up, exchanging ideas, planning and discussing and having public discourse, etc. THAT'S WHAT THE RUSSIANS WOULD WANT.

I've long wondered why there was such a concerted effort to fuck-up any worthwhile discussion on this website, and now it all makes sense. IT WAS THE RUSSIANS ALL ALONG!


On CL, just look lower down on the screen. There's personals there, still.

Everywhere else online and in society: Question what the fuck you're hearing, and check for supporting/corroborating information.

DON'T GET ALL YOUR NEWS FROM FUCKING FACEBOOK! Go to the source. For crying-out loud: Web browsers can save bookmarks. How hard is it to save a bunch of news websites and visit them directly in your browser? Facebook is trying to spoon-feed you your info, and that's a mercenary service they're keen to sell-out. That's your eyeballs! Zuckerburg is pimping your eyes!

Mar 27, 2018, 7:33 PM

I just did the click through on CL, and found-out that what I wrote immediately above was misinformed. Y'all are worse-off than I had feared (living up here in the freedom of Canada).

I went to CL, and picked a US city and went to the Personals and clicked-through farther than I had earlier, and this is what I read....

US Congress just passed HR 1865, "FOSTA" (https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1865), seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully.

Any tool or service can be misused. We can't take such risk without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully taking craigslist personals offline. Hopefully we can bring them back some day.

To the millions of spouses, partners, and couples who met through craigslist, we wish you every happiness!

Why the fuck aren't y'all in the streets beating the drums and marching and rising-up? Last I checked, the First Amendment was a thing in your country; OR are all of you eager to shred your Constitution, so long as you can keep your rods?

Canadians reading this can rest assured, there seems to be no change to the Personals in Canada.

Apr 1, 2018, 5:51 AM
Just now noticed it as well. There goes all those tasty local cock ads I always hesitated to respond to and never did.

Apr 1, 2018, 8:57 AM
Last I checked, the First Amendment was a thing in your country

ALL of our amendments are precious, especially the First. And, as a conservative, I'm tired of seeing the Constitution ignored, compromised, mocked and attacked by bad actors from the various political parties. Yes, they are all guilty to some extent -- some more than others.

But this is not a First Amendment issue. This is about Craigslist and similar sites whose memberships could include some pretty bad characters. They were not told they couldn't continue to feature personal ads. They just realized that the possibility exists that they could be sued out of existence as consequence arising out of of this legislation.

Does it suck? Sure. Excessive regulation sucks. I made that point in another thread, on the 'Net Neutrality' issue, along with my observation that your friendly neighborhood Federal government often uses Orwellian terms that produce the exact opposite effect of the feelgood names they concoct for things.

You want something fucked-up? Get the government involved in it.

Apr 1, 2018, 11:13 AM
ALL of our amendments are precious, especially the First. And, as a conservative, I'm tired of seeing the Constitution ignored, compromised, mocked and attacked by bad actors from the various political parties. Yes, they are all guilty to some extent -- some more than others.

But this is not a First Amendment issue. This is about Craigslist and similar sites whose memberships could include some pretty bad characters. They were not told they couldn't continue to feature personal ads. They just realized that the possibility exists that they could be sued out of existence as consequence arising out of of this legislation.

Does it suck? Sure. Excessive regulation sucks. I made that point in another thread, on the 'Net Neutrality' issue, along with my observation that your friendly neighborhood Federal government often uses Orwellian terms that produce the exact opposite effect of the feelgood names they concoct for things.

You want something fucked-up? Get the government involved in it.
you're right , it is a 1st amendment issue. i know there were whores there , but who ever stopped whores in history. the answer is not depriving everyone of their constitutional rights. this really needs to be changed. BTW, i always thought whore ads were a good way for cops to make an arrest. now they will have to work a little harder .

Apr 1, 2018, 12:50 PM
1. you can retrieve your old ads by going in to your account
2. you can still see and post via https://toronto.craigslist.ca/i/personals?category=cas
but this is for those looking to go up to Canada to meet.

An alternative to Craigs is
For NATIONWIDE lists of swinger parties or to meet local swingers, see photos of people in your ZIP code.

Apr 2, 2018, 12:45 PM
the answer is not depriving everyone of their constitutional rights.

Who knew that looking for cock or a blowjob on Craigslist was a Constitutional right? :rolleyes:

You need to learn what censorship is vis-a-vis the First Amendment.

Here it is, with the clause on free speech highlighted:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Does the legislation prohibit posting personal ads on adult websites? No. So there is no case for suppression of free speech on the part of the government. The cessation of the personal ad service was done by Craigslist, which is not a government entity. Craigslist remains the determinant of what business practices are best for it, and have opted to discontinue the personal ads.

Apr 12, 2018, 6:19 AM
The law is to protect people from being sold into sex slavery, the internet facilitates this trade just as it facilitates all trade in the world. This means people mostly female, from children of 5 years to whatever age, are actually kidnapped and purchased by persons for sexual gratiification. There are children in this world who are being kept alive after having had there are arms and legs removed by surgeons so that some man can use them as a sex toy for as long as they choose to keep the person alive. Being a sex slave maybe a fetishistic fantasy life for some people, and I have seen CL posts that guys who want to be used as cum dumps and so forth, gangbangs cuckold, rape fantasy BDSM but these are CONSENSUAL requests.
Sex is a very wierd part of being human. It is a great source of pleasure but there is no doubt that abuse is real. The popular statistic is 75% of women have experienced sexual harrassment assault or abuse or rape. That's very close to about every female you see where ever you go in AMERICA. So saying NO to sex, is a real matter of importance.
Free speech is free. The internet is private property. It is not the town square. Of course in American there are no actual town squares. In America a town square is a TV show where people who have been carefully selected get to pose there carefully worded question to whomever is watching or listening.
This CHOICE by CL to cease personal ads may feel like a limit to your sexual liberty but it's not. Is it going to help victims of sex trafficking, that remains to be seen as CL ads actually were helping law enforcement find illegal sex going on. Illegal sex is sex for money in most states. Child sex by adults is also illegal in most places, not all places, and not all times in history. Generally most people feel pedophilia prostitution and rape or sexual violence is wrong, bad, or destructive in some way to people. not every one agrees with this. but MORALS or MORES are socially determined by the relevant group.
So Respect is due the CL for exercising their 5th amendment right to protect themselves from self incrimination. There are people selling sex, I personally don't feel prostitution is as evil as say prescribing opiates when they are not necessary. I think in the civilisation in which we live sex work should be honored and repected by those who choose to participate. BUT in AMERICA being a prostiture or a porn star is not all it's cracked up to be for many women. And many women and children are forced into these lifestyles.
So pull your big boy pants and go to a gay bar or somewhere else to meet your new sex buds.
Free speech is important but so is the freedom to say no to those who would take.

Apr 14, 2018, 5:32 AM
The law is to protect people from being sold into sex slavery, the internet facilitates this trade just as it facilitates all trade in the world. This means people mostly female, from children of 5 years to whatever age, are actually kidnapped and purchased by persons for sexual gratiification. There are children in this world who are being kept alive after having had there are arms and legs removed by surgeons so that some man can use them as a sex toy for as long as they choose to keep the person alive. Being a sex slave maybe a fetishistic fantasy life for some people, and I have seen CL posts that guys who want to be used as cum dumps and so forth, gangbangs cuckold, rape fantasy BDSM but these are CONSENSUAL requests.
Sex is a very wierd part of being human. It is a great source of pleasure but there is no doubt that abuse is real. The popular statistic is 75% of women have experienced sexual harrassment assault or abuse or rape. That's very close to about every female you see where ever you go in AMERICA. So saying NO to sex, is a real matter of importance.
Free speech is free. The internet is private property. It is not the town square. Of course in American there are no actual town squares. In America a town square is a TV show where people who have been carefully selected get to pose there carefully worded question to whomever is watching or listening.
This CHOICE by CL to cease personal ads may feel like a limit to your sexual liberty but it's not. Is it going to help victims of sex trafficking, that remains to be seen as CL ads actually were helping law enforcement find illegal sex going on. Illegal sex is sex for money in most states. Child sex by adults is also illegal in most places, not all places, and not all times in history. Generally most people feel pedophilia prostitution and rape or sexual violence is wrong, bad, or destructive in some way to people. not every one agrees with this. but MORALS or MORES are socially determined by the relevant group.
So Respect is due the CL for exercising their 5th amendment right to protect themselves from self incrimination. There are people selling sex, I personally don't feel prostitution is as evil as say prescribing opiates when they are not necessary. I think in the civilisation in which we live sex work should be honored and repected by those who choose to participate. BUT in AMERICA being a prostiture or a porn star is not all it's cracked up to be for many women. And many women and children are forced into these lifestyles.
So pull your big boy pants and go to a gay bar or somewhere else to meet your new sex buds.
Free speech is important but so is the freedom to say no to those who would take.
Exactly. It's not like they are banning people from writing personal ads on other sites, or from going to other sites to look for other adults to have consensual sex with.

Apparently Craigslist and the site backpages were used by traffickers to procure and pimp out their victims into forced sexual slavery, and a lot of these people were underage.

The majority of prostitutes worldwide, both women and even men are forced and a lot of times trafficked into sexual slavery and sex for pay. It's not like the old movie pretty woman with Julia Roberts.