View Full Version : Age of liberation?

Aug 1, 2017, 9:20 AM
Hi everyone! I'm new here and want to thank everyone on here and Bisexual.com for having this opportunity for for connecting with my community and the chance to express myself. One observation I've had so far is that there are a lot of people on here that are middle age and I was wondering if that is because it takes that long for most to perhaps realize they're bisexual and to accept it about themselves or is it because our sexuality does change over time with the changes in our bodies? For me I am the former in that this has been a long journey working through all the negative stuff about being less than 100% hetero.

Aug 1, 2017, 12:44 PM
Were you not around during the 1960s or 1970s? Just as many people came out as bisexual then or at a younger age as teenagers or young adults.

Aug 1, 2017, 1:11 PM
Hi everyone! I'm new here and want to thank everyone on here and Bisexual.com for having this opportunity for for connecting with my community and the chance to express myself. One observation I've had so far is that there are a lot of people on here that are middle age and I was wondering if that is because it takes that long for most to perhaps realize they're bisexual and to accept it about themselves or is it because our sexuality does change over time with the changes in our bodies? For me I am the former in that this has been a long journey working through all the negative stuff about being less than 100% hetero.

Welcome jimmy111. I think you touched on a lot to answer your own question. For me I became more exploratory and less inhibited sexually with age.

Aug 1, 2017, 1:32 PM
As I've gotten older, I've become more "Open Minded" than when I was young.

Aug 1, 2017, 7:23 PM
Were you not around during the 1960s or 1970s? Just as many people came out as bisexual then or at a younger age as teenagers or young adults.
not ever where i was young in the 60's and 70's had a lot of sex with girls and older women in ky and va. and west va. only place i knew of where people were gay or bi was sanfransico or new york city only knew it saw it on the tv news

Aug 1, 2017, 9:59 PM
ur welcome! :) i am also thankfull for everyone's support here. i'm not so sure what did it for me. when i was younger the interest only came months at a time. as i got older the interest was more constant. i was never a homophobe when it came to other people, i've allways been a live & let live kinda person. but still, the idea of me myself liking sex with a member of the same sex was a very hard pill to swallow.....no pun intended lol......when i 1st became aware of these feelings. but at least i was admitting to myself those feelings were there so i think my desires changed more than my willingness to admit them. i've got the feeling that maybe, my failure with the opposite sex might be driving about my interest in the same sex & i've said this before in other treads. as i get older i grow more desperate for that touch. if i focus on women & i fail i just grow more hopeless & depressed the older i get. by focusing on men & it doesn't happen i might get frustrated but not nearly as hopeless & depressed. plus i'm not interested romantically in guys so i don't get something i want rather than not getting something i really, really want. so it's easier to deal with guys on top of allready being a guy & having a better idea in general of how guys think & what guys like. plus at this point in my life i think hooking up with a guy is a better chance than with a women. women open to men my age expect them to have a clue about being with women. men open to men my age tend not to care as much & tend to be open just to getting laid. sorryi got to writing so much, i gotta remember i'm not talking to sigmund freud, or dr. kinsey :P

Aug 2, 2017, 1:35 AM
I grew up in the 1960's and 1970's but knew I was different at age 8. But didn't know what bi was I turned 13...first same sex age 14 and first female age 15....learned more with age. I still don't feel liberated though.

Aug 2, 2017, 9:15 PM
I have been Bisexual all my life. I have not admitted it to anyone except my lovers, so I am still in the closet. That being said, I have admitted it to a coworker after she told me she was a lesbian. Saying that I was BI felt very librerating and I wanted to tell everyone, something that I never did. At this point in my life I feel it is no ones business but my lovers and me. My business (male dominated blue color work) prevents me from jumping on the gay pride float. With that if the conversation ever came up I would not be afraid to admit my feelings. At 48 I finally feel free to admit who I am.

Aug 3, 2017, 11:44 AM
I started at age 14 with guys. Age 17 with girls. I knew I was bi at age 13 the first time in jr high gym shower room. I tried not getting caught checking out all the hanging cocks getting excited.

Aug 4, 2017, 3:32 PM
Although I had some childhood "curiosity", I was never really attracted to guys.

I went the rest of my life never even paying attention to men.

I love pussy - and always will. In the last fews years, however, I have become curious about being with a guy.

I still don't pay any attention to men when I'm out and about. By contrast, I constantly check out women wherever I go.

My curiosity only involves cock and only started since I have been alone. The thought of interacting with another cock never entered my mind when I had a girlfriend.

Whether this curiosity came on with age or is simply the result of me being alone, I don't know...

Aug 5, 2017, 1:19 PM
I knew I was Bisexual at 15. I didn't become sexually involved with men until I was in my early 30's. To say that the last 20 years of my life have been liberating is an understatement.

Sexually, I live my life on my terms.

Aug 7, 2017, 1:14 AM
Although I had some childhood "curiosity", I was never really attracted to guys.

I went the rest of my life never even paying attention to men.

I love pussy - and always will. In the last fews years, however, I have become curious about being with a guy.

I still don't pay any attention to men when I'm out and about. By contrast, I constantly check out women wherever I go.

My curiosity only involves cock and only started since I have been alone. The thought of interacting with another cock never entered my mind when I had a girlfriend.

Whether this curiosity came on with age or is simply the result of me being alone, I don't know...i ask myself the same question constantly. also alone :( love women too :)

Aug 7, 2017, 7:38 PM
Were you not around during the 1960s or 1970s? Just as many people came out as bisexual then or at a younger age as teenagers or young adults.

Yeah, I grew up through the '70s in a major midwestern city. Things were quite a bit looser back then than they were through the '80s an '90s, with 18 year old drinking (and younger, since IDs weren't closely checked), easygoing tolerance of marijuana and other party drugs, many adult movie theaters and bookstores, disco and the sexual revolution in full swing, etc. The whole bi thing even became very fashionable for a while, with the rise of glam rock and purportedly bi stars like David Bowie and Elton John, rock stars in lipstick and makeup like Aerosmith, Queen, or the New York Dolls, and the rise of the popularity of things like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. A lot of guys I knew (non-jock category, although some played high school sports like me) experimented with guys, or were at least open to fooling around with and having their cock sucked by a guy. Gay life and gay bars started to become really open (pre-AIDS), cruising sex was available a lot of places, and several gay bathhouses existed and were easy to get into.

I was shy, and kind of a dorky pudgy kid, but open to everything the city had to offer. I think I always knew I was bi. With a significant preference for girls, perhaps, but definitely with an attraction to men too, and a driven curiosity about having sex with them. Because the society had become so open then, and because I knew several "out" gay people, I really never felt much concern over being bi, or enjoying sex with men. I remember fantasizing about gay sex and specific aspects of gay sex, well before I had it. And being so excited over it when I did finally did have that magic day that I sucked a guy off in an adult movie theater, that I went out and had as much of it as I could over the next few years. Later, after I spent more time with girls, got married, and lived through the AIDS terror, I had almost no sex with men for several years, but I never felt that I wasn't bi.

Aug 7, 2017, 10:38 PM
Yeah, I grew up through the '70s in a major midwestern city. Things were quite a bit looser back then than they were through the '80s an '90s, with 18 year old drinking (and younger, since IDs weren't closely checked), easygoing tolerance of marijuana and other party drugs, many adult movie theaters and bookstores, disco and the sexual revolution in full swing, etc. The whole bi thing even became very fashionable for a while, with the rise of glam rock and purportedly bi stars like David Bowie and Elton John, rock stars in lipstick and makeup like Aerosmith, Queen, or the New York Dolls, and the rise of the popularity of things like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. A lot of guys I knew (non-jock category, although some played high school sports like me) experimented with guys, or were at least open to fooling around with and having their cock sucked by a guy. Gay life and gay bars started to become really open (pre-AIDS), cruising sex was available a lot of places, and several gay bathhouses existed and were easy to get into.

I was shy, and kind of a dorky pudgy kid, but open to everything the city had to offer. I think I always knew I was bi. With a significant preference for girls, perhaps, but definitely with an attraction to men too, and a driven curiosity about having sex with them. Because the society had become so open then, and because I knew several "out" gay people, I really never felt much concern over being bi, or enjoying sex with men. I remember fantasizing about gay sex and specific aspects of gay sex, well before I had it. And being so excited over it when I did finally did have that magic day that I sucked a guy off in an adult movie theater, that I went out and had as much of it as I could over the next few years. Later, after I spent more time with girls, got married, and lived through the AIDS terror, I had almost no sex with men for several years, but I never felt that I wasn't bi.
what a time to live! the fact so much cool sex was going on, but more importantly everyone felt more freedom to do so. plus less std's/no aids.

Aug 11, 2017, 1:46 PM
It is always interesting to read the stories of others and how they came to identify as being "bisexual."

For me, as a young child, I found that I had a pretty much equal attraction to both girls and boys. As a young boy, I had seemed to have little contact with girls, but plenty with other boys and as time went on, there was plenty of "experimentation" I had with other boys---pretty much exclusively so till my early teens when I did start to have more interactions with girls,, but my first early sexual activities was with other boys--more out of the fact that they were more available to me.

Once I did have my first sexual things with girls, I pretty much only did things with them as they came along, but always still had desires to be with other males. I would have some quick, unplanned "things" with other males up through my 20s, but they always seemed to be situations that "came from out of the blue" and not planned or expected on my part--they just seemed "to happen."

That remained the case till about my mid-20s, but then I did not do anything with another male till into my late 30s or early 40s and at that point, I was more cautious, and only stepped up doing so gradually--having a time where I got pretty active with guys--pretty much exclusively so for awhile, but lately that seems to be waning again because lately I have hardly done anything with either males or females.

It was probably a good thing that when I was in my 20s, I did pretty much stop doing things with guys, when the whole HIV/AIDS thing blew up.

Even though I had desires to be with guys as well as ladies--I really never came to call myself as being bisexual, since lets face it, bisexuality had gotten a bad rap--with bisexuals being derisively being called "switch hitters" and "playing both sides of the street" being the least negative connotations being tagged on it.

I was not going to go hang in "gay bars" or clubs--I never found a place that was called "a bisexual hangout." I might have gone to one if I had found one. I was pretty much turned off by what I saw in all of what I think are some crazy "gay scenes." I felt no connection to any of that...

I do thank the creation of the internet--if not for the internet--I would have probably never heeded the call my mind and body were sending that I should seek out having sex with other guys--I would have just found a way to deal with those desires and do my best to tamp them down...probably never acting on those desires--unless I somehow "got lucky" and happened upon another guy who also wanted to do something with another male---but I didn't seem to find that in later years like I did back in through my college days.

Aug 11, 2017, 1:57 PM
I started when I was 13 and bounced back and forth enjoying both genders. Over time I have mellowed in a couple areas about my life and perfer where I'm at.