View Full Version : Supporting Our Troops

Sep 8, 2006, 2:46 PM
First of all, this is NOT a political statement.....This thread is to show support for our Men and Women in the Military that are in various parts of the world today, representing our countries proudly. They didn't ask to go to these places, but they made those journeys, without question, leaving worried parents, siblings, spouses and children behind. But they went, Proudly!!
I know alot of people don,t like the direction our particular Governments move in. But you know.....That is what is so great about Democracy.....Everyone has a say....You can protest that despicable leader or party......Right on their front door.....And do it proudly and without fear of Harrasment or arrest....you can write the editor of your local paper, and put down in words your displeasure or dislike of your Government....Without Fear!!
Today and in times past, our proud Men and Women of our Militarys have gone to work each and every morning upholding those values we take for granted......YES....We are all guilty of that!!!
At 11am this morning, I attended a service for 5 Canadian soldiers who gave there life for this country, our Values, our Freedom......They are not the first,.....and they won't be the last. But They Gave!!!...Without Question!!!....I watched the young son of 1 particular soldier as he stood there listening to the eulogy of his Dad....I saw the tears streaming down his face, but not one quiver in his lip....I saw him look up at his Mother as she sobbed uncontrollably....he looked at his younger brother and sister, standing there, unsure of the reason of this days events....He looked back towards the front, at his fathers picture and saluted, knowing that HE.....was now the man of the house......At 10yrs old!!!!!!
Like I said at the beginning, this is not a Political statement....Our Men and Women serve our countrys Proudly whoever is in power....Without Question....This Thread is to show OUR support for our guys and gals that are away from there loved ones, just doing what they know best....Protecting us.....Our Values, Freedoms, Rights...Thats all!!!
So in closing, May I ask everyone to make Fridays, " Support Our Troops Day"....In Canada we are asking people to wear something "RED".....Thats All....To our friends to the south it could be "Red, White and Blue".....and to all the other UN countries who have commited their loved ones to a far off land...." Sky Blue?"
I am not asking alot......But to those Men and Women????......It's Everything!


Sep 8, 2006, 3:25 PM
It's Red day in this house and will continue to be every Friday as long as we have people in harms way. I remember our forces every day when I put my X Units ball cap on...Trip

Sep 9, 2006, 1:23 AM
I wore my Red, White, and Blue Friday.

By the way, thanks to you Canadians who have committed yourselves to controlling the use of terror as a means to spread the forcible imposition of the Muslim religion and Sharia.

Sep 9, 2006, 6:33 AM
I tryed using yellow here as that is the color of the magnetic sticker I proudly sport on my van that says "Keep my soldier safe", but it didn't work. Too hard to see. :(

I have a son in the US Marines, my only surviving son (my other son died in 1991 just months before he was to enlist in the US Army), tho I do have a wonderful step-son that I love just as much as my own children. My son hasn't been called up to go to Iraq or whereever YET, but knows he will be soon. It's just a matter of time, probably before the end of this year or so they have told him.

I also have had many many family members since before this was a country that have fought and many died to protect and serve our homes and even to make this a country of it's own. My oldest brother was one of them. He died before I was born in Germany in WWII, so as I sport that sticker on my van, I also remember him and countless others that have gone before us to give us the freedoms that we have today. :flag3: (okay so it isn't red, white and blue but you get the idea - I hope)


Sep 9, 2006, 6:46 AM
I tryed using yellow here as that is the color of the magnetic sticker I proudly sport on my van that says "Keep my soldier safe", but it didn't work. Too hard to see. :(

I have a son in the US Marines, my only surviving son (my other son died in 1991 just months before he was to enlist in the US Army), tho I do have a wonderful step-son that I love just as much as my own children. My son hasn't been called up to go to Iraq or whereever YET, but knows he will be soon. It's just a matter of time, probably before the end of this year or so they have told him.

I also have had many many family members since before this was a country that have fought and many died to protect and serve our homes and even to make this a country of it's own. My oldest brother was one of them. He died before I was born in Germany in WWII, so as I sport that sticker on my van, I also remember him and countless others that have gone before us to give us the freedoms that we have today. :flag3: (okay so it isn't red, white and blue but you get the idea - I hope)


Gemm Red , yellow who cares. It's just a color. The main thing is we all support or troops and the families of those troops so as we'd say in the Canadian Forces "Bravo Zulu" to you for what your doing for your troops...


Sep 9, 2006, 7:09 AM
I support our troups 100% - I pray that they are in gods hands and protected. But what can one do against sneaky, zellous, asshole nut who on bent on killing anyone that does not adhear to their beliefs (and kill some that do). They are just fucking crazy! :soapbox: So all I can say is "Keep up the good work troopers - and stay safe & cum home soon".

The Canine Erection aka Dogwood

Sep 10, 2006, 7:34 AM
I wore my Red, White, and Blue Friday.

By the way, thanks to you Canadians who have committed yourselves to controlling the use of terror as a means to spread the forcible imposition of the Muslim religion and Sharia.

Muslim religion or Sharia? There's a big difference. Sharia law is vile and has no respect for human rights whatsoever and has no place in this world.

Thank you to all our troops who fight for our freedoms, your work does not go unappreciated.

Sep 10, 2006, 10:20 PM
As a veteran of the United States military--and someone who has not particularly been a pacifist----I have been opposed to our move into Iraq ever since it became quite clear that George Bush and his administration were contemplating such an action long before we actually sent the troops in.

It pisses me off to no end that Bush-who in my opinion did not serve honorably in the military and Donald Rumsfeld who never served one instant in uniform--can sit up at their podiums and say that anyone who does not support their way of prosecuting this war does not support the troops and also offers aid and comfort to our enemies--I say to that-"Bullshit Mr. President and Secretary Rumsfeld--I do support our troops--I just don't support your misguided, ill run, ill advised war in Iraq and that does not make me a traitor to say that--it makes me a true patriot and a responsible citizen to speak my mind..."

When Gulf War I was over back in 1990 or whatever it was--I was upset that we did not go in and take out Saddam at that time--I thought Bush 41 had really screwed up--but while Clinton was still in office and long before 9/11--I saw an extensive interview with Bush senior where he laid out his reasons for not "taking Saddam out."

George HW Bush laid out a very good case as to why he and his advisors decided against such a move---one reason was the fact that the coalition that we were a part of in that action was a real and true coalition that would have totally fractured had we acted unilaterally and pressed on to depose Saddam. The biggest reason Bush gave for not going on is because he and his advisors determined that running Iraq would have been a disaster---a point his son should have paid more attention to and it can hardly be disputed that the old man was wrong.

Colin Powell said it best--"if you break it you own it."

While our military made short work of what was left of Saddam's shell of a military---that work was well done---we certainly had no plan for the "peace" that would follow--we allowed uncontrolled looting throughout the country--we did not set out immediately to rebuild the infrastructure or much else---all things that did not lead to "winning their hearts and minds"

We did not have our soldiers being greeted with flowers and such--

I don't think that our foray into Iraq has made us any safer---we have made more enemies in the Arab/muslim world--enemies that don't forget the percieved wrongs committed against them--while this generation may not get the chance for revenge---that's oK--they take a longer view--if a man's great-grandson avenges him a few generations hence--that is fine---

What we should have done in the aftermath of 9/11 in my opinion was to have totally locked down Afghanistan and made an all out effort to get Osama Bin Laden at nearly all costs and instead of spending hundreds of billions in Iraq--we could have spent a fraction of that money to harden our ports, nuclear and other power generation facilities and chemical plants against attacks--- and to increase security on our internal transportation systems such as railways and highways---

And instead declaring a "war on terror" --something pretty hard to do in reality--- since terror is not a hard thing to attack with whiz bang techology like an airbase or formation of tanks, but is instead a never changing series of tactics employed by small entities against hard and juicy targets such as the WTC towers, airports etc by those with limited means in comparison to the huge machine that is the US military.

In the UK, discovery of a major plot against both British and US interests came not from using an army--but it was done using law enforcement and counter-espianoge techniques--so much for assertions by Bush administration officials early on in that the most effective means of dealing with the terrorists is not by using law enforcement techniques but through warfare.

In my book--the advice that Bush got from his neocon friends was flawed and the way they have handled much of what has transpired since 9/11 has been a failure as well.

Cheney was back on "Meet the Press" again Sunday morning after a three-year absence---one of the sound bites that emerged from his interview with Tim Russert was an old but really nonsensical assertion regarding the fact that Al Queda has not committed another attack against us since 9/11 meaqns that Bush administration tactics are effective in preventing such an attack.

I say the only thing it means is that Bin Laden and the Al Queada leadership have not given the word that it is time for another attack on us. The only conclusion that one can draw from the fact that Bin Laden and his crew have not attacked us again is because they were not yet ready to do so, not that they could not do so.

Once again--these people have a different view about time scales--we in our culture are so "in the moment" people---Bin Laden and his ilk look at things in a very different way.

They are patient, long term thinking people-- and when they are ready--they will attack us yet again and it will probably be something on a scale that will make 9/11 pale in comparison because we now have "the blood" on our hands of many thousands of their muslim brothers and sisters in Iraq due to our invasion there and also because they equate us with Israel and that country's recent military actions in Lebanon....

Sep 11, 2006, 7:18 PM
As someone who is serving in the military I obviously support my fellow members, especially those in Afganistan and our comrades in Iraq. Cheers to you all. Thanks to all of you who support them and the rest of us in the Forces...

Sep 11, 2006, 9:38 PM
The life of a woman or man in the service is not an easy task. Far too many take our freedoms for granted, and yet there are so few who would gladly rish their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we do have.

Many people who are not so fortunate to travel beyond the shores of the United States of American and the freedoms that country stands for, will never appreciate all the service personell do to give us the continued freedom we enjoy. Lest we not look upon the climate of war and of death and destruction, a hatred for one country over another, as one of intollerance. Let us see the brave men and woman from around the world who give their lives in harms was daily so that we may live. To Fred's son James, may you return to your chosen goal. To Steven, may you return to your Melody and the life you two shall start.


Sep 11, 2006, 10:36 PM
Afterall, this subject IS political from my point of view.

I've lived under bombs for 78 days. Why? What did I do, or my friends and Serbia in general to be bombing back to 1999?

As far as I remember, I didn't kill anyone, neither any of my friends or anyone but the fact is: we were under bombs without any reason.

And because of that, I DON'T SUPPORT any troops anywhere on world, I DON'T SUPPORT any army of any country and on this planet.
Neither my Serbian troops, neither Serbian or any other army.

Life is too precious and too beautiful, and it's stupid to spending time on this kind of subject.

We should all better leave politic, killing, wars, beside on this site.

I've done with this subject, and if someone wanna comment, it's not up to me at all.