View Full Version : The wife doesnt understand

Aug 29, 2017, 6:20 PM
So my wife knows im bi, she somewhat accepts it. Sometimes she is willing to use the strapon on me, other days she is very off about it. No interest what so ever. I think she is struggling to hold on to half of me and forget the other half exsist.

I think she has fears of me being gay vs bi, which is insane, because i absolutely love her and am incredibly turned on when with her. Could it be insecurity?

Needless to say, the more she struggles accepting my bi side, the more i feel i need to put that side on display. The more she gets angry when i suggest an open relationship for both of us, the more i want one.

So conflicted, we have teen age kids, so im going to jeep fighting for us. But it sure is exhausting.

Aug 30, 2017, 2:28 AM
Isufan1974 you need to get to a counselor and quick if you have any hope of saving your marriage. From what you describe your wife has NOT "somewhat accepted" the fact that you are bi and she is absolutely insecure in your relationship. Don't put it off. The sooner the two of you can set down and talk it out with a disinterested third party professional to help you work your way through it, the better chance you stand of saving your relationship. Good luck!

Aug 30, 2017, 10:06 AM
Thank you, i see a counselor, sounds like i need to get her involved

Christopher South
Sep 1, 2017, 11:49 AM
It's tough to find a marriage counselor that will try to support a marriage when one partner is bi/gay. Since you are in the US, you can use Psychology Today's website to search for therapists and check their "specialty" for gay/bi experienced therapists.

There are also some on-line groups she (and you) can join:

Making Mixed Orientation Marriages Work (MMOMW) is a Yahoo group where one partner is gay/bi. It's focus, as the name suggests, is to make the marriage work in these circumstances.

Alternative Paths is another Yahoo group for women only. Isn't necessarily geared to saving marriages.

Wives of Gay/Bi Husbands is a third Yahoo group, also women only. This group has a much more negative view of mixed relationships with a lot of women who decided they weren't going to stay married. To be honest it does give a more two-sided view of the situation, as much as that may hurt those of us who are bi and married.

Straight Spouse Network is another on-line group that also may have local meetings in your area (mine has them at a local hospital).

If she goes to these groups there is some recommended reading lists that look at and maybe get some of the books. The books really helped my wife.

Good luck.

Sep 2, 2017, 8:56 AM
My wife is the same way.

Sep 5, 2017, 6:20 AM
I have a similar case with my husband. He knew I was bi before we married, and now we have a toddler. Whenever we have time alone(child with a babysitter) and we go out I tend to look at women like he does, but he still says it's weird for him that I also like women. So I wonder does he accept it or is just in denial.

Sep 5, 2017, 7:40 AM
My wife understands, but seems a little apprehensive about it.

Sep 5, 2017, 10:26 PM
So sorry, this sucks, i feel your pain, or should i say frustration. I would enjoy you pointing out wimen to me, and could definitely point you out some nice looking guys.

Zig zig, hang in there

Sep 5, 2017, 10:28 PM
My wife understands, but seems a little apprehensive about it.

Hopefully time changes that for you

Sep 5, 2017, 10:51 PM
Hopefully time changes that for you
wow , you must have the only husband in the world like that !