View Full Version : Wife labels me now gay

Jul 16, 2017, 1:31 PM
Yesterday afeternoon my wife approached me and said we should talk.This is never good especially on a Saturday afternoon.She said she now considers me gay.Consider this that we started swinging together 35 years ago and after about 4 years into it she is the one who talked me into sucking the cock of this guy she used to really like to fuck and it was for her viewing pleasure.It took months of badgering me to do it but I finally gave in for what was supposed to be a one time thing.The badgering started again so I did it a few months later.Then it became a regular thing with them.Then I started really liking to suck cock.All the while when she would go out on a date and come home with a cum soaked pussy she would sit on my face,I would lick her clean and both of us would get so turned on we would fuck again.Then she wanted to give my ass cherry away.That took many months of badgering and one night in an alcohol related incident it happened.The whole thing was a blur but I could not remember nothing hurting.I did remember cumming all over myself though.So now after she had talked me into doing all kiknds of crazy shit she pusehd me into cross dressing.I have sucked and fucked many cocks for her viewing pleasure over the years both cd dressed plain.A short while ago I did hook up with a gay guy because she was away on a mini with one of her boyfriends.It started out as a drink or whatever but after he nailed me he gave it to me so good I am hooked on his cock.I never got into kissing another guy abd only kiss him back occasionally after he has me so turned on.He has been out of town on business for work for a week now and I have been hanging with another gay friend of his.Now my wife says I am gay for being with them.SHe is the one that got this whole thing started and if it wern't for her I would not have ever sucked a cock in my life.Now that the horse is ouit of the barn she wants to clese the barn door.I do not think I am gay.

Jul 16, 2017, 3:52 PM
Does she do it in a deriding way? If so, she's being unfair since she started you on the road toward gay. If she still loves you and respects you, I feel you both are doing what you should be doing. Enjoy. My wife knows I'm pretty much gay but she thinks it's fine. Even gets a kick out of it.

Jul 16, 2017, 6:35 PM
really dont matter does it or is she jealous you are getting more cock than she is

Jul 16, 2017, 9:34 PM
Based on what you have posted she is correct, you are gay.

Jul 17, 2017, 12:14 AM
do u still wanna be with ur wife? do u wanna be a sub/cuck to her? no right/wrong answer but u should be honest with urself.

Jul 17, 2017, 1:25 AM
do u still wanna be with ur wife? do u wanna be a sub/cuck to her? no right/wrong answer but u should be honest with urself.

Agreed: What it comes down to is: Since SHE instigated any bi or "gay" activities, why is she suddenly treating you like this and calling you "gay" ? If you (or both of you) no longer do this, and you don't do it with anyone else since it stopped, you may be (or have been) bi, but it wasn't your own doing ! That's what makes it seem so bizarre.

"She is the one that got this whole thing started and if it weren't for her I would not have ever sucked a cock in my life.Now that the horse is out of the barn she wants to close the barn door. I do not think I am gay"

So, if you no longer do this, and you feel you are not gay, it seems like a no brainer. If she's abusive about it, tell her to take a hike.... and take Pole Smoker with her.

Jul 17, 2017, 1:25 AM
do u still wanna be with ur wife? do u wanna be a sub/cuck to her? no right/wrong answer but u should be honest with urself.

sysper hit the nail on the head. Sounds like you are a sub and cuck to your wife and this is "her" game of control with you. If you like it and want to still be with her then enjoy the hell out of it. If you don't like it then it's time to be honest with yourself and "man up." The "gay" label means nothing here. What you do and how you handle it means everything.

Jul 17, 2017, 5:23 PM
Based on what you have posted she is correct, you are gay.

this from a man married to a man you call your husband so what are you

Jul 17, 2017, 5:58 PM
When you were having this talk and your wife called you "gay", did you remind her that SHE was the one who insisted you engage in these activities? If so, what was her response?

Jul 17, 2017, 8:06 PM
this from a man married to a man you call your husband so what are you

We are bisexual, but that is because we are sexually attracted to both genders. But you clearly have no idea about the variations of bisexuality in men. :rolleyes:

The original poster sisboy has written before about how he is gay but married to a woman in a marriage of convenience for both of them.