View Full Version : Uploading Profile Pics & Album Pics Working

Feb 22, 2018, 7:34 AM
Users should be able to upload new Profile Pics & add Album Pics now.
Personal Ads uploading is broken because it uses deprecated code in its functions & would have to be re-written.

Feb 22, 2018, 9:25 AM
Could you please give us some idea as to what plans you all have for this site like updating and fixing the parts that are broken like being able to add photos on personal ads, if we are going to get live chat back again and so on?

It does seem pretty clear that you all did end Pole Smoker's access to the site and I do thank you for that. He was not too much a problem for me since I had long ago put him in "ignore" status, but many didn't take that advice and do so and they only made him worse because they would quote him. I really did not want to have to have someone get booted---but that guy just never could say anything at all positive and he would make personal his negative comments on individuals and not just be critical of comments and postings people had. He surely did not know the basics of decent human behavior. I know some will diss me for this-but i is bad enough we have a president who operates that way--it sure sucked that we had someone on here who got away with that sort of behavior for so long.

Getting back to the original intent of this post, I am sure that I am not the only one on here who would appreciate some word on what the plans are for this site---with my two memberships on here---I have been a member here for just over 12 years now. I do think that we are owed that courtesy----thanks.

Feb 22, 2018, 9:34 AM
I would also like to know what the future of the site is. Thanks for doing the maintance you have done in the past few months.Please keep this site going,it's a great way to communicate with like minded people.

Feb 22, 2018, 1:16 PM
Obviously there is now support from a new person. Lets not get greedy with requests. Let the individual do the job and see how it goes. Just knowing there may be support again is a positive. I am sure it will take time to recover everything and just seeing an effort is a good thing.

Feb 25, 2018, 8:16 PM
Support, I just tried it and it didn't work.